Part III - Answers to questions about Zonation and analysis setups Atte Moilanen, Joona Lehtomäki, Heini Kujala, Anni Arponen and Laura Meller Conservation Biology Informatics Group Finnish Centre of Excellence in Metapopulation Biology Dept. Biological and Environmental sciences P.O. Box 65, FI-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland. The short introductions to these questions are on the question papers. Note that below species and feature are used almost interchangeably. A conservation feature can be a species, habitat type, ecosystem process, or whatever. Any such data can be used; species is often used as a naturalsounding shorthand while one really means a feature in general. References are given after each question. These references illustrate the use of techniques relevant for that particular question. Some general references: Lehtomäki, J., and Moilanen 2013 Methods and workflow for spatial conservation prioritization using Zonation . Environmental Modeling & Software, 47:128-137. Moilanen, A., Kujala, H. and J. Leathwick. 2009. The Zonation framework and software for conservation prioritization. Pp. 196-210 in Moilanen, Wilson and Possingham (Eds.), Spatial Conservation Prioritization, Oxford University Press. Moilanen, A., Franco, A.M.A., Early, R., Fox, R., Wintle, B., and C.D. Thomas. 2005. Prioritising multiple-use landscapes for conservation: methods for large multi-species planning problems. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B Biol. Sci., 272: 1885-1891. [first Zonation paper] Questions 1: Selecting best areas for conservation. Q1.1 How does one select best areas for conservation from a Zonation solution? What about the quality of the solution – where can you find information from? The best areas are those that have highest rank in the map output (.rank.asc file). For example, best 6% are all cells that have rank higher than 0.94. The quality of the solution is measured from the performance curves (at the level of fraction chosen, like 6% remaining as in the previous example). If the absolute performance is good, then the chosen areas include a big fraction of distributions of species. If performance is bad, chosen areas only have a small fraction of distributions. Like, if 6% of landscape has a balanced mean representation of 50% of distributions, then that is very good. If 6% of the landscape only include 10% of distributions, then 90% of distributions would be outside protection - not very good. Moilanen, A., Franco, A.M.A., Early, R., Fox, R., Wintle, B., and C.D. Thomas. 2005. Prioritising multiple-use landscapes for conservation: methods for large multi-species planning problems. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B Biol. Sci., 272: 1885-1891. Gordon, A., Simondson, D., White, M., Moilanen, A., and Bekessy, S.A. 2009. Integrating conservation planning and land-use planning in urban landscapes. Landscape and Urban Planning, 91: 183-194. 1 Q1.2 What is the meaning of the definition of marginal loss (cell removal rule) from the point of view of the Zonation solution? Why do different cell removal rules lead to different solutions? As a reminder, the removal rules were Core-Area Zonation CAZ; Additive Benefit Function analysis ABF; Targeting benefit function analysis TBF; Generalized Benefit Function GBF. The definition of marginal loss implements your conception of conservation value. For example, ABF (additive benefit function) implies emphasis on locations that are species rich. CAZ (core-area Zonation) requires highquality locations for all species, even if such locations include otherwise species-poor locations. Targeting analysis (TBF) simply wants everything represented with minimal cost, trying to keep species representations above a pre-set target as long as possible?. Moilanen, A., Franco, A.M.A., Early, R., Fox, R., Wintle, B., and C.D. Thomas. 2005. Prioritising multiple-use landscapes for conservation: methods for large multi-species planning problems. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B Biol. Sci., 272: 1885-1891. Moilanen, A. 2007. Landscape Zonation, benefit functions and target-based planning. Unifying reserve selection strategies. Biological Conservation, 134: 571-579. Moilanen, A. 2008a. Two paths to a suboptimal solution: once more about optimality in reserve selection. Biological Conservation 141: 1919-1923. Arponen, A., Heikkinen, R., Thomas, C.D. and A. Moilanen. 2005. The value of biodiversity in reserve selection: representation, species weighting and benefit functions. Conservation Biology 19: 2009-2014. [for more about the additive benefit function approach] Q1.3 Can cost be accounted for in the prioritization process? What is the conceptual difference between accounting for cost or not? Cost can be accounted for via use of a cost layer. If cost is used, highest-priority areas are those with highest costefficiency for conservation. Note that such analysis may lead to cost being the driving factor of analysis - highrank areas may be those that simply are very cheap. For this reason, it would be wise to also do the no-cost biodiversity-only analysis for a comparison. These two analyses are in a sense at the ends of a spectrum of analyses in which cost is accounted for in differing degrees. The following study shows how the influence of cost in the analysis can be tuned. Leathwick, J. R., Moilanen, A., Francis, M., Elith, J., Taylor, P. Julian, K. and T. Hastie. 