Common Table Types Table 2: Use of Sites by FLS Agency Respondents % of FLS Agency Respondents that……. N= 111 37% 20% 21% 21% Conduct one family literacy program at one site Conduct one family literacy program at multiple sites Conduct multiple family literacy programs at one sites Conduct multiple family literacy programs at multiple sites N= total number of agencies responding Table 3: Geographic Distribution of FLS Site Respondents* NYC Borough Bronx Brooklyn Manhattan Queens Staten Island TOTAL % of FLS Respondents 28% 22% 39% 10% 1% 156 (100%) % of original Contacts 22% 25% 32% 17% 3% 605 (100%) Table 4b: Percent of FLS Respondents Offering Each Type of Service, by Borough Bronx (N=28) Brooklyn (N=25) Manhattan (N=41) Queens (N=15) Early Childhood Ed. 50% 54% 55% 33% Parent Ed. 31% 34% 50% 13% Adult Ed. 36% 69% 50% 47% Parent/Child Activities 38% 46% 47% 27% All Four Services 12% 26% 18% 0 BEC Year 2, Session 3, November 2012 1 COMMON TABLE TYPES (Con’t) Table 7a: Responses Of Male and Female Lawyers to the Gender Equity Scale Items, by Gender EQUITY STATEMENTS % who Agreed with the following about their firms/offices*....... Female N=212 Male n=174 e. Prospects for advancement are available equally for males & females f. Opportunities to appear in court are equal for males and females. 66% 88% Percentage Point Differences 22 89% 96% 7 g. High salaries are available equally for males and females. 65% 91% 26 h. Opportunities for direct client contact are available equally for males and females. j. Access to senior partners is the same for males and females. 85% 97% 12 85% 96% 11 l. Opportunities to engage in activities out of the office, such as sports outings or social events are equally available for males and females. 69% 96% 27 *All items but the first apply mostly only to those in private practice or in-house counsel settings. Table 2: Key Findings Regarding Lab Progress, 2002 SITE Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4 A. DID THE SITES MEET THEIR 2002 OBJECTIVES Site 1 met all its objectives for 2002. An Afterschool Learning Lab was opened at the Brown Middle School and services were initiated Spring 2002. Additionally, a total of eight Forums (management capacity building training programs) were conducted reaching 50 different CBO’s. The PASE Atlanta Steering Committee contributed to the development and operations of both the Lab and the training series. Site 2 (newest) met one of its objectives and made substantial progress regarding the other. Feedback was obtained and summarized from a total of 700 students, 60 teachers and approximately 65 parents from the two selected schools. The feedback, analyzed by 8 th grade math students, showed both a distinct need for afterschool programming (especially at the Franklin Middle School site) and particular interests (arts, theater, sports). In addition to obtaining feedback from students, teachers and parents, key personnel from Chatanooga also participated in both on- and off-site introductory training. The RFP development process was somewhat delayed, however, so CBO selection was not accomplished. (RFP’s were actually completed at the end of the Fall semester and distributed in January 2003.) As CBO selection was delayed, pilot programming and the open-houses were not undertaken. The New York site (most mature), met all three of its implementation objectives for 2002. A total of six (6) new and returning CBO’s were identified and they provided services to students and educational personnel from both the Middle School and the Elementary School operating at the site. Additionally, PASE and the Lab staff provided additional support services to the school as they continued to cope with the post 9/11 challenges in New York City and as the school underwent additional organizational changes. Regarding its training goal, the New York site provided six Open House sessions where teachers, parents and artists learned about the Lab and had the opportunity to observe groups involved in afterschool activities. Additionally a series of trainings for practitioners and teachers involved in the Lab were held . Site 4 met its objectives, but encountered serious barriers. A Lab Coordinator was identified and she undertook the role throughout the spring 2002 semester. However, it later became clear that she was not well-suited for the job description, especially given the organizational challenges. Site preparations did not go smoothly, and the school, where three other afterschool programs were running as the Lab was initiated, turned out not to be an ideal site for the model. Despite these challenges, a comprehensive orientation training session was provided to CBO providers and teachers at the school, five (5) different CBO’s and some school personnel were selected to deliver services in eight (8) different focus areas, and a limited (albeit poorly attended) pilot program was initiated. BEC Year 2, Session 3, November 2012 2 TABLE 1b: DEMOGRAPHICS OF SURVEY RESPONDENTS, BY WORK SETTING DEMOGRAPHICS BY WORK SETTING Private In-house Public Judiciary Females n= 117 Males n=100 Females n=59 Males n=47 Females n=134 Males n=91 Females n=37 Males n=43 Oldest Group (54+) 4% 26% 2% 29% 10% 21% 32% 56% Youngest Group (<35) 46% 18% 22% 13% 26% 18% 3% 2% Minority Grp. Members* 20% 14% 11% 12% 17% 8% 15% 12% Single 20% 9% 24% 6% 24% 16% 5% 7% Married 62% 83% 64% 92% 60% 73% 76% 88% Separated Divorced 12% 5% 7% 2% 9% 8% 10% 5% Living Together** 14% 6% 7% 0% 7% 4% 24% 2% Disability Accommodations 1% 3% 2% 6% 5% 6% 0% 11% *Includes African American, Asian American, Hispanic, and those identifying as ‘other’ **Includes those living with persons of the same or opposite sex. Living arrangements total more than 100% due to rounding errors and some dual report AFS Table 1: Partner Involvement 2001-2002 GI PROGRAMS GT KA LS&S SMART AGENCY Brooklyn YMCA Exp. T, PD PD Citizen’s Advice Bureau T, PD T T, PD Children’s Aid Society Cross Island YMCA T, PD T Franklin Lane H.S. PD Girl Scouts T, PD T, PD T, PD Jacob Riis Settlement Hse. PD PD T = Participated in Training, PD = Program Delivery BEC Year 2, Session 3, November 2012 3 PEER TCB WPWP T, PD T, PD T, PD T, PD T PD T T, PD T