neurological doses

The Client with Neurologic Health Problems
The Client with a Head Injury
■ The Client with Seizures
■ The Client with a Stroke
■ The Client with Parkinson’s Disease
■ The Client with Multiple Sclerosis
■ The Unconscious Client
■ The Client in Pain
■ Managing Care Quality and Safety
■ Answers, Rationales, and Test Taking Strategies
The Client with a Head Injury
1. Following a craniotomy, a client has been
admitted to the neurologic intensive care unit. The
nurse has established a goal to maintain intracranial
pressure (ICP) within the normal range. What
should the nurse do? Select all that apply.
■ 1. Encourage the client to cough and take deep
■ 2. Elevate the head of the bed 15 to 30 degrees.
■ 3. Contact the health care provider if ICP is
greater than 20 mm Hg.
■ 4. Monitor neurologic status using the Glasgow
Coma Scale.
■ 5. Stimulate the client with active range-of-motion
2. The nurse is monitoring a client with
increased intracranial pressure (ICP). What indicators
are the most critical for the nurse to monitor?
Select all that apply.
■ 1. Systolic blood pressure.
■ 2. Urine output.
■ 3. Breath sounds.
■ 4. Cerebral perfusion pressure.
■ 5. Level of pain.
3. A nurse is assessing a client with increasing
intracranial pressure. What is a client’s mean arterial
pressure (MAP) in mm Hg when blood pressure (BP)
is 120/60 mm Hg?
_____________________ mm Hg.
4. A client with a contusion has been admitted
for observation following a motor vehicle accident
when he was driving his wife to the hospital to
deliver their child. The next morning, instead of
asking about his wife and baby, he asked to see the
football game on television that he thinks is starting
in 5 minutes. He is agitated that the nurse will not
turn on the television. What should the nurse do
next? Select all that apply.
■ 1. Find a television so the client can view the
football game.
■ 2. Determine if the client’s pupils are equal and
react to light.
■ 3. Ask the client if he has a headache.
■ 4. Arrange for the client to be with his wife and
■ 5. Administer a sedative.
5. An unconscious client with multiple injuries
arrives in the emergency department. Which nursing
intervention receives the highest priority?
■ 1. Establishing an airway.
■ 2. Replacing blood loss.
■ 3. Stopping bleeding from open wounds.
■ 4. Checking for a neck fracture.
6. A client is at risk for increased intracranial
pressure (ICP). Which of the following would be the
priority for the nurse to monitor?
■ 1. Unequal pupil size.
■ 2. Decreasing systolic blood pressure.
■ 3. Tachycardia.
■ 4. Decreasing body temperature.
7. What should the nurse do fi rst when a client
with a head injury begins to have clear drainage
from his nose?
■ 1. Compress the nares.
■ 2. Tilt the head back.
■ 3. Give the client tissues to collect the fl uid.
■ 4. Administer an antihistamine for postnasal
8. Which of the following respiratory patterns
indicates increasing intracranial pressure in the
brain stem?
■ 1. Slow, irregular respirations.
■ 2. Rapid, shallow respirations.
■ 3. Asymmetric chest excursion.
■ 4. Nasal fl aring.
9. Which of the following nursing interventions
is appropriate for a client with an increased intracranial
pressure (ICP) of 20 mm Hg?
■ 1. Give the client a warming blanket.
■ 2. Administer low-dose barbiturates.
■ 3. Encourage the client to hyperventilate.
■ 4. Restrict fl uids.
10. The nurse is assessing a client with increasing
intracranial pressure (ICP). The nurse should
notify the health care provider about which of the
following changes in the client’s condition?
■ 1. Widening pulse pressure.
■ 2. Decrease in the pulse rate.
■ 3. Dilated, fi xed pupils.
■ 4. Decrease in level of consciousness (LOC).
11. The client has a sustained increased intracranial
pressure (ICP) of 20 mm Hg. Which client
position would be most appropriate?
■ 1. The head of the bed elevated 30 to 45 degrees.
■ 2. Trendelenburg’s position.
■ 3. Left Sims position.
■ 4. The head elevated on two pillows.
12. The nurse administers mannitol (Osmitrol)
to the client with increased intracranial pressure.
Which parameter requires close monitoring?
■ 1. Muscle relaxation.
■ 2. Intake and output.
■ 3. Widening of the pulse pressure.
■ 4. Pupil dilation.
13. A client is being admitted with a spinal cord
transection at C7. Which of the following assessments
take priority upon the client’s arrival? Select
all that apply.
■ 1. Refl exes.
■ 2. Bladder function.
■ 3. Blood pressure.
■ 4. Temperature.
■ 5. Respirations.
14. The nurse is assessing a client for movement
after halo traction placement for a C8 fracture.
The nurse should document which of the
■ 1. The client’s shoulders shrug against downward
pressure of the examiner’s hands.
■ 2. The client’s arm pulls up from a resting position
against resistance.
■ 3. The client’s arm straightens out from a fl exed
position against resistance.
■ 4. The client’s hand-grasp strength is equal.
15. Four days after surgery for internal fi xation of
a C3 to C4 fracture, a nurse is moving a client from
the bed to the wheelchair. The nurse is checking
the wheelchair for correct features for this client.
Which of the following features of the wheelchair
are appropriate for the needs of this client? Select
all that apply.
■ 1. Back at the level of the client’s scapula.
■ 2. Back and head that are high.
■ 3. Seat that is lower than normal.
■ 4. Seat with fi rm cushions.
■ 5. Chair controlled by the client’s breath.
16. A male client with a head injury regains consciousness
after several days. Which of the following
nursing statements is most appropriate as the
client awakens?
■ 1. “I’ll get your family.”
■ 2. “Can you tell me your name and where you
■ 3. “I’ll bet you’re a little confused right now.”
