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Robert G. Gamboa Council #9527
October 2015 Knights of Columbus Newsletter
In This Issue
 Note from the Grand Knight
Number 4
Note from the Grand Knight
 New website
 Council Updates
 Council in Action
 Membership
 4th Degree News
 Prayers
 Congratulations
 Insurance Corner
 Upcoming Events
 Next Month Sneak Peek
Council 9527 Officers
Grand Knight: Daniel Fernandez
Deputy Grand Knight: Richard J. Hoyle
Worthy Brother Knights,
I wish to thank all of you who came out and helped with
the Church Fiesta.
November we hit the ground running! This coming
weekend is the Renaissance Faire followed by a weekend
of Posole and service at the Rectory home. We have
kicked off the storage shed raffle and look forward to the
mid-year conference the 1st weekend in December.
We are blessed with opportunities to show the
community how the Knights of Columbus can make a
difference. I look forward to spending time with all of
you in the coming weeks.
Vivat Jesu!
Daniel Fernandez
Grand Knight
Robert G. Gamboa Council #9527
Chancellor: Chris Evaro
Advocate: Bill Kinsella
Council Website
Warden: Weston Lee
Knights of Columbus Council 9527 has a new website at This website has a lot of information
about council/church activities and informative links that
will benefit any Catholic. If you go to our state website
at you can also support feeding
homeless Veterans by clicking the link daily. We also
have a new facebook page under Robert G. Gamboa
Council 9527, please stop by and like our page.
Financial Secretary: Art Kerschen
Treasurer: Gary Bales
Recorder: Gary Bales
Inside Guard: Miguel Montoya
Outside Guard: Boris Silva
3rd Year Trustee: James Guganig
Council Updates
2nd Year Trustee: James Wilcox
1st Year Trustee: Dennis St. George
2015/2016 Council Directors
Program Director: Joseph Fleming
Family Director:
Weston Lee
Community Director: John Byers
Culture Of Life Director: Art Kerschen
Council Director: John Hawk
Church/Vocations Director: Chris Evaro
Persons with Intellectual Disabilities
Director: Charles Russell
Public Relations Director: John Byers
On October 4th, Deputy Grand Knight Eric Chavez
stepped down as an officer due to his new work position
conflicting with attending council activities. On October
5th, Richard Hoyle was elected as the new Deputy Grand
Brother James Guganig is still looking for volunteers to
lead the Rosary on Sunday before the 9:45 and 11:45
Looking for a knight to greet and accept food items
before each mass for the Casa De Peregrinos Food
collection cart that is located in the front church lobby
near the main entry. Continue to bring in a nonperishable food item at each mass and please spread the
word to family, friends, and co-workers.
Remember to bring Joe Fleming all your extra candy and
toiletries for his holiday gift bags for El Caldito.
Council in Action
Health Services Director: Dr. James
Insurance Director: Joseph Fleming
Membership Director: Richard J. Hoyle
Contact Us
K of C members helping during Holy Cross Fiestas
Membership Director, Richard J. Hoyle
Jim Guganig leading the rosary before mass.
International Charity
In February 2016, there will be a special group of
medical personnel traveling to Haiti with the nonprofit organization-Healing Hands for Haiti. One
of these team members is none other than Vickie.
The daughter of long time Knight John Byers.
Would you expect anything less from the family
member of such a charitable role model!
The mission of Healing Hands for Haiti is to
provide patient care, community education, and
healthcare provider education for the people of
Haiti. Haiti is one of the most underdeveloped
countries in the western hemisphere with 80% of
its working population making $1 per day.
800,000 children and adults live with disabilities in
The Knights of Columbus is always looking for new
Catholic males 18 and over that are in good standing
with the Catholic Church. Looking to make a difference
in your family, church, and community life? The
satisfaction you receive from becoming a knight will be
life changing! Contact Richard Hoyle, 575-224-2220 or for more information.
Note that Supreme is offering a Pope Francis medallion
and 2,000 VIP Points for each new member recruited
from July 1st to December 31st, 2015.
4th Degree News:
Are you a 3rd Degree Knight in good standing? If so,
please consider joining the St. Michael the Archangel
Assembly 3330. The 4th degree is the final degree in the
Knights of Columbus and is the “Patriotic Degree”. In
Funds that are raised will help with costs of
October, the assembly covered 2 Rosaries and Funerals
traveling to Haiti, accommodations, security
officers, translators, transportation while in Haiti as for brother knight Barney Perez that passed in Anthony,.
