What happens after we`ve submitted our expression of interest?

Guidance on submitting an expression of interest in
tailored support
This document provides guidance on how to submit an expression of interest for the
tailored support which is available from Building Healthier and Happier Communities
in East Dunbartonshire.
The tailored support will:
Help you identify clear outcomes – the changes that your activities make or
can make in people’s lives
Help you develop outcome indicators – the things that help you to determine
whether you have made the changes you hoped to make in people’s lives
For some organisations, provide funding which helps you deliver the changes
you want to make
Enable you to link your proposed activities with what’s happening in other
communities and organisations in East Dunbartonshire, and beyond
About the programme
Building Healthier and Happier Communities is a national programme to improve the
health and quality of life of people and communities across Scotland. It is starting in
East Dunbartonshire, where SCVO is working on a pathfinder with East
Dunbartonshire Voluntary Action (EDVA), East Dunbartonshire Community Health
Partnership, the Council and local third sector organisations to kick start a new
approach to health and wellbeing, which taps into the third sector’s ability to help
people lead healthier and happier lives.
By supporting third sector organisations to deliver health and social care services in
local communities, Building Healthier and Happier Communities aims to ensure that
more adults get the help and support they need without having to visit their GP or
other health and social care providers. This should help to manage demand for these
services by providing alternatives which can be accessed within the community.
Who can get involved?
The tailored support available through the programme is for third sector organisations
– community groups, charities, voluntary organisations, social enterprises and notfor-profit organisations – with the ambition to build healthier and happier communities
in East Dunbartonshire.
We would like to receive expressions of interest from both established and new
organisations and groups of all shapes and sizes, from different localities and with
different levels of experience. Proposals which involve organisations working
together to achieve a shared outcome are welcome, as are proposals from third
sector organisations which want to involve private or public sector partners in their
As well as being a third sector organisation, you must:
Be able to deliver your activity between late summer 2014 and spring 2015
Be willing to learn and to share your learning locally and nationally
If you are unsure if your organisation meets the eligibility criteria outlined above,
please feel free to contact us using the contact details below.
The types of difference you can make
We are looking for expressions of interest where organisations want to make a
difference in the following areas:
Helping to manage demand on GPs and other health services by providing
adults with access to community-led alternatives
Helping to address health inequalities – unfair differences in health between
different population groups and across social classes
Helping to prevent problems before they occur – for example, by getting
people involved in opportunities which can make a positive difference to their
Drawing on the ability, knowledge and resources of your organisation and the
people you work with, by taking a collaborative or partnership approach to help
people lead healthier and happier lives.
The approaches you can take
We are looking for expressions of interest where organisations take the following
types of approach:
Connecting organisations and people
Extending activities or services
Filling gaps in the availability of activities or health and social care services
which benefits adults
Increasing reach
Involving other sectors in their work
Joining up existing activities and opportunities
Making connections and brokering joint projects between community-based
and national organisations
Replicating what works well – in East Dunbartonshire, or based on learning
from other areas
Upscaling activity, making more of a difference to more people
We need your experience and vision
While we’ve made suggestions about the types of difference you can make and the
approaches you can take, we don’t want to limit your ambitions for building health
and happiness in East Dunbartonshire. We need your experience and vision to tell
us what would work best.
We’re interested. What next?
The first step is to complete an expression of interest form. We’ve tried to make the
form simple to complete while ensuring it provides us with enough information about
your organisation and the activity you want to deliver.
Please refer to these guidance notes to assist you in completing your expression of
Please note that the closing date for submitting expressions of interest is Friday 25th
July 2014 at 5.00pm. We will not consider expressions of interest received after that
What happens after we’ve submitted our expression of
Once we receive your expression of interest, we will check that you meet our
eligibility criteria and make sure your planned activity is in line with the aims of our
If you meet these tests, you will be invited to a one day workshop where the expert
assistance of Evaluation Support Scotland will help you to:
Develop clear outcomes and describe them well
Develop a logic model – a diagram and a few simple words – which illustrate:
o The need you have identified
o The activity you propose to do
o How this makes a difference for people and communities
Link your proposed activities with what’s happening in other communities and
organisations in East Dunbartonshire, and beyond
You can use the logic model as the basis of your application for funding support from
the Building Healthier and Happier Communities programme.
Please note, attendance at a workshop is essential for organisations wishing to apply
for funding.
After taking part in the workshop, you will have a clearer sense of the strength of your
proposal and the difference it can make to people and communities in East
Dunbartonshire. If you are happy with what you’ve developed, you should submit
your proposal – including your logic model – for a final assessment.
Your proposal should contain:
A brief description of your organisation/s, including where it is based, the area
you cover and the people you usually work with
A description of the communities and people which will benefit from your
A list of any organisations you will be working with
A description of any support required to help you achieve your outcomes
A good estimate of the total cost of your activity and the amount of funding
required from Building Healthier and Happier Communities in East
An explanation of how the money you receive will help your organisation to
achieve its outcomes and make it stronger and more sustainable
Any ideas about how you will share the learning which emerges from your
How much funding is available to support proposals?
The total budget for Building Healthier and Happier Communities in East
Dunbartonshire is in the region of £200,000. While nothing is set in stone, we expect
to invest in a minimum of six and a maximum of 12 projects during 2014/15.
This is a one off funding opportunity and funding proposals should take account of
Who will make the decision on our funding application?
The decision on your funding application will be made by a reference group which
includes colleagues from:
East Dunbartonshire Voluntary Action (EDVA)
East Dunbartonshire Community Health Partnership
East Dunbartonshire Council
East Dunbartonshire Change Fund Programme Board
Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO)
What are the timescales?
27th June 2014 – expressions of interest opens
25th July 2014 – deadline for returning expressions of interest
8th August 2014 – selected organisations invited to workshops
Mid-August 2014 - selected organisations take part in outcomes workshop
29th August 2014 – deadline for applications for funding to support proposals
12th September 2014 – organisations advised whether they will receive
31st March 2015 – delivery of projects underway, with as much evidence and
case studies documented as possible
What other support is available?
There is a range of support available to all third sector organisations within the
Building Healthier and Happier Communities programme in East Dunbartonshire.
Organisations can take part in regular networking events as well as a series of
themed workshops over the coming months on topics such as:
strategic planning
partnership working and collaboration – particularly with the private and public
project planning
more effective use of Information Technology
marketing and promotion and
income generation/ enterprise
How can I keep in touch?
If you are interested in any of this support and do not already receive our regular ebulletins, please sign up by e-mailing us at healthandsocialcare@scvo.org.uk.
Questions and further help
If you have any questions or require further help, please call:
Harriet Grant (SCVO) on 0131 474 8022 or Elaine Smith (EDVA) on 0141 578 6680.
Or send an email to: