April 2013 Newsletter (OCX)

A Publication of the Nevada County Jewish Community Center Nisan ~ Iyar 5773
April 2013
Dear Friends,
This month of April has some commemorative days that
focus on Israel – Yom Hazikaron and Yom Ha’stzmaut. The
first is Memorial Day in Israel and the second is Israeli
Independence Day. In that order, they come one day after
the other. First the sadness of remembering those who
perished to defend our tiny homeland. Then the joy that
came with becoming an independent nation.
So let me take this opportunity to invite you to join Dori
and me as we explore the many beautiful, historic and
religious locals in Israel. The tour is October 2-13 and at
this writing costs $3,099 – land only, though the cost will
go down with just a few more people joining the 17 who
have already registered. For details, please look at the
tour web site: http://www.arzaworld.com/greenbaumfamily-israel-trip.aspx
This tour is for those who have never been to Israel as well
as for those who want to revisit this special place. It is for
Jews and non-Jews alike. We will see sites that are holy to
Judaism, Christianity and Islam. As we walk the streets of
the cities, we will see the realities that make Israel nothing
less than a miracle. But even miracles are flawed and
imperfect. So we will also see the dream of what can yet
happen in that land, as we visit a special school which joins
together Jews and Arabs called Hand-In-Hand.
“Thank you” doesn’t cost a lot, in fact it costs nothing at all to
give. I don’t want to allow more time to pass without spreading
some thanks to some of the people that make our JCC go. First,
thank you to Mya Russell. Mya, with two small children, an
internet business to run, and a commitment to be away at
Passover time, still planned, organized and executed a
magnificent Community Seder. The venue, the menu, the
delicious food and the traditional service were doubtless one of
the highlights of our year.
Thank you Samantha Karp for breathing life into our GROOVY
Youth Group and organizing the Swing Dance for Sunday April
Thanks you to Gordon Mann for organizing and leading our new
Men’s Club.
Thank you to Eva Ruben for leading the Sisterhood.
Thank you to Arline Mehr for growing and maintaining our
Thank you to Harriett Kroot for being our School Principal and
Board Secretary.
Thank you to Holly Leeds for making certain we have a
meaningful and enjoyable Shabbat service when our Rabbi is not
on the bimah.
Thank you to Mike Atlas for the time and effort to be our
And thank you, members of the JCC, for your support in
everything we do.
Continued on page 3
Jay Sondheim, President
Congregation B’nai Harim at the Nevada
County Jewish Community Center
506 Walsh Street
P.O. Box 1426
Grass Valley, CA 95945
Phone: (530) 477-0922 Fax: (530) 477-1275
Website: www.ncjcc.org
Email: ncjcc@sbcglobal.net
Office Hours:
Monday 10-2, Wednesday 10-1 and Friday 9-12
Office Administrator/Newsletter Editor:
Bobbi Poznik-Coover
Alan Greenbaum
Jay Sondheim
Vice President
Arline Mehr-Membership
Gordon Mann-Men’s Club
Jerry Waxman-Facilities
Harriett Kroot
Mike Gaynor
Mike Atlas—Bookkeeper
Past President/Advisor
Jeanne Hammel
Mya Russell-Publicity
Eva Ruben—Sisterhood Rep
Victor Simon-Member-at-large
Dr. Garrett Eckerling-Member-at-large
David Karas – Member-at-large
Holly Leeds
Sisterhood President
Eva Ruben
Men’s Club Representative
David Silber
Adult Education
Arlene Waxman
Doug Becker
Religious School Principal
Harriett Kroot
Youth Group
Stan Karp
Dori Greenbaum
Report from the Board of Directors
March 13, 2013
Finances: Mike Gaynor, Treasurer, presented a
comparison of dues and expenses this year to last
year showing we are doing a little better overall this
year at this time, compared to last year, 2012.
Facilities: Jerry Waxman continues to provide
outstanding leadership with maintenance and
improvement of our building. The Board discussed
painting the exterior of the building. After carefully
inspecting the exterior, it was clear to the Board that
numerous shingles are damaged and need to be
replaced, or the exterior may need re-facing. Jerry
will bring bids and description of what needs to be
done to the next meeting. The door providing the
only exit to the back of the building needs to be
replaced. This is a safety issue. Jerry will take care
of this.
Interior Décor and Gift Policy: A committee has
been appointed to recommend a policy regarding
the accepting and use of donated art, crafts, or
donations of like kind. The committee will also
inventory art currently in storage and visit other
synagogues to view their sanctuaries. The
committee will make recommendations to the
Historic Cemetery: A fence will be constructed around
the Grass Valley Jewish Pioneer Cemetery.
Jewish Section of Hooper Weaver Cemetery: Jay
Sondheim and Rabbi Greenbaum have signed an
agreement with Hooper Weaver for 2013. Plots will
be offered at a price discounted by $200. Details are
in the newsletter.
A New Brochure: Arline Mehr, Dori Greenbaum, Rabbi
Greenbaum and Jay Sondheim have designed a new NCJCC
Landscaping: The Men’s Club and Sisterhood are
postponing their work on the landscaping in the front of
the building until the issue of the façade has been
Congregation members are welcome to attend Board
meetings. The next meeting will be Wednesday, April 10th
at 7:00 p.m. in the Social Hall.
Harriett Kroot, Secretary
Rabbi’s Message – continued from page 1
Picture an administration, faculty and student body which
is ½ Jews and ½ Palestinians. If you can imagine that sight,
then you have a glimpse of what Israel and her neighbors
will one day become. We will be inspired as we learn
about this school which has just expanded to its fourth
campus! This will be very inspiring. And it is projects such
as Hand-In-Hand that will make the dream of peaceful coexistence come true.
We will travel along the Mediterranean coastline,
throughout Galilee, along the Jordan River Valley and
finally all around the most amazing city in the world –
JERUSALEM! We will travel in comfort and in good
company. We will stay in lovely hotels, eat the fabulous
local cuisine, meet new people and grow deeper spiritually
in the process.
If you have ever thought about travel to Israel, this is the
time! Join us – and bring your friends!
Rabbi Alan Greenbaum
2013 Board Elections are Approaching
Our Annual Meeting and Elections to the Board will
take place on Sunday, May 5th at 4:00 p.m. This
means that we need to hear from all interested
candidates by the first week in April with a short bio
which states a little about yourself and the
reasons(s) you want to run for a Board position. The
bios will be mailed out to the membership with the
ballots, and also sent to you via e-mail. Look for
them by the middle of April. In order to run for the
Board, you must be a member in “good standing”,
which means you are current with your dues. There
are four 3-year terms and one 1-year term available.
Please call or email Jay Sondheim or Jeanne Hammel
to let us know if you are interested in running for the
Board and becoming involved in making decisions to
help carry out the future of our congregation. It is a
great opportunity for you to offer your support in
this endeavor.
Religious School News
Michael Ellins and Evan Rashby led the Sunday
School Seder on Sunday, March 17th. The sanctuary
was transformed into a dining room and filled with
children and their families. Makayla Morgan, Raven
Mark, Lauren and Allison Kel, and Joule Noble set the
tables, assembled the Seder plates and helped
younger children during the Seder. It was a
memorable experience.
Hebrew School Shabbat Services
On March 29th the regular 7:30 Shabbat service was
led by students currently in Hebrew School. This
was the first time many of these students have been
on the bimah.
Honoring CeCe Karp
Friday April 12th, during both the Family Shabbat
service and the 7:30 service, CeCe Karp will be
honored for inspiring our children for nearly twenty
years. Please plan to come to both of the services on
April 12th.
For Your Calendar:
Sunday School: Sundays, 9:30 a.m. to Noon
April 7, 14, 21, 28
Pre-School: Sundays, 9:30 a.m. to Noon
April 14, 28
Rabbi’s Kids: Sunday, 9:30 a.m. to Noon
April 28
Hebrew School: Thursdays, 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.
April 4, 11, 18
Family Shabbat Dinner: Friday, April 12,
6:00 p.m.