■ 4. “You are in the hospital. You were in an accident
and unconscious.”
17. A client who is regaining consciousness
after a craniotomy becomes restless and attempts to
pull out the I.V. line. Which nursing intervention
protects the client without increasing her increased
intracranial pressure (ICP)?
■ 1. Place her in a jacket restraint.
■ 2. Wrap her hands in soft “mitten” restraints.
■ 3. Tuck her arms and hands under the
■ 4. Apply a wrist restraint to each arm.
18. Which activity should the nurse encourage
the client to avoid when there is a risk for increased
intracranial pressure (ICP)?
■ 1. Deep breathing.
■ 2. Turning.
■ 3. Coughing.
■ 4. Passive range-of-motion (ROM) exercises.
19. Which of the following is most effective in
assessing the client suspected of developing diabetes
■ 1. Taking vital signs every 2 hours.
■ 2. Measuring urine output hourly.
■ 3. Assessing arterial blood gas values every
other day.
■ 4. Checking blood glucose levels.
20. A client who had a serious head injury with
increased intracranial pressure is to be discharged
to a rehabilitation facility. Which of the following
rehabilitation outcomes would be appropriate for
the client? The client will:
■ 1. Exhibit no further episodes of short-term
memory loss.
■ 2. Be able to return to his construction job in
3 weeks.
■ 3. Actively participate in the rehabilitation
process as appropriate.
■ 4. Be emotionally stable and display pre-injury
personality traits.
21. Which of the following describes decerebrate
■ 1. Internal rotation and adduction of arms with
fl exion of elbows, wrists, and fi ngers.
■ 2. Back hunched over, rigid fl exion of all four
extremities with supination of arms and plantar
fl exion of feet.
■ 3. Supination of arms, dorsifl exion of the feet.
■ 4. Back arched, rigid extension of all four
22. A client receiving vent-assisted mode ventilation
begins to experience cluster breathing after
recent intracranial occipital bleeding. The nurse
■ 1. Count the rate to be sure that ventilations are
deep enough to be suffi cient.
■ 2. Notify the physician of the client’s breathing
■ 3. Increase the rate of ventilations.
■ 4. Increase the tidal volume on the ventilator.
23. In planning the care for a client who has had
a posterior fossa (infratentorial) craniotomy, which
of the following is contraindicated when positioning
the client?
■ 1. Keeping the client fl at on one side or the
■ 2. Elevating the head of the bed to 30 degrees.
■ 3. Logrolling or turning as a unit when turning.
■ 4. Keeping the neck in a neutral position.
The Client with Seizures
24. The nurse sees a client walking in the hallway
who begins to have a seizure. The nurse should
do which of the following in priority order?
2. Record the seizure activity observed.
3. Ease the client to the fl oor.
4. Obtain vital signs.
1. Maintain a patent airway.
25. Which of the following is contraindicated for
a client with seizure precautions?
■ 1. Encouraging him to perform his own personal
■ 2. Allowing him to wear his own clothing.
■ 3. Assessing oral temperature with a glass thermometer.
■ 4. Encouraging him to be out of bed.
26. Which of the following will the nurse
observe in the client in the ictal phase of a generalized
tonic-clonic seizure?
■ 1. Jerking in one extremity that spreads gradually
to adjacent areas.
■ 2. Vacant staring and abruptly ceasing all
■ 3. Facial grimaces, patting motions, and lip
■ 4. Loss of consciousness, body stiffening, and
violent muscle contractions.
27. It is the night before a client is to have a computed
tomography (CT) scan of the head without
contrast. The nurse should tell the client?
■ 1. “You must shampoo your hair tonight to
remove all oil and dirt.”
■ 2. “You may drink fl uids until midnight, but
after that drink nothing until the scan is
■ 3. “You will have some hair shaved to attach the
small electrode to your scalp.”
■ 4. “You will need to hold your head very still
during the examination.”
28. For breakfast on the morning a client is to
have an electroencephalogram (EEG), the client
is served a soft-boiled egg, toast with butter and
marmalade, orange juice, and coffee. Which of the
following should the nurse do?
■ 1. Remove all the food.
■ 2. Remove the coffee.
■ 3. Remove the toast, butter, and marmalade only.
■ 4. Substitute vegetable juice for the orange juice.
29. A 20-year-old who hit his head while playing
football has a tonic-clonic seizure. Upon awakening
from the seizure, the client asks the nurse,
“What caused me to have a seizure? I’ve never had
one before.” Which cause should the nurse include
in the response as a primary cause of tonic-clonic
seizures in adults older than age 20?
■ 1. Head trauma.
■ 2. Electrolyte imbalance.
■ 3. Congenital defect.
■ 4. Epilepsy.
30. Which of the following should the nurse
include in the teaching plan for a client with seizures
who is going home with a prescription for
gabapentin (Neurontin)?
■ 1. Take all the medication until it is gone.
■ 2. Notify the physician if vision changes occur.
■ 3. Store gabapentin in the refrigerator.
■ 4. Take gabapentin with an antacid to protect
against ulcers.
31. What is the priority nursing intervention in
the postictal phase of a seizure?
■ 1. Reorient the client to time, person, and place.
■ 2. Determine the client’s level of sleepiness.
■ 3. Assess the client’s breathing pattern.
■ 4. Position the client comfortably.
32. Which intervention is most effective in minimizing
the risk of seizure activity in a client who is
undergoing diagnostic studies after having experienced
several episodes of seizures?
■ 1. Maintain the client on bed rest.
■ 2. Administer butabarbital sodium (phenobarbital)
30 mg P.O., three times per day.
■ 3. Close the door to the room to minimize
■ 4. Administer carbamazepine (Tegretol) 200 mg
P.O., twice per day.
