1 2 Geophysical Research Letters 3 Supporting Information for 4 Reactivated faulting near Cushing Oklahoma: increased potential for a triggered 5 earthquake in an area of United States strategic infrastructure 6 7 D.E. McNamara1, G.P. Hayes1, H.M. Benz1, R.A. Williams1, N.D. McMahon3, R.C. 8 Aster3, A. Holland2, T. Sickbert6, R. Herrmann4, R. Briggs1, G. Smoczyk1, E. Bergman5, 9 P. Earle1 10 11 1 US Geological Survey, MS966, Box 25046, Denver, CO 80225 12 2 Oklahoma Geological Survey, 100 East Boyd Street, Suite N131, Norman, OK 73019 13 3 Department of Geosciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 14 4 Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, 3642 Lindell Boulevard, Saint Louis 15 University, St. Louis, MO 63108 16 5 Global Seismological Services, 1900 19th Street, Golden, CO 80401 17 6 Noble Research Center, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma 18 19 Introduction 20 This supplement contains supporting text, figures and tables cited in the main 21 document. 22 23 Data and Methods 24 25 Seismic Station Deployments 26 Beginning in early 2010, the USGS in cooperation with the Oklahoma Geological Survey 27 (OGS) began deploying temporary portable seismic stations in central Oklahoma in order 1 28 to improve monitoring of the increasing regional seismicity [McNamara et al., 2015]. In 29 November 2011 numerous additional stations were deployed to record aftershocks 30 associated with the M5.6 Prague earthquake sequence [McNamara et al., 2015]. In the 31 days following the 10 October 2014 Mw 4.3 Cushing earthquake, four additional portable 32 seismic stations were deployed in the vicinity of the epicenter (Figure 1). 33 Complementing the portable deployments were temporary regionally distributed stations 34 in the Earthscope Transportable (net code TA), and permanent stations operated by the 35 OGS and USGS (net codes OK and US, respectively). The seismic station deployments 36 provided high quality waveforms for subspace detection, earthquake relocation, and 37 regional moment tensor (RMT) studies. 38 39 Earthquake detection, location and source parameters 40 41 Using station OK031 (Figure 1) and template waveforms from the M 4.3 earthquake, we 42 ran a subspace detection algorithm to identify subsequent aftershocks [Benz et al., 2015], 43 resulting in the detection of 473 earthquakes over the time period from 2014-10-13 to 44 2014-12-01, with a magnitude of completeness of 0.3 and an average b-value of 1.05 45 (Figure 2). To locate these events, we determined P- and S-wave arrival times for all 46 earthquakes recorded by at least four seismic stations. Initial locations of the aftershocks 47 associated with the 2014 October Cushing M4 earthquakes were determined with a 48 standard “single-event” approach using a stand-alone version of the main processing and 49 analysis system (a.k.a Hydra) used by the USGS National Earthquake Information Center 50 (NEIC) [Buland et al., 2009]. In the initial standard “single-event” approach, the 51 aftershocks were located using the AK135 one-dimensional global velocity model 52 [Kennett et al., 1995] that is routinely used by NEIC. This system allowed us to identify 53 and locate individual earthquakes, compute network-averaged regional magnitudes (e.g. 54 ML, mblg, Md), and Mw from waveform modeling of earthquakes larger than about 55 M3.0. This resulted in a catalog of 75 single-event hypocenter locations complete to a 56 magnitude of 1.5. 