World History I - International School of Sosua

World History I- Prehistory to the Present
Instructor: Elizabeth Van Pilsum
Textbook: World History and Geography, McGraw Hill 2014
Themes and Concepts:
-Culture; behaviors, beliefs, values, language, arts and institutions
-Change over time and continuities and changes; era, chronology, conflict
-People, Places and Environments; interactions between humans and
environment, cultural diffusion of customs and beliefs, seasons and climate
-Individual Development and Identity; complex interactions among
individuals, groups cultures and civilizations
-Groups and Institutions; gender roles, status, race, ethnicity
-Power, Authority and Governance; governments and law codes
-Technology; Inventions and Innovations, cultural diffusion of inventions
-Global Connections; positive and negative interactions among peoples and
civilizations, global organizations
Chapter 1-Prehistory-2300 B.C.E. The Early Humans, Paleolithic vs Neolithic Age
and the Rise of the First Civilization in Mesopotamia
Essential Questions: What do archaeology and anthropology teach us about
prehistoric humans? What is a civilization and how does it form?
Chapter 2-The Spread of Civilization 3100-200 B.C.E. The first civilizations in Egypt,
Eastern Mediterranean, Indus Valley, China and the Americas.
Essential Questions: How does geography affect the development of civilizations? In
what ways do civilizations influence each other?
Chapter 3-Early Empires of the Ancient Near East 2300-300 B.C.E. Akkad, Babylon,
Egypt, Kush, Assyria and Persian Empire
Essential Questions: How were empires of the ancient Near East governed? How do
empires rise, how are they maintained and what causes them to fall?
Chapter 4- Ancient Greece 1600-133 B.C.E. Greek city-states, Sparta and Athens,
Classical Greece and the Hellenistic Era.
Essential Questions: How can geography influence political organization? How can
cultural and political differences lead to conflict and change?
Chapter 5- India’s First Empires 1500 B.C.E- 500 C.E. Origins of Hinduism and
Buddhism, Mauryans and Guptas.
Essential Questions: How was early Indian culture influenced by religion and social
structure? How did ideas and events during the Mauryan and Gupta Empires affect
Indian’s development?
Chapter 6- First Chinese Empire 221 B.C.E-220 C.E. Confucius, Legalism, Daoism,
The Qin Dynasty and Han Dynasty.
Essential Questions: How can differing philosophies influence a culture? What factors
can help a dynasty stay in power?
Chapter 7- The Romans 600 B.C.E.- 500 C.E. Roman Republic to the Roman Empire.
Essential Questions: How do different types of political organizations emerge? How
can new ideas lead to social and political change?
Chapter 8- The Byzantine Empire 50 C.E.-800 C.E. Fall of Rome, Early Christians and
the Rise of Byzantine Empire.
Essential Questions: How can religion impact a culture? What factors lead to the rise
and fall of empires?
Chapter 9-The Rise of Islam and the Arab Empire 600-1400, The life and teachings
of Muhammad and Islamic Society.
Essential Questions: How can religion influence the development of an empire? How
might religious beliefs affect society, culture and politics?
Chapter 10-Medieval Kingdoms of Western and Eastern Europe-800-1300, Rise of
Feudalism, High Middle Age, Holy Roman Empire and the Mongols in Russia.
Essential Questions: How can changes to political systems impact economic activities?
How is society influenced by changes in political and economic systems?
Chapter 11-Civilizations of East Asia 220-1500, Sui, Tang and Song Dynasties and
the Invasions of the Mongols. Early Japan, Korea, The Guptas in India and Kingdoms
in Southeast Asia.
Essential Questions: What qualities define power struggles and stable periods of rule?
How can invasion change the lives of people in conquered lands?
Chapter 12-Crusades and Culture in the Middle Ages-1000-1500, Religion and the
Papacy, Crusades, Universities, the Black Death and Hundred Years War.
Essential Questions: How did the church influence political and cultural changes in
medieval Europe?
How did both innovations and disruptive forces affect people during the Middle Ages?
Chapter 13-The Kingdoms and States of Medieval Africa-500-1500, African Society,
Religion and the Kingdoms Mali, Songhai and Great Zimbabwe.
Essential Question: How did geography affect society, culture and trade in Medieval
Chapter 14-Pre-Columbian America 300-1550, North American Natives, The Maya,
Toltec, Aztec and Inca.
Essential Questions: In what ways were civilizations in early Mesoamerica and South
America complex?
How were civilizations in early Mesoamerica and South America influenced by
previous cultures?
Chapter 15-The Renaissance in Europe-1350-1600, Renaissance Humanism, Art
and Education.
Essential Questions: How can trade lead to economic prosperity and political power?
How can ideas be reflected in art, sculpture and architecture?
Chapter 16-The Reformation in Europe-1517-1600, Luther, Protestantism and the
Counter Reformation.
Essential Questions: What conditions can encourage the desire for reform?
How did the Reformations influence European society and beliefs?
