October 2014 - Lions Clubs New Zealand

October 2014
Mt Pirongia Lions
Business Meeting: 1st Tuesday of Month
At Pirongia School Hall
Social / Dinner: 3rd Tuesday of Month
At Pirongia Village Café
Please contact any member for further information
(Address list inside)
Mt Pirongia Lions Membership for 2014-15
President: John Wood
Vice President: Noelene Jolley
Past President: Ray Jackson
Secretary: Ray Cullen
Treasurer: Jim Beaton
Tail Twister: Bren Parsons
Newsletter: Warwick Brown Lion Tamer: Colleen Williamson
Social Arranger: Jim Henderson
Jim Beaton
Warwick Brown
872 8163
021 247 7512
3/261 Ross St
871 9788
021 250 1258
236 Sainsbury Rd
021 165 1946
Mary & Willy Buchmann
Ray Cullen
871 9649
0274 539 543
93 Mangauika Rd
Rachel Duncan (Andrew)
871 9144
021 1767022
1 Oak Lane
Jim Henderson
07 823 6888 027 366 5842
185/2 Meadway Rd
872 8164
1401 McClure St
Noelene Jolley (Grahame)
871 9266
407 Sainsbury Rd
Bruce Kerr
871 9127
8/612 Crozier St
Willie Laverty (Margaret)
07 847 8119
274 Tuhikaramea Rd Hamilton
John Lorimer
871 9884
500 Bell Rd
6 Sth Butler Rd
Ray Jackson
0274 730 797
Rodney Macdonald
871 9683
Tony McKinnon
871 9453
510 Baffin St
871 9617
255 Inglefield St
Bill Reymer
871 9677
1131 McClure St
Blenddyn Sterling
871 6937
39 Pirongia Rd
Colleen Williamson (Ken)
871 9913
402 Baffin St
John Wood
871 9548
290 Franklin St
John Young
871 8812
439 Frontier Rd
Brent Parsons
0274 851 489
021 768 611
Te Awamutu
Lions Club of Mount Pirongia
Members and Friends are invited to the Dinner Meeting
Tuesday 14th October 2014
At Pirongia Village Café
Fellowship: 6.45 pm - Dinner: 7.30 pm cost $20
Speaker Introduction:
Speaker thank you:
Dates for your Diary
21st October, Tuesday
4th November, Tuesday
7th November, Friday
7th December, Sunday
16th December, Tuesday
20th – 22nd February 2015
The First Lion to Arrive
Jim Beaton
Tony McKinnon
Warwick Brown
Jim Henderson
Bruce Kerr
Dinner Meeting $20pp
Business Meeting
Shift day for the Jackson’s, helpers needed
Cancer Kids Picnic Day
Club Xmas Dinner
Convention in TA - please consider attending
Postal address: PO Box 34002, Pirongia, 3844
Web page: www.lionsclubs.org.nz/Clubs 202L Clubs Mt Pirongia
Email: pirongialions@gmail.com
Note; you can find the newsletters on the web page if you need extra copies.
Dinner Speaker:
Hannah Adams, a very fine upcoming singer will be our October show stopper!
Presidents Report:
Another successful working bee, at Brent’s this time. A much appreciated achievement, the
Parson’s place looks great. Thank you to all who gave a hand.
Past president Ray is looking to move house between now and the 7th of November to
Beltcher St. – a big move. The Jackson’s will need our help, so all hands to the pumps
I went with DG Paula and her off sider Robert to Otorohanga Lions 50th anniversary. This
ended up a very enjoyable evening; I was able to catch up with lots of old friends.
We have some interesting times coming up with our tea meetings.
Jim H is organising a very interesting guest speaker for this month.
The ‘Mt Pirongia Lions Trust’ had its annual meeting and the trustees seem very happy with
the clubs progress.
The pub raffles are still going well and we have a good relationship with the new owners
and staff.
All from me, see you at the next tea meeting.
John Woods
The busy-ness of the Christmas season is nearly upon us. Get stuck in and enjoy it, there’s lots coming up
to do. Face it with a positive frame of mind, make the most of everything, then really enjoy a break in the
new year.
The team did a fantastic job in the caravan at the Craft Day. Nonstop from go until the last chip was sold.
One fryer wasn’t working but that didn’t stop the cooks’ churning out the hotdogs and chips that kept the
fillers, deliverers and sellers running all day. A very tidy profit of about $4000 was the reward!
We have had a request from “Commsafe” (Richard Hurrell – community constable – spoke to us about this
a while ago)
They run a charity golf tournament at the TA golf club, next year to be held on Friday March the 6th 2015
Quote; “Ideally, the nature of assistance we seek would be to have several Lions Members available on the
day to help in the running of the tournament, together with your assistance in obtaining team entries and
necessary prizes (both large items for the charity auction held at the conclusion of the day, and smaller
minor prizes).”
This would be of benefit to Pirongia as it helps support the community patrols and neighbourhood support
P.S. read your latest Lions magazine, I did and it sent me to sleep for 2 hours one wet afternoon!
