Constitution of the Imperial College Union Malaysian Society Article 1: Name 1. The name of this society shall be the Imperial College Union Malaysian Society. 2. The abbreviation in all languages shall be ICUMS. 3. The constitution may be cited as the Imperial College Union Malaysian Society Constitution or the ICUMS Constitution for short. Article 2: Emblem 1. The emblem of the society shall take the following form: Article 2A In this constitution, unless the constitution requires: ‘Society’ means the Imperial College Union Malaysian Society (ICUMS). ‘Malaysia’ means the Federation of Malaysia and all her territories and dependencies comprising of the State of Johor Darul Ta’azim, Kedah Darul Aman, Kelantan Darul Naim, Melaka Darul Azim, Pahang Darul Makmur, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus, Perlis Indera Kayangan, Terengganu Darul Iman, Pulau Pinang Pulau Mutiara, Sarawak Bumi Kenyalang, Sabah Negeri di Bawah Bayu, the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur and Labuan, the administrative capital of Putra Jaya and such territories that may enter the federation. ‘Members’ means a citizen of the Federation of Malaysia by right of birth and naturalisation. Enemy aliens and fugitives of the government of His Majesty the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, their Royal Highnesses the Rulers and their Excellencies the Yang di-Pertua-Negeri are automatically deemed to be excluded from its meaning. ‘Committee’ means part of or the whole of the executive committee of the society. Article 3: Objectives The objectives of this society are: 1. To uphold and promote the image of Malaysia through all possible means. 2. To provide for the welfare of the Malaysian students in Imperial College. 3. To provide for and maintain the interaction and camaraderie amongst Malaysian students in Imperial College. 4. To play the active role as a member of the international community of students in IC. Article 4: Membership 1. Everyone is eligible to become a member of the society. Membership is given upon the payment of the required registration fee. 2. The membership fee shall be decided by the executive committee in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Imperial College Union Overseas Students Committee. 3. Membership of the society can be acquired anytime during the academic year and will last until the beginning of the next academic year. An academic year refers to the session beginning in October and ending in September the following year or as stated by the college should any changes arise. Article 5: The Executive Committee 1. The executive committee of the society shall consist of the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Communications Secretary, the Sports Secretary and 4 Committee Members whose general executive duties are stated in Article 5A. 2. The quorum for an Executive Committee is the President plus 3 other members of the executive committee. 3. If a vacancy arises in any other office of the executive committee, the President may, after having consulted the other members of the executive committee, name a member of the executive committee or any member of the society to complete the term of office. Should it be deemed appropriate and necessary by the committee, a by-election would be held to fill up the said vacancy. Article 5A: General Duties of the Executive Committee The President Officially presides over the running of the society Makes decisions in consultation with the other members of the executive committee. Chairs meetings (meetings of the members of the executive committee, Annual General Meetings, Ordinary General Meetings) unless agreed upon otherwise. Acts as the spokesman and representative of the society in liaison with external organisations. Ensures a cordial working relationship among the members of the executive committee. S/He should be consulted by the members of the executive committee in all matters pertaining to the society. The Vice-President Assumes the duties of post of President when the latter is unavailable or unfit to discharge her/his duties. Advises and assists the President in the running of the society. Takes charge of, at least, one event throughout her/his tenure which promotes Malaysian culture and encourages the camaraderie among the members of the society The Secretary Prepares the minutes of all meetings and distributes these minutes to the members of the executive committee. Keeps a record of all activities organised throughout the year. Keeps a database of all the members of the society and constantly monitors and updates it. Writes the necessary documents to individuals or organisations as required by the society. In charge of making and distribution of membership cards The Treasurer Budgets the expenditure of the society for the year. Works closely with the secretary to ensure that all members pay the appropriate registration fee. Maintains the accounts of the society and gives a monthly record of these accounts to the executive committee. Constantly monitors the outflow of money from the society. In charge of canvassing of sponsorship The Communications Secretary Takes charge of all matters, when necessary, pertaining to the publishing of materials produced by the society. Maintains the society’s official website and updates it at least monthly In charge of internal communication, ICUMS mailing list and forwarded e-mail The Sports Secretary Ensures that the sporting needs of the members are met. Organises, if required, and sends contingents to sports meets. Committee Members Provides the support and assistance necessary in the running of the society and the organisation of events. Be prepared to take on responsibilities as and when required by the society. Article 6: Assemblies 1. There will be at least 2 Ordinary Assemblies in an academic year, the first of which will be in the Autumn Term. The agenda will include reports by the executive committee and plans laid out for the following months. The 2nd Ordinary Assembly will be held in either the Spring or Summer Term, depending on relevant needs and circumstances. 2. An Extraordinary Assembly will be held on the condition that At least one-third (1/3) of the total members of the society demands for such an assembly. Decisions on matters important to the society could not be reached and a call for an Extraordinary Assembly is proposed by two or more members of the executive committee. 