state convention - Indiana Dancers Association

The quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors and membership of the Indiana Dancer’s Association, Inc. (IDA), a
corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Indiana was held on November 10, 2013, at the
MCL Cafeteria, Southside.
President Lois Daugherty asked that everyone turn off cell phones or put them on vibrate. She said that since the
next day was Veteran’s Day, she would ask all veterans to stand. The veterans were given a round of applause.
She thanked them for their service and then asked everyone to stand and say the Lord’s Prayer and the pledge to
the American flag in unison.
Secretary Patti Woods stated that notice of the meeting was in the November, 2013 IDA News, and a notice of the
meeting and the minutes of the last meeting were sent out to all members by email and posted on the IDA
Roll call was taken by Secretary Patti Woods with a total of 26 members in attendance.
Lois thanked everyone for coming and asked if there were any first time visitors. Debra Vester was visiting from
Stone City Squares and Rounds in Bedford.
The minutes were approved as corrected.
Gary Keith gave the treasurer’s report. He said he made his report out for the full year and put it into categories.
He said he messed up and put the $85 into IDA Fundraiser and it should have gone in to New Dancers’ Roundup.
With all the expenses and income, we came out ahead $54. He said that he received reports from all the areas, so
it should be an accurate report.
The Account Balances as of 11/7/2013
Bank & Cash Accounts
IDA State Checking
Total Bank & Cash Accounts
Other Assets:
CD Savings
Central Area
Dell Computer
Insurance Checking
Northeast Area
Northeast Area Savings
Northwest Area
SE/SW Area
State Convention
Total Other Assets
Total Assets
Net Worth
Ernie Stone asked whose CD is listed. Gary answered that it is the state’s CD.
Ernie Stone made a motion that the Dell computer be taken off the treasurer’s report. Charlie Johnson seconded
the motion, and the motion carried.
There were no corrections to the Treasurer’s Report, and it will be filed for audit.
NORTHEAST AREA – Charlotte Yencer - Read by Nadine Henry
The North East Area met at Richard's Restaurant in Hartford City on Thursday, November 7, 2013. There were
three members present, Doris & Gene Swain and Charlotte Yencer. There was one guest.
We could not conduct any business.
Gene did ask what clubs are in the North East Area. Charlotte told him all the clubs we have and where they are
We are calling a special meeting for December 5, 2013 at Richard's in Hartford City for election of officers. We plan
to eat at 6:00 and have the meeting at 7:00.
Also Charlotte has set up a Group on Facebook. It is called North East Area IDA. It will be used to post dances in
the area. Anyone can join the group, and it will be only about square dancing.
The November7, 2013 meeting of the Southeast/Southwest, Rebel Area was called to order by Don Gauck at
7:27 P.M. The Pledge to the Flag and The Lord’s Prayer were said in unison. Roll call was answered by 23 people
with one first time attendee. We look forward to visiting another club joining the Rebel Area. Welcome to the
Double H Square Dance Club out of Jeffersonville. The minutes were read and approved as was the treasures’
report with one small correction.
We congratulated Ives and Carol Pruett for being honored with the Chairman’s Award at the State Convention.
Thanks for all you have done; now you have to continue to do more.
Club of the Month is on go for next year with just a few dates to be finalized. The President’s Ball is all ready to go
on January 26, 2014. There will be flyers out for that, so watch for them. We will finalize our part of the New
Dancers Roundup at our January meeting.
Ernie Stone conducted the election of officers: Chairman and Directors, Don and Ruth Gauck; Vice Chairman and
Directors, Tom and Brenda Haapala; Secretary and Director, Pauline Hoover; Treasurer and Director, Betty
Richards; Caller Directors, Marvin and Linda Rumph; Cuer Directors, Ives and Carol Pruett, Directors, Don and Sally
Taylor; Directors, Ernie and Barbara Stone; Director, Julia Branham; and Director, Craig Mirowski.
After a few announcements the meeting was adjourned.
CENTRAL AREA – Lois Daugherty
Five clubs were represented by eleven area dancers at the Central Area meeting held on November 7, 2013 at
Wellington Village Apt. Clubhouse in Indianapolis.
Nina Upton reported that changes in the racing schedule in 2014 could impact the fundraiser. May looks like it will
be really busy and more workers may be needed. However, the schedules are not out, and we won’t be informed
until early next year. She reminded us that most of the dancers with liquor licenses will need to be re-certified and
noted that Don and Ruth Gauck can present the class for certification.
Following a discussion of the duties of the area officers and directors, all of the attendees and one telephonesolicited recruit agreed to serve as officers and directors for the next year. The vote was unanimous.
Central Area Officers for 2014 are
Vice Chairman
Corresponding Secretary
Caller Director
Lois Daugherty
Myrna Dowell
Nina Upton
Dave Upton
Eileen Stephenson
Ed Breeden
Jim Clevenger
Phyllis DeBord
Chuck McConnell
Darrell Morris
Bart Smith
Brad Smith
The meeting was adjourned following announcements.
NORTHWEST AREA – Orville Van Dame
The Northwest Area Chairman, Orville Van Dame, called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. The Lord’s Prayer was
followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The Roll Call included three officers, one caller direct, two directors, and five
area club members. One officer attended by Skype. Those in attendance represented four clubs. The minutes of
the September 7, 2013 meeting were read and approved. The treasurer’s report was given by Glenn Allen and
approved. The ending balance as of 10/31/13 was $5,683.28. The four club member guests were recognized.
Caller Direct John Holman reported the Sugar Creek Squares and the Lafayette Fun Squares were not successful in
starting lessons this past fall. Perhaps another attempt will be initiated after the holidays. The Sugar Creek
Squares participated in the Crawfordsville Holiday Bazaar by selling bags of popcorn. The bags had a “QR” Quick
Response Code printed on the bags that led to their Facebook. This is a new technological idea to attract
prospective students. The following officers were elected at the IDLA 11/3/13 meeting. President , Dennis Clark;
Vice President, Dave Mouton, Treasurer, C.J. Boyd, Convention Vice President, Doris Swan, and Workshop Vice
President, OPEN.
Committee Reports:
 Northwest Appreciation Dances – Orville Van Dame/ Larry Hakes
The 2014 Appreciation Dances will be sponsored by the Krazy 8’s and the Sugar Creek Squares.
The dates have not been determined.
State Convention – Chairman Lowell and Becky Wilson reported 446 registered for the
convention. September 27, 2014 is the deadline for room reservations to keep the rooms
available and the rates reasonable. Even so there will likely be a slight attendance price increase
to help with the cost.
National Convention – Becky Wilson reported Little Rock, Arkansas will host the 2014 convention
June 27 to 29, 2014. Early registration always helps the host’s cash position.
Old Business
 Orville Van Dame requested the Wrong Way Squares, Lafayette Fun Squares, and Sugar Creek Squares
repeat their responsibilities and activities for the 2014 the New Dancers’ Roundup. Please begin the
planning and finalize everything as soon as possible.
New Business
 Dave McGaw and Larry Hakes presented the nominations for the 2014 officers and directors. The
nominations were approved and elected: Area Chairman-Orville Van Dame, Area Vice President-Larry and
Rose Hakes, Secretary- George and Janet Partlowe, Treasurer – Glenn and Judy Allen, Caller Direct – John
and Patty Holman. Directors are Janine Batta, Ron Bales, and David McGaw of Lafayette Fun Squares;
Fred Foxworthy, John Heiger, and Bill Richardson of Sugar Creek Squares.
Next meeting for the Northwest Area will be January 9, 2014 at the MCL in West Lafayette at 7:00 P.M. Eating will
begin at 6:00 P.M. IDA State Directors meeting will be held November 10, 2013 at MCL on US 31 S in Indianapolis.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:48 P.M.
The checks have been written and mailed to the clubs and areas from the 2013 event at the Indianapolis Motor
I have read in the paper where there will be a race on May 10, and that is all I know about that race.
There will be some changes starting in 2014 as to the workers being certified. We have a couple from our
organization (Don and Ruth Gauck) that are qualified to certify those workers who wish to be certified with alcohol
licenses. I feel like we SHOULD NOT reimburse the workers if they get certified from an outside source. Don and
Ruth are more than willing to travel to different parts of the state to hold this two hour class, and if members of a
club do not have a liquor license but think they might like to get one, they can take this class anyway and get the
license later. I know there are clusters of workers around the state, and someone in that area can make
arrangements for a date and place. The amount we paid in 2013 was $90 to outside sources, and this cut into the
clubs’ profits and the program itself cost $25.
The letters to the clubs will be mailed in January, and the rules are the same. The sooner a club responds the
better chance it has of getting a good working day. I know a lot of you wonder why Laughing Squares gets so many
hours; there are time slots to be filled during the week that nobody else has requested, and we have to fill them up
with someone.
We are looking forward to 2014, and I hope Dave’s health holds, or there will be a new Chairman and more
workers need to step up to help fill in the slots.
MEMBERSHIP – Julia Branham (Read by Gary Keith)
We ended up the 2013 year with 50 member clubs, 802 paid members, and 872 life members. Of the 872 life
members only 144 belong to an IDA club.
All of the 2014 renewal packets have been picked up or mailed. The packet included all forms necessary to renew
IDA membership, USDA insurance, and the ten flyers for the Indiana 2014 Silver Anniversary State Convention.
As of this writing, 13 clubs have renewed for 2014 with 146 paid members and two new life members.