33. What nursing assessments should be documented
at the beginning of the ictal phase of a
■ 1. Heart rate, respirations, pulse oximeter, and
blood pressure.
■ 2. Last dose of anticonvulsant and circumstances
at the time.
■ 3. Type of visual, auditory, and olfactory aura
the client experienced.
■ 4. Movement of the head and eyes and muscle
34. The nurse is assessing a client in the postictal
phase of generalized tonic-clonic seizure. The nurse
should determine if the client has?
■ 1. Drowsiness.
■ 2. Inability to move.
■ 3. Paresthesia.
■ 4. Hypotension.
35. When preparing to teach a client about
phenytoin sodium (Dilantin) therapy, the nurse
should urge the client not to stop the drug suddenly
■ 1. Physical dependency on the drug develops
over time.
■ 2. Status epilepticus may develop.
■ 3. A hypoglycemic reaction develops.
■ 4. Heart block is likely to develop.
36. A client states that she is afraid she will not
be able to drive again because of her seizures. Which
response by the nurse would be best?
■ 1. A person with a history of seizures can drive
only during daytime hours.
■ 2. A person with evidence that the seizures are
under medical control can drive.
■ 3. A person with evidence that seizures occur
no more often than every 12 months can
■ 4. A person with a history of seizures can drive
if he carries a medical identifi cation card.
37. The nurse is teaching a client to recognize an
aura. The nurse should instruct the client to note:
■ 1. A postictal state of amnesia.
■ 2. An hallucination that occurs during a seizure.
■ 3. A symptom that occurs just before a seizure.
■ 4. A feeling of relaxation as the seizure begins to
38. Which statement by a client with a seizure
disorder taking topiramate (Topamax) indicates the
client has understood the nurse’s instruction?
■ 1. “I will take the medicine before going to bed.”
■ 2. “I will drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day.”
■ 3. “I will eat plenty of fresh fruits.”
■ 4. “I will take the medicine with a meal or snack.”
39. Which clinical manifestation is a typical
reaction to long-term phenytoin sodium (Dilantin)
■ 1. Weight gain.
■ 2. Insomnia.
■ 3. Excessive growth of gum tissue.
■ 4. Deteriorating eyesight.
40. A 21-year-old female client takes clonazepam
(Klonopin). What should the nurse ask this client
about? Select all that apply.
■ 1. Seizure activity.
■ 2. Pregnancy status.
■ 3. Alcohol use.
■ 4. Cigarette smoking.
■ 5. Intake of caffeine and sugary drinks.
The Client with a Stroke
41. A client is being monitored for transient
ischemic attacks. She is oriented, can open her eyes
spontaneously, and follows commands. What is her
Glasgow Coma Scale score?
________________________ points.
42. The nurse is teaching a client about taking
prophylactic warfarin sodium (Coumadin). Which
statement indicates that the client understands how
to take the drug? Select all that apply.
■ 1. “The drug’s action peaks in 2 hours.”
■ 2. “Maximum dosage is not achieved until 3 to
4 days after starting the medication.”
■ 3. “Effects of the drug continue for 4 to 5 days
after discontinuing the medication.”
■ 4. “Protamine sulfate is the antidote for
■ 5. “I should have my blood levels tested
43. Regular oral hygiene is essential for the client
who has had a stroke. Which of the following nursing
measures is not appropriate when providing oral
■ 1. Placing the client on the back with a small
pillow under the head.
■ 2. Keeping portable suctioning equipment at the
■ 3. Opening the client’s mouth with a padded
tongue blade.
■ 4. Cleaning the client’s mouth and teeth with a
44. A client arrives in the emergency department
with an ischemic stroke and receives tissue plasminogen
activator (t-PA) administration. The nurse
should fi rst:
■ 1. Ask what medications the client is taking.
■ 2. Complete a history and health assessment.
■ 3. Identify the time of onset of the stroke.
■ 4. Determine if the client is scheduled for any
surgical procedures.
45. During the fi rst 24 hours after thrombolytic
treatment for an ischemic stroke, the primary goal
is to control the client’s:
■ 1. Pulse.
■ 2. Respirations.
■ 3. Blood pressure.
■ 4. Temperature.
46. What is a priority nursing assessment in the
fi rst 24 hours after admission of the client with a
thrombotic stroke?
■ 1. Cholesterol level.
■ 2. Pupil size and pupillary response.
■ 3. Bowel sounds.
■ 4. Echocardiogram.
47. A client with a hemorrhagic stroke is slightly
agitated, heart rate is 118, respirations are 22, bilateral
rhonchi are auscultated, SpO2 is 94%, blood
pressure is 144/88, and oral secretions are noted.
What order of interventions should the nurse follow
when suctioning the client to prevent increased
intracranial pressure (ICP) and maintain adequate
cerebral perfusion?
2. Hyperoxygenate.
3. Suction the mouth.
4. Provide sedation.
1. Suction the airway.
48. In planning care for the client who has had a
stroke, the nurse should obtain a history of the client’s
functional status before the stroke because?
■ 1. The rehabilitation plan will be guided by it.
■ 2. Functional status before the stroke will help
predict outcomes.
■ 3. It will help the client recognize his physical
■ 4. The client can be expected to regain much of
his functioning.
49. Which of the following techniques does the
nurse avoid when changing a client’s position in
bed if the client has hemiparalysis?
■ 1. Rolling the client onto the side.
■ 2. Sliding the client to move up in bed.
■ 3. Lifting the client when moving the client up
in bed.
■ 4. Having the client help lift off the bed using a
50. Which nursing intervention has been found
to be the most effective means of preventing plantar
fl exion in a client who has had a stroke with residual
■ 1. Place the client’s feet against a fi rm footboard.
■ 2. Reposition the client every 2 hours.
