StAFS Book Proposal - St Andrews Film Studies

St Andrews Film Studies – Book Proposal Form
St Andrews Film Studies welcomes proposals for new manuscripts within its field(s) of interest,
currently film festivals and cinema/social discourse. In order for us to assess your proposal
satisfactorily, please complete this form to the best of your ability and return to
If you require further information or wish to discuss your project before completing the form, please
contact the same address.
Name(s) of Author(s) or Editor(s):
Institutional Affiliation(s):
Contact details:
Please include address, contact telephone number and email address.
Type of book:
Is this a monograph, edited collection or another type of book?
Proposed book title:
Although this is provisional at this stage, a book’s title is important, so please consider this carefully.
Aims and rationale:
Describe why this book would make a valuable contribution to the field and why you are the person
to write it. What does the book set out to achieve and what would readers get from it?
Short Synopsis:
Provide a brief overview of the subject area covered (250 words max), what the book will include
(and what it will leave out) and what methodology you intend to apply.
Chapter Breakdown / Table of Contents
If this is to be a monograph, please provide table of contents. Then add a couple of sentences
explaining what will be covered in each chapter.
If this is to be an edited collection, please provide a list of subjects to be covered in individual
chapters and a list of potential authors and their institutional affiliations.
Market and Readership
Please indicate what are the principal market(s) for your book (academics, postgraduates,
undergraduates, film festival programmers, film buffs, etc.) If your book is aimed at the academic
market, please indicate which disciplines or courses your book would be most appropriate for.
Please also indicate whether your book would be suitable for any international markets and, if so,
Are there any other books that deal with similar topics and might be considered competition. Please
also indicate why your book deserves a place alongside them in the market place. How will it differ?
How long do you anticipate the manuscript being? (This should include all supplementary material
including the Table of Contents and Bibliography but not the Index.) Please note that we normally
would not consider manuscripts that run over 90,000 words in length.
Will there be any illustrations, graphs or tables? Will there be an index? If you plan to include
illustrations, it will be your responsibility to secure the rights.
What stage of development is the project at? When do you anticipate being able to deliver a finished
manuscript? Please provide a brief schedule indicating when the various chapters or stages in
writing will be completed.
Please attach further materials to this proposal:
1. Sample material
Please attach a sample chapter.
2. CV
Please provide a short CV of the book’s principal author(s) or editor(s). Make sure to include
all related publications.
3. Referees
Please indicate the names of two people who might be suitable to review this project.
All proposals will be considered carefully in terms of their scholarly value and commercial potential.
Decisions will not usually be made until after we have sought an external opinion by an expert in the
field. We would like to thank you for considering St Andrews Film Studies for the publication of your