
Part 01.
chemical is some kind of distinct substance or compound that is prepared artificially.
exposure to chemical:
Many ways we can get touch to chemical, most of them are very exquisite ways.
environmentally: we all live in earth and earth has an environment that is suitable for us live. There
are a lot things that are found in environment. we can not think our existence without environment so
environment is inevitable for us. most chemically exposure we get from environment by different
means. First comes to our mind is air. we need to breathe to live. many chemicals are not seen by
naked eyes but they are floating in air. so when breathe such chemicals enters into our body directly.
second point is food: we need to take foods for body's fuel. Most times foods are contaminated with
harmful chemicals.
water: by means of water we can have chemical exposure.
Soil: we can get exposure by means of soil.
toys: toys are made of different compounds many of them are not good for our health.
things we use everyday: we have to use many things everyday by which we can get exposure
work place: we work at different places, where we can get chemical exposure.
Part 02.
after entering to body chemical try to change our body's normal physiological system but it depends
on exposure routes.
after entering a chemical into body via mouth it directly goes through stomach and mix with stomach
fluids, breakdown into smaller pieces and pass stomach wall to blood vessels and that is known as
absorption. sometimes chemical starts irritating in mouth's skin.
after absorption chemical gets access into blood. by blood circulation chemical flows throughout the
body and it is known as distribution.
after distribution some chemicals transformed into more dangerous form or some into inactive form.
it is known as bio transformation.
after bio-transformation chemical starts to interact with cellular molecule. By which it changes our
body's normal function.
each chemical has a lifetime. after lifetime chemicals are excretes through urine, sweat, sap and
some other means. some chemicals deposits in the body.
predictor: the best predictor of chemical how much it enters into our body. If small amount is enters
our body simply neutralize but bigger amount is a greater concern.
Part 03.
By different ways we can measure chemical in human body. It can be done by simply testing blood
and urine. sometimes different body fluid like secretion can be used to determine chemicals level.
public lab are concerned with that arise newly. In public lab, tests are done by grater concern. they
are not for commercial use, rather they make standard of level.
Private labs are designed to tests sample obtained from individuals. Private labs are greatly for
commercial purpose.