■ 3. Have the client wear ankle-high tennis shoes
at intervals throughout the day.
■ 4. Massage the client’s feet and ankles regularly.
51. The nurse is planning the care of a hemiplegic
client to prevent joint deformities of the arm
and hand. Which of the following positions are
■ 1. Placing a pillow in the axilla so the arm is
away from the body.
■ 2. Inserting a pillow under the slightly fl exed
arm so the hand is higher than the elbow.
■ 3. Immobilizing the extremity in a sling.
■ 4. Positioning a hand cone in the hand so the
fi ngers are barely fl exed.
■ 5. Keeping the arm at the side using a pillow.
52. For the client who is experiencing expressive
aphasia, which nursing intervention is most helpful
in promoting communication?
■ 1. Speaking loudly.
■ 2. Using a picture board.
■ 3. Writing directions so client can read them.
■ 4. Speaking in short sentences.
53. The nurse is teaching the family of a client
with dysphagia about decreasing the risk of aspiration
while eating. Which of the following strategies
is not appropriate?
■ 1. Maintaining an upright position.
■ 2. Restricting the diet to liquids until swallowing
■ 3. Introducing foods on the unaffected side of
the mouth.
■ 4. Keeping distractions to a minimum.
54. Which food-related behaviors are expected in
a client who has had a stroke that has left him with
homonymous hemianopia?
■ 1. Increased preference for foods high in salt.
■ 2. Eating food on only half of the plate.
■ 3. Forgetting the names of foods.
■ 4. Inability to swallow liquids.
55. A nurse is teaching a client who had a stroke
about ways to adapt to a visual disability. Which
does the nurse identify as the primary safety precaution
to use?
■ 1. Wear a patch over one eye.
■ 2. Place personal items on the sighted side.
■ 3. Lie in bed with the unaffected side toward
the door.
■ 4. Turn the head from side to side when walking.
56. A client is experiencing mood swings after a
stroke and often has episodes of tearfulness that are
distressing to the family. Which is the best technique
for the nurse to instruct family members to try
when the client experiences a crying episode?
■ 1. Sit quietly with the client until the episode is
■ 2. Ignore the behavior.
■ 3. Attempt to divert the client’s attention.
■ 4. Tell the client that this behavior is unacceptable.
57. The client who has had a stroke with residual
physical handicaps becomes discouraged by his
physical appearance. What approach to the client is
best for the nurse to use to help the client overcome
his negative self-concept? Select all that apply.
■ 1. Helpfulness.
■ 2. Charity.
■ 3. Firmness.
■ 4. Encouragement.
■ 5. Patience.
58. When communicating with a client who has
aphasia, which of the following nursing interventions
is not appropriate?
■ 1. Present one thought at a time.
■ 2. Encourage the client not to write messages.
■ 3. Speak with normal volume.
■ 4. Make use of gestures.
59. What is the expected outcome of thrombolytic
drug therapy for stroke?
■ 1. Increased vascular permeability.
■ 2. Vasoconstriction.
■ 3. Dissolved emboli.
■ 4. Prevention of hemorrhage.
The Client with Parkinson’s Disease
60. A health care provider has ordered carbidopa-
levodopa (Sinemet) four times per day for a
client with Parkinson’s disease. The client states
that he wants “to end it all now that the Parkinson’s
disease has progressed.” What should the nurse do?
Select all that apply.
■ 1. Explain that the new prescription for Sinemet
will treat his depression.
■ 2. Encourage the client to discuss his feelings as
the Sinemet is being administered.
■ 3. Contact the health care provider before
administering the Sinemet.
■ 4. Determine if the client is on antidepressants
or monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors.
■ 5. Determine if the client is at risk for suicide.
61. Which of the following is an initial sign of
Parkinson’s disease?
■ 1. Rigidity.
■ 2. Tremor.
■ 3. Bradykinesia.
■ 4. Akinesia.
62. The nurse develops a teaching plan for a
client newly diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.
Which of the following topics that the nurse plans
to discuss is the most important?
■ 1. Maintaining a balanced nutritional diet.
■ 2. Enhancing the immune system.
■ 3. Maintaining a safe environment.
■ 4. Engaging in diversional activity.
63. The nurse observes that a client’s upper arm
tremors disappear as he unbuttons his shirt. Which
statement best guides the nurse’s analysis of this
observation about the client’s tremors?
■ 1. The tremors are probably psychological and
can be controlled at will.
■ 2. The tremors sometimes disappear with purposeful
and voluntary movements.
■ 3. The tremors disappear when the client’s
attention is diverted by some activity.
■ 4. There is no explanation for the observation; it
is probably a chance occurrence.
64. At what time of day should the nurse encourage
a client with Parkinson’s disease to schedule the
most demanding physical activities to minimize the
effects of hypokinesia?
■ 1. Early in the morning, when the client’s energy
level is high.
■ 2. To coincide with the peak action of drug
■ 3. Immediately after a rest period.
■ 4. When family members will be available.
65. Which goal is the most realistic and appropriate
for a client diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease?
■ 1. To cure the disease.
■ 2. To stop progression of the disease.
■ 3. To begin preparations for terminal care.
■ 4. To maintain optimal body function.
66. What is the primary goal collaboratively
established by the client with Parkinson’s disease,
nurse, and physical therapist?
■ 1. To maintain joint fl exibility.
■ 2. To build muscle strength.
■ 3. To improve muscle endurance.
■ 4. To reduce ataxia.
67. A client with Parkinson’s disease is prescribed
levodopa (L-dopa) therapy. Improvement in
which of the following indicates effective therapy?
■ 1. Mood.
■ 2. Muscle rigidity.
■ 3. Appetite.
■ 4. Alertness.
