NAME GAMES Name Game Have the small groups sit in a circle. Each person must introduce themselves using an adjective that begins with the same sound as their first name. (Boisterous Bob, Delicate Diane, etc.) As the group is introduced, each person should first introduce themselves and then go back through the line and repeat everyone else’s introduction. The last person will have to name everyone in the group. This is my name, this is my dance Kind of like the adjective game, but instead of doing that, everyone has to do a dance move that goes with his or her name. So someone could do the twist, someone could do the shopping cart, and as you go around the circle, each person does the people that came before him or her, and then adds on their own move. For large groups, you can have the person just do the 5 people that came before them, instead of trying to remember 17 dance moves and names. Guess Who!?! Have each person write 5 significant things on a card about themselves with NO NAMES. Hand them in. Mix them up. Then redistribute (can't have your own) & Look around & guess who the author might be. Search for the card's author. Once you find a candidate for the card's author, do NOT show that person the card & ask ONLY indirect questions to gain answers (I.E. "I have 3 brothers", can ask "Tell me about your siblings", NOT "How many brothers do you have?"). When you find the card's author, link arms with that person. Then they find their card's owner... until every person is linked. Process: What did you base your guess on "who" the card was (gender, ethnicity, age, etc.) or who did you decide to approach? Any surprises? How did it feel to link/latch onto some? How was it to be latched to? SPLIT-UP GAMES Line up in Order of Birthday Without speaking the entire group must arrange themselves in order, by their birthday. The facilitator tells them where 1 Jan will stand and which way the months will go (right or left of the start). Animal Sounds Invite people into a circle and pass out slips of paper with animal names written on them. The challenge will be to find all other animals of one's own kind. No-one can talk - only animal sounds can be made. Tell the kids to keep their eyes closed at all times. Ideas for animals include yak, anteater, chicken, ape, hyena, donkey, velociraptor, elephant, snake, pig. Hum-A-Long The facilitator should have slips of paper with the name of a song on them. Choose 6-7 well known songs; like the Brady Bunch Song or Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. The delegates must find their group, without speaking; by humming their song. Have the small groups hum the song all together for everyone, once the chaos has stopped. h-Bear Music is playing in the background (maybe). The facilitator calls out a number (start small – maybe 3 or 4). Then campers must form hug groups of the called-out number. Any students not in a group of the right number are out. Keep calling numbers and campers must form those groups. When ready to split up into groups, say “new game!” and everyone will re-join the game. Then call out the number of students we want in each group (for example, for 8 person groups, call out “8!”). And then have counselor leaders go to each group and lead them to appropriate place for next activity. OTHER Train Wreck Train-wreck-one person stands in the middle of the circle; all other participants are seated in a chair around them. The person in the middle states a fact about himself or herself. Everyone who the fact holds true for who is sitting must get up and move to another chair. Reminds me of musical chairs. Sing-it Loud Sing it loud, sing it proud-(I made up the name because I don't know what it is actually called): Students are broken up into teams and a word is selected. Each team needs to come up with a list of songs with the word in the lyrics. Each team has an opportunity to name one song with the lyric in it. In order to receive a point the entire team must since the line with the word in it. Example: Baby is the selected word. The Beibs- Baby. Tootie Tah: Everyone gets into a circle and then we do this goofy activity called Tootie Tah. The point is to get people comfortable enough around each other to act like fools. If anyone isn’t doing it well, we will make them heinie write their name! (make sure we pick someone who won’t mind) Hands together Feet apart Knees together Elbows out Chin up Butt out Tongue out Knot Game Split into groups of ten. Reach in with your hands and grab two different peoples hands. Have one person start off by squeezing one of his hands and pass that squeeze along. This way, you can find out if you have two separate circles, or one big one. The goal of the game is to fix yourselves so one big circle results. So, without letting go of anyone’s hand, they must untangle themselves. The group who finishes first wins. Human Twister The facilitator is the caller. Start off with something common like right hand on white. Each freshman must touch something white on someone in the group. The game progressively gets more complicated until the caller calls something that only one person is wearing so that all the freshmen are crowded together in one big lump. Hot and Cold (Clapping game) Everyone sits in a circle. One freshman is sent out of the room while the others decide on a task for that person to do. (ex. Get down on hands and knees in the middle of the circle.) The group must not speak. They instead will clap when the person is close to doing the task. They clap louder the closer the person gets to doing the task. Sound effects are welcomed. People to People The facilitator is the caller. Every freshmen partners with another. The facilitator says a body part of one partner needs to meet a body part of their partner. These body parts are left in position unless the caller changes them. The partners become more and more twisted together and if they fall down they are out. The game ends when there is only one pair left standing. Evolution Participants