
Ionisation energies
Electron structure
Atomic structure
Know the properties of the sub-atomic particles
Use Mass and Atomic numbers to describe atoms and ions
Define what an isotope is and give similarities and differences in both
structure and chemistry between isotopes of the same element
Describe the basic operation of a Mass Spectrometer
Be able to calculate a relative atomic mass and relative molecular mass
from Mass Spectrometry data
Define Relative isotopic mass and relative atomic mass
Understand why relative isotopic mass is a whole number and that
relative atomic mass is given to 1dp
Define relative molecular mass and Relative formula mass and
understand the difference between the two
Calculate relative molecular masses to 1dp
Describe how ideas on atomic structure have developed (indivisible
particles  Thompson’s plum pudding model  Rutherford model 
Bohr model
Understand the shape and electron occupancy of s, p and d orbitals
Be able to write electron configurations for atoms and ions (Cr and Cu
not needed)
Memorise the electron configuration for Chromium and Copper
Explain why atoms lose or gain electrons to gain an electron structure
like a Noble gas
Be able to show electrons in orbitals following Hund’s rule, using arrows
to represent spin
Explain why electrons fill energy levels in the order they do
Explain why an element is classed as an s, p or d-block element, and
where these regions are on the Periodic Table (CARE: H, He)
Know that the 4s sub-level fills before the 3d sub-level
Know that electrons are lost from the 4s sub-level before the 3d
sub-level when d-block elements become ions
Define the term ‘First ionisation energy’ and represent this with
equations, remembering to show a gaseous phase
Explain how and why nuclear charge, distance and shielding affect I.E.
Explain the general trend in first I.E. across Period 2 or 3
Draw a graph of first ionisation energies for Period 2 or 3
Explain the dip in I.E. between BeB and MgAl in terms of sublevels and shielding
Exam ques
): S:
AS Chemistry - Unit 1
Explain the dip in I.E. between NO and PS in terms of orbitals,
spin and mutual repulsion
Explain the trend in first I.E. down Group 2
Explain the trend in successive ionisation energies for a given element,
usually Mg
Be able to write equations for successive ionisation energies