Shalom, Harriett Kroot, Director
Men’s Club
Please join the NCJCC Men’s Club the first Sunday of
each month at 9:30 a.m. Please note the 9:30 am
start time. Lox and bagels, coffee, tea, and orange
juice will be served for a nominal fee of $5.
The meeting schedule:
April 7th – Steve Rosenthal of Tess’ Kitchen Store will
be discussing the Downtown Grass Valley Business
May 5th – To Be Announced
Also stay tuned for our other activities, golf, Tuesday
afternoon bowling, hiking and more. Only $20 dues
to join the Men’s Club! Join today!
Please invite and bring a friend. Please RSVP to
Gordon Mann by email at
sharkmann@suddenlink.net or by phone at 2680135 by 9:01 p.m. on the Thursday before the
See you on Sunday for Lox and Bagels!
Ezra Jai Vaupell
Shirley Barsky
Lisa Kirshbaum
Wendy Rosky
Jil Karas
Evan Kroot Rashby
Michael Lyke
Judith Kenedi
Peyton Eckerling
Douglas Baer
Nadine Brown
Daniel Geffner
Eva Ruben
Linda Baran
Jeremy Kirshbaum
Ruth Kroot
Douglas Becker
Jerry & Bea Pressler
Michael & Ernestine Gaynor
Fund Contribution Form
We welcome and appreciate your donation
to the following funds:
General_____Rabbi’s Compensation_____
Adult Education______
Library _____
Tzedakah ______ Cemetery _____
Lydia Wolff Memorial _____
Building Expense _________
Rabbi’s Discretionary ___ Youth Group ___
Ruth Adicoff Memorial ____
To contribute, check the appropriate fund,
complete the form, send to NCJCC,
P. O. Box 1426, Grass Valley, CA 95945
Name______________ Phone _________
Address __________________________
Make checks payable to the NCJCC
General Fund
Doug & Karen Baer-In Memory of Fredrick & Jeanette Baer
Michael & Rebecca Lyke
Lydia Wolff Memorial Fund
Irv & Harriett Kroot-In Memory of Bertha Kroot
Sunday School
Mary Lou Bloom-In Memory of Phil Bloom
Remembered By
Friday, April 5
William Schwartz
Ward Winton
Hannah Allen
Friday, April 12
Fred Thies
Marvin Gordon
Friday, April 19
Jacob Wolf Rosen
Morris Gottlieb
Louis Rosen
Friday, April 26
Marion Gordon
Edith Gottlieb
Jeanette Baer
Roselie Rottenberg
Henry Feineman
Patty Lynn Cohen
Samuel Barsky
Jonathan & Hannah Schwartz
Dori Greenbaum
Jeanne Hammel
Jeanne Hammel
Bernice Rosen
Stan Gottlieb
Bernice Rosen
Jeanne Hammel
Stan Gottlieb
Douglas Baer
Joshua Lichterman
George & Estelle Feineman
Hank & Ginny Starr
Shirley Barsky
Harper Faith Browning
Andrea Frankel
Iola Gold
Lauren Jenkins
Louis Kisber
Holly Leeds
Nancy Maxwell
Melissa Nixon-Lingk
Deborah Ruppert
Alex Epstein
Winton Frankel
Joni Gold
Lawrence Katz
Richard Klein
Bob Levine
Charlotte Moore
Allen Olson
Pat Bennett-Schwartz
Fran Epstein
John Gandolfi
Sally Hines
Elijah King
Ruth Kroot
Pauline Mandell
Connie Newman
Deborah Remick
Susan Shapiro
Message from Sisterhood
Sisterhood is doing GREAT!!! Keep getting new members – have wonderful programs – read interesting books
followed by wonderful discussions each month – and we are looking forward to working with the Men’s Club on
doing the landscaping in the front of the building. Our next General Meeting will be on April 4th at 12:30 p.m. in
the Social Hall at the NCJCC. Our guest presenter will be Rebecca Lyke, one of our members, giving a talk on law
enforcement. There will be time afterwards for questions and discussion.
The Book Club meets on the second Monday of each month. Our last meeting was hosted by Harriett Kroot who
led a very interesting discussion about the book “Fallen Angel” by Daniel Silva and, as a new Pope was just being
elected, the Catholic Church.