57 2 58 After initial “single-event” aftershock locations and magnitudes were determined, 59 using the procedures described above, hypocenter locations and phase data were re- 60 analyzed to further refine source locations using a “multiple-event” approach based 61 on the Hypocentroidal Decomposition algorithm [HD; Jordan and Sverdrup, 62 1981]. Details on methods and application can be found in a number of recent, regional 63 seismotectonics studies [McNamara et al., 2015; McNamara et al., 2014; Hayes et al., 64 2013; Hayes et al., 2014; Rubinstein et al., 2014]. The HD relocation method provides 65 improved hypocenter locations with minimized location bias and realistic estimates of 66 location uncertainty for each earthquake (<1 km) (Figure 3) (Table S1). Relative to the 67 single-event locations, HD relocated seismicity reduced the epicentral scatter by a factor 68 of two. In addition, an advantage of the HD method is the ability to simultaneously 69 relocate a poorly recorded mainshock (initially located 3 km southeast of the aftershock 70 cluster) with aftershocks detected after the deployment of local stations (Figure 3) 71 (Table S1). For the HD relocation study, we used a central Oklahoma velocity model 72 determined by the best fit to the travel time data [McNamara et al., 2015] (Table S2). 73 We tested the sensitivity of focal depth to the assumed velocity model by re- 74 computing hypocenter locations assuming the ak135 velocity model used to locate 75 earthquakes by the USGS NEIC. When using the AK135 velocity model, we found 76 that the hypocentroid (average) depth increased by 0.12 km (from 5.34 km to 5.45) 77 and depth uncertainty doubled from 0.434 to 0.9 km. Epicenter locations changed 78 well below the initial uncertainty due to the good azimuthal station coverage for 79 each earthquake. Based on these results we use the central Oklahoma velocity 80 model for the final hypocenter locations (Table S1). 81 82 Moment Tensor Focal Mechanisms 83 RMT solutions [Herrmann et al., 2011] were computed for the two largest earthquakes 84 in the sequence (10-10-2014, M 4.3; 10-07-2014, M 4.0) using broadband waveform data 85 observed at regional network and potable seismic stations. Both RMTs indicate near- 86 vertical, left-lateral strike-slip faulting on a N80°W striking nodal plane that aligns with 3 87 the relocated seismicity (Figure 1). Focal mechanism fault plane orientation is well 88 constrained due to the good azimuthal distribution of recording stations with 89 uncertainty of +/-20º in strike and +/-5º in dip (Figure S1). RMT uncertainty is 90 consistent with a regional sensitivity study of RMTs in Oklahoma (Johnson et al., 91 2015). 92 93 Coulomb Stress 94 We used Coulomb failure stress (ΔCFS) analysis [Stein et al., 1997] to assess how the 95 October 2014 Cushing earthquake sequence affected loading on structures within the 96 Wilzetta-Whitetail fault zone. We calculated the Coulomb stress change imparted by the 97 earthquakes onto conjugate structures oriented 200°/90°/-180°, that is, vertical right- 98 lateral faults striking slightly west of due south (Wilzetta-Whitetail fault zone), and onto 99 vertical left-lateral faults aligning with the structure activated by the Cushing sequence 100 (280°/90°/0°) (Figure S2). 101 In Figure S3 we examine the sensitivity of the ΔCFS model to assumption of Poisson's 102 Ratio, coefficient of friction, and source strike. The largest effect on the model can be 103 seen in the variation of source strike (Figure S3a). If source strike is larger (290°-300°) 104 than our RMT suggests (280°) then modeled stress change would significantly decrease 105 in the southern lobe of the model along the Wilzetta-Whitetail fault zone. The combined 106 analysis of the spatial distribution of high-precision earthquake hypocenter relocations 107 and fault planes determined from RMT analysis of the two largest Cushing earthquakes, 108 are sufficient to provide high confidence in our assumption of source strike (Figures 3 109 and S1). The assumption of the coefficient of friction also has a small effect on the 110 modeled stress change (Figure S3b). Orientation of the east and west lobes of stress 111 increase rotate several degrees however the north and south lobes along the Wilzetta- 112 Whitetail fault zone are relatively unchanged through the range of coefficient of friction 113 assumptions shown in Figure S3b. Figure S3c and d show that Poisson’s ratio has 114 little to no effect on modeled stress changes. 