wander around initially as an egg and they waddle around. They find someone who is also an egg and do rock-paper-scissors-shoot. The winner becomes a chicken, the loser remains an egg. The game progresses from egg to chicken to guerilla to human. If a participant loses to another human, they then become an egg again. Down by the Banks “Down by the banks with the hanky panky, where the bullfrogs jump from bank to banky, With an eep ipe ope op Jumped in the water and it went ker-PLOP” On the ker-PLOP, the person whose hand is about to be hit should try to move it away quickly. If he/she moves it away before the person before hits it, then the person before is out. Otherwise, the person whose hand was hit is out. Ha-ha game Everyone lies on each other’s stomachs in a circle, and one person starts with “ha.” Then the next person says “ha, ha.” Then the next says “ha, ha, ha” and it continues. The object of the game is not to actually laugh. Form a square eyes closed Everyone stands in a circle, closes their eyes, and has to form a square. π-Time Facilitator calls out one of four things below. If the person cannot find a group, they are out, and the winner is the last one left (sometimes two people). Study (one person) - everyone drops to the floor, legs-crossed and pretends to be studying a book. Usually no one gets out on this one, but a variation is that the slowest person to sit down is out. Athena cluster (two people) - one person squats while another pretends to type on their back. π (three people) - two people get on all fours parallel to one another and the third person lies on top to form the Greek letter π. Stata Center (four people) - four people each standing at different heights and in different directions stand with their arms out and fingers spread, imitating the awkward shape of the Stata Center. Shark Attack Baby shark doot-do, doot-doot-do-doo Mama shark… Papa shark… Grandpa shark… Going swimming… Hungry shark… Shark Attack… Lost a leg… CPR… It’s not working… Happy shark… Name on Back Game (need nametag stickers or tape and paper) Write down the names of famous people on the nametags. The names can be all certain category like Movie Stars, Cartoon Characters, famous people in history, or they can be any group. Place nametags on back so that kids can’t see their names. People go around asking yes or no questions to others, trying to guess name on back. When they guess it correctly, nametag is placed on front. Game ends when all have finished or time runs out. Hand Tapping Game This works when you have a small group at a table or lying down on the ground. Place hands flat on table with palms facing down. Place your right hand on the other side of the person’s hand on your right and your left hand on the other side of the person’s hand on your left. The play proceeds with one person declaring which way the taps will go. He then taps once and then the next hand taps and it goes around the circle. Taps can reverse by double tapping when it is your turn. After playing a while you can hit your fist lightly on the table to skip a hand. If a hand taps out of order, or is too late in tapping based on the majority rules, that hand is taken off the table. Winner is the last person left after everyone’s hand have been eliminated. Reconstructing a song Take a well-known song or theme song that people would easily recognize the tune and change the words so that they describe your cluster, the things going on at the program, or even to make fun of the counselors. Fall Away (with funny faces) Have everyone stand in a circle with their heads down. Call “heads up” and everyone has to look at one person and hold that stare with a funny face. If any two people are making eye contact then they scream or yell and fall away like they just died. Call “heads down” after each round is over. Continue until a single person (or no one!) remains. Elephant, Rabbit, Moose, (and Charlie’s angels) Start with only a few of the above and then add more to make more complex. One person is in the middle of a circle (more if a large group) and points to anyone in the circle, calls any of the above four things, and quickly counts, “1, 2, 3, 4, 5!” If the group can form the thing called before you finish counting, then no one switches with you. If they don’t finish, then the one who messes up the most or acts the slowest switches with the caller. Elephant – middle person takes one arm, reaches under the other, and grabs his nose. The other arm sticks out like a trunk. People on the sides form big ears with their hands placed high and low on either side of the middle person. Rabbit – middle person’s arms are sticking straight up like ears. People on the sides place their fist on the hips of the person in the middle to form paws. Moose – middle person places two hands on their face, covering up their nose and mouth to form a snout. People on the sides place one arm outstretched with fingers spread on the top of their head and crossed with each other to form the antlers. Charlie’s Angels – Just like the poster. Booty Tag Just like regular tag, except you can only tag by bumping someone’s butt. Choose more than one person as “it.” No tag backs. 