Emerging scientific challenges at the interface of surface and deep Earth processes: Part 1- Surface processes and hydrology needs over next 5-10 years Submitted by IRIS Grand Challenge Committee on Change and Interactions among Climate, Hydrology, Surface Processes and Tectonics Sridhar Anandakrishnan, Julie Elliott, Sean Gulick*, Eric Kirby*, Victor Tsai, Kelin Whipple (*Committee Co-chairs) Overview One of the most exciting developments of the past two decades in the Earth Sciences is the understanding that solid earth deformation is intimately coupled to, and influenced by, changes in surface boundary conditions. Increasingly, the community recognizes that the feedbacks among topography, climate and erosion govern the evolution of mountain belts over millennia. At much shorter timescales, the interactions among warming oceans, wave fields, glacial dynamics, and ice shelves threatens the stability of large portions of the polar ice caps. Seismological approaches hold great potential to address these, and other, aspects of how processes in the atmosphere, cryosphere and at the Earth’s surface are dynamically coupled to the solid Earth. Here, we briefly highlight a few of key scientific challenges facing the community in the next 5-10 years, offer suggestions for how GAGE and SAGE facilities may be poised to address these challenges, and highlight the need for partnership with other disciplines, agencies and organizations to craft integrated experiments that will allow us to successfully approach questions at the interface between the solid and fluid Earth. Scientific issues Surface processes and hydrology Characterizing the rates of sediment transport by near-surface processes such as landslides and as bedload in rivers is crucial for both our understanding of long-term erosion and for prevention of associated natural hazards. While other techniques exist for such monitoring, seismic monitoring is one of the few techniques that allow us to make measurements during the most extreme events, which are typically the most important both in terms of mass transport and hazards. We identify four specific research questions where high-resolution characterization of both seismic wavefields and acoustic noise in near surface environments will be critical in future studies of both local-scale process mechanics and their large-scale implications for the interactions among climate, topography, erosion, and deformation in the evolution of orogenic systems. 1. Quantifying the role of rock strength – the heterogeneity of material properties at and near the Earth’s surface fundamentally controls the detachment, weathering and transport of sediment. Yet, it is precisely this heterogeneity that foils most attempts to predict, with any certainty, rock strength from first principles. Fracture growth and propagation arising from climatic, topographic and biologic processes largely sets the rate at which rock is converted to regolith, determines the erodibility of bedrock channel floors, dictates the resultant caliber and size of sediment delivered to channel systems, and controls the stability of avalanche-prone mountain slopes. A combination of high-resolution studies focused at marrying field and lab characterization of seismic and acoustic properties of near-surface materials holds promise for quantitative analysis of rock mass quality at the scale of geomorphic processes. Likewise, although it is a challenge to fully instrument regions prone to mass wasting, targeting these areas with long-term seismic deployments will be necessary to accurately monitor fracture growth, landslide propensity, failure and runout. 2. Quantifying thresholds for transport and erosion in large floods – the acoustic signals generated by the mobile carpet of boulders, cobbles and gravels moving along the beds of river channels is a rapidly developing field. This work is poised to tackle one of the outstanding questions in sediment transport – what proportion of long-term sediment transport is accomplished in extreme flood events. Measuring flux of bedload sediment is challenging even in the smallest streams, and we have almost no data on large floods in big rivers. Yet, theory and limited data set an expectation that the rate of transport should depend non-linearly on discharge in rivers. Although most seismic deployments avoid the “noise” of rivers, this property may hold the key to better understanding the role of transport thresholds during extreme events. 3. Measuring the variability of alluvial cover in rivers – the temporal and spatial variability of bedload serves a dual role modulating the efficiency of river incision. On one hand, the impact of sediment on the channel bed and banks that generates acoustic noise acts to enhance erosion. On the other, sufficiently thick sediment can “armor” channel beds and isolate them from impact-related damage and erosion. What little information we have on the spatial distribution of sediment in channels has come from shallow exploration geophysics; development of methods in combination with acoustic measures of transport rate holds future potential. 4. Understanding the controls on flood frequency – why are flood frequency curves so different in different environments? We now know that much of the non-linearity between uplift rate and topography (and thus key to all links between climate and tectonics, see orogenic systems below) is dictated by the variability of flooding. Runoff variability is strongly modulated by the filtering of precipitation input accomplished by soils, vegetation, and evapotranspiriation. Keys to understanding how the water cycle operates in the shallow subsurface requires imaging tools that resolve a wide range of length scales and measure a range of physical properties in order to uniquely map this complex region. Much current effort in this regard, including refraction, resistivity, and ground-penetrating radar, has been in association with the Critical Zone Observatories, and future connections to this NSF program are warranted. What is needed? •Enhanced facility for shallow subsurface geophysics The challenges associated with instrumental monitoring of floods and mass wasting events requires a large pool of inexpensive instruments. As suggested by other IRIS committees, the advent of lowpower, autonomous geophysical instruments appear to hold promise to open up the possibility of large arrays aimed at capturing these processes. NSF should invest in developing an instrument pool specifically tailored to imaging surface processes, perhaps coordinated with a modest RAMP-type package reserved for response to specific events. There appears to be a growing need for development of capabilities in exploration geophysical techniques as applied in the shallow Earth. Shallow seismic reflection/refraction remains a centerpiece of these needs, and the existing PASSCAL equipment serve this need. However, seismic techniques are increasingly coordinated with other geophysical techniques (GPR, self-potential, EM, LIDAR, ground-based SAR, etc.). NSF SAGE/GAGE facility is well-positioned to be a leader in developing and coordinating a national center for the broader range of geophysical techniques. In addition, a center that provides equipment, user training, and support can play a key role in the education and training of the next generation of geoscientists. Such geophysical techniques provide a vehicle to engage students in quantitative, physics-based analytical science and could form the core of a scientifically literate workforce. Finally, efforts to quantify rock properties would benefit from a national center(s) in rock physical properties that would facilitate integration of experimental data with field-based geophysics.