Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University AAS Bulletin for Ananthapuramu district Gramin Krishi Mousam Sewa Project AMFU, Agricultural Research Station, Ananthapuramu Bulletin No : 84 Period: 21.10.2015 to 25.10.2015 ISSUED ON 20.10.2015 Weather and Crop condition during last five days (15.10.2015 to 20.10.2015) Weather Light rainfall recorded in almost all over the district since four days. Rainfall Temperature The maximum temperatures ranged between 33.4 – 348.0c and minimum temperatures ranged between 20.0-23.80C. Relative Humidity Wind speed Sunshine Morning and afternoon relative humidity ranged between 80-90% and 31-45%, respectively. Wind speed ranges from 02.1-04.4 kmph in the past 5days. Sunshine hours ranged from 09.4-10.3 hours in the past 5 days. Crop condition: Crop is under good condition Weather forecast for next five days for Anantapuram district Rainfall (mm) Max Temperature (deg C) Min Temperature (deg C) Total cloud cover (octa) Max Relative Humidity (%) Min Relative Humidity (%) Wind speed (kmph) Wind direction (deg) 21/10 0 35 24 4 88 54 10 140 22/10 0 33 23 3 82 50 10 140 23/10 3 32 22 3 72 46 8 160 24/10 2 31 21 4 76 42 6 160 Forecast of light rainfall (2-5 mm) during next coming 5 days in the district. Maximum 25/10 5 33 23 3 78 46 10 160 temperature ranges from 31-35 c, minimum temperature ranges from 21-24oc. Relative humidity in the morning ranges from 7288 and in the night 42-54. Wind speed 6-10 Sky will be cloudy. Groundnut Redgram Castor Cotton Paddy Pod development to Maturity Vegetative to Pod formation stages 1st Picking to second picking Boll formation Tillering Safflower Sowing Agro meteorological advisory for Ananthapuramu district Agro advisories Crop Bengalgram Bengal gram Maturity and Sowing Harvesting Korra ( RABI) in black soils Farmers are advised to prepare land with MB plough and gorru to get fine tilth by utilizing the present soil moisture received from recent rains. Optimum sowing time: I FN of Oct-II FN of Nov. Seed rate: 30-35 kg/acre for desi varieties and for kabuli varities 40-45 kg/acre is recommended. Spacing: 30 x10 cm. Seed treatment with Trichoderma viridae @4 gm per kg of seed to avoid wilt and root rot diseases. Seed treatment with mancozeb@3 gm/kg of seed. Spraying of the pre emergence herbicide Pendimethalin @ 1-1.5 lit/acre is recommended with in the 24-48 hrs after sowing Groundnut (Rabi) Farmers are advised to go for the preparatory cultivation those who plan for the sowing of the groundnut (Rabi- under assured irrigation). Farmers are advised to go for One deep ploughing with MB plough with two ploughings with gorru for preparing fine tilth seed bed. Safflower (Rabi) in black soils Farmers are advised to go for the safflower sowing of safflower in the black soils of the Anantapuramu district. Spacing : 45 X 20 cm Seed rate : 4 kr/acre for sole crop Leaf folder incidence noticed in few parts of the district. For the control spraying of Chloropyriphos @ 2.5ml/lit or Acephate @ 1.5 g/lit is recommended. Paddy Redgram Flowering is initiated in certain short duration redgram varieties. Helicoverpa incidence was noticed in few parts of the district. In the initial stage of egg stage for the control, spraying of NSKE @ 5ml/lit is recommended. If the crop is at flower bud stage, spraying of chloropyriphos @2.5 ml/lit is recommended. If the crop is at the flowering stage, spraying of quinolphos @ 2ml/lit or Acephate 1.5 g/lit is recommended. Plants infected with sterility mosaic virus should be removed. Prevailing climate may cause the blue tongue disease in the sheep and goats. Farmers are advised to vaccinate the animals. Live stock Y.Pavan Kumar Reddy, Scientist (Agronomy),ARS, Ananthapuramu Dr.B.Saha Deva Reddy, Chief Scientist ,Head and Nodal Officer I/c, ARS, Ananthapuramu GKMS Project, AMFU,ARS, DCMS Buildings, Kamalanagar,Anantapuram-515 001 Phone: 08554-200474;Fax: 08554-237273; E-mail:,,,