2 Truths, One Lie Works only in small groups. Everyone has a slip of paper or index card and writes two truths about them and one lie. The cards are shuffled and redistributed (it’s ok if you get your own back). One person reads off their card and everyone guesses who wrote it until they get it right and the person admits it. Then they have to guess which is the lie. After they think they know, the person who wrote that card has to reveal the lie. Honey, I love you, won’t you please, please smile? This works well with a large group. The group stands in a circle and one person is in the middle. This person comes up to anyone, puts their arm around them, and says “Honey (or their name), I love you, won’t you please, please smile?” That person responds “Honey, I love you, but I just can’t smile.” If the person responds by smiling or laughing, then they switch places. Otherwise, the person in the middle has to try again. Categories The leader yells out a category, like favorite toothpaste, and everyone yells out their favorite brand, looking for people that have the same favorite brand of toothpaste. Different sized groups are formed, and once everyone settles, the groups individually call out what brand of the toothpaste their group represents. Examples of categories include: favorite toothpaste, favorite ice cream brand, birthday month, number of siblings, number of pets, favorite brand of tennis shoes, favorite candy bar, favorite type of music. Who’s the leader? All sit down cross-legged in a circle. One person either turns around or leaves the room while the group chooses a leader. The person who left or turned around goes to the middle of the circle after the leader is chosen. The group pats their legs then claps their hands repeatedly to start. The leader changes to something else like snaps, arm circles, patting their head, etc. and tries not to be noticeable. The person in the middle has to guess the leader until he gets it right. Great wind blows Groups sits in a huge circle. One person starts in the middle and says “The great wind blows for anyone <insert something about self, such as ‘wearing glasses’ or ‘from NY’>” Then, everyone who also has that thing must run to another spot in the circle. Last person without a spot goes to the middle. Repeat. Do you love your neighbor? Group stands or sits in a circle (works better if people are sitting). One person is in the middle, walks up to someone, points to them and asks, “Do you love your neighbor?” That person responds with yes or no. If he says yes, the people on either side have to switch places. When this happens, the person in the middle tries to steal one of their spots. If he says no, he has to follow with, “They aren’t wearing jeans (or something else creative),” and all in the group who are wearing jeans have to get up and find a different spot. The leader then tries to sit in an open spot. If he can’t steal anyone’s spot, then he keeps going until he can. Whoever is left in the middle is now it. (This is similar to the great wind blows). Hook on tag One person is “it” (or more if the group is large). Everyone else has a partner. They hook on to each other by locking arms. Those who are “it” lock on to one of the pair’s arms and the person on the far end now becomes “it.” Blob tag Works best in very large groups. A couple people are chosen as “it.” When someone gets tagged, they hold hands. Both people are now “it.” As more people are tagged, they have to hold hands in a line. Eventually you get a long line of people chasing after just a couple kids. Concentration (word clap game) “Concentration, are you ready, if so, let’s go…starting with names of ____” (boys, girls, fruits, animals,etc.) Meanwhile, all clap on their knees, then hands together. The name of the object is said when the individual claps their hands together. Go around in a circle until someone doesn’t say something on a beat or can’t think of something. They are out and a new round is started with a new type of object. Go Bananas Bananas of the world unite! Grow bananas Pick bananas Peel bananas Chop bananas Smang bananas Eat bananas Digest bananas Poop bananas Clogged the toilet Plunge the toilet GO BANANAS Big Booty Everybody in the circle gets assigned a number, except for one leader person, who gets assigned to be Big Booty. All stand around in a circle and bang legs twice, then clap once (bang bang clap, bang bang clap…) All start chanting Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig booty big booty big booty, Ahh yeah, big booty.. Big Booty says: Big Booty, number-5 Number 5 says: number-5, number-3 Number 3 says: number-3, number-7 Etc… Person who messes up goes to the end of the line. The point of the game is to work your way up to Big Booty. Human Maze Good inspiration idea. Kids form a maze holding hands. A few designated blindfolded people try to go through the maze, one at a time. Each blindfolded person has a guide, who stands up on the deck, and can direct the blindfolded person where to go through the maze. The winning pair is the one that gets through the maze the quickest. No-see tag This is tag played in pairs. One person is blinded by the other person from behind. The un-bilnded person gives directions to the blinded person telling them which way to go to tag people. Once you are tagged, you switch places with the partner (or you are out). Hand-slap game People sit in a circle with their hands criss-crossed with the person next to them. Hands need to slap the floor in order (clockwise or counterclockwise). If a hand double-slaps, then reverse the order. If you slap out of turn, that hand is out. Keep going until there is a winner. Music-making game One person starts the beat. Go around in the circle, each person adding a sound effect to add to the beat. After the beat has gone all the way around, take the sounds away one at a time. Snowball Fight Everyone writes his or her town of origin/high school attended, favorite food/song/pastime, etc. on a piece of paper. They then crumple it up in to a small ball and throw it around the room (or at a particular person/wall/area). Everyone then picks up a ball, uncrumples it and tries to guess whose it is by going around to all the other participants. Once they find the right person they link arms and continue the search. When everyone has found whose ‘snowball’ they have, they introduce that person to the group. If These Shoes Could Talk I've used "If these shoes could talk" as a low risk icebreaker. Have everyone look down at their shoes and think about all the places they've been, where they would like to go, or something cool they experienced. Then launch into the icebreaker. The first person says their name and then "If my shoes could talk, they would say...." i.e. they would love to visit Europe and went on a wonderful boating trip across lake Erie...