N NT TC CA AO Oppeerraattiioonnaall M Maannuuaall CHEMICALS – EXTENSIVE AUDIT CHECKLIST Location/s: Audit Date: / / Audit Team: AUDIT CHECKLIST AUDIT CHECKLIST: ACT NOW ACT ASAP OK PLAN / CONTROL SELECTION 1. Have all the specific Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) been obtained and fully comprehended before the final selection of chemical is made? 2. Has a risk assessment been carried out for all chemicals being considered for use on this property? 3. Is there a record on the risk assessment, stating the conclusions drawn and the hazard control measures decided upon? 4. Is the substance, selected for each purpose or application, the least toxic/harmful substance available? STORAGE 5. Are chemicals stored in a properly constructed and lockable area, which is resistant to fire and prevents access by children and unauthorised persons? 6. Are approved and appropriate warning signs posted on the outside of the storage area? 7. Is the chemical store adequately ventilated? 8. Is there an inventory of types and respective quantities of Ag / Vet chemicals held on the property? 9. Does the inventory record the maximum amount of these that are held for more than 48 hours at any one time? 10. Does the inventory include a cross-reference to the intended usage of substance to avoid error? ie use of the wrong substance for the job at hand 11. Are current MSDS and copies of label information held for all hazardous substances that are used on this property? 12. Are chemicals stored in accordance with label instructions and Material Safety Data Sheets. 13. Are all chemicals stored in their original containers? 14. Do all stored chemical containers have registered labels that are clear and legible/ 15. Is there sufficient light in the chemical store (natural or artificial) so that chemicals can be identified and their labels easily read? 16. Are incompatible materials stored separately from each other? 17. Is there adequate bund around the chemical storage location/s to contain accidental spills? 18. Are materials (for example sand or hydrated lime) and equipment available to control and clean up spills in the storage area? Disclaimer: This document does not, in any way, excuse a person from doing all that is reasonable to ensure the health & safety of themselves & others. It is necessary to check with the relevant state or territory work health & safety authority for appropriate information. Funded by NT Government Department of Business ACT NOW ACT ASAP OK PLAN / CONTROL 19. Are chemical storage facilities adequately separated from eating facilities? 20. Are chemical storage facilities adequately separated from fuel storage facilities? 21. Is personal protective equipment clean, well maintained, and stowed in a sealed container in a location separate to the chemical storage area? 22. Are appropriate fire extinguishers located adjacent to the fuel and chemical storage areas? MIXING AND USE 23. Is ventilation adequate at the mixing site(s)? 24. Is there a Register of Use of agricultural and veterinary chemicals, including the name of the operator and their total exposure to each chemical? 25. Are MSDS’s for all chemicals used in the workplace available and readily accessible to the user in the storage and mixing area? 26. Are all tasks involving decanting, mixing and preparation of chemical concentrates performed at a designated site? 27. Are all chemicals transported to the place of mixing in a manner consistent with the regulations for using hazardous substances? 28. Are the methods used when handling concentrates sufficiently controlled to minimize risks? 29. Is the means used to control concentration ratio adequate for all operators to understand and safely use? 30. When handling or using concentrates of toxic substances do operators ensure that they do not work alone? 31. Is there an emergency shower located adjacent to the chemical store and mixing area? 32. Is clean water available on all mixing sites and application unites, for washing purposes if operators are exposed to accidental spills or contamination? 33. Is all specified PPE for each of the chemicals used on this property available and well maintained? 34. Is all application and spray equipment, including hoses in good condition, with no leaks? 35. Are safety decals/warning signs on spray unit tanks, and other equipment, legible? 36. Is chemical application equipment and spray nozzles correctly washed and cleaned after each use? 37. Is work clothing worn when spraying chemicals washed separately from domestic clothing? DISPOSAL 38. Are all unwanted, and out of use date, chemicals disposed of in a safe and responsible manner and regard the regulations for the disposal of chemicals? 39. Are all empty chemical containers disposed of in a safe and responsible manner and regard the regulations of the disposal of chemicals? SURVEILLANCE 40. Is an annual medical examination conducted for all persons who regularly use significant quantities of pesticides? OTHER EMERGING HAZARDS / ISSUES Chemical– Extensive Chemicals ExtensiveAudit AuditChecklist Checklist Page Page 2 of2 3of 3 MANAGEMENTCOMMENTS COMMENTS MANAGEMENT ACTION ACTION PLAN PLAN FOR FOR IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT WHAT IS TO BE DONE PRIORITY WHO WHEN / / / / / / / / / / CHECK LEGEND First, identify and assess the risks (as indicated below) by placing a tick in the relevant area box above, then decide on the best way to control the risk, by applying the Hierarchy of Controls. Do something about these risks immediately. Stop task until the hazard is controlled and ACT NOW the risk managed. ACT ASAP Do something to manage these risks as soon as possible. OK Ok at the moment. Review if any work methods, procedures etc change. PLAN / Control Develop plan to manage these risks / note any suggestions on how the risk might be or was managed/controlled. The hierarchy of controls can be applied here. Elimination - remove the hazard at source Substitution - eg. replacing one substance or activity with a less hazardous one Isolation & Engineering - eg. installing guards on machinery Safe Work Practices – administrative policies and procedures for safe work practice Personal Protective Equipment - eg respirators, ear plugs Chemical Extensive Audit Checklist Chemicals – Extensive Audit Checklist Page 3 of 3 Page 3 of 3 Chemicals – Extensive Audit Checklist Page 4 of 3