68. A client is being switched from levodopa
(L-dopa) to carbidopa-levodopa (Sinemet). The nurse
should monitor for which of the following possible
complications during medication changes and dosage
■ 1. Euphoria.
■ 2. Jaundice.
■ 3. Vital sign fl uctuation.
■ 4. Signs and symptoms of diabetes.
69. A new medication regimen is ordered for a
client with Parkinson’s disease. At which time should
the nurse make certain that the medication is taken?
■ 1. At bedtime.
■ 2. All at one time.
■ 3. Two hours before mealtime
70. A client with Parkinson’s disease needs a
long time to complete her morning hygiene, but she
becomes annoyed when the nurse offers assistance
and refuses all help. Which action is the nurse’s best
initial response in this situation?
■ 1. Tell the client fi rmly that she needs assistance
and help her with her care.
■ 2. Praise the client for her desire to be independent
and give her extra time and encouragement.
■ 3. Tell the client that she is being unrealistic
about her abilities and must accept the fact
that she needs help.
■ 4. Suggest to the client that if she insists on selfcare,
she should at least modify her routine.
71. A client with Parkinson’s disease asks the
nurse to explain to his nephew “what the doctor
said the pallidotomy would do.” The nurse’s best
response includes stating that the main goal for the
client after pallidotomy is improved:
■ 1. Functional ability.
■ 2. Emotional stress.
■ 3. Alertness.
■ 4. Appetite.
The Client with Multiple Sclerosis
72. The nurse is reviewing the care plan of a
client with Multiple Sclerosis. Which of the following
nursing diagnoses should receive further
■ 1. Impaired mobility related to spasticity and
■ 2. Risk for falls related to muscle weakness and
sensory loss.
■ 3. Risk for seizures related to muscle tremors
and loss of myelin.
■ 4. Impaired skin integrity related bowel and
bladder incontinence.
73. The nurse is teaching a client with bladder dysfunction
from multiple sclerosis (MS) about bladder
training at home. Which instructions should the nurse
include in the teaching plan? Select all that apply.
■ 1. Restrict fl uids to 1,000 mL/24 hours.
■ 2. Drink 400 to 500 mL with each meal.
■ 3. Drink fl uids midmorning, midafternoon, and
late afternoon.
■ 4. Attempt to void at least every 2 hours.
■ 5. Use intermittent catheterization as needed.
74. Which of the following is not a typical clinical
manifestation of multiple sclerosis (MS)?
■ 1. Double vision.
■ 2. Sudden bursts of energy.
■ 3. Weakness in the extremities.
■ 4. Muscle tremors.
75. A client with multiple sclerosis (MS) is
receiving baclofen (Lioresal). The nurse determines
that the drug is effective when it achieves which of
the following?
■ 1. Induces sleep.
■ 2. Stimulates the client’s appetite.
■ 3. Relieves muscular spasticity.
■ 4. Reduces the urine bacterial count.
76. A client has had multiple sclerosis (MS) for
15 years and has received various drug therapies.
What is the primary reason why the nurse has
found it diffi cult to evaluate the effectiveness of the
drugs that the client has used?
■ 1. The client exhibits intolerance to many drugs.
■ 2. The client experiences spontaneous remissions
from time to time.
■ 3. The client requires multiple drugs simultaneously.
■ 4. The client endures long periods of exacerbation
before the illness responds to a particular drug.
77. When the nurse talks with a client with
multiple sclerosis who has slurred speech, which
nursing intervention is contraindicated?
■ 1. Encouraging the client to speak slowly.
■ 2. Encouraging the client to speak distinctly.
■ 3. Asking the client to repeat indistinguishable
■ 4. Asking the client to speak louder when tired.
78. The right hand of a client with multiple
sclerosis trembles severely whenever she attempts a
voluntary action. She spills her coffee twice at lunch
and cannot get her dress fastened securely. Which is
the best legal documentation in nurses’ notes of the
chart for this client assessment?
■ 1. “Has an intention tremor of the right hand.”
■ 2. “Right-hand tremor worsens with purposeful
■ 3. “Needs assistance with dressing and eating
due to severe trembling and clumsiness.”
■ 4. “Slight shaking of right hand increases to
severe tremor when client tries to button her
clothes or drink from a cup.”
79. A client with multiple sclerosis (MS) is experiencing
bowel incontinence and is starting a bowel
retraining program. Which strategy is inappropriate?
■ 1. Eating a diet high in fi ber.
■ 2. Setting a regular time for elimination.
■ 3. Using an elevated toilet seat.
■ 4. Limiting fl uid intake to 1,000 mL/day.
80. Which of the following is not a realistic
outcome to establish with a client who has multiple
sclerosis (MS)? The client will:
■ 1. Develop joint mobility.
■ 2. Develop muscle strength.
■ 3. Develop cognition.
■ 4. Develop mood elevation.
81. The nurse is preparing a client with multiple
sclerosis (MS) for discharge from the hospital to
home. The nurse should tell the client:
■ 1. “You will need to accept the necessity for a
quiet and inactive lifestyle.”
■ 2. “Keep active, use stress reduction strategies,
and avoid fatigue.”
■ 3. “Follow good health habits to change the
course of the disease.”
■ 4. “Practice using the mechanical aids that you
will need when future disabilities arise.”
82. Which of the following should the nurse
include in the discharge plan for a client with
multiple sclerosis who has an impaired peripheral
sensation? Select all that apply.
■ 1. Carefully test the temperature of bath
■ 2. Avoid kitchen activities because of the risk of
■ 3. Avoid hot water bottles and heating pads.
■ 4. Inspect the skin daily for injury or pressure
■ 5. Wear warm clothing when outside in cold
83. Which intervention should the nurse suggest
to help a client with multiple sclerosis avoid episodes
of urinary incontinence?
