Particles of Matter

Year 8 Science Unit 1B.
Chemistry: Particles of Matter
UNIT OVERVIEW: Everything around us is made up
of matter. Whether man-made or naturally occurring,
different types of matter can have very different
properties. To understand how different types of matter
behave, we use the Particle Theory of Matter, and the
Law of Conservation of Matter.
Practical Examination
Learning Goal
Use models to describe the arrangement
of particles in solids, liquids, and gases
Verb List: Observe, Interpret,
Describe, Compare, Explain,
Interpret, Identify, Apply and
Glossary: Solution, solute, solvent,
suspension, filtration, distillation,
decanting, freezing, sublimation,
melting, condensation,
evaporation, dissolving, the
Particle Theory and the Law of the
Conservation of Matter.
Success Criteria
(I Know I’ve got it when I can …)
I Know I’ve got it when I can accurately
describe the Particle Model of Matter using
words and diagrams.
I Know I’ve got it when I can explain the
Use the particle theory to compare the
properties of solids, liquids and gases and differences in the behaviour and properties of
explain how they change from one state to particles in the three different states of matter;
solid, liquid and gas.
Apply knowledge of the Particle Theory and
Interpret observations to identify different
the Law of the Conservation of Matter, my
types and of mixture to explain various
observations, let me accurately and reliably
properties of matter, e.g. dissolving, in
identify different types of mixtures
terms of the Particle Theory and the Law
of the Conservation of Matter.
Students will accurately define :
Solution, solute, solvent, suspension,
filtration, distillation, decanting,
freezing, sublimation, melting,
condensation, evaporation,
dissolving, the Particle Theory and
the Law of the Conservation of
Explain the meanings of the glossary terms
and apply this knowledge when studying the
behaviour of the particles of matter.