2008. Novel methods for the design and evaluation of marine protected areas in offshore waters. Conservation Letters 1: 91102. It is also possible to account for multiple opportunity costs: see Moilanen, A., B.J. Anderson, F. Eigenbrod, A. Heinemeyer, D. B. Roy, S. Gillings, P. R. Armsworth, K. J. Gaston, and C.D. Thomas. 2011. Balancing alternative land uses in conservation prioritization. Ecological Applications, , 21: 1419-1426 Q1.4 Can Zonation be used for targeting of habitat maintenance or restoration? What is the interpretation of the input data in this case? Yes it can. Protected or not, maintained or not, restored or not – these are all based on binary choice. Something is done at a location or not. For example, if you have one restoration action available, your inputs would be (i) a cost layer for restoration cost across the landscape (or across locations that could be restored), (ii) occurrence level maps for features assuming conservation action is taken. Then the top fraction of the solution is the areas that should be restored. Note that allocation of multiple alternative actions is a different question about which there are comments in another question (Q11). 2 Thomson, J.R., Moilanen, A., McNally, R., and P. Vesk. 2009. A quantitative method for prioritizing landscape revegetation. Ecological Applications, 19: 817-828. An alternative is to enter extra information (feature layers) about the feasibility and costs of conservation management, see Moilanen, A., J.R. Leathwick, and J. M. Quinn. 2011b. Spatial prioritization of conservation management. Conservation letters, 4, 383-393. Questions 2. Selecting best areas for competing (economic) land-uses. Q2.1 How can one using Zonation select areas that are least useful for biodiversity (assuming the areas are lost due to economic activity). See answer to Q1.1. This is the same, except one chooses the areas with lowest ranks - these areas are least important in terms of biodiversity. Gordon, A., Simondson, D., White, M., Moilanen, A., and Bekessy, S.A. 2009. Integrating conservation planning and land-use planning in urban landscapes. Landscape and Urban Planning, 91: 183-194. Q2.2 Cost can be accounted for in this process. But, what if there are multiple costs, such as cost for agriculture, cost for forestry, etc. Can multiple costs be accounted for? Is there any problem with zv2 capabilities here? Multiple costs can be accounted for by summing them to a single layer. However, this has the problem that the true allocation of costs may be unbalanced inside the summed measure. Say, for example that conservation has costs to both forestry and agriculture. In a summed measure, all cost could for example occur for forestry. The potential for an unbalanced distribution of costs cannot be avoided when one cost measure only is used. But, happily, Zv3 allows for multiple alternative costs, see: Moilanen, A., B.J. Anderson, F. Eigenbrod, A. Heinemeyer, D. B. Roy, S. Gillings, P. R. Armsworth, K. J. Gaston, and C.D. Thomas. 2011. Balancing alternative land uses in conservation prioritization. Ecological Applications, , 21: 1419-1426 Suitability for alternative land uses can be entered into Zonation analysis as grids that work like a biodiversity feature layer – the only difference is that these layers are assigned negative weights (and inverted benefit functions, possibly different connectivity responses). This way, Zonation balances conservation value and value for other land uses in the prioritization. That is different from a cost-efficiency analysis which aims at maximizing conservation value per cost unit. Questions 3. Extending conservation area networks. Most real life planning situations are about extending an existing conservation area network. The analysis setup is for this problem is rather similar to that of selection of conservation areas, but there are a few complications. Q3.1. You have an existing conservation area network. Then there is data through the landscape. How would you select extensions to the network using Zonation? What relevant considerations and analysis features are there? How about connectivity in particular? 3 The key to designing extension of protected area networks in Zonation is that existing conservation areas are “masked in”, meaning that they are forced to be in the top priority areas of the landscape. Then the next highest priority areas are the proposed extensions of the network. A mask file needs to be produced and used to implement this analysis. Deciding how connectivity should be handled is the more complicated bit of this analysis. One could wish internal connectivity for conservation areas. One could also wish that extensions should be well-connected to existing conservation areas, which may need to act as colonization source areas. See Lehtomäki et al. for an example of such a setup. Kremen, C., A. Cameron, A. Moilanen, S. Phillips, C. D. Thomas, H. Beentje, J. Dransfeld, B. L. Fisher, F. Glaw, T. Good, G. Harper, R.J. Hijmans, D. C. Lees, E. Louis Jr., R. A. Nussbaum, C. Raxworthy, A. Razafimpahanana, G. Schatz, M. Vences, D. R. Vieites, P. C. Wright , M. L.Zjhra. 