■ 1. Limit fl uid intake to 1,000 mL/day.
■ 2. Insert an indwelling urinary catheter.
■ 3. Establish a regular voiding schedule.
■ 4. Administer prophylactic antibiotics, as
84. A client with multiple sclerosis (MS) lives
with her daughter and 3-year-old granddaughter.
The daughter asks the nurse what she can do at
home to help her mother. Which of the following
measures would be most benefi cial?
■ 1. Psychotherapy.
■ 2. Regular exercise.
■ 3. Day care for the granddaughter.
■ 4. Weekly visits by another person with MS.
The Unconscious Client
85. A client is brought to the emergency department
unconscious. An empty bottle of aspirin was
found in his car, and a drug overdose is suspected.
Which of the following medications should the nurse
have available for further emergency treatment?
■ 1. Vitamin K.
■ 2. Dextrose 50%.
■ 3. Activated charcoal powder.
■ 4. Sodium thiosulfate.
86. Which clinical manifestations should the
nurse expect to assess in a client diagnosed with an
overdose of a cholinergic agent? Select all that apply.
■ 1. Dry mucous membranes.
■ 2. Urinary incontinence.
■ 3. Central nervous system (CNS) depression.
■ 4. Seizures.
■ 5. Skin rash.
87. The wife and sister of a client who had
attempted suicide with an overdose are distraught
about his comatose condition and the possibility
that he took an intentional drug overdose. Which of
the following would be an appropriate initial nursing
intervention with this family?
■ 1. Explain that because the client was found on
hospital property, he was probably asking for
help and did not intentionally overdose.
■ 2. Give the wife and sister a big hug and assure
them that the client is in good hands.
■ 3. Encourage the wife and sister to express their
feelings and concerns, and listen carefully.
■ 4. Allow the wife and sister to help care for the
client by rubbing his back when he is turned.
88. Which of the following is a priority during
the fi rst 24 hours of hospitalization for a comatose
client with suspected drug overdose?
■ 1. Educate regarding drug abuse.
■ 2. Minimize pain.
■ 3. Maintain intact skin.
■ 4. Increase caloric intake.
89. An unconscious intubated client does not
have increased intracranial pressure. Which nursing
intervention would be essential?
■ 1. Monitoring the oral temperature, keep the
room temperature at 70° F (21.1° C), and place
the client on a cooling blanket if the client’s
temperature is higher than 101° F (38.3° C).
■ 2. Cleaning the mouth carefully, applying a thin
coat of petroleum jelly, and moving the endotracheal
tube to the opposite side daily.
■ 3. Positioning the client in the supine position
with the head to the side and slightly elevated
on two pillows.
■ 4. Turning the client with a drawsheet and placing
a pillow behind the back and one between
the legs.
90. The client is to be placed in a right side-lying
position. The nurse should intervene when observing
a client in which of the following positions?
■ 1. The head is placed on a small pillow.
■ 2. The right leg is extended without pillow
■ 3. The left arm is rested on the mattress with the
elbow fl exed.
■ 4. The left leg is supported on a pillow with the
knee fl exed.
91. The nursing team has been performing
passive range-of-motion (ROM) exercises on an
unconscious client? Which of the following indicate
the exercises have been successful?
■ 1. Preservation of muscle mass.
■ 2. Prevention of bone demineralization.
■ 3. Increase in muscle tone.
■ 4. Maintenance of joint mobility.
92. When the nurse performs oral hygiene for an
unconscious client, which nursing intervention is
the priority?
■ 1. Keep a suction machine available.
■ 2. Place the client in a prone position.
■ 3. Wear sterile gloves while brushing the client’s
■ 4. Use gauze wrapped around the fi ngers to
clean the client’s gums.
93. The nurse observes that the right eye of
an unconscious client does not close completely.
Which nursing intervention is most appropriate?
■ 1. Have the client wear eyeglasses at all
■ 2. Lightly tape the eyelid shut.
■ 3. Instill artifi cial tears once every shift.
■ 4. Clean the eyelid with a washcloth every
94. Which sign is an early indicator of hypoxia
in the unconscious client?
■ 1. Cyanosis.
■ 2. Decreased respirations.
■ 3. Restlessness.
■ 4. Hypotension.
95. When administering intermittent enteral
feeding to an unconscious client, the nurse
■ 1. Heat the formula in a microwave.
■ 2. Place the client in a semi-Fowler’s position.
■ 3. Obtain a sterile gavage bag and tubing.
■ 4. Weigh the client before administering the
96. The client is to receive 200 mL of tube feeding
every 4 hours. The nurse checks for the client’s
gastric residual before administering the next scheduled
feeding and obtains 40 mL of gastric residual.
The nurse should:
■ 1. Withhold the tube feeding and notify the
■ 2. Dispose of the residual and continue with
the feeding.
■ 3. Delay feeding the client for 1 hour and then
recheck the residual.
■4. Readminister the residual to the client and
continue with the feeding.
catheter care, which should have the highest
■ 1. Cleaning the area around the urethral
■ 2. Clamping the catheter periodically to maintain
muscle tone.
■ 3. Irrigating the catheter with several ounces
of normal saline solution.
■ 4. Changing the location where the catheter
is taped to the client’s leg.
98. A client has been pronounced brain dead.
Which fi ndings should the nurse document? Select
all that apply.
■ 1. Decerebrate posturing.
■ 2. Nonreactive dilated pupils.
■ 3. Deep tendon refl exes.
■ 4. Absent corneal refl ex.
■ 5. Blink refl ex.
The Client in Pain
99. The physician orders Morphine Sulfate
2-4 mg IV push every 2 hours prn pain for a client
who has postoperative pain following abdominal
surgery. Prior to performing an abdominal dressing
change with packing at 10 AM, the nurse assesses
the client’s pain level as 1 on a scale of 0 = no pain to
10 = the worst pain. The client is awake and oriented
and vital signs are within normal limits. The nurse
reviews the pain medication record (see chart).