A request has been received from Merry Mixers to be changed from the Rebel Area to the Central Area. This will
be brought up for approval in new business.
SCHOLARSHIP – Charlie Johnson
No Report
BY-LAWS – Don Taylor
Don thanked everyone for the cards while he was hospitalized and said he appreciated them and felt that is what
got him through.
No Report
IDA NEWS BOARD – Lowell Wilson
Lowell said that the Board met today at 12:30 P.M. and discussed the IDA News. This year there was a cost of
$4,300 for the IDA New, and there was a loss. He said we can afford some loss, but we need to look at it and think
about doing away with it as a published pamphlet and, instead, we need to think about possibly putting it strictly
on the Internet. We could do away with the $3 IDA membership and combine the cost of the magazine and
membership. The Board has decided that since our convention is after other state conventions, instead of
exchanging ads in program books, the Convention Board could pay to have ads for other states’ conventions in the
IDA News making it possible for our ads to be in their program books. It is $30 per ad. Dave and Nina Upton and
Bob and Betty Dowell go off the Board this year, so we are looking for two additional couples to go on the Board.
Officers for next year: Chairman, Lowell and Becky Wilson, Lynn & Dotty Hudson, Vice Chairman. We will appoint
a secretary as soon as we find someone.
PROMOTIONS – John Cook (Read by Nadine Henry)
There is nothing new to report.
INSURANCE PROGRAM – John Cook (Read by Nadine Henry)
As of last Saturday, four clubs have submitted their insurance applications to me for next year. Please tell your
clubs that they need to submit their applications to me as soon as possible. As you know, the insurance runs from
January 1 - December 31. There is NO grace period. At this time of year, it takes four to six weeks to get the
certificates back. If anyone has a question, they can contact me on my work cell phone, 614-439-6472.
IDA EDITOR – Gary Hutton
Gary said that he has been checking around to different printers to try to be sure we are getting the best deal we
can get for our printing and mailing needs. He said that right now it seems that the place we are using, Hoosier
Press, is about as good as it gets with a cost of $334 for 270 copies.
He said the December book is out at 230 copies. He made a deposit of $377.60 yesterday, with $210 being
subscriptions and $167.60 in ads. There are some clubs that don’t have the 2014 schedule in, and they need to get
them in. Also any changes in officers and contact information need to be put on the web and in the book.
Lowell said that we had 446 total dancers registered for the convention (340 fulltime and 106 individual sessions).
He said that the number of dancers registered/staying in the Marriott and the Fairfield was down. He said that is
how the rooms in which the convention is held are paid for. Next year we need to be sure that all dancers are
recorded as attendees of the convention in order to get credit for them. Someone suggested that dancers be
made aware that people staying are paying for the rooms used by the convention. Lowell said that he would see
to it that an article is written and that it gets in the IDA News. It was suggested that the cost of walk in tickets be
increased to increase the number of people staying in the hotels. Lowell said that the cost of individual sessions do
go up next year, but that it might be worth looking into.
He reported that the technology class given by a Ball State Representative was well received with 62 people in
attendance. He also mentioned that we tried an advanced level hall and that it had four to five squares all the
time. Although they were unable to have it on Sunday, it was well received.
As mentioned in September, next year’s State Museum Dance will be on Saturday, September 6 with "Beauty and
the Beast" calling (Sheila Terhune and Wes Dyer) and Bonnie Lawrence cueing.
We are National Executive Committee Advisors to Des Moines, Iowa and Cincinnati, Ohio; both states had their
after convention meetings the same weekend in October. Ernie went to Des Moines, and Barbara went to Dayton,
Ohio for their meetings.
Both upcoming conventions had very informative meetings with each having their Chairman, some Vice Chairmen
and committee members appointed and working on their individual assignments ahead of appointments for the
Springfield, Massachusetts National Square Dance Convention in 2015.
Attendance is down at National Square Dance Conventions, and we urge as many as possible from Indiana to
attend the National Conventions. Indiana used to be in the top ten states in attendance.
It was great to see the General Chairmen from Little Rock, Arkansas and Des Moines, Iowa and the Assistant
General Chairman from Cincinnati, Ohio at the 24th Indiana Square and Round Dance Convention in October.
We have registration forms from each of the upcoming National Conventions with us, so if you would like to attend
any of these conventions, please take a form home with you.
WEBMASTER – Gary Hutton
No Additional Report
FOLK DANCE – Charlie Johnson
Charlie said that he is working with State Senator Brent Waltz to try to get folk dance named the state dance, and
Senator Waltz would like to hear from different clubs who have an interest in this. Don Gauck suggested that clubs
send FAXES because they are a good way of getting attention. Senator Waltz’s phone number is 317-232-9400.