4 115 116 Based on the parameter sensitivity test shown in Figure S3, we use standard values for 117 the coefficient of friction and Poisson’s Ratio, of 0.4 and 0.25, respectively. Fault 118 dimensions are assumed using the standard empirical relationships with magnitude for 119 subsurface faults (Wells and Coppersmith, 1994) and source strike is taken from the 120 strike of seismicity and RMT fault planes (280°). Results indicate that the Wilzetta- 121 Whitetail fault zone has experienced significant stress changes (> 0.1 bar) over a region 122 at least 8 km in length (Figure 1), and comparable depth extent. Similarly, the unnamed 123 left-lateral fault on which the Cushing sequence occurred has increased stress beyond the 124 ends of the recent earthquakes (west of -96°47’, east of -96°45’), and in the shallow crust 125 above the ~ 5 km depth of recent events, over a length of about 10 km (Figure S1). The 126 ΔCFS pattern is inherently three-dimensional, and areas of negative stress change are 127 interspersed with positive changes. However, net ΔCFS over the fault areas discussed 128 here are positive, and any subsequent event nucleating in such regions of positive ΔCFS 129 would generate its own dynamic stress field that further promotes rupture propagation, 130 potentially even into regions of negative ΔCFS from previous events. 131 132 Wastewater injection-seismicity correlation 133 In Figure S5, we show a high correlation between daily wastewater injection volume and 134 daily seismicity for the Cushing earthquake sequence from 2014-10-13 to 2014-12-01. 135 Two intervals of injection shutdown (10/7 and 10/22) followed by resumption of 136 operations (10/20 and 10/27) are clearly observed as strong variations in the daily 137 microseismicity rate seventeen days later. The two time series have a maximum cross- 138 correlation coefficient (0.79) at a 17-day lag. Correlations of seismicity with individual 139 wells are lower with the highest at the highest volume well (Calyx cc=0.68 at 17-day 140 lag). Correlation between injection volume and seismicity separated by many kilometers 141 with lag times on the order of days to weeks has been commonly observed in Oklahoma 142 and other regions [Talwani et al., 2007; Holland, 2013b; Keranen et al., 2013; 143 Keranen et al., 2014; Kim, 2013; Horton, 2012; Block et al., 2014] 5 144 The hydrologic property controlling pore pressure diffusion is hydraulic diffusivity, c. 145 [Talwani et al., 2007] demonstrates that if we know the time lag, Δt, between the start of 146 fluid injection in a well and the onset of seismicity at a distance, r, the hydraulic 147 diffusivity of the connecting fractures is c = r2/4Δt. By analyzing more than ninety cases 148 of fractures associated with induced seismicity, they observed a range of c from 0.1 to 10 149 m2/s. Assuming a range of injection well to earthquake distances, r, observed in the 150 Cushing sequence (5-10 km) and the maximum correlation lag time, Δt, of 17-days, we 151 determine a range of possible hydraulic diffusivity, c, from 4.25 to 17 m2/s. This is 152 generally consistent with the range observed in the central US [Talwani et al., 2007; 153 Holland, 2013b] where c = 13.8 ± 5.4 m2/s for a study that directly linked hydraulic 154 fracturing operations with seismicity in south-central Oklahoma. Only 30 days of daily 155 injection volume measurements are available at all three wells in the vicinity of the 156 Cushing sequence so clearly more data are required to establish a long-term correlation 157 with daily microseismicity. This will be possible as additional injection volume data 158 become available from the OCC. 