Individualized Healthcare Plan Medical Diagnosis: Heart Condition Brownsville ISD: Health Services Student Name: DOB: School Nurse: Date of IHP: NURSING DIAGNOSIS 1. Risk for Activity intolerance related to cardiac insufficiency secondary to 2. Risk for decreased cardiac output related to altered cardiac function secondary to STUDENT GOALS 1. Student will maintain optimal activity level in the school setting. . Home Campus: PLAN OF ACTION BY WHOM/WHEN EXPECTED OUTCOMES 1. Request physician direction for activity level : encouraged activities and activity restriction. School Nurse – as needed Student will identify three signs that he/she is exceeding his/her exercise tolerance. 2. Collaborate with physician, parents and teachers to establish exercise activities that meet encouraged and restricted activities. School Nurse, Classroom teacher - as needed. Student will participate in physical education, with modified activities. 3. Assist teachers to modify activities, as needed. School nurse Student will tell his/her teacher if he/she is having shortness of breath. Student will identify and describe his/her symptoms. 4. Assist teachers to assess for signs and symptoms of increasing shortness of breath and fatigue. School Nurse 5. Discuss with student: The signs and symptoms of increasing fatigue and shortness of breath. What the symptoms mean The need to stop activity if the symptoms occur. Student will participate in activities, with peers, at school. School Nurse, classroom teacher – ongoing 1. Student will notify his/her teacher or the school nurse when he/she feels his/her heart pounding or racing. 1. Develop an emergency care plan in collaboration with student, his parents and healthcare providers. School Nurse, family – ongoing 2. Student will have in place an emergency care plan. 2. Teach student: Signs and symptoms to report What these symptoms mean How to report his/her signs and symptoms to parents, teachers, and school health staff. School Nurse Classroom teacher as needed. 3. Provide special health needs form to all teachers who work with student including: Signs and symptoms of cardiac dysfunction Emergency care plan Student reports an episode of racing or pounding heart to parent, teacher, or school health staff immediately. Cardiovascular Disorder Health Care Plan NURSING DIAGNOSIS 3. Knowledge deficit pertaining to specific diagnosis, treatment plan and medical regimen. STUDENT GOALS 1. Student will increase knowledge about his/her cardiovascular problem and medical regimen plan. 2. Student will follow his prescribed diet, restrictions and treatment plan during the school day. PLAN OF ACTION BY WHOM/WHEN 1. Assist student and his parents to utilize resources for information, discussion, and support regarding cardiovascular disease and medications. School Nurse/Counselor – ongoing 2. Assist student and his parents in finding resources for nutritional discussion to further promote heart health. School Nurse/Counselor – ongoing EXPECTED OUTCOMES Student will adhere to his/her medication regimen plan. Student will maintain weight within normal limits for his/her age.