Mt Pirongia Lions six monthly account is overdue now, if you haven’t paid already
Subscription: $65.00
If you prepay meals add: $120 (six meals @$20)
Please forward payments to our treasurer, Jim Beaton
This Ought to Make All Granddads Feel All Warm and Fuzzy!!!
A six-year-old goes to the hospital with his mother to visit his Granddad. When they get to the hospital, he
runs ahead of his mother and bursts into his Granddad's room.
"Grandpa, Grandpa," he says excitedly, "as soon as my mom comes into the room, make a noise like a
"What?" said his Grandpa.
"Make a noise like a frog because mom said as soon as you croak, we're all going to Disney World!"
As a Lion it’s ok to think
S- service
E- education
X- xcitement
Always ware good underwear:
A couple’s car broke down in the supermarket car park. The man sent his wife off to do the shopping while
he fixed the car.
The wife, on returning saw her husband under the car in his shorts with his privates exposed to public view.
She quickly bent down and tucked things away and straightened his shorts into a more respectable manner.
On standing up again she saw her husband standing on the far side of the car laughing as he watched her
every move.
The AA mechanic however needed 3 stitches in his forehead!
Speed Signs:
A policeman pulls over a car full of 5 elderly ladies for doing just 22km/hr on the highway
However he notices the passengers in the car look seriously scared.
The policeman says to the driver, “Why are you going so slow on the highway? It can be a danger to the
flow of traffic.”
The driver, looking confused says “I was doing the speed limit; it said 22 just back there.”
The policeman laughs and explains to her that the 22 is the highway number.
He then looks at the passengers and asks what has shaken them so?
One of them says, “We just got off highway 189....”
Irrational Fears:
Ever since I was a child I’ve had a fear of what is under the bed at night.
So I went to a psychiatrist for help. I told him this was driving me crazy, I couldn’t sleep, it was getting
worse as I got older, but I hadn’t admitted it to anyone.
He said to come to him 3 times a week for a year and he could guarantee to cure me.
However it was going to cost $80 a visit.
I was so upset at the cost I went to the nearest bar and told the barman. He cured me then and there for
the price of a couple of beers.
A few months later the psychiatrist rang to see if I still needed help.
I think he was a bit peeved when I told him that a barman had cured me.
All I had to do was cut the legs off the bed!
This is why you should talk about your problems with each other!
Minutes of business meeting of Mt. Pirongia Lions Club:
District 202L held at Pirongia School on Tuesday 7th October 2014
Present: T McKinnon, J Beaton, W Brown, R Jackson, R Cullen, J Wood B Kerr, J Henderson,
Apologies: N Jolley, C Williamson, R Macdonald, B Parsons, B Sterling
Moved: J Beaton/ W Brown
Minutes of the previous meeting: approved
Moved; R Jackson/ B Kerr
Matters Arising: Parson’s hedgecutting working bee successfully completed
Correspondence: Inward
1/ District 202L 2015 fundraising calendar, including a copy
2/ Account from Pirongia Four Square; J Beaton to follow up on this
3/ Diabetes Youth fundraising appeal
4/ Bidvest reward card
5/ Letter from Sabina Owen suggesting a couple of things the club might like to get involved in
6/ Pirongia Te Aroaro o kahu Restoration Society newsletter
7/ Bulletins from Rosetown Lions
8/ Lions bulletins
9/Hospice newsletter
10/CommSafe; Request for assistance with their fundraising golf tournament.
President John to bring this up at the tea meeting
11/ Alzheimers Waikato; newsletter
12/ Thank you card from Joy McGregor and Sabina Owen
13/ Future Te Aroha; advertising production
14/Lions Club of Karori; Spirit of Adventure Trust
15/Stand Children’s Services Health Stamp order form
16/Charities news alert
17/ Invite to Canteen opening of new building President John to find out more
Moved; R Cullen/ J Beaton
Treasurers Report: The club cleared $4000 from the Craft Day a fantastic result
Term Deposit; $13640.36 Trust Acc. $22072.75 Convention Acc. $2754.86 03 Acc. $1301.34
Moved: J Beaton/ T McKinnon
General Business:
1/ Money to be forwarded to the Mangapiko Hall
2/ J Beaton suggested the club might like to help with cutting down and cleaning up trees at the
Retirement Village
3/ Tea Meetings; J Henderson talked about future Tea Meetings. October; Hannah Adams to come and talk
to the club about her budding career as an opera singer and about the scholarship she has won to the
States. November; to be organised. Some Otorohanga members may be in attendance
4/ Cemetery gates Noelene to follow up regarding the missing lettering
5/ Trust members for the club to be updated some will retire by rotation. Secretary to draft a letter for the
ANZ removing B Sterling as treasurer and installing J Beaton as the new Treasurer. B Parsons retires by
rotation. J Henderson, nominated by W Brown, was installed as the new Trust member. President John and
Treasurer Jim to be the new signatories
Moved W Brown/ R Cullen
6/ President John reported on attending Otorohanga Lions 50th Anniversary. A great night was had by all
7/ the upcoming Convention was discussed. Our club will be involved organising transport and parking at
the two venues. More on this to come
Meeting closed at 8.45pm
Secretary: Ray Cullen