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 6 169 References 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 Buland, R.P., M. Guy, D. Kragness, J. Patton, B. Erickson, M. Morrison, C. Bryan, D. Ketchum and H. Benz (2009). American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2009, S11B-1696. Hayes, G.P., Bergman, E., Johnson, K., Benz, H., Brown, L., and Melzer, A., (2013). Seismotectonic framework of the February 27, 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule, Chile earthquake sequence, Geophys. J. Int. (2013) 195, 1034–1051, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggt238. Hayes, G. P., M.W. Herman, W.D. Barnhart, K.P. Furlong, S. Riquelme, H. Benz, E. Bergman, S. Barrientos, P. S. Earle, and S. Samsonov, (2014). Continuing megathrust earthquake potential in Chile after the 2014 Iquique earthquake. Nature, 512(7514), 295-298. 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 Herrmann, R.B., H.M. Benz, and C.J. Ammon, (2011). Monitoring the earthquake source process in North America, Bull. Seism. Soc., Am. 101, 2609-2625. 192 193 Kennett, B.L.N., E.R. Engdahl, and R. Buland, (1995). Constraints on seismic velocities in the earth from travel times, Geophys. J. Int. 122, 108-124. 194 195 196 197 198 McNamara, D.E, Benz, H.M., Herrmann, R.B., Bergman, E.A., and Chapman, M., (2014), The Mw 5.8 Central Virginia seismic zone earthquake sequence of August 23, 2011: Constraints on earthquake source parameters and fault geometry, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 104, 1. Johnson, K.L., G.P. Hayes, R.B. Herrmann, H.M. Benz, D.E. McNamara and E. Bergman, (2015). Strike and dip sensitivity to seismic network geometry and faulting style for regional moment tensors computed from waveform time-series, Seism. Res. Lett, in prep. 199 200 201 202 Rubinstein, J.L., W.L. Ellsworth, A. McGarr, and J. Benz, (2014), The 2001-Present induced earthquake sequence in the Raton Basin of Northern New Mexico and Southern Colorado, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 104 (5), 1-20. 203 204 205 206 Stein, R. S., Barka, A. A. & Dieterich, J. H., (1997). Progressive failure on the North Anatolian fault since 1939 by earthquake stress triggering. Geophys. J. Int. 128, 594– 604. 207 7 208 Supplement Figures 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 Figure S1: Focal mechanism sensitivity at the preferred depth. Green colors indicate the best fits to the waveforms. Each solution is plotted as a vector at a given value of strike and dip with the angle of the vector representing the rake angle, measured, with respect to the upward vertical (N) in the figure. (a) The best fitting fault plane parameters (strike, dip, rake) for the 07 October 2014 Mw 4.0 earthquake. (b) The best fitting fault plane parameters (strike dip rake) for the 10 October 2014 Mw 4.3 earthquake. 8 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 Figure S2: Map of the Cushing Oklahoma region with earthquakes (white circles) seismic stations (red triangles) and Coulomb failure stress (ΔCFS) model at several depths. Strands of Wilzetta-Whitehorse fault zone are shown as black lines. Black diamonds show disposal wells. 