At the April 14, 2013 meeting, Lowell Wilson made a motion that a maximum term limit of two consecutive years
be set for the office of President of State IDA and a maximum of four consecutive years be set for all other offices
to be voted on each year. Orville Van Dame seconded it. At that meeting the motion was tabled. At the
September 8, 2013 meeting the motion was taken off the table and discussed. At that meeting it was decided that
the membership needed to be informed that passing this motion would mean a change in the By-Laws. So the
motion was again tabled, and notice was sent out to the membership about the possible change to the By-Laws.
At this November 10, 2013 meeting, the motion was taken off the table, discussed at some length, and voted on.
The motion to have term limits did not carry; therefore, there will be NO limits on terms of State IDA officers.
Lois reported that her meeting with IDLA was reasonably cordial. (With Lois at the meeting were Nina and Dave
Upton, Nadine Henry, and Barb and Ernie Stone.) IDLA representatives requested that they have the right to make
their choice for the President of the State Convention known in writing to the current Chairman. We agreed but
made it known that the election will be held as it says in the guidelines. Regardless of their wishes or IDA’s wishes,
there will be nominations from the floor and the election will be held just as it was this year. Ernie stated that
State IDA has six couples and IDLA has six couples that make up the Convention Board, and they are to operate
separately; they are to vote for who they want and who they can work with.
Lowell Wilson made a motion that the Convention Board will present to IDA News advertisements for other State
Conventions for a number of reasons, and IDA News will accept the ads at a reduced price for the Convention.
Nina Upton seconded the motion. Lois mentioned that the usual cost of a full page ad, which these ads usually
are, is $66, but they cost $30. So IDA News would lose the profit of the ads. Ernie asked whether the IDA News
Board is in favor of this and was told that it is. A vote was taken, and the motion passed.
Ernie Stone stated that he and Barb were at the Convention Board wrap-up meeting where Bob Jones reported on
IDA’s sound equipment. We have six speakers that are in bad condition and in need of repair. The turntables are
in fairly good condition. The question is does IDA want to stand the cost of repair. Marvin Rumph said the
speakers can be repaired at a reasonable cost (by buying a speaker at Walmart) or at an expensive cost. Charlie
Johnson said it can really cost to replace speakers and that it would be better to repair them than to replace them.
Lowell said that we use this equipment for New Dancers’ Roundup and any special function of IDA and without
them we would have to borrow or rent them. Tony Batta suggested that the State Convention be asked to help
pay the cost of repairing the speakers since they were damaged at the Convention. Ernie made a motion that we
ask Bob Jones and Charlie Johnson to handle getting the speakers repaired up to $500.00. Don Taylor seconded it.
The motion carried.
Gary Hutton stated that Wes Dyer and Kenny Jarvis are going to be at the 25 th State Convention in 2014 and that
we should advertise but that we need to be careful to advertise it not as “Big and Little Enis” because “Big and
Little Enis” no longer exists.
Lois read a request from the Merry Mixers for an area change to the Central Area since they are closer to the
Central Area than to the Rebel Area. Ernie Stone made a motion to accept the change. Don Taylor seconded it.
The motion carried.
Lois stated that the IDA News Governing Board needs two couples and asked for volunteers. Nadine Henry and
Don and Sally Taylor volunteered. Ernie Stone moved to approve the Governing Board’s selection of the new
board members. Don Gauck seconded. The motion carried.
Election of Officers was held with Don Gauck in charge.
New Officers for 2014:
President – Lois Daugherty and Chuck McConnell
Vice President – Nadine Henry
Treasurer - Gary and Shirley Keith
Secretary – Patti and David Woods
Lois’s birthday is next Sunday.
Sally Taylor – The Toy Dance with the Sunnyside Solos in New Albany at the Grant Line Elementary School on
Friday, December 6, 2013 with Tony Kincade calling.
Charlie Johnson – Merry Mixers on Saturday, November 16, with Darrin Henry
Carol Pruitt – Thanksgiving Dance this Saturday, November 16 with the Stone City Squares
Nadine Henry – Footloose Thanksgiving Dance on Sunday, November 17 with Curt Braffet
and a New Year’s Dance with Kristy Williams and a Breakfast Buffet
Don Taylor asked for old bicycle parts to give to firefighters for repair.
Barb Stone – to remember Ashley Stone on Tuesday, November 19 having open heart surgery
Ernie Stone – Little Rock, Arkansas National Convention the last week of June, registrations are low
Stone City Squares with Tony Kincaid on New Year’s Eve
Deb Hutton – We need registrations for the State Convention
Lois Daughtery – IMPORTANT DATES: Meetings, January 12, April 13, September 14, November 9, and October 17
is the first day of the State Convention. New Dancers’ Roundup is March 30.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:32 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Patti Woods, IDA Secretary
David Woods, IDA Secretary
Lois Daugherty – IDA President
Chuck McConnell – IDA President