3. Notification of an Extraordinary Committee must be made at least 5 college days before the agreed upon date of the assembly. 4. There will be an Annual General Meeting during which the executive committee will be elected. The Annual General Meeting shall be held in the Spring Term. Article 7: Elections (Annual General Meeting) Article 7.1: Eligibility 1. All fully registered members are eligible for nomination for any post in the executive committee. 2. All fully registered members are eligible for nominating and seconding any fully registered member for the electoral office. 3. All fully registered members are eligible to vote in any elections. Article 7.2: Nomination 1. All nominations must be supported by one (1) proposer and one (1) seconder. 2. All nominations must commence at least fourteen (14) days before the Annual General Meeting. 3. All nominations are subject to the consent of the candidates. Article 7.3 1. Notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be served at least fourteen (14) days before the event. 2. The process of nomination and election of the new executive committee shall be conducted by a Returning Officer appointed by the President. 3. The quorum for the elections in an Annual General Meeting is (1/3) of the total number of members in the society. 4. Nomination shall be for all the posts of the executive committee. 5. The list of nominees shall be made known by the Returning Officer to all; the members of the society and updated at reasonable intervals. The latest list of nominees shall be made known to all the members of the society before the Annual General Meeting. 6. There shall be a session between the outgoing committee and the incoming committee during which the latter is given details and information concerning the running of the society. This session must take place before the end of the Spring Term. Article 7.4: Voting 1. One member shall be represented by one (1) vote. 2. The identity of the voter shall remain secret. 3. If there are more than three candidates for each office, two rounds of elections will be carried out. 4. In the first round, the vote for each post shall consist of support for only one (1) candidate. The three candidates with higher number of votes remain for the second round. A vote is deemed spoilt if support for more than one (1) of the candidates seeking that office is indicated on the ballot paper. 5. The second round of the voting procedure will go by points. Voters are to select the remaining candidates as the first, second or third choice for office. A candidate being the first choice gets 5 points, second choice gets 3 points and the third choice gets 2 points. A vote is deemed spoilt if the same choice supports for more than one (1) of the candidates seeking that office, indicated on their ballot paper. 6. For offices having less than three candidates, only one round of election takes place 7. The voting procedure will also go by points. 8. The Returning Officer shall man the ballot box. The outgoing committee shall ensure that the ballot papers are distributed only to the full members of the society. 9. The outgoing committee shall ensure that the number of ballot papers corresponds to the number of voters present. 10. In the event of an impasse in the electoral results, there shall be a recast of votes on the candidates concerned, and the procedure shall be carries out as deemed fit by the Returning Officer. 11. Members who wish to cast votes in the election must be present at the Annual General Meeting to vote in person. Article 7.5: Voting Procedure 1. Voting of the candidates shall begin with the President and proceed in the following order: Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Sports Secretary Communications Secretary The four(4) committee members 2. The post of the Vice-President shall only be contested after the determination of the holder of the post of the President. All nominees for the post of the President shall automatically be the nominees for the post of the Vice-President (as stated in paragraph three (3) of Article7.3). All nominees for the Secretary position shall automatically be nominees for the Communications Secretary. 3. Candidates may only be nominated if New Election wins for any of the contested posts. 4. Candidates for each post are required to give a short presentation prior to voting and are also allowed to campaign before the Annual General Meeting upon the granting of the required permission by the incumbent executive committee. 5. Successful candidates will have to forgo their candidacy for any other posts. 6. Unsuccessful candidates for all other posts bar that of the Committee Member are eligible to be nominated for the post of Committee Member before the presentation by the existing nominees for the stated post. 7. The successful candidate is the one with the highest voting points. Article 7.6 Hand Over 1. A joint meeting, co-chair by outgoing and incoming president, shall be called within 7 days of election to facilitate transition of office. The incoming committee will take office after this meeting. 2. The new committee shall determine annual Agenda and Annual budget by the first Friday of Summer Term in consultation with the outgoing president. 3. All relevant documents, finances, inventory must be pass over from the outgoing committee to the incoming committee by the first Friday of summer term. Article 8: Amendments to the Constitution 1. Amendments to the constitution will only be valid if they are agreed upon by more than half of the registered members of the society and approved by the Imperial College Union Overseas Students Committee. Article 9: Official Languages 1. The official languages of the society shall be English and Malay. Prepared by the Executive Committee for the session of 2003/2004. Reviewed by the Executive Committee for the session of 2005/2006. Reviewed by the Executive Committee for the session of 2006/2007. Reviewed by the Executive Committee for the session of 2007/2008. Reviewed by the Executive Committee for the session of 2008/2009. Reviewed by the Executive Committee for the session of 2009/2010. Reviewed by the Executive Committee for the session of 2010/2011. Reviewed by the Executive Committee for the session of 2011/2012. Reviewed by the Executive Committee for the session of 2012/2013. Reviewed by the Executive Committee for the session of 2013/2014.