2008. Aligning conservation priorities across taxa in Madagascar, a biodiversity hotspot, with high-resolution planning tools. Science 320: 222-226. Lehtomäki, J., Tomppo, E., Kuokkanen, P. Hanski, I., and A. Moilanen. 2009. Planning of forest conservation areas using high-resolution GIS data and software for spatial conservation prioritization. Forest Ecology and Management, 258: 2439-2449. Questions 4. How about evaluating proposed conservation areas, or areas that will be set outside of conservation use. This is one common analysis type. Q4.1. Someone has proposed a set of areas as the extension of the protected area network. Can you evaluate the quality of these extensions with Zonation? This is done using the technique of replacement cost. Replacement cost measures the inevitable loss of conservation value due to restrictions placed on the solution. It is measured as (conservation value of ideal unrestricted solution) - (conservation value of solution that has been restricted due to non-ecological reasons). When evaluating proposed conservation areas, both existing and proposed areas are masked in. Say for example, that these total 12% of the landscape. Then compare the quality of the restricted solution to the quality of the unrestricted (no masked) solution at a 12% top fraction of the landscape. The difference between performance curves tells the story. Leathwick, J. R., Moilanen, A., Francis, M., Elith, J., Taylor, P. Julian, K. and T. Hastie. 2008. Novel methods for the design and evaluation of marine protected areas in offshore waters. Conservation Letters 1: 91102. Cabeza, M. and A. Moilanen. 2006. Replacement cost: a useful measure of site value for conservation planning. Biological Conservation 132: 336-342. Moilanen, A., A. Arponen, J. Stokland and M. Cabeza. 2009. Assessing replacement cost of conservation areas: how does habitat loss influence priorities? Biological Conservation, 142: 575-585. Areas removed from conservation can likewise be evaluated using the mask file, but in this case forcibly excluding areas from the start. Questions 5. About connectivity. 4 Connectivity can be very important in prioritization. Different connectivity methods and analyses are covered in the Z manual and publications. This topic is not closed - new setups or new connectivity features might be discovered and implemented into Z. Q.5.1 Make a list of connectivity features of Zonation. How can these features be used in the selection of conservation areas or areas for development? The list of connectivity features in Zonation includes Method Edge removal Structural or species-specific structural Summary & primary references Removal only from the edges. Indirectly favors maintaining areas structurally connected. Usually small influence on solution, but speeds up calculations significantly. Moilanen, A., Franco, A.M.A., Early, R., Fox, R., Wintle, B., and C.D. Thomas. 2005. Prioritising multiple-use landscapes for conservation: methods for large multi-species planning problems. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B Biol. Sci., 272: 1885-1891. Boundary length penalty structural Results in shorter edge length of remaining areas. Useful for administrative purposes to reduce fragmentation. Moilanen, A. and B. A. Wintle. 2007. The boundary quality penalty - a quantitative method for approximating species responses to fragmentation in reserve selection. Conservation Biology, 21: 355364. Distribution smoothing Species-specific A kernel-type (metapopulation) connectivity calculation. A parameter sets the species-specific relevant scale. Transforms raw habitat layer to connectivity layer. Moilanen, A., Franco, A.M.A., Early, R., Fox, R., Wintle, B., and C.D. Thomas. 2005. Prioritising multiple-use landscapes for conservation: methods for large multi-species planning problems. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B Biol. Sci., 272: 1885-1891. Moilanen, A. and B.A. Wintle. 2006. Uncertainty analysis favours selection of spatially aggregated reserve structures. Biological Conservation, 129: 427-434. Boundary quality penalty, BQP. Species-specific More mechanistic form of connectivity where both radius of effect and connectivity response function can be entered, per species or per species group. Doubles memory usage. Moilanen, A. and B. A. Wintle. 2007. The boundary quality penalty - a quantitative method for approximating species responses to fragmentation in reserve selection. Conservation Biology, 21: 355364. Neighborhood quality penalty, NQP. Species-specific, operates on linked planning units Generalization of BQP, suitable for, e.g., freshwater environments with directional connectivity between planning units (catchments). Moilanen, A., Leathwick, J.R., and J. Elith. 