Student Board Meeting- November 2, 2015

Student Board Meeting- November 2, 2015
Absent- Jenna (excused), Nathan
Late- Steve
D’var Torah: Paulee Manich
*next week: Jacob
President Religious community social program promotion (30 seconds)
o when running social program sponsored by a religious communities - promote
others’ social events! everyone should be helping to promote others events
 Whine and Cheese party (1 minute)
o money leftover from town hall
o people seem open to this idea
o Alex will set a time and date for the board to do this
 Meeting notifications (30 seconds)
o board meetings 8:30 on mondays
o exception - Rabbi Sacks speaking (in 2 weeks from now)
 Outside co-sponsorship (30 seconds)
o considering an outside organization? let Alex know beforehand
 Possible break for Northern lights viewing-didn’t happen
 Away this weekend for my sister’s Bat Mitzvah (30 seconds)
Vice PresidentTreasurer
 Treasurer’s Report (5 minutes)
o Grant update - $500 grant
o GR $7155.26
o Overhead $90.50
o Programming budget $1827.22
o We started using the 5,000 dollars
o Contracts Update - let Michael know if you are doing a contract!
 Please update the calendar on the website.
Israel Chair
 Druze delegation, Wed, 8 PM @ Upstairs, Hillel (30 seconds)
Community Service
 Days without Hate Tabling (30 seconds)
 R’ Jonah Rank, tomorrow 6:45pm (30 seconds)
o drugs and alcohol in the Jewish world
 Kristallnacht, Monday Nov 9, 8pm Red Lion Cafe (30 seconds)
o commemoration and discussion - part of Days Without Hate
o next week’s board meeting is at 9 pm!!
 Global Day of Jewish Learning, Sunday Nov 15, noon - 4 (30 seconds)
 Nice Jewish Boys Pageant, Wed Nov 11, 8:15pm CASC MPR (30 seconds)
co-sponsored with AEPi
GR Proposal (2 minutes) - want to get prizes (gift cards, trophies) - requesting
 just going to take it from the $5,000, rather than doing GR vote
 Chul-ympics, Fri Nov 13, 9:30pm (30 seconds)
o chulent making competition
o contact Laura if you want to compete or know people who are interested
 Hosts for Northern NJ Hillel Shabbaton @ RU: Nov 13/14 (30 seconds)
o invite friends who go to the NJ schools! (there is a small fee, ask Rabbi Reed for
 Super Sunday for:
o Federation in Heart of NJ on Nov 15 (30 seconds)
 People to help out: Evan F
o Metrowest Federation on Nov 22 (30 seconds)
 People to help out: Steve, Gilana?
 Meryl Frank event (30 seconds)
o she was the mayor of Highland Park, worked at the UN for womens rights
o she is interested in speaking on campus
o want to co-sponsor with other organizations on campus
o Students to help: Peter, Evan G, Alex, Jacob, Gilana. Other students suggested:
Max Duboff, Michal Karlin, Pan Hell (Jaclyn knows the prez)
General Discussion (30 seconds/person)
 Sami - tealights and chill Nov 14, 7-9pm - co-sponsored with religious communities
 Peter - oneg this shabbat
 Becca - looking for a co-chair/replacement for next semester
 Evan - 6:30 pm dinner for the rest of the semester
 Julia - selling cookies for sorority - help her out!
 Rabbi Reed - conservative community lunch this Shabbat
 Paulee - no reform services this week because of convention in Florida
Good and Welfare (30 seconds/person)
 Rabbi Reed - her son’s bday! Thank you Alex for the cake tonight
 Sami - Thanks Julia for covering when she was sick
 Jaclyn - Thank you Jacob for handling Shabbat services
 Rabbi Reed - Mike Cantor has been sick with pneumonia, wish him feel better!
 Alex - new Hillel building - fun fact: discovered tunnel and they found alcohol that they
believe was used to smuggle alcohol