9 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 Figure S3: Coulomb failure stress (ΔCFS) model sensitivity to parameter selection. Parameters analyzed include fault strike, coefficient of friction, and Poisson’s ratio. a) ΔCFS at depth of 5 km for a range of fault strikes. Colors represent the preferred model shown in Figure 1. b) ΔCFS at depth of 5 km for a range of coefficients of friction. Colors represent the preferred model shown in Figure 1. c) ΔCFS at depth of 5 km assuming preferred strike and coefficient of friction and Poisson’s Ratio of 0.21. d) ΔCFS at depth of 5 km assuming preferred strike and coefficient of friction and Poisson’s Ratio of 0.29. 10 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 Figure S4: Central Oklahoma regional map from Cushing to Prague. Circles show the HD relocated hypocenters scaled by magnitude and colored by depth from McNamara et al., (2015) and this study. Thick black lines are subsurface faults from Northcutt and Campbell (1995). Dashed black lines show the inferred trace of the conjugate left-lateral faults near Cushing and Prague. Wells associated with the oil and gas industry are shown as grey diamonds. 11 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 Figure S5: Comparison of injected wastewater volume with microseismicity. (a) Summed daily injection volume (red line) at three nearby wells (Wildhorse, Wilson, Calyx) with the summed daily seismicity (black line) at two temporary seismic stations (OK030, OK031). (b) cross-correlation coefficient versus lag. The maximum coefficient of 0.79 occurs at a seventeen-day lag. 255 12 256 Table S1: HD multiple-event locations Origin time YYYY-M-D_H:M:S Latitude () Longitude () Depth (km) Mag. 2014-9-10_21:2:46.24 2014-9-22_10:14:4.73 2014-9-28_5:35:47.12 2014-10-1_9:54:22.75 2014-10-7_16:51:13.04 2014-10-7_17:2:45.42 2014-10-7_17:19:8.21 2014-10-7_17:57:31.40 2014-10-7_23:57:39.43 2014-10-8_10:7:5.91 2014-10-11_14:14:12.64 2014-10-12_18:12:34.07 2014-10-12_22:9:28.34 2014-10-12_23:21:30.38 2014-10-10_13:51:20.94 2014-10-20_20:2:25.09 2014-10-20_15:20:54.02 2014-10-20_16:41:46.17 2014-10-21_9:41:56.52 2014-10-20_19:50:57.61 2014-10-21_11:17:9.67 2014-10-22_20:45:44.08 2014-10-17_2:31:35.79 2014-10-17_15:3:50.94 2014-10-21_13:10:46.61 2014-10-21_13:18:56.52 2014-10-23_9:53:38.24 2014-10-22_12:43:39.28 2014-10-21_17:3:34.68 2014-10-19_14:57:4.07 2014-10-18_6:36:44.43 2014-10-20_21:7:48.32 2014-10-20_21:35:1.37 2014-10-19_15:5:2.77 2014-10-23_2:30:11.86 2014-10-20_5:13:50.14 2014-10-25_16:43:48.50 2014-10-26_11:48:2.53 2014-10-25_16:36:15.52 2014-10-25_2:21:4.67 2014-10-25_16:42:15.60 2014-10-26_10:15:18.54 2014-10-25_16:38:12.00 2014-10-25_16:42:34.15 2014-10-25_16:55:40.06 2014-10-12_22:11:20.50 2014-10-12_22:10:42.10 35.93747 35.89815 35.92886 35.92957 35.94597 35.94521 35.94363 35.94433 35.94454 35.94405 35.94207 35.94353 35.94300 35.94555 35.94240 35.94637 35.94691 35.94619 35.94650 35.94592 35.94606 35.94515 35.94143 35.94472 35.94540 35.94584 35.94551 35.94550 35.94748 35.93990 35.94705 35.94636 35.94834 35.94313 35.94559 35.94714 35.94660 35.93009 35.94613 35.94619 35.94559 35.94544 35.94660 35.94572 35.94693 35.94405 35.94363 -96.78906 -96.79288 -96.80475 -96.80496 -96.77060 -96.77975 -96.76807 -96.76157 -96.78110 -96.77118 -96.75867 -96.77271 -96.76056 -96.77985 -96.75641 -96.78281 -96.78378 -96.78244 -96.78217 -96.78506 -96.77985 -96.78592 -96.77261 -96.77924 -96.78482 -96.78320 -96.77963 -96.78418 -96.78571 -96.79462 -96.77982 -96.78177 -96.77982 -96.80246 -96.77948 -96.78033 -96.78619 -96.80804 -96.78323 -96.78241 -96.78207 -96.77872 -96.78476 -96.78128 -96.78415 -96.76306 -96.76208 4.29 9.00 4.92 4.74 6.43 5.03 5.16 5.25 5.11 5.68 5.00 5.52 6.05 5.29 6.49 5.63 5.27 5.63 5.35 5.64 5.03 5.52 5.00 5.22 5.73 5.92 5.25 5.32 5.56 4.53 5.14 5.28 4.88 0.85 5.32 5.01 5.37 5.18 5.54 5.73 5.32 5.34 5.25 5.24 5.33 6.01 5.57 2.2ML 1.7ML 2.4ML 1.7ML 4.1ML 2.3ML 2.1ML 2.3ML 2.9ML 2.0ML 2.1ML 