2008a. A method for freshwater conservation prioritization. Freshwater Biology, 53: 577-592. 5 Interaction connectivity Between two species or more generally, two distributions Leathwick, J.R., A. Moilanen, S. Ferrier and K. Julian. 2010. Community-based conservation prioritization using a community classification, and its application to riverine ecosystems. Biological Conservation, 143: 984-991. Kernel-type connectivity between two distributions. Those areas become emphasized that are best connected. A negative variant of this connectivity variant de-emphasizes areas that are connected - this could be relevant for example to avoid pollution or to avoid locations where invasive species can spread to. Rayfield, B., Moilanen, A. and M.-J. Fortin. 2009. Incorporating consumer-resource spatial interactions in reserve design. Ecological Modelling, 220: 725-733. Carroll, C., Moilanen, A., and J. Dunk. 2010. Optimizing resilience of reserve networks to climate change: multispecies conservation planning in the Pacific North-West USA. Global Change Biology, 16: 891-904 Matrix connectivity Many to one, feature-specific connectivity Generalization of interaction connectivity, where many features (habitat types) influence the connectivity of the focal feature. For example, different forest types would all influence each other's connectivity to a variable degree. Lehtomäki, J., Tomppo, E., Kuokkanen, P. Hanski, I., and A. Moilanen. 2009. Planning of forest conservation areas using high-resolution GIS data and software for spatial conservation prioritization. Forest Ecology and Management, 258: 2439-2449. Different connectivity components can typically be combined, although in the case of multiple transforms, one has to carefully track what happens to each input layer. Of the methods above, BQP and NQP have the property that they increase both memory usage and computation time substantially. Note that multiple connectivity transforms can be entered per species. For example Rayfield et al. (2009) used raw habitat, home-range scale connectivity and population level connectivity for the same species. Questions 6. About uncertain inputs. Q6.1. Make a list of different uncertainties/inaccuracies you can imagine there would be in data and parameters. Inaccuracy about - where the species occur - what is the density of the species at a location - what is the distribution of the feature in the future (after habitat loss, climate change, restoration activity etc.) - inaccuracy about the past distribution of the species (could influence species weighting) - inaccuracy about the taxonomic status of the species (could influence species weighting) - inaccuracy about the shape of the dispersal kernel of the species - uncertain land cost, or cost of conservation at a location - uncertainty of threats - the list goes on endlessly 6 Q6.2 How can uncertainties be accounted for in Zonation? Hint: there are specific techniques in Zonation, but one can play with inputs as well. (i) Distribution discounting is a species-specific uncertainty method. The importance of locations with comparatively large uncertainty in the prediction becomes reduced (discounted). Requires a set of uncertainty layers for species (features). Moilanen, A., B.A. Wintle., J. Elith and M. Burgman. 2006a. Uncertainty analysis for regional-scale reserve selection. Conservation Biology 20: 1688-1697. Moilanen, A., M. Runge, J. Elith, A. Tyre, Y. Carmel, E. Fegraus, B. Wintle, M. Burgman and Y. Ben-Haim. 2006b. Planning for robust reserve networks using uncertainty analysis. Ecological Modelling, 119: 115-124. (ii) Weights. A feature with large uncertainty can be given a reduced weight in analysis, due to the comparative unreliability of the information. Carroll, C., Moilanen, A., and J. Dunk. 2010. Optimizing resilience of reserve networks to climate change: multispecies conservation planning in the Pacific North-West USA. Global Change Biology, 16: 891-904. (iii) Multiple inputs can be entered for each feature; these could for example represent multiple different predictions for the distribution of the species. (iv) Sensitivity analysis is possible by entering different variants of the input data layers (as one can do for practically any analysis). Questions 7. What if the unit of biodiversity is community type? Quantitative conservation planning often considers species as a unit of biodiversity. However, it is often practical to use something else, such as community type or habitat type. Q7.1. What benefits can you think of for using species as units of biodiversity? What kind of problems could one face with the species-based approach? What benefits and problems do you think are related to the community-based approach? Benefits of the species approach: (i) easy to understand (ii) lots of ecological detail about species can be accounted for (iii) connectivity is relatively easy to understand from the species perspective Problems of the species approach: (i) distributions of most species are not well understood and data on many species is simply missing, especially in the tropics (ii) operating on many poor-quality distribution models is statistically risky and unstable (iii) extensive surveys can be very expensive (iv) use of surrogates is necessary, although their effectiveness is uncertain Benefits of the community/ecosystem approach: (i) data is more easily available than for individual species (ii) concepts such as landscape condition and retention are more naturally incorporated to the community approach Problems of the community/ecosystem approach: (i) connectivity is not easily defined in the community context (ii) one can argue that protecting communities ignores individual species and adequate conservation cannot be guaranteed for all species (iii) modelling and valuing community turnover (similarity) is somewhat complicated (iv) the analysis is done at a higher level of abstraction, making the approach less easy to relate to. 7 Q7.2. How would you set up a Zonation analysis based on community types? Do you need any special input data? Can you account for species richness in such an analysis? For a community level analysis, you need to classify the landscape into different communities. For a community level analysis, you then need a community similarity matrix assigning a similarity value to all possible pairs of community types. The matrix can be compiled, for example, utilizing a generalized dissimilarity model (GDM; see Ferrier 2002). The matrix can be compiled, for example, in R with the package 'gdm' A meaningful method for assigning weights to community types is to weigh them by their species richness. Weights are assigned in the first column of the biodiversity feature list file. Ferrier, S. 2002. Mapping spatial pattern in regional conservation planning: where to go from here? Systematic Biology 51: 331-363. Leathwick, J.R., A. Moilanen, S. Ferrier and K. Julian. 2010. Community-based conservation prioritization using a community classification, and its application to riverine ecosystems. Biological Conservation, 143: 984-991. (NB. Leathwick et al. did not use similarity expansion of Zonation v.3.0., but pre-processed data using GIS and R. Following their protocol, it is possible to use the technique also with Zonation v.2.0.) Lehtomäki, J., Tomppo, E., Kuokkanen, P. Hanski, I., and A. Moilanen. 2009. Planning of forest conservation areas using high-resolution GIS data and software for spatial conservation prioritization. Forest Ecology and Management, 258: 2439-2449. Questions 8. Balancing representation in protected areas and retention in the full landscape In conservation planning analyses, it is often assumed that no biodiversity value will remain in the landscape matrix outside protected areas. In Zonation v3, it is possible to account for likely retention of biodiversity value outside protected areas. Q8.1. Can you come up with arguments to justify accounting for representation in protected areas only in a conservation prioritization analysis? What about arguments to justify including retention in the whole landscape? Why is the balance important? Reasons for using representation only (i) Considering only protected areas is less uncertain than predicting the development across an entire landscape (ii) In regions where pressure for land conversion is high, assuming that the surrounding landscape contribute nothing to overall biodiversity value may actually be a realistic assumption Reasons for including retention in the analysis (i) In most situations, habitats and conservation value are retained in the landscape even if they are not protected (ii) Allows identification of areas where protection or other conservation action would make most difference and areas where action would not affect much the biodiversity, which helps to plan conservation more cost-effectively Balance between representation and retention: Most often one would like to account for both representation in the protected area network and retention across the entire landscape. Use of only representation can hamper effective conservation, as some biodiversity features are likely to be well retained also in non-protected areas. Then again, relying only on retention is risky, as high uncertainty is inherent in assumptions about threat and loss of habitat. The relative weighting of these sets of layers will determine how much emphasis is placed on representation and how much on retention. A high weight on retention layers means that emphasis is placed on 8 locations where conservation action can make a difference. A high weight on representation means emphasis on locations where rarity and richness of features is highest based on known data. Moilanen, A., J.R. Leathwick, and J. M. Quinn. 