Third Parties ThirdParties

Third Parties
Any party other than Democrat or Republican
Two-Party System
1. Why does the United States have a two party
The electoral voting system, legal barriers to third parties,
history and tradition, and political socialization.
2. Why do some object to the two-party system?
Undemocratic because it does not represent significant
parts of the population and greatly limits the choices
Americans have.
Coke and Pepsi
The two political parties are a lot like the two giants of the
cola world, Coke and Pepsi. Although each wants to win,
they both recognize that it is in their mutual interest to keep
a third cola from gaining significant market share. Coke and
Pepsi, many people have argued, conspire to keep any
competitor from gaining ground. For example, in
supermarkets, cola displays at the end of the aisles are
often given over to Coke for six months of the year and
Pepsi for the other six. Competitors such as Royal Crown
face an extremely difficult challenge. The Democrats and
the Republicans function in much the same way.
History of Third Parties
● No third party candidate has ever come close to winning
the presidency
● Only eight third party candidates in history have won
ANY electoral votes
● Only five third-party candidates have won more than
10% of the popular vote
Theodore Roosevelt
● 1912 Election
● Bull Moose Party (Progressive Party)-A
splinter party-Republicans
● 27.4% Popular Vote
● Won 6 states=88 Electoral Votes
● 26th President of the U.S.
Obstacles of Third Parties
● Third-party candidates usually have to get
thousands of signatures on petitions just to be
listed on the ballot.
● The state and federal governments, which make rules
governing elections, are composed of elected Democratic and
Republican officials, who have a strong incentive to protect
the existing duopoly.
● Third-party candidates often face financial difficulties because
a party must have received at least 5 percent of the vote in the
previous election in order to qualify for federal funds.
Impact of Third Parties
1. Introduce new ideas
2. Put issues on the agenda
3. Spoil the election (2000 Election-Gore &
4. Keep the major parties honest
The “Big Three” Parties
1. Libertarian Party
2. Green Party
3. Constitution Party
*Each have over 75,000 Registered Voters
Libertarian Party
The Party of Principle
Minimum Government, Maximum Freedom
Vision: A world where individuals are free to follow their
own dreams in their own ways, a world of peace, harmony,
opportunity, and abundance.
Green Party
● Grassroots activists,
environmentalists, advocates for
social justice, nonviolent
resisters and regular citizens
who’ve had enough of
corporate-dominated politics.
● Committed to
environmentalism, nonviolence, social justice and
grassroots organizing, Greens
are renewing democracy
without the support of
corporate donors.
Constitution Party
Mission: Secure the blessings of liberty and posterity at all
levels of government and Constitution Party candidates
who will uphold the principles of the Declaration of
Independence, the Constitution of the United States, and
the Bill of Rights. The goal is to limit the federal
government to its Constitutional functions.
Quiz on Third Parties
1. Which Third Party declares that their
“ the Lord Jesus Christ”?
2. Which party believes in “total individual
3. Which party believes that corporations
have too much power in our
4. Which party is pro-gay marriage and
pro-gun rights?
Types of 3rd Parties
1. Ideological Party: Parties based on a
particular set of social, economic and
political beliefs.
2. Single Issue Party: Parties focused on only
3. Economic Protest Party: Parties whose
members are united by anger over
economic hard times and dislike for the
major parties (TEA PARTY)
4. Splinter Party: Parties that have split off
from one of the major parties
● Research Parties (see below) provide a 1-2 sentence
3rd Party Activity
● Place each party on political spectrum (L----------M----------C)
● Label type of third party (I, SI, EP or S)
Third Parties
1. Light Party
Prohibition Party
2. U.S. Pacifist Party
3. Citizens Party
Tax Wall Street Party
4. Socialist Party
Canary Party
7. Reform Party