2.6ML 2.6ML 2.1ML 4.6ML 2.0ML 2.5ML 2.7ML 2.4ML 1.8ML 2.1ML 1.6ML 1.3ML 1.7ML 1.5ML 2.1ML 1.6ML 1.9ML 1.6ML 0.9Md 1.6ML 1.4ML 1.5ML 1.1ML 1.3ML 1.2ML 2.3ML 2.1ML 2.7ML 1.9ML 1.6ML 1.3ML 1.4ML 1.5ML 1.3ML 2.8ML 1.4ML 13 Semiminor axis azimuth () 41 34 41 38 36 36 30 37 35 36 38 35 38 35 35 26 35 37 36 36 26 27 67 30 30 41 36 45 31 85 41 44 323 325 31 32 36 37 36 37 37 38 32 36 37 39 28 Semiminor axis length (km) 0.41 0.46 0.34 0.43 0.39 0.37 0.46 0.40 0.41 0.39 0.44 0.38 0.36 0.38 0.40 0.40 0.39 0.32 0.35 0.38 0.49 0.47 0.48 0.39 0.38 0.54 0.37 0.50 0.53 0.59 0.51 0.50 0.70 0.55 0.48 0.55 0.34 0.38 0.35 0.34 0.35 0.38 0.44 0.48 0.48 0.36 0.51 Semimajor axis azimuth () 131 124 131 128 126 126 120 127 125 126 128 125 128 125 125 116 125 127 126 126 116 117 157 120 120 131 126 135 121 175 131 134 53 55 121 122 126 127 126 127 127 128 122 126 127 129 118 Semimajor axis length (km) 0.62 0.82 0.50 0.60 0.53 0.53 0.61 0.58 0.58 0.54 0.57 0.58 0.55 0.59 0.56 0.68 0.57 0.47 0.53 0.54 0.77 0.61 0.74 0.62 0.60 0.68 0.53 0.63 0.64 0.67 0.66 0.63 0.81 0.79 0.60 0.68 0.49 0.54 0.50 0.53 0.55 0.58 0.66 0.75 0.73 0.52 1.11 Depth error (km) 0.9 2.0 0.6 1.0 0.7 0.7 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.9 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.0 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.4 2014-10-27_16:44:9.67 2014-10-9_12:49:18.82 2014-10-28_11:23:7.11 2014-10-12_18:24:18.35 2014-10-29_3:2:34.55 2014-10-30_3:14:20.21 2014-10-29_16:37:18.34 2014-10-25_16:54:51.54 2014-11-1_23:18:43.69 2014-11-1_17:10:19.30 2014-10-21_19:46:8.53 2014-10-16_16:8:25.48 2014-10-20_0:42:39.31 2014-10-24_19:57:25.53 2014-10-24_6:12:12.98 2014-10-16_6:31:41.73 2014-10-23_11:1:23.89 2014-10-21_11:9:48.50 2014-10-16_7:40:5.21 2014-10-20_0:53:41.56 2014-11-3_6:40:29.88 2014-11-4_1:10:3.15 2014-11-4_8:40:20.79 2014-11-15_0:34:49.69 2014-11-25_20:15:58.27 35.94229 35.94628 35.94582 35.94084 35.94689 35.94430 35.94327 35.94559 35.94855 35.92194 35.93990 35.94217 35.94125 35.93427 35.94640 35.94637 35.94090 35.94277 35.94729 35.93930 35.94460 35.94564 35.94302 35.93353 35.94716 -96.77069 -96.78336 -96.77963 -96.76031 -96.78598 -96.77426 -96.77252 -96.78235 -96.78085 -96.77145 -96.75558 -96.75778 -96.75732 -96.77606 -96.78629 -96.78348 -96.75616 -96.75998 -96.78342 -96.75717 -96.77924 -96.78317 -96.77072 -96.78403 -96.76645 5.18 5.13 5.37 4.95 5.19 5.22 4.94 5.35 5.97 4.43 4.98 5.49 5.44 4.75 5.56 5.21 4.93 4.01 5.00 5.36 5.48 5.63 4.28 5.08 4.44 1.4ML 2.2ML 1.3ML 1.3ML 1.4ML 2.5ML 1.4ML 1.4ML 1.9ML 2.1ML 1.6ML 1.3ML 1.4ML 1.5ML 1.3ML 1.2ML 1.4ML 1.4ML 1.1ML 1.4ML 1.7ML 1.8ML 1.5ML 2.6ML 2.8ML 31 44 30 36 31 38 30 31 69 34 37 37 354 40 30 36 28 30 65 36 337 67 41 33 38 0.40 0.42 0.40 0.48 0.35 0.33 0.37 0.40 0.54 0.40 0.47 0.44 0.58 0.37 0.43 0.43 0.39 0.58 0.57 0.55 0.62 0.59 0.58 0.41 0.39 257 258 259 260 Table S2: Central Oklahoma Velocity Model (McNamara et al., 2015]. Depth (km) 0.000 1.900 1.900 8.000 8.000 21.000 21.000 42.000 42.000 120.000 Vp (km/s) 3.400 3.400 5.550 5.550 6.250 6.250 6.400 6.400 8.150 8.150 Vs 261 (km/s) 2.000 2.000 3.300 3.300 3.600 3.600 3.700 3.700 4.600 4.600 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 14 121 134 120 126 121 128 120 121 159 124 127 127 84 130 120 126 118 120 155 126 67 157 131 123 128 0.72 0.60 0.68 0.95 0.53 0.48 0.59 0.68 0.71 0.58 0.76 0.83 0.76 0.55 0.74 0.68 0.70 0.86 0.88 0.76 0.73 0.74 0.81 0.59 0.64 0.3 0.9 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.5 269 270 Table S3: RMT fault plane solutions Origin time 271 2014-10-07 16:51:13 2014-10-10 13:51:21 Latitude (°) 35.9474 Longitude (°) -96.7642 Depth (km) 5.3 Mag. 4.0 strike1 (°) 97 dip1 (°) 85 rake1 (°) 4 strike2 (°) 7 dip2 (°) 86 rake2 (°) 175 35.9466 -96.7594 5.0 4.2 280 90 -4 10 86 -180 15