Partners in Education Inc. Meeting Minutes May 2014 DKES


Partners in Education Inc.

Meeting Minutes May 2014

DKES Conference Room, 6:30 p.m.


Meeting called to order by Laura Brown at 6:30p.m.

Motion made by Nikki Massannari to approve April minutes. Motion seconded by Julie Bunday. Motion carried.


President’s Report:

Thank-you cards were read from several classes for teacher appreciation, field trips, and books that were purchased by PIE. Thank-you to Andrea Kellogg and all the volunteers that help prepare for staff appreciation. Thank you those who contributed to the PIE basket for Joseph’s Genetic Journey. Book fair money has been spent on new books for the library. Volunteers are needed this summer to help Delton District

Library cover the books.


Secretary’s Report: none


Treasurer’s Report: Spring Fundraiser amounts – elementary met/exceeded their

$3,000 estimated sales. MS was below their estimated sales by $800.00


Principal’s Report:


 Thank you for Staff Appreciation and helping with Joseph’s

Genetic Journey

MS Band Concert will be held May 8th.

Suggestion was made to plan a retirement gift from PIE for Paul



 Thank you to PIE for all the support his year. This is an “amazing group”

Mackinaw trips are going on this week and next week.

Parent Education Night – May 20 th at 6:30 p.m. Emphasis on math and reading.

Mileage Club Fun Run May 23 rd

at 9:00 a.m.

Old Business:


Work Bees: May 8 th at the MS


Spring Fundraiser: Mrs. Whaley’s class won first place at the Elementary. Katelyn

DuShane sold the most at the MS and won $50.00 gift card. Fundraiser pick up will be in the MS conference room on May 22 nd from 3:00-6:00.


Spring Collection Contest: Current Lego Box Top Collection contest at the elementary ends May 16 th


New Business:


School Supplies Survey: PIE will be sending out a survey via email to staff to provide feedback on what classroom supplies are needed for the fall. Please fill out and submit. Survey takes less than one minute.


Scholastic: PIE will be hosting a Buy one Get one ½ half Book Fair on June 3 rd

, 4 th

, and 5 th . Teachers are encouraged to sign up their classes to shop.


Fall T-Shirt Sales: A call into Jeff Bever will be made to determine if the Athletic

Boosters will be having a t-shirt sale this fall. This way PIE and Athletic Boosters are not competing against each other for sales. Niki Massanari and Cindy Mursch volunteered to design t-shirts to sell in the fall. Other DK products were discussed to sell in the fall.


Parent Education- Technology: A discussion about hosting a “Safety in Technology” presentation with Kelly Summer Hayes and Communication By Design to help with the implementation of our student’s devices in their homes. PIE would help with advertising and snacks for the parent meeting to be held early in the fall.


Self Assessement: See Attached sheet.


Funding Requests: none


Voting for 2014-15 Board:

Laura, President

Margie White, Vice-President

Yes No

15 0

Jessica Gruber, Vice-President

Julie Grimes, Treasurer

Tracy Webster, Secretary

15 0

13 0

15 0

15 0


Open Forum:

Delton Summer Fun Program will be held on Tues/Thurs. this summer from

9:00-11:30. Parent must accompany the student for this program.

FREE Breakfast and Lunch program will be held at the HS. Kids 0-18 years old eat FREE.

Socks are in need at the The Shack.

Discussion was held about head lice and purchasing products to support the families that are battling this in their homes.

DKS Soccer Camp will be held June 23, 24, and 25 from 9:30-11:30 a.m.

This camp is for students entering into 1 st grade to 8 th grade. More information to come home with students next week.

PIE is looking for field trip pictures that classrooms have taken to put on their

Facebook page. Please send photos to Laura Brown.

Motion made to adjourn meeting by Laura Brown and seconded by Steve Scoville.

Meeting Adjourned: 7:35 p.m.