NM as well as Sir Knight John McPhee who passed
well as for necessary equipment and supplies the
away in Truth or Consequences. Upcoming assembly
team will take to give to the people of Haiti.
events include attending the Silver Rose transfer in
Anthony, NM on November 22nd. There will be a 4th
degree Exemplification in Deming, NM on November
More information can be found at:
21st-see the website under events for more
You can donate to this cause by giving a donation
directly to John Byers or going to:
Prayers For:
Holy Father Pope Francis
Most Rev. Bishop Oscar Cantu
Msgr. John Anderson
Father Segura
Deacon Paul Ledermen
Father Michael J. McGivney
Bishops, Priests, and Religious Seminarians
Local Charity:
Bring in those non perishable food items
to church for Casa De Peregrinos Food
Bring in that extra candy and toiletries
to any knight meeting or church front
office for El Caldito ministry.
Thank you!
The Sanctity of Life from Conception to Natural Death The
Sanctity of Traditional Marriage
Holy Cross Parishioners
Soul of Sir Knight John Mcphee
Soul of Knight Barney Perez
John Arias Jr. and family
Ansel Austin
Brother Westin’s son
Rosa Chavez
Diane Campbell
Santos Delgado
Mickey Galvan
Pete Kenny
Ruben Martinez
Harold Matteson
Susan Medina
Ray St. George
Connie Turrey
Family of James Wilcox
Birth of John Byers first grandchild-Harlen McMaster
October Knight of the Month: Joe Fleming
September Lady of the Month: Jeanne Medina
September Family of the Month: Kurt and Lucy
Richard Hoyle elected as Deputy Grand Knight
Insurance Corner:
We Stand Strong On Ethical Ground
Some people believe that ethics in business is a contradiction
in terms. They think that in order to be profitable, a company
and its leaders must abandon morality and embrace the dark,
greedy side that they see so often in the news and in movies..
At the Knights of Columbus, we know this isn’t true. A
business can be both ethical and successful. We are.
As a Catholic organization, we understand the value and
importance of our core beliefs and the original mission of
Venerable Father Michael J. McGivney. In fact, much of the
strength and financial security we provide to members and
their families can be attributed to our ethical, moral standards.
More than 96 percent of Knights who buy our life insurance
keep it, year in and year out. The Order takes this commitment
to our members very seriously. This means carefully planning
when it comes time to invest. Our professional staff
researches all transactions to insure that they fall in line with
Catholic values. If a transaction makes them uncomfortable,
they don’t make it.
“We exclude any company engaged in activity that conflicts
with Catholic moral teaching: companies directly involved in
abortion, contraception, human cloning, embryonic stem cell
research, for-profit health care that pays for any of these, or
pornography,” said Supreme Knight Carl Anderson. “There
are many companies in the pharmaceutical and
communications industries that would undoubtedly provide
excellent returns for us, but which are not in our portfolio
because they engage in research and development or
programming in ways that violate the sanctity or dignity of
human life.”
In the end, the Knights of Columbus investment strategy is
motivated by morality, not money. Yet, each year we remain
profitable, increase our assets and stay dedicated to this vision
that will keep the Order financially sound for generations to
But don’t just take our word for it. In 2014 and 2015, the
Knights of Columbus was named a “World’s Most Ethical
Company” by the Ethisphere Institute. We were one of only
two life insurance companies to earn the honor.
“Faithful Catholics have choices when buying life insurance,”
said the Supreme Knight. “But they know that at the Knights
of Columbus their policy is supplied by an insurer that shares
their moral and ethical values and is guided in all of its
investment and sales practices by those values.”
Contact me today to learn more about our products.
Matthew Seltzer
(575) 936-7181
Upcoming Events:
The Knights of Columbus Council 9527 meet every first
Monday of the month at the Pope John Paul II Annex at 7:00
p.m. They also hold an officer/trustee meeting to discuss
upcoming events that is open to all members, on the last
Monday of every month at 7 p.m.
November 6-8th will be the Renaissance Fair weekend. We
will be manning a booth/castle selling ice cream so keep an
eye out for this event.
November 14th, Grab your rake and gloves, we will
meet at 9 a.m. to help our widows with some yard work.
Posole sales start Nov 14th-15th after masses!
December 15th-6 p.m. PJPII Annex-Rosary, Holiday gift
Next Month Sneak Peek:
Do you have an article or idea to submit? Contact
Richard Hoyle. Thank you.