Partners in Education Inc. Meeting Minutes October 2013 DKES


Partners in Education Inc.

Meeting Minutes October 2013

DKES Conference Room, 6:30 p.m.


Meeting called to order by Laura Brown at 6:30 p.m.

Motion made by Laura Brown to approve September minutes with one minor change being made to September minutes. Change made will be to strike: “Cost of program is $2,500 per year”. Motion seconded by Margie White. Motion carried.


Motion made by Julie Grimes to approve 2013-14 PIE yearly budget. Motion seconded by Julie Bunday. Motion carried.


Thank-yous were recognized by PIE president for the volunteers that helped with setting up PIE tables with information, counting and distributing fundraiser supplies and selling Pridewear: Julie Grimes, Jen Bever, Jessica Gruber, and

Kathy Forsyth.


Treasurer’s Report:

Box Tops/Meijer check was received for $480.00.

Homecoming T-shirts generated $463.00 in sales.


Principal’s Report:

MS: no principal in attendance.


October 17 th

ESCAPE Fire Safety Assembly will be held in association with the Delton Fire Department. A writing contest will be held in association with the assembly. All funds for the assembly were received from a grant.

Parent Teacher conferences will be held on Oct. 23 rd

-24 th

. No school on Oct.

25 th


Steve Scoville met with architects for new library, elementary offices, and playground designs.

A playground meeting will be up and coming to determine new design and development. Parent volunteers are needed to sit on this committee.


Lowe’s Grant: Terri Gherardi and Cindy Mursch reported that they will be applying for the Lowe’s Grant in February 2014. The grant will be written to attain items needed for the community garden. One item to include is a fence to surround the garden. Some nonconventional gardening was done this year in the community garden. The garden is in need of fortified soil for the 2014 season.


Fall Fundraiser: Fall Fundraiser money and orders are due Oct. 9 th

. Volunteers are needed on Wednesday, Oct. 9 th

to count and collect orders. A note will be sent home for a reminder to parents of deadline.


Volunteer Form: PIE is still looking for volunteers for upcoming events. (Fall

Fundraiser drop-off, Book Fair, Holiday Shop, Winter Carnival, and MS Box

Tops Coordinator)


Box Tops/ Cambell’s: A contest is currently running in the Elementary School for collecting Box Tops, Campbell’s soup labels, Spartan labels, and Coke

Rewards. Liz Pessell is counting and updating the bulletin board. The winning class will be rewarded with a pizza party. 120,000 campbell’s soup points were used to purchase the following items:

Inflator, 3 pencil sharpeners, color printer, 10 speed stack cups, 20 basketballs, 20 soccer balls, 3 dance dvds, electric keyboard, watercolor paints, 3 paint/cup sets,

3 gallons of Elmer’s glue, 4 glue pumps, model magic pack, 24 scissors, 4 cartons of sidewalk chalk, 6 playground balls, 8 basketballs, 8 soccer balls, and a camcorder.

All items were purchased for art, p.e., technology, and music classes as well as the playground. 8 basketballs were purchased for the MS using Coke Rewards.

A volunteer is needed to help with doing a MS contest. MS Student Council may be interested in helping with the counting of labels.


Funding Request: A funding request was submitted by the 6 th

grade class for

$498.17 to attend Art Prize in Grand Rapids on Oct. 4 th

. Motion made by Laura to approve the funding request, seconded by Margie White. Motion carried.


Book Fair: Volunteers are being sought out to help with the upcoming Book Fair which will be held at the elementary school during Parent Teacher Conferences on Oct 23-24. Any volunteer who is willing to help for a few hours will be offered 50% off their book purchases. All scholastic dollars earned are spent on new books for the elementary library.


PIE Table: Discussion of having a PIE table during parent teacher conferences to inform our parents about PIE. Selling Pridewear at the table was discussed, but concern for how little children’s sizes are available was mentioned. Laura is looking into purchasing tattoos to give out during conferences. Volunteers are needed to work the table.


Staff Meeting: Laura Brown will attend the staff meeting at the elementary on

Oct 9 th

to introduce herself and pass out a survey and letter to the teachers.

Teachers are asked to give input on the surveys and return them to Tracy Webster or Christine Mabie. Laura will also attend the staff meeting on Oct. 16 th at the



By-Laws: The PIE Board met and discussed changes that need to be made to the

PIE By-Laws. Currently, a digital copy of the laws is being drafted. All suggestions for changes will be brought to the members of PIE at the November meeting.


Trick or Treating: Discussion of opening up the MS for trick or treating on

Halloween was held. Concerns of participants and volunteers arose. Also the

Delton District Library is hosting a Trunk or Treat on this day already. More information and discussion is needed on the idea.


Spring Fundraiser: Good feedback has been received about both of the Spring

Fundraisers that we did 2 years ago – Nature’s Vision and Gull Meadow Farms

Gift Cards. We plan to contact both of these companies to possibly set up a spring fundraiser with them.


Carnival: Discussion about having the Winter Carnival be a K-8 event was held.

Concerns were heard about crowding at the event. Suggestions were to keep it a

K-4 event and offer 5-8 their own separate event. More ideas and input are needed on what type of activities would be appropriate.


Holiday Shop: Terri Gherardi will be attending a meeting on Oct. 29th to get more information about the Holiday Shop. Postcards to volunteers to “Save the

Date” will be sent out. The date of the Holiday Shop is to be announced.

Meeting Adjourned: 7:25 p.m.