The nurse should:
■ 1. Perform the dressing change.
■ 2. Administer Morphine 2 mg IV before the
dressing change.
■ 3. Administer Morphine 4 mg IV after the dressing
■ 4. Call the physician for a new medication
Medication Record
Time Pain Level Intervention
7 AM 8 Morphine 4 mg IV
9 AM 4 Morphine 2 mg IV
10 AM 1
100. A 34-year-old Chinese man is admitted with
multiple injuries from a motor vehicle accident.
He complains of severe pain and requests frequent
medication. One of the assistive nursing personnel
expresses surprise, saying, “I thought Asian people
were very stoic about pain.” Which is the nurse’s
best response about pain?
■ 1. Expression and perception of pain vary
widely from person to person.
■ 2. Tolerance of pain is the same in all people.
■ 3. Tolerance of pain is determined by a person’s
genetic makeup.
■ 4. Pain perception is the same in all people.
101. The nurse fi nds it diffi cult to relieve a client’s
pain satisfactorily. Which of the following measures
should the nurse take next when continuing efforts
to promote comfort?
■ 1. Improve the nurse-client relationship.
■ 2. Enlist the help of the client’s family.
■ 3. Allow the client additional time to work
through his or her own responses to pain.
■ 4. Arrange to have the client share a room with
a client who has little pain.
102. The client’s physician decides to change the
analgesia medication from meperidine hydrochloride
(Demerol) 75 mg I.M. every 4 hours as needed
to meperidine hydrochloride by the oral route. What
dosage of oral meperidine is required to provide an
equivalent analgesic dose?
■ 1. 25 to 50 mg.
■ 2. 75 to 100 mg.
■ 3. 125 to 150 mg.
■ 4. 250 to 300 mg.
103. After administering meperidine hydrochloride
(Demerol), the nurse determines its effectiveness
as an analgesic was related to its ability to:
■ 1. Reduce the perception of pain.
■ 2. Decrease the sensitivity of pain receptors.
■ 3. Interfere with pain impulses traveling along
sensory nerve fi bers.
■ 4. Block the conduction of pain impulses along
the central nervous system.
104. A client is arousing from a coma and keeps
saying, “Just stop the pain.” The nurse responds
based on the knowledge that the human body
typically and automatically responds to pain fi rst
with attempts to:
■ 1. Tolerate the pain.
■ 2. Decrease the perception of pain.
■ 3. Escape the source of pain.
■ 4. Divert attention from the source of pain.
105. Ergotamine tartrate (Gynergen) is prescribed
for a client’s migraine headaches. The client’s report
of which of the following indicates effectiveness?
■ 1. Prevention of the migraine.
■ 2. Reduced severity of the developing migraine.
■ 3. Relief from the sleeplessness experienced in
the past after a migraine.
■ 4. Relief from the vision problems experienced
in the past after a migraine.
106. The nurse explains to the client with pain
that the purpose of biofeedback is to enable him to
exert control over his physiologic processes by:
■ 1. Regulating the body processes through electrical
■ 2. Shocking himself when an undesirable
response is elicited.
■ 3. Monitoring the body processes for the therapist
to interpret.
■ 4. Translating the signals of his body processes
into observable forms.
107. The nurse explains to the client that the
main reason a back rub is used as therapy to relieve
pain is because the massage:
■ 1. Blocks pain impulses from the spinal cord to
the brain.
■ 2. Blocks pain impulses from the brain to the
spinal cord.
■ 3. Stimulates the release of endorphins.
■ 4. Distracts the client’s focus on the source of
the pain.
108. Nursing responsibilities for the client with
a patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) system should
■ 1. Reassuring the client that pain will be
■ 2. Documenting the client’s response to pain
medication on a routine basis.
■ 3. Instructing the client to continue pressing the
system’s button whenever pain occurs.
■ 4. Titrating the client’s pain medication until the
client is free from pain.
109. A client has an epidural catheter inserted for
postoperative pain management. The client rates
his pain at 4 on a 0-to-5 pain scale. What should the
nurse do fi rst?
■ 1. Check the patient-controlled analgesia (PCA)
pump function.
■ 2. Adjust the epidural catheter.
■ 3. Assess vital signs.
■ 4. Notify the physician.
110. The nurse using healing touch affects a client’s
pain primarily through:
■ 1. Energy fi elds.
■ 2. Touch therapy.
3. Massage.
■ 4. Hypnosis.
Managing Care Quality and Safety
111. A nursing assistant is providing care to a client
with left-sided paralysis. Which of the following
actions by the nursing assistant requires the nurse to
provide further instruction?
■ 1. Providing passive range of motion exercises
to the left extremities during the bed bath.
■ 2. Elevating the foot of the bed to reduce edema.
■ 3. Pulling up the client under the left shoulder
when getting out of bed to a chair.
■ 4. Putting high top tennis shoes on the client
after bathing.
112. The nurse notices that a client with Parkinson’s
disease is coughing frequently when eating.
Which one of the following interventions should the
nurse consider?
■ 1. Have the client hyperextend the neck when
■ 2. Tell the client to place the chin fi rmly against
the chest when eating.
■ 3. Thicken all liquids before offering to the client.
■ 4. Place the client on a clear liquid diet.
113. The nurse has asked the nursing assistant
to ambulate a client with Parkinson’s disease. The
nurse observes the nursing assistant pulling on the
client’s arms to get the client to walk forward. The
nurse should:
■ 1. Have the nursing assistant keep a steady pull
on the client to promote forward ambulation.
■ 2. Explain how to overcome a freezing gait by
telling the client to march in place.
