Energy Transfer in the Atmosphere Review

Energy Transfer in the Atmosphere Review
Multiple Choice
Directions: On the line before each question or statement, write the letter of the correct answer.
1. Most of the energy that reaches Earth from the Sun is
A. visible light.
B. ultraviolet light.
C. infrared radiation.
2. When the Sun’s energy reaches Earth,
A. most of it is absorbed by clouds.
B. more than 90 percent of it is reflected.
C. about half of it is absorbed by Earth’s surface.
3. Why doesn’t Earth become hotter with time as the Sun shines on it?
A. The Sun gives off less energy every day.
B. Earth sends back into space the same amount of energy it receives.
C. Earth’s greenhouse effect is not strong enough to heat up the planet.
4. Which gases are most responsible for the warming that occurs with the greenhouse
A. nitrogen and oxygen
B. methane and carbon monoxide
C. carbon dioxide and water vapor
Directions: On the line before each definition, write the letter of the term that matches it correctly. Each term is used only once.
5. builds storm clouds as rapidly rising air
A. conduction
B. latent heat
6. energy transfer by objects that are touching
C. radiation
7. cooler air trapped beneath warmer air
D. temperature inversion
8. energy transfer by electromagnetic waves
E. unstable air
9. energy transfer due to warm, rising air
10. changed when water changes state
F. convection
Energy Transfer in the Atmosphere Review
Directions: On each line, write the term that correctly completes each sentence.
1. Thermal energy from the Sun is transferred to Earth via
2. A(n)
occurs when stable, cool air traps warmer air under
3. In
, cool sinking air near Earth’s surface replaces
warm, rising air.
transfers thermal energy from within Earth to
molecules near its surface.
5. Most of the solar energy that reaches Earth is
and near-
visible radiation.
is exchanged when water changes from one phase
to the other.
Short Answer
Directions: Respond to each statement on the lines provided.
7. Contrast two ways that Earth and its atmosphere interact with energy from the
8. Explain why Earth does not overheat from constantly receiving solar energy.
9. Differentiate between stable and unstable air. Explain the effect of each on
10. Recall how the greenhouse effect controls Earth’s temperature.