Mrs. Susan Ydstie Room 206 AP Calculus Syllabus WHAT DOES “AP” MEAN? AP or “ADVANCED PLACEMENT” enables students to pursue college-level studies while still in high school. Taking AP courses also demonstrates to college admission officers that students have sought out the most rigorous course work available to them. Each AP course concludes with a college-level assessment. The AP Calculus exam is scheduled for Thursday, May 7th at 8 am. It consists of multiple choice and short answer questions and about half of the test must be done without a calculator. The exam is scored on a scale of 1-5. A score of a 3 or above is awarded college credit at most colleges and universities, saving you time and money! While about half of my students the past two years have achieved a 3 or higher, ALL of my students have left high school with a good foundation in calculus and other higher-level mathematics concepts, making future college math classes easier. WHAT TO EXPECT Bring your textbook (with a paper book cover), a notebook, a pencil and graphing calculator (I recommend TI-83 or 84) with you to class every day. I will teach you some ways to use your calculator to solve complicated problems, to check your answers found analytically, or to assist in the exploration process. However, you will be expected to also be able to solve some problems without a calculator! We will be using the Rule of 4 to guide our approach to learning and understanding each concept, which means we will look at a concept from a graphical, numerical (table), analytical (equations and algebra) and verbal representation. Calculus is your doorway into more advanced mathematics as well as an opportunity to understand concepts from physics, biology, economics and so much more. As such, we will try to look at these applications as much as possible. Some of these applications will be assigned in homework problems, whereas others will be more extensive projects in which you will be asked to explain your work verbally or in a written format. “This is hard!” Yes, some of the problems will require creativity, critical thinking, and other people to solve. You may not see the solution right away, but don’t be discouraged. Being able to learn from example problems, communicate your ideas and work together are important skills for your success in the class. Come prepared on work days with questions and as much as you can do on your own. The harder you work, the more prepared you will be for taking the AP test, which means saving you time and money in college!!! Mrs. Susan Ydstie Room 206 HOMEWORK There will be homework for each section. Some sections may take more than one class period to finish, and sometimes I will schedule in a work day where you have the opportunity to work on the homework with fellow classmates. Allow yourself plenty of time to work with the concepts from each section (I suggest working on a little of the homework each day) because some of the assignments may be time-consuming. Your homework grade will consist of two parts. (1) Before we start a new section, I will ask to see that you attempted every problem and showed your work. This will be worth about 6 points per assignment. (2) On the day of the test, I will collect your notebooks and randomly select about 8-12 problems to grade on correctness. Note: the entire solution will be taken into consideration and a mathematically incorrect solution with a correct answer will not earn you full points. Make sure to write legibly and organize your homework so that I can easily find the problems I am looking for. TESTS There will be tests about once or twice a unit, including a final at the end of each semester. Just like on the AP test, there will be a calculator and non-calculator portion to all of your tests. You will have the option to do test corrections in order to make up ¼ of the missed points. Test corrections must be done on a separate sheet of paper, rewrite the complete correct solution and turn it in on or before the day of the next test. GRADING Your grade will be calculated based on a total points model Tests Homework correctness Homework completeness Projects Participation 100 points each 50 points per chapter 6 points per homework assignment 60 points each 1 participation point per day I follow the grading scheme of the Southland public schools: Percent 100-99 98-94 93-92 91-90 89-85 84-83 82-81 80-76 75-74 73-72 71-67 66-65 below 65 Grade A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- F SCHOOLOGY I have set up a Schoology page for this class where I will post important information and helpful websites (access code: 9NV52-738GP). You will also be able to post questions to your classmates or write me a message.