2011b. Spatial prioritization of conservation management. Conservation letters, 4, 383-393. Q8.2. Imagine you have two species, A and B. Species A is common in the region, but very sensitive to disturbance and is likely to persist only in a reserve. Species B is not very widespread, but its habitat is likely to remain all over the landscape even without protection. How would you think Zonation would treat the two species if only representation was accounted for? How would the situation change if you would include retention as well? Using only representation, Zonation would prioritize a higher proportion of species B distribution. When retention is included, the difference made with conservation action for species B is low, so action is directed more towards species A. The result would depend on how much weight is given to retention in the analysis. Questions 9. Dynamic landscapes and climate change So far, analyses we have discussed have been about static landscapes - you feed in distributions that are implicitly assumed to be static. However, landscapes may be dynamic due to natural succession or human activity. Is this a problem? Climate change is the second major threat for biodiversity, in addition to habitat loss and fragmentation. One would wish to account for climate change in prioritization, but it is obviously not very easy to do so. Q9.1. How could dynamic landscapes be accounted for in Zonation? What kinds of issues are related to or pronounced when considering dynamic landscapes? One can simply enter predictions for the same feature at different time steps, like now, ten years from now, 30 years from now, etc. Then the Zonation solution becomes such that different features are represented in a balanced manner at all time steps. Interaction connectivity can be used to link distributions at different time steps. Thus, a dynamic landscape can be “faked” in the analysis. Carroll, C., Moilanen, A., and J. Dunk. 2010. Optimizing resilience of reserve networks to climate change: multispecies conservation planning in the Pacific North-West USA. Global Change Biology, 16: 891-904. Rayfield, B., Moilanen, A. and M.-J. Fortin. 2009. Incorporating consumer-resource spatial interactions in reserve design. Ecological Modelling, 220: 725-733. Thomson, J.R., Moilanen, A., McNally, R., and P. Vesk. 2009. A quantitative method for prioritizing landscape revegetation. Ecological Applications, 19: 817-828. Issues: (i) The cost is increased memory requirements because multiple distributions and possibly connectivity distributions are entered per species (ii) Requires quantitative estimates of habitat quality development, which makes the analysis data intensive and complicated to set up (iii) Uncertainty about habitat development in both space and time Q9.2. Make a list of relevant considerations when trying to plan for climate change. What can be accounted for in the context of Zonation? 9 Climate change is a challenge for conservation planning. There are major uncertainties about the magnitude of climate change and what happens to species and habitats following climate change. At a more mechanistic level, there are uncertainties about the local persistence of species, and their ability to migrate to and establish at other locations further away. There are uncertainties about local adaptation, evolution, species interactions, changes in community structure, and the list goes on. Carrol et al. (2010) describes a method that can be used in the context of climate change in Zonation. The components it includes are (i) Multiple distributions per species to account for the predicted time-evolution of the distributions following climate change (ii) Distribution discounting to emphasize locations for which predictions are more certain (iii) Lower weights given to more speculative information. Future time steps and connectivity distributions are taken as less reliable than the present distribution of the species. Carroll, C., Moilanen, A., and J. Dunk. 2010. Optimizing resilience of reserve networks to climate change: multispecies conservation planning in the Pacific North-West USA. Global Change Biology, 16: 891-904. Moilanen, A. and B.A. Wintle. 2006. Uncertainty analysis favours selection of spatially aggregated reserve structures. Biological Conservation, 129: 427-434. Hodgson, J., C.D. Thomas, B.A. Wintle and A. Moilanen. 2009. Climate change, connectivity and conservation decision making - back to basics. Journal of Applied Ecology, 46: 964-969. Hodgson, J., Moilanen, A., Wintle, B.A., and C. D. Thomas. 2011. Habitat area, quality and connectivity: striking the balance for efficient conservation. J. Applied Ecology, 48:148-152. Questions 10. Planning for habitat maintenance or restoration. So far we have been primarily discussing habitat protection. Habitat maintenance or restoration are other common forms of conservation action. Can these be allocated using Zonation? Q10.1. If you have one maintenance action or one restoration action, what then? Enter the distributions of features as they would be if the entire landscape was restored. Then the top priority areas are the ones that should become restored. One can also develop separate GIS layers representing the feasibility and relevance of restoration at different locations. These layers and respective cost layers can be entered as features into the prioritization analysis. Q10.2. Restoration does not typically happen instantaneously. How can one account for the time development of conservation features? As with dynamic landscapes or climate