Chapter 17-The Age of Exploration-1500-1800, Spanish Empire, Rivals, Columbus
and the Columbian Exchange. Conquest and the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade
Essential Questions: What different motivations caused Europeans to explore and
What were the effects of this age of exploration and expansion both on Europeans and
on the peoples they encountered?
Chapter 18-Conflict and Absolutism in Europe-1550-1715, Wars of Religion, the
Thirty Years War, Glorious Revolution and Peter the Great in Russia
Essential Questions: What effect might social, economic and religious conflicts have on
a country?
How would the exercise of absolute power affect a country?
Chapter 19-The Muslim Empires-1450-1800, The Ottomans, Safavids and Mogul
Essential Questions: What factors helped to unify the varying Muslim Empires?
What characteristics did they have in common and in what ways were they different?
Chapter 20-The World of East Asia-1400-1800, Ming and Qing Dynasties and the
Arrival of Europeans-The Opium Wars. Tokugawa Japan.
Essential Questions: What factors helped unify China under the Ming and Qing?
How did Japan change socially with the unification under the Tokugawa Shogunate?
Chapter 21-The Age of Enlightenment and Scientific Revolution 1550-1800, The
Philosophes, Scientific Discoveries, Seven Years’ War and The American Revolution.
Essential Question: How did the new ideas and discoveries of the Enlightenment and
Scientific Revolution spark change and even revolution?
Chapter 22-The French Revolution and Rise of Napoleon-1789-1815.
Essential Questions: What were the main causes of the French Revolution?
How did the French Revolution change society in France?
Chapter 23-Industrialization and Nationalism-1800-1870, Social Impact of
Industrialization. Revolutions in Europe and Latin America. Unification of Germany
and Italy.
Essential Questions: How can innovations affect daily lives?
How does revolution bring about political and economic change?
Chapter 24-Mass Society and Democracy-1870-1914, New Urban Environment,
Women’s Suffrage and International Rivalries.
Essential Questions: How can industrialization affect a country’s economy?
How are political and social structures influenced by economic changes?
Chapter 25-The Age of Imperialism-1800-1914, Colonial Rule in Southeast Asia,
India and Africa. Imperialism in Latin America, Effects of Imperialism and the Rise of
Essential Questions: What are the causes and effects of Imperialism?
How do some groups resist control by others?
Chapter 26-Challenge and Transition in East Asia-1800-1914, Opium War, Boxer
Rebellion and the Fall of the Qing. Meiji Restoration and Japanese Expansion.
Essential Questions: How can new ideas accelerate economic and political changes?
How do cultures influence each other?
Chapter 27-World War I and the Russian Revolution-1914-1919, Causes and
Outcomes of the First World War, Russian Revolution and Treaties.
Essential Questions: What were the causes and outcomes of the first World War?
What sparked revolution in Russia?
How can technology impact war?
Chapter 28-The Years Between the Wars-1919-1939, An Age of Anxiety, The Great
Depression and the Rise of Fascism and Stalin.
Essential Questions: What factors caused the collapse of the economy in 1929?
How might an economic crisis impact politics?
Chapter 29-Nationalism Around the World-1919-1939, Arab, African, Indian
Nationalism. Revolution and Communism in China. Authoritative Rule in Latin
Essential Questions: How can political control lead to nationalist movements?
How does economic exploitation lead to nationalist movements?
Chapter 30-World War II and the Holocaust-Hitler and Mussolini Violate the Treaty
of Versailles. Causes and Outcomes of the War and the Holocaust.
Essential Questions: Why do political actions often lead to war?
How does war impact individuals in society?
Chapter 31-The Cold War-1945-1989, Causes and Spread of the Cold War, Mao’s
China, Korean War, Cuban Missile Crisis and the Vietnam War.
Essential Questions: How does conflict in ideologies influence political
What role did the build up of arms play in the Cold War era?
Chapter 32-Independence and Nationalism in the Developing World-1945-1993,
India, Southeast Asia and Mandela in South Africa. Crisis in the Middle East. Latin
and South America.
Essential Questions: How can political change cause conflict?
How can political relationships affect economic relationships?
Chapter 33-Life During the Cold War-1945-1989, Postwar Soviet Union.
Essential Questions: How does war result in changes?
What challenges may countries face as a result of war?
Chapter 34-A New Era Begins-1989-Present, End of the Soviet Union, The Koreas,
Middle East, Africa and Latin America.
Essential Questions: What were the causes and outcomes of the fall of the Soviet
How can economic and social changes affect a country?
Chapter 35-Contemporary Global Issues-1989-Present, International
Organizations, Global Poverty, Civil Wars and Famine.
Essential Questions: What influences global political and economic relationships?
What are the major global concerns of today?
Students will be asked to read and analyze primary source documents as a supplement
to the textbook. Current events will also be incorporated into weekly study of material.
Late Policy: Students will be informed of specific assignments, projects and due
dates as needed. Assignments turned in after due date will be worth 50% of original
value. Grading will be on a straight point system with all types of assignments
and/or projects and exams being weighed evenly.
Discussion/Participation Points: Students will be awarded points for their
participation in small group, or large group discussions.