10 weekly sessions on
Tuesdays 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm starting 30 th September 2014
Fee £64.00 (£40.00 concession) 10 CATS points
The course will cover the following topics :
The course will consider historical changes in crime and punishment. We will assess forms of punishment over time from the death penalty to restorative justice, We will ask: What is Justice?
Why do people commit crime? Should life imprisonment mean life? What is the purpose of prison – punishment or rehabilitation? Does prison work? Finally we will consider alternatives to prison.
Who is the course for:
If you are thinking of studying Criminology this would be an ideal taster course
People working in criminal justice
Anyone who has a general interest in criminology and the history of crime
For enrolment information contact Queen’s University Open Learning:
Open Learning Office
School of Education
Queen’s University
20 College Green
Belfast BT7 1LN
Telephone numbers: 028 9097 3323/3539 www.qub.ac.uk/ol