Hunting Eichmann by Neal Bascum
Fire and Song-The story of Luis Carvajal by Anna Lanyon
Never in my Wildest Dreams by Belva Davis
Hostess: Arline Mehr
Hostess: Debbie Remick
Hostess: Anita DuPratt
Thank you Harriett Kroot and Karen Baer for all the work you did to put together such a fabulous Game Day on
March 19th. If you missed it, you missed a wonderful lunch and a chance to socialize and play games. The super
lunch included a baked potato bar, salad and for dessert, homemade brownies with vanilla ice cream and
chocolate syrup. Pizza was also available for those who preferred having that rather than a baked potato.
On May 3rd we will sponsor the Sisterhood Shabbat service which we do each year. Again, Maxine Musick has
offered to organize it. Our final event of the year will be our Installation Luncheon to be held on June 2nd at the
Alta Sierra Country Club.
One of Sisterhood’s commitments has been to make sure that we have a host or hostess for each Friday evening
following the Shabbat service. Call Nadine Brown at 432-6678 and let her know when you would like to host an
Oneg, honoring some special occasion or just to have the honor to do one. And remember the Judaica Shop is
open every Friday evening or call Arline Mehr at 432-3713. There are many wonderful items to give as gifts or for
your home. There are also cards for various occasions and Yahrzeit candles.
Please plan to join us at one of our activities and consider joining us. Now the dues are only $25.00 which will be
good until the end of June, 2014.
Hope to see you, Eva Ruben, President
As a child and youth Ginny sang for many groups and as a member of the Cal State Master Chorale sang backup for
Kenny Rogers, Rosemary Clooney and Michael Feinstein. She first sang for the High Holidays as a choir member at
Temple Solael in Woodland Hills.
The Starrs moved to Grass Valley in November 1996, and in 1997 Rabbi Harry Roth persuaded Ginny to help with
music for the High Holidays. Each year, and with each ensuing Rabbi or JCC leader, more and more music was
added to her repertoire. For many years Ginny arranged the music, chose the singers and led rehearsals.
Last year, just before the High Holidays, she notified Rabbi Greenbaum of the need to lighten her musical load,
that she would still participate for High Holidays and Shabbat services, but not to the extent she had been doing.
In appreciation of her years of service, and the beautiful music she has brought to our congregation, she was
honored on March 22nd. An engraved leaf will be installed in the sanctuary by senior congregant Bill Kroot.
Many of our older members are aware that there is a dedicated portion at the Hooper and Weaver
Mortuary for members of the Jewish faith. A number of our members took advantage of a special
opportunity for JCC members to save on future arrangements at the time of the original agreement in
2002. The purpose of this article is to make sure our newer members know about the Jewish section,
and also to alert our entire membership to a similar opportunity to save on future arrangements.
Working with Hooper and Weaver your Board has negotiated an arrangement available only to JCC
members, and available for the remainder of 2013. Members interested will receive a discount from
current prices, and if the total of arrangements reaches 30 or 50, additional rebate checks will be issued
to purchasers.
Complete details are available from Debbie Olsen, Funeral Director at Hooper and Weaver. Her phone
number is 265-2429 and email debbieolsen63@gmail.com.
Passover, Sisterhood Game Day, Shabbat Dinner
$10en 3 an
d under free,
Published monthly by
The Nevada County
Jewish Community Center
506 Walsh Street
Grass Valley, CA 95945
Mailing Address:
P. O. Box 1426
Grass Valley, CA 95945
(530) 477-0922
The Sisterhood Gift Shop
Our Display Cases are Bursting with Treasures
Decorative Plates
Candle holders
Beautiful Challah Plates and Kiddush Cups
Collectors’ Items
An Assortment of Exquisite Jewelry
Jewish Book of Why
Children’s Books
Sisterhood Cookbook Filled with Holiday Recipes
Unique Hostess Gifts for all Occasions
Buy locally and reinvest in our temple. All proceeds go to NCJCC
Open Friday evenings after services and by appointment by calling Ruth Kroot,
Helene Smith, Estelle Feineman, Connie Newman or Arline Mehr