change: enter predictions for multiple time steps following restoration action. Interaction connectivity can be used to link time steps. See Thomson et al. for an example, which however does not utilize interaction connectivity. Thomson, J.R., Moilanen, A., McNally, R., and P. Vesk. 2009. A quantitative method for prioritizing landscape revegetation. Ecological Applications, 19: 817-828. Q10.3. Think about restoration more - it can actually be quite complicated. What complications can you think of? Well, at least there can be multiple alternative restoration actions that have different costs and different consequences for different species. Zonation is not ideally suited for allocation of multiple actions. However, at least the following is possible: 10 Generate alternative scenarios, where different actions are applied in different parts of the landscape, and costs are set correspondingly. Then run Zonation - this will answer the question, “where restoration should be done under each particular scenario”. There is a further complication here in that Zonation operates on fractions of distributions, where total distribution of each feature is normalized to sum to 1.0 (after which the number in the cell is the fraction of the distribution in the cell). However, in restoration one is interested about the development of features in absolute terms. This information can also be obtained from Zonation; fractions of distributions can be multiplied with total predicted population size, which is computed from input distributions and output in the curves file. See Thomson et al. (2009) again. Question 11. What about analysis size? One Mb, one megabyte is one million, 1000000 bytes. 1Gb is 1000 Mb. Storing one number, like the occupancy level of a species in a cell, requires 4 bytes. The 32 bit windows environment can use 2GB of RAM memory (or 3GB, with a particular environment switch enabled). Some memory, like 200MB, should be counted for the operating system and other internal Zonation data. [The amount of free RAM memory can be checked from the task manager btw.] Q11.1. Assume you have a 1000 x 2000 cells landscape, of which 75% is “land” or effective cells. (The rest 25% is missing data such as water or outside of the country.) How many features or species can you include for analysis on a PC with a few GB of RAM memory? What is the effect of having both a raw habitat quality layer and a connectivity layer for each species? 1000x2000 = 2M elements (grid cells). 2M elements is 2Mx4 bytes = 8Mb. 75% of area contains data => the layer for one feature is 0.75*8Mb=6Mb. Suppose that there are 2Gb ≈ 2000Mb of memory available (maybe your machine has 4 GB but half of it could be used by other software). Count some off for the operating system and as internal data structured of Zonation, say that you have 1800Mb available. 1800/6=300. The answer is, approximately 300 features can be used. If you are keeping many programs open, this number will go down. In Windows, you can open the task manager to check how much memory Zonation uses. Make sure there is sufficient RAM. If task manager indicates that RAM has run out and the virtual memory is used, then computations will become untenably slow. If both a connectivity layer and raw habitat layer is used for each species, then the number of species that can be analyzed is halved. Including connectivity calculations to the analysis, especially BQP or NQP, further reduce the number features that can be used. 2GB memory is actually the maximum limit that applies to 32 bit programs. Zonation v3.1 and later is a 64 bit application and can use in principle as much RAM memory as available (as long as you use the 64 bits version of Zonation). For example if your machine has 6GB of memory available you can process approximately 3 times more features. This means that RAM memory size no longer is a major limitation. For very large landscapes the Zonation process run time is most likely to become the factor limiting analysis size in practice. Q11.2. Point distribution data. This data is stored as a list of (location, occurrence) pairs, not as grids. How much extra memory would be needed for 1000 species with an average of 50 occurrence locations per species. What is the conclusion here? (Note: penalty is that connectivity does not operate on point distribution species.) 1000 (spp) x 50 (observation) x 3 (data elements, x, y, size) x 4bytes = 600 000 bytes = 0.6MB. Entering species as point distributions uses next to nothing as memory. The penalty is that most connectivity features do not operate on point distribution data. Locations with point occurrences are likely to be retained rather late in the prioritization. Connectivity requirements set for map species may cause the solution to somewhat become built around the locations with point distributions data for rare features. Kremen, C., A. Cameron, A. Moilanen, S. Phillips, C. D. Thomas, H. Beentje, J. Dransfeld, B. L. Fisher, F. Glaw, T. Good, G. Harper, R.J. Hijmans, D. C. Lees, E. Louis Jr., R. A. Nussbaum, C. Raxworthy, A. 11 Razafimpahanana, G. Schatz, M. Vences, D. R. Vieites, P. C. Wright , M. L.Zjhra. 