June 2015 Minutes - St. Joseph Parish

Meeting Minutes
K of C Council 12332
June 3, 2015
The meeting was called to order by Grand Knight, Rob Grindel, and after the Warden’s
Report, started with an opening prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Officers' Roll Call:
Chaplin, Father Rickey Valleroy-Absent
Grand Knight, Rob Grindel-Present
Deputy Grand Knight, Dale Jones-Present
Chancellor, Phil Brockland-Absent
Financial Secretary, John Bieser-Present
Treasurer, Kevin Boatright-Present
Recorder, Paul Gaines-Present
Warden, Tom Hill—Present
Advocate, Kevin Roney—Absent
Lector, Brian Wade--Present
1st Year Trustee, Mike Ward--Present
2nd Year Trustee, John Thurman -Present
3rd Year Trustee, John Jones—Present
Inside Guard, Gene Eddleman--Present
Outside Guard, James Cissell-Present
The minutes of the May meeting were approved as read.
And there was discussion about the minutes on the new web site.
Membership Director Report: John Thurman
Reading of Applications
There is one form 100 for Parishioner Brad Howard. Application was read aloud.
Brother Ed Brown made a motion to accept the application. Brother Gene Eddleman 2nd
the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.
Membership Balloting
Major Degree Program Dates:
No major degree’s set.
Grand Knight's Report: Grand Knight, Rob Grindel
Slate of new officers was read. They are as Follows:
Grand Knight, Rob Grindel
Deputy Grand Knight, Dale Jones
Chancellor, Phil Brockland
Financial Secretary, John Bieser
Treasurer, Kevin Boatright
Recorder, Paul Gaines
Warden, Tom Hill
Advocate, Kevin Roney
Lector, Brian Wade
1st Year Trustee, Mike Ward
2nd Year Trustee, John Thurman
3rd Year Trustee, John Jones
Inside Guard, Gene Eddleman
Outside Guard, James Cissell
Brother John Jones made a motion to accept the new slate of Officers. Brother Lou Krapf
2nd the motion. Motion passed.
Parish picnic is coming up this month. We will need help setting
up and taking down. Also we need poker booth workers. A sign up
sheet was passed around.
Please bring ideas for fundraisers or things you would like to see
the council do. We are here for service. We need to continue to do
what we do.
Chaplain’s Report: Father Rickey
No Report.
Reading of Bills and Communications
A Thank You card was read aloud and passed around. It was from the St. Vincent
De Paul.
Financial Secretary Report: John Bieser
There is a bill from Wal-Mart, also paying our State Per Capita.
July 1st we will start using new Form 100’s
Treasurer Report: Kevin Boatright
Passed around Financial Report.
School Fund balance was shared.
Checking Account is doing well and Brother Boatright explained the numbers.
Updated Chili Sales were discussed and sales figures were shown.
Program Director Report: Dale Jones
No Report
Church Director: Charlie Boyd
No Report
Community Director: John Jones
Next Blood Drive is second Sunday in July. July 12th 8:00 to 12:30. Setup at
7:00am. Help is needed.
Council Director: Mike Ward
Brother Ward was not present but wanted WGK Grindel to mention the Family
Picnic. Dates were mentioned of September 20th or the 11th, 18th, or 25th of
Family Director: Mark Halter
No Report
Pro-life Director: Mark Trollinger
No Report
Youth Director: Abe Aubuchon
WGK Grindel told about the Essay winner. Jamie O’Hara was the winner.
Squires Director: Mike Kelso
The first transition from squires to the council will be happening soon. Mike
mentioned that the Squires program statewide is struggling.
Building Committee:
Nothing to report.
Retention Committee: Mark Kellogg
Absolutely Nothing to Report
New Business:
There was discussion about what our Council could do for the Memorial for
Father’s Mother. WGK Grindel is going to get more details.
Old Business:
Horseshoe Tourney is August 15-16 in Bloomsdale.
Apple Butter time is coming up. Discussion was had about where we could sell
Apple Butter this Fall.
WGK Grindel gave an update on what was needed for Brother Roy’s home. He is
still going to get more info for upcoming meetings.
Fourth Degree Report: John Thurman
Next meeting is Monday June 15th in Hillsboro on the top floor.
Brother Jones notified the council that he is the Commander for Color Guards and
that all councils will go through him if they need a Color Guard.
Field Agent Report: Jeremy Hinkebein, FIC
If anyone needs any assistance with insurance life insurance, annuities, long-term care
products you can call him at 573-747-3671.
District Deputy, Mike Bone Report:
Not present
Good of the Order:
Does any brother present know of any brother of this council or an unassisted brother of
the order sick or in distress?
Please watch out for Brothers in need.
Please Pray for Jeremy Hinkebein
Please Pray for Brian Wade
Please Pray for Brother John Jones
Please Pray for Helen Thurman
Please Pray for Father Ricky and his Family.
Please Pray for Brother James Cissell’s girlfriend Tammy.
Please Pray for Brother Rose’s Daughter Annette Wolf
Please Pray for Brother Bill Jokerst.
Brother John Denkler announced that Brother Bono welcomed his second son.
Mike Kelso won the 50/50.
WGK Grindel led the Council in a closing prayer.