Humanities-Curriculum Map Y10

Year 10 Humanities – Curriculum Map
10A – GCSE History
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2
Crime and Punishment
Crime and Punishment in the Roman
How did the Romans try to prevent
Introduction to development study
Crime and Punishment in the Middle Ages
Saxon Britain; crime in a Saxon Village
How much changed between 500 and
Was justice in the Middle Ages bloody
and thoughtless?
To what extent did William I change
Saxon justice
What does the Robin Hood story tell us
about attitudes to law in the Middle
Crime and Punishment in Early Modern
Why did punishments become so harsh
in the Early Modern Period?
‘New’ crimes – vagrancy, witchcraft,
highway robbery and smuggling
Why was the Bloody Code introduced?
Crime and Punishment during the industrial
Why was there a revolution in
10B/10D Entry Level History –
1 year & ASDAN Citizenship
short course 2 years
Crime and Punishment
Overview of Entry Level History course
Crime and Punishment in Roman times
 Crime in Rome
 Roman Law
 Boudicca’s rebellion
Using sources to answer questions
Citizenship – Rights and Responsibilities
Crime and Punishment in Saxon times
 Crime in Saxon villages
 Saxon trials and punishments
 How Saxon laws were made
Sourcework tests 1 & 2
Crime and Punishment in Norman times
 Who was Robin Hood?
 The Nasty Normans – crime and
punishment after 1066
Crime and Punishment in Tudor times
 Tudor Beggars
 Witchcraft
 Tudor justice
Citizenship – Rights and Responsibilities
Coursework – Study of an Individual
Independent research project
Select suitable individual for project
Research biographical details
Analyse the importance of the individual to
Present project
Citizenship – Government and Democracy
Germany 1918-1945
Treaty of Versailles and feelings surrounding the
end of WW1 in Germany
10C Entry Level History – 2
Crime and Punishment
Overview of Entry Level History course
Crime and Punishment in Roman times
 Crime in Rome
 Roman Law
 Boudicca’s rebellion
Using sources to answer questions
Crime and Punishment in Saxon times
 Crime in Saxon villages
 Saxon trials and punishments
 How Saxon laws were made
Sourcework tests 1
Crime and Punishment in Norman times
 Who was Robin Hood?
 The Nasty Normans – crime and
punishment after 1066
Crime and Punishment in Tudor times
 Tudor Beggars
Tudor justice
Sourcework test 2
Coursework – Study of an Individual
Independent research project
Select suitable individual for project
Year 10 Humanities – Curriculum Map
Summer 1
Summer 2
punishment and policing in the years
1750 – 1990?
How did crime and punishment change
in industrial Britain – and why?
 Prison reformers
 Transportation: success or
 When was the best time to be
in prison?
Why did it take so long for the British
to accept the police?
Crime and Punishment in the 20th Century
What was new about 20th Century
What factors have caused changes in
policing and punishment since 1900?
Was the treatment of young offenders
in the 20th Century a success or
Did the abolition of capital punishment
lead to more murders?
History around us; investigation into
the role of Ordsall Hall in the history
of Salford
Field trips to Ordsall Hall to gain
understanding of the site and role in
local history
Writing up investigation (25% GCSE
The failure of the League of Nations
Sourcework test 3
The effect of the Wall Street Crash and
Hyperinflation on Germany
Citizenship – Government and Democracy
Research biographical details
Germany 1918-1945
The Rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party
The use of propaganda in Germany
The lead up to WW2 – German expansionism and
the Rise of the Dictators in Europe
Sourcework test 4
Citizenship – Law and Order
Analyse the importance of the individual to
Entry Level Geography; Rivers and Coasts
Basic outline of World geography i.e. continents,
rivers, seas, etc
Rivers in Britain
The affect of Rivers on the landscape
Investigations into erosion and weathering
Citizenship – Law and Order
Present project
Medicine in the Middle Ages
The Black Death;
What caused the Plague?
What were the beliefs and practices
surrounding plague?
Sources relating to the Black Death
Sourcework test 3