Disability Inclusion and Liveable Communities Forum Program

Disability Inclusion and Liveable Communities: A forum for NSW
Local Government
12 September 2014
Dockside: Balcony Level (Cockle Bay Wharf, Darling Harbour, Sydney). MC: Richard Morecroft
Registration opens – tea/coffee on arrival
Welcome – Cr Con Hindi, Vice President LGNSW
Disability reform and accessible communities a vision for NSW – Cain Becket, Chair
Disability Council NSW
Official opening by Minister Ajaka, Minister for Ageing and Disability Services
Keynote address – Minnie Baragwanath – Disability inclusion and liveable
communities – BE. Accessible NZ.
10:45 – 11:15 Morning tea
FOCUS SESSIONS – Disability reforms in NSW – What does it mean for Local
Disability access & inclusion – The National Disability Strategy moves us away from
compliance to a rights based approach? – Natalie Siegel-Brown, A/Exec Director
Carers, Ageing and Disability Inclusion
Disability inclusion action planning guidelines – What do councils want and need to
get the job done? What other tools and supports are out there? – Poppy Wise, Senior
Consultant Urbis Consulting
Planning for the NDIS – How does it all fit together and what are the implications for
local government? – Brian Woods, Executive Director NDIS Design and Transition
WHO accessible communities – How can this work in NSW – does it tick the boxes for
all populations? Who benefits? – Sharyn Briggs, Director Briggs and Mortar (for Lane
Cove Council) and Lyndie Hepple, Community Services Coordinator, Great Lakes
Panel questions
1:15 – 2:00
Afternoon session
FACILITATED WORKSHOP SESSIONS – (3 concurrent sessions – please nominate one
in each session)
Session 1. 2:00 – 3:00
A Darling 2
Tools to support the processes – Awareness resources, asset management, access
audits and other tools to support inclusion planning and service delivery
Ruth Robinson, Chief Executive, Physical Disability Council of NSW
Joe Ibbitson, Community Programs Coordinator, Penrith City Council
John Evernden, Access Consultant, Accessible Public Domain
B Quay 1
Approaches to engagement and inclusion – Co-design and other strategies of
engagement to support the development of effective community input and collaboration.
Stuart Waters, Director, Twyfords Consulting
Suzanne Colbert, CEO, Australian Network on Disability
C Quay 2
Technology and information – what are some of the resources, and technology to
support local government to plan for and support the community?
Diana Palmer, Executive Officer, IDEAS- Information on Disability & Education
Awareness Services
Scott Hollier, Manager, Major Projects, Media Access Australia
A/Prof Catherine Bridge, City Futures Research, UNSW
Session 2. 3:00 – 4:00
D Darling 2
Practical approaches – Local events and facilities planning to support inclusive events
and recreation
Paul Nunnari, Manager, Events Access Department of Premiers and Cabinet
Jackie Lauff, CEO, Sport Matters
Kelly McCann and George Ayoub, Spinal Cord Injuries Australia
E Quay 1
Accessing the community – What are some of the barriers which limit participation and
access to transport and moving about in the community and how can we address these?
Prof Simon Darcy, UTS Business School, University of Technology Sydney
Gail LeBransky, Manager Disability Access, Transport for NSW
Laurie O’Connor, Director Engineering, Hurstville City Council
F Quay 2
Local Government networking session – an open workshop session to allow councils
to arrange meetings, discuss joint projects or special interests – please advise secretariat
Afternoon tea and networking
Additional information on keynote speakers and workshop facilitators will be made available on this site when confirmed.
Subject to change – current as at 12 August 2014