Dr Piotr Blumczyński Lecturer in Translation and Interpreting Before

Dr Piotr Blumczyński
Lecturer in Translation and Interpreting
Before his appointment to lectureship at Queen’s in 2010,
Piotr was Assistant Professor at the University of Wrocław
(2006–2010) and Lecturer in the Postgraduate School of
Business Translation in Wrocław (2004–2010).
He holds MA in English (2000) and PhD in linguistics (2006).
For a number of years, prior to his academic career and then
alongside it, he worked as a free-lance translator and
interpreter in a variety of international settings – including
business negotiations, construction sites, courtrooms, scholarly conferences and rock concerts. His
translation and interpreting portfolio includes over a dozen books, several hundred radio broadcasts
and thousands of pages of commercial and technical texts.
Piotr’s research interests focus on various aspects of ethnolinguistics (‘cultural linguistics’) and
cognitive semantics, on linguistic aspects of translation as well as translation of religious texts. He is
currently involved in a research project exploring key evaluative concepts derived from canonical
religious texts and mediated cross-culturally through translation.
He is a member of European Society for Translation Studies and currently serves on the Advisory
Panel of the journal New Voices in Translation Studies. To-date, he has supervised over fifty MA
dissertations in areas of translation and interpreting.
His recent outputs include:
Doctrine in Translation. The Doctrine of the Trinity and Modern English Versions of the New
Testament. 2006. Łask: LEKSEM.
Chapters in edited volumes
“Pilnikiem, kluczem, czy siekierą? O tłumaczeniu Lema na angielski” [With an file, wrench or
axe? On translating Stanislaw Lem into English]. Elżbieta Skibińska, Jacek Rzeszotnik, eds.
2010. Lem i tłumacze. Kraków: Księgarnia Akademicka. 79–92.
“Referential Convenience vs. Interpretational Hindrance.” Marek Kuźniak, Bożena
Rozwadowska, eds. PASE papers 2008. Vol. 1. 2009. Wrocław: ATUT. 223–233.
“Polish Terms Related to Translation – a Semantic and Lexicographic Study.” Krzysztof
Bogacki, Joanna Cholewa, Agata Rozumko, eds. 2008. Methods of Lexical Analysis:
Theoretical Assumptions and Practical Applications. Białystok: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w
Białymstoku. 47–56.
“O językowych aspektach transsubstancjacji” [On linguistic aspects of transubstantiation].
Piotr Fast, Magdalena Duś, eds. 2008. Idea przemiany 2. Częstochowa: WSL. 255–265.
“Egzegeza, hermeneutyka, intertekst. Czynniki teologiczne we współczesnych przekładach
biblijnych” [Exegesis, hermeneutics, intertext. Theological factors in modern Bible
translations]. Maria Piotrowska, ed. 2007. Współczesne kierunki analiz przekładowych.
Kraków: Tertium. 95–102.
“Symbolika i terminologia religijna w angielskim przekładzie Kompleksu polskiego” [Religious
symbolism and terminology in the English translation of Kompleks Polski]. Elżbieta Skibińska,
ed. 2006. Konwicki i tłumacze. Łask: LEKSEM. 239–247.
Articles in journals
“Z amerykańskiej plantacji do międzywojennej Polski” [From an American plantation to
interwar Poland]. Przekładaniec 22–23 (2/2009–1/2010). 159–171 (co-author: Joanna
“Some remarks on the linguistic aspects of religion”, Anglica Wratislaviensia XLVIII (2010).
“Recent Polish Translations of the New Testament: Trends and Tendencies.” The Bible
Translator, Technical Papers, vol. 61, no. 1 (January 2010). 41–50.
“Polish Metaphorical Perceptions of the Translator and Translation.” Target 21:1 (2009). 30–
57 (co-author: Elżbieta Skibińska).
“On Translating the Greek Aorist into English.” Anglica Wratislaviensia XLVII 2009, 43–53.
“And He Opened His Mouth and Taught Them Saying.” Synergies Pologne (2008). 39–49.
“Pneuma in Galatians: a Touchstone of Doctrinal Orthodoxy.” Anglica Wratislaviensia XLV
(2007). 89–105.
“The Gospel in Slang: with Special Reference to the Contemporary Polish Context.” The Bible
Translator, Technical Papers Vol. 58, No. 1 (January 2007). 19–30.
“Rekonstrukcja pierwotnego przesłania – rzecz o żydowskich przekładach Nowego
Testamentu” [Restoring the original message – on the Jewish translations of the New
Testament]. Przekładaniec 18-19 (1-2/2007). 233–247.
“The Rise and Fall of a Translational Compound: ‘Only Begotten’ in the English Translations
of the New Testament.” New Voices in Translation Studies 2 (2006). 1–8.
“Primum non nocere czyli uwagi warsztatowe” [Primum non nocere or some comments on
the translator’s workshop]. Przekładaniec 17 (2/2006). 231–240.
Selected published translations (from English into Polish)
Raitt, Jill, ed. Christian Spirituality: High Middle Ages and Reformation (Chrześcijańska
duchowość: średniowiecze i reformacja) Kraków: WUJ (forthcoming).
McGinn, Bernard, Mayendorff, John and Leclercq, Jean., eds. Christian Spirituality: Origins to
the Twelfth Century (Chrześcijańska duchowość: początki do XII wieku) , chapters 11, 13–19.
Kraków 2010: WUJ.
Hunt, Angela. Magdalene (Opętana). Kraków 2010: Salwator.
Hahn, Scott. Letter and Spirit (Moc Słowa w liturgii). Kraków 2010: Salwator.
Hahn, Scott. Ordinary Work, Extraordinary Grace (Zwyczajne dzieło, nadzwyczajna łaska).
Kraków 2009: Salwator.
Rohr, Richard. Adam’s Return (Tożsamość mężczyzny). Kraków 2008: Salwator.
Monbourquette, Jean. How to Love Again (Pokochać na nowo). Kraków 2007: Salwator.
Merton, Thomas. A Year with Thomas Merton: Daily Meditations from His Journals (Rok z
Thomasem Mertonem). Kraków 2006: Salwator.
Kendall, R. T. 2006. Total Forgiveness (Przebaczyć do końca). Katowice: Credo.
Stott, John R. W. 2004. The Incomparable Christ (Niezrównany). Katowice: Credo.