Samuel Lynch Research Report December 14, 2012 Many parameters within Earth’s climate directly impact other parameters, and a surprising number of these second parameters directly affect the first ones in return. For example, an increase in parameter 1 may trigger an increase in parameter 2, and an increase in parameter 2 may also trigger an increase in parameter 1. When this is the case, an increase in either parameter will lead to a huge spike in both. This is known as positive feedback. The two most prominent positive feedback loops that affect the climate are that of water vapor and that of glacial ice. These loops act as destabilizers, reinforcing either warming or cooling trends. There are also other less prominent positive feedback loops, including several within the carbon cycle. There are a couple of minor negative feedback loops, such as in net primary productivity and the atmospheric lapse rate, as well as one powerful negative feedback loop based on the Stefan-Boltzmann law. These stabilizing loops help to keep the climate in check, ensuring that the positive feedbacks do not cause the temperature to spiral out of control in either direction. The most well-known positive feedback loop in the climate system relates to water vapor. Water vapor is a greenhouse gas, meaning that while it is in the atmosphere, it absorbs some of Earth’s radiated energy and radiates it back to Earth. Thus, the more water vapor there is in the air, the warmer the air gets. Warmer air is able to hold more water vapor, so the effect magnifies itself: as the air warms, it holds more vapor, which causes the earth to warm more, allowing the air to hold even more vapor (fig. 1). The reverse is also true: if the earth cools, the air becomes less able to hold water vapor and thus the greenhouse effect is lessened, cooling the earth further. This positive feedback can cause drastic changes in the climate with only a small change in conditions. There exists a similar feedback effect involving glacial ice. Ice reflects sunlight back to space, so more ice cover means lower temperatures. This effect is known as albedo. As the earth cools, its ice cover grows and the albedo is increased, which cools the earth (fig.2). As with water vapor, this interaction can be reversed, and this is what we see today: the warming of Earth is causing ice caps and glaciers to melt, decreasing the earth’s albedo. This is causing the earth to warm even more, further melting ice cover. Other feedback loops may be found within the carbon cycle. Most of these are positive feedbacks, such as permafrost melt, peat bog decomposition, forest fires, and desertification. Most of these occur because large carbon reservoirs start to be released into the atmosphere, and the warming this causes triggers faster carbon release. One such reservoir may be found in arctic permafrost. It is estimated that they contain about 900 gigatons of carbon in frozen organic matter (Zimov, Schuur, Chapin). As the earth warms, the permafrost melts, and the organic matter decomposes and is released into the atmosphere as methane. Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas, so its presence in the atmosphere exacerbates the warming and causes further permafrost melting. Similarly, higher temperatures cause peat bogs to dry, which then decompose faster. Just like organic matter from melting arctic permafrost, this decomposition releases methane into the atmosphere. Part of the climate change we have experienced due to higher temperatures has been a reduction in rainfall. This dries out trees and other vegetation, making them more susceptible to fire. As a result, forest fire frequency and destructiveness has increased significantly in recent years ( Forest fires release carbon from the vegetation into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, which acts as a greenhouse gas to cause more warming. The aforementioned reduction of rainfall also results in drier soil, which is more easily eroded (Philander). This drying and degradation of the soil can lead to aridity, and eventually to desertification. Deserts do not support much vegetation, so they are very poor carbon sinks. As more land turns into desert, less carbon is absorbed by vegetation, and more carbon remains in the air where it acts as a greenhouse gas. This warms the earth further, causing worse and worse desertification. There are also a number of stabilizing loops that appear to be affecting the earth’s climate, although most are either minor or not understood very well. One well-known negative feedback relates to net primary productivity: in theory, more carbon dioxide in the air should cause plants to respire at an increased rate, thus removing some of the extra carbon from the atmosphere. In reality, the effect is minor, partially because the drier climate slows plant respiration. A second stabilizing loop in the earth’s climate has to do with the reduction in the lapse rate of the atmosphere. Our climate models predict that most of the atmospheric warming due to greenhouse gases will occur within the upper layers of the atmosphere (Water Vapour and…). This will lead to an atmosphere more uniform in temperature. Currently, our atmosphere is much warmer near the surface than in its upper reaches, and thus it emits much more longwave radiation down towards the earth than out into space. If our models are correct and the upper atmosphere warms more quickly than other layers, it will radiate more heat away from Earth than it does now, and the net warming effect of the atmosphere’s radiation will be reduced. This reduction will help to regulate the earth’s temperature. Probably the most powerful stabilizing loop in the earth’s climate is that of black-body radiation according to the Stefan-Boltzmann law. This law states that a black body’s irradiance is directly proportional to the fourth power of its temperature ( The earth is not a black body, as no such body exists, but it is a grey body and a modified version of the law still applies. To account for the earth’s imperfect absorption and radiation, a constant representing the earth’s emissivity must be included in the equation: Black-body Radiation: Grey-body Radiation: E = σT4 E = εσT4 E = irradiance where ε (emissivity) < 1 σ = the Stefan-Boltzmann constant T = thermodynamic temperature This change affects the amount radiated, but not the proportional change in radiation due to change in thermodynamic temperature. This means that Earth will still act like a black body in that as its temperature rises, its rate of radiation rises at a much greater rate. When the level of outgoing radiation meets the level in incoming radiation, the earth will reach radiative equilibrium and the temperature will cease to rise (Columbia University). However, the existence of these negative feedbacks does not mean that people should not be concerned about climate change. We do not know how powerful these stabilizing effects will be, and it is entirely possible that the unprecedented amount of anthropogenic forcing will be enough to upset the balance that these negative feedbacks have historically provided. It should instead mean that we should not despair, because these stabilizing effects should buy us time to find more permanent solutions to the problem of climate change. Bibliography Encyclopedia Britannica Encyclopedia of Global Warming and Climate Change, edited by S. George Philander ma.html?id=mNoW858izZcC Permafrost and the Global Carbon Budget, by Sergey A. Zimov, Edward A. G. Schuur, and F Stuart Chapin III Solar Radiation and the Earth’s Energy Balance, by Yochanan Kushnir Stefan-Boltzmann Law US National Assessment of the Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change Water Vapour and Lapse Rate Feedbacks