CLINICAL EVALUATION OF LANGUAGE FUNDAMENTALS 2 (CELF-2) (Preschool) This test measures receptive and expressive language development in the areas of: word meaning (semantics), word and sentence structure (morphology and syntax). Subtest Scaled / Standard Score Percentile Rank Language Areas Sentence Structure: To evaluate the child’s ability to interpret spoken sentences of increasing length and complexity. Core Languagereceptive Word Structure: To evaluate the child’s ability to apply word structure rules. Core Languageexpressive Expressive Vocabulary: To evaluate the child’s ability to label illustrations of people, objects, and actions. Core Languageexpressive Concepts and Following Directions: To evaluate the child’s ability to interpret spoken directions of increasing length and complexity. Receptive/ language content Recalling Sentences: To evaluate the child’s ability to listen to spoken sentences of increasing length and complexity and to repeat them verbatim. Expressive/ Language structure Basic Concepts: To evaluate the child’s knowledge of concepts of dimension/size, direction/location/position, number/quantity, and equality. Receptive/ language content Word Classes Receptive: To evaluate the child’s ability to perceive relationships between words that are related by semantic class features. Receptive Word Classes Expressive: To express those relationships that are found in Word Classes Receptive. Word Classes: Total Expressive Total Core Language Score Receptive Language Expressive Language Language Content Language Structure Discussion: The Core Language score is the measure of general language ability that quantifies a student’s overall language performance and is used to make decisions about presence or absence of a language disorder.