2008. Aligning conservation priorities across taxa in Madagascar, a biodiversity hotspot, with high-resolution planning tools. Science 320: 222-226. Questions 12. Analysis across multiple administrative regions Q12.1. Why would conservation planning processes benefit from an approach that accounts for local as well as global conservation priority setting? Conservation decisions are usually taken at national or regional levels, or even at the scale of individual land parcels. Distributions of species and other biodiversity features are spread over multiple such administrative units. Population dynamics and connectivity effects do not respect such administrative borders but extend across them. It is therefore reasonable that the global conservation status of a biodiversity feature should influence its conservation locally. Q12.3. Compare strong and weak local weights. What are the differences? When would you prefer weak local weights? What about strong local weights? It is possible to account for variable local and global priorities in the Zonation analysis via locally variable weights that are assigned to species or other biodiversity features. There are two alternative methods for doing so. The first relies on what we call weak local representation. The emphasis with this approach is in global representation with locally varying weights; it allows a degree of flexibility between what features are represented in which administrative regions. This approach would make sense in a planning process that spans over multiple regions. The second option, strong local representation, requires all features to be represented separately in each administrative region, when at all possible. This is irrespective of how the local abundance of the feature compares to global abundance. Moilanen, A. and A. Arponen. Administrative regions in conservation: balancing local and global priorities in spatial planning. Biological Conservation, 144: 1719-1725. Moilanen, A., Anderson, B.J., Arponen, A., Pouzols, F.M., and C.D. Thomas. 2013. Edge artefacts and lost performance in national versus continental conservation priority areas. Diversity and Distributions, 2012: 1-13. Question 13. Think about analyses that you think Zonation would not be best suited for. (i) Zonation is a relatively high-level statistical-like approach that operates on distributions that have been input as grids (raster maps). It is not a replacement for a very detailed single-species spatial PVA with lots of biological realism implemented in a stochastic dynamic model (like RAMAS). Nevertheless, for single-species Zonation analyses see: Rayfield, B., Moilanen, A. and M.-J. Fortin. 2009. Incorporating consumer-resource spatial interactions in reserve design. Ecological Modelling, 220: 725-733. Sirkiä, S., Lehtomäki, J., Lindén,H., Tomppo, E. and A Moilanen. 2013. Spatial conservation prioritization of capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) lekking landscapes in South-Central Finland. Wildlife Biology, in press. (ii) Zonation is not ideally suited for the allocation of multiple alternative conservation actions, although a staged scenario analysis could probably be devised. (One in which actions are sequentially allocated one at a time, using the result of the previous analysis as a starting point. There is no reference to this kind of a setup available.) (See MARXAN with zones.) 12 (iii) Computation times become a problem with BQP when the landscape is a few million elements. Otherwise Zonation 3 can go up to some tens of millions of elements in analysis. (iv) In sequential planning (or dynamic site selection, scheduling) the aim is to find actions that are good ones to take, acknowledging that the landscape is dynamic, and that sites are becoming lost or available for conservation in a stochastic manner. [Moilanen, A. and M. Cabeza. 2007. Accounting for habitat loss rates in sequential reserve selection: simple methods for large problems. Biological Conservation, 136: 470-482.] Zonation is not directly intended for such analysis, although someone might be able to come up with an imaginative analysis setup that allows for a reasonable approximation. The capabilities of Zonation v3 may become useful here. For other another approach and software to conservation resource allocation, see the RobOff sofware, which focuses on the uncertain effects of multiple conservation actions (over time). This approach is relevant for example when considering allocation to alternative habitat restoration options, or, as a more complicated case, for design of compensation measures (offsets) for environmental damage caused by development. Pouzols, F.M. and A. Moilanen. 2013. RobOff: software for analysis of alternative land-use options and conservation actions. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 4:426-432 Pouzols, F.M., Burgman, M.A., and A. Moilanen. 2012. Methods for allocation of habitat management, maintenance, restoration and offsetting, when conservation actions have uncertain consequences. Biological Conservation, 153: 41-50. 13