St Clare’s RC Primary School Pupil Premium Report /Action Plan 2014-15 Number of pupils & pupil premium grant (PPG) received Total number of pupils on role 233 Number/% of children eligible for PP in school Sep 2014 13/6.3% Amount PPG received per pupil £1,300 Total amount of PPG received Specific Actions (dated) £29,000 Person/s Responsi ble Success Criteria / Evaluation of impact on pupil progress Specific Monitoring (dated) Resource Implication Whole school Teacher- provide support for pupils with social, emotional needs Purchase I pads JS Barriers to learning are removed. Weekly meetings Planned into the working day/week ICT lead All children to have access to latest technology to enrich and enhance learning JS Summer 2014 £5000 All children are supported with homework to embed and enrich learning. Spring 2014 Staffing costs Individual work programmes can be set to support individuals and overcome barriers to learning Autumn 2014 £300 Summer 2014 £1000 JS Teaching and learning is 100% good or better Ongoing through monitoring £5000 All staff All pupil premium pupils attend at least one after school club per year. Termly review £300 Govs to monitor Increased self-confidence and independence. All children to attend one visit per term. Pupil premium pupils attend one trip per half term. Targeted Pupil premium pupils are able to learn a musical instrument. Spring/summer term £1000 ½ termly £1000 Ongoing £1000 Homework Club My Maths- programme that can be used both at home and school. VW Lexia-on-line programme to support spelling and reading CPD- developing teachers and teaching assistants practice to ensure daily quality first teaching. Ensure consistent implementation of school policies and initiatives. Curriculum enrichment- clubs. Pupil premium pupils to attend extra-curricular club/s. extending school hoursdeveloping talent and aspiration. Residential trip subsidy pupils in Y5 and Y6 LR Trips- ensuring pupils have access to an enriched curriculum. The school to fully fund pupil premium pupils trips Music tuition- pupil premium pupils are able to learn a musical instrument. School will top up funding for EMS lessons and also fund music clubs after school. Evaluation Employment of specialist sport teacher- talent spot, coach children, cpd for teachers Employment of ICT specialist teacher to train teachers and ensure quality computing curriculum SC JS 1 morning a week All children have equal access and opportunities to develop in all areas of curriculum £2000 £3000 £19,600 EYFS Pupil Premium Support Person/s Responsible Success Criteria / Evaluation of impact on pupil progress Interventions-BLAST. Identified pupils have additional targeted group and individual support. EYFS Teachers PP Pupils PSE and speaking and listening is age appropriate Children attain a good level of development. Gap between PP and non PP is reduced by half. ½ termly Planned into the working day/week Reading buddies- build a library/develop story sacks. Pupils to develop a love of reading and good reading habits from an early age. KW Targeted pupils to achieve a good level of development in reading. Pupils enjoy reading. ½ termly £200 Specific Actions (dated) Specific Monitoring (dated) Resource Implication Evaluation KS1 Pupil Premium Support Specific Actions (dated) TA led interventions- identified pupils to receive quality 1:1 and small group led TA interventions in English and maths. Person/s Responsible Class teachers Success Criteria / Evaluation of impact on pupil progress Targeted pupils to make good progress Specific Monitoring (dated) Resource Implication Identified pupils to make accelerated progress- 3 times age appropriate levels or an APS of 2 per term. Through class Tas Evaluation KS2 Pupil Premium Support Specific Actions (dated) Person/s Responsible TA led interventions- identified pupils to receive quality 1:1 and small group led TA interventions in English and maths. JS AP Specialist maths teacher to support vulnerable groups and overcome barriers to learning GF VW Success Criteria / Evaluation of impact on pupil progress Targeted pupils to make good progress Specific Monitoring (dated) Identified pupils to make accelerated progress Resource Implication HLTA x 3 mornings a week Y2.3,3,4 HLTA support Y5 and Y6 interventions £8,000 Evaluation