■ 3. Assist the nursing assistant with getting the
client back in bed.
■ 4. Give the client a muscle relaxant.
114. Which pressure point area(s) should the
nurse monitor for an unconscious client positioned
on the left side (see fi gure)? Choose all that apply.
■ 1. Ankles.
■ 2. Ear.
■ 3. Greater trochanter.
■ 4. Heels.
■ 5. Occiput.
■ 6. Sacrum.
■ 7. Shoulder.
in the records of use of a controlled substance
for a client who is taking large doses of narcotic
pain medication. The nurse should do which of the
following next?
■ 1. Notify the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA).
■ 2. Contact the Director of Quality and Risk Management/
Legal Department.
■ 3. Notify the pharmacy technician who delivered
the controlled substance.
■ 4. Notify the nursing supervisor of the clinical
Answers, Rationales, and Test Taking Strategies
The answers and rationales for each question follow
below, along with keys ( ) to the client need
(CN) and cognitive level (CL) for each question.
Use these keys to further develop your test-taking
skills. For additional information about test-taking
skills and strategies for answering questions, refer to
pages 10–21, and pages 25–26 in Part 1 of this book.
The Client with a Head Injury
1. 2, 3, 4. The nurse should maintain ICP by
elevating the head of the bed and monitoring neurologic
status. An ICP greater than 20 mm Hg indicates
increased ICP, and the nurse should notify the
health care provider. Coughing and range-of-motion
exercises will increase ICP and should be avoided in
the early postoperative stage.
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Synthesize
2. 1, 4. The nurse must monitor the systolic and
diastolic blood pressure to obtain the mean arterial
pressure (MAP), which represents the pressure
needed for each cardiac cycle to perfuse the brain.
The nurse must also monitor the cerebral perfusion
pressure (CPP), which is obtained from the ICP
and the MAP. The nurse should also monitor urine
output, respirations, and pain; however, crucial
measurements needed to maintain CPP are ICP and
MAP. When ICP equals MAP, there is no CPP.
CN: Management of care;
CL: Analyze
3. 80 mm Hg
To obtain the MAP, use this formula:
MAP = [systolic BP + (2 × diastolic BP)] ÷ 3
MAP = [120 + (2 × 60)] ÷ 3
MAP = 240 ÷ 3 = 80.
CN: Management of care; CL: Apply
4. 2, 3. The nurse should determine if the client’s
pupils are equal and react to light, and ask the
client if he has a headache. Confusion, agitation,
and restlessness are subtle clinical manifestations of
increased intracranial pressure (ICP). At this time, it
is not appropriate for the nurse to fi nd a television
or arrange for the client to see his wife and baby.
Administering a sedative at this time will obscure
assessment of increased ICP.
CN: Management of care; CL: Synthesize
5. 1. The highest priority for a client with
multiple injuries is to establish an open airway for
effective ventilation and oxygenation. Unless the
client has a patent airway, other care measures will
be futile. Replacing blood loss, stopping bleeding
from open wounds, and checking for a neck fracture
are important nursing interventions to be completed
after the airway and ventilation are established.
CN: Safety and infection control;
CL: Synthesize
6. 1. Increasing ICP causes unequal pupils as a
result of pressure on the third cranial nerve. Increasing
ICP causes an increase in the systolic pressure,
which refl ects the additional pressure needed to perfuse
the brain. It increases the pressure on the vagus
nerve, which produces bradycardia, and it causes
an increase in body temperature from hypothalamic
CN: Reduction of risk potential;
CL: Analyze
7. 3. The clear drainage must be analyzed to
determine whether it is nasal drainage or cerebrospinal
fl uid (CSF). The nurse should not give the
client tissues because it is important to know how
much leakage of CSF is occurring. Compressing the
nares will obstruct the drainage fl ow. It is inappropriate
to tilt the head back, which would allow the
fl uid to drain down the throat and not be collected
for a sample. It is inappropriate to administer an
antihistamine because the drainage may not be from
postnasal drip.
the brain stem. Deterioration and pressure produce
irregular respiratory patterns. Rapid, shallow respirations,
asymmetric chest movements, and nasal
fl aring are more characteristic of respiratory distress
or hypoxia.
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Apply
9. 3. Normal ICP is 15 mm Hg or less for 15 to
30 seconds or longer. Hyperventilation causes vasoconstriction,
which reduces cerebrospinal fl uid and
blood volume, two important factors for reducing
a sustained ICP of 20 mm Hg. A cooling blanket is
used to control the elevation of temperature because
a fever increases the metabolic rate, which in turn
increases ICP. High doses of barbiturates may be
used to reduce the increased cellular metabolic
demands. Fluid volume and inotropic drugs are
used to maintain cerebral perfusion by supporting
the cardiac output and keeping the cerebral perfusion
pressure greater than 80 mm Hg.
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Synthesize
10. 4. A decrease in the client’s LOC is an early
indicator of deterioration of the client’s neurologic
status. Changes in level of consciousness, such as
restlessness and irritability, may be subtle. Widening
of the pulse pressure, decrease in the pulse rate,
and dilated, fi xed pupils occur later if the increased
ICP is not treated.
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Analyze
11. 1. The client’s ICP is elevated, and the client
should be positioned to avoid extreme neck fl exion
or extension. The head of the bed is usually elevated
30 to 45 degrees to drain the venous sinuses and
thus decrease the ICP. Trendelenburg’s position
places the client’s head lower than the body, which
would increase ICP. The Sims position (side lying)
and elevating the head on two pillows may extend
or fl ex the neck, which increases ICP.
CN: Reduction of risk potential;
CL: Synthesize
12. 2. After administering mannitol, the nurse
closely monitors intake and output because mannitol
promotes diuresis and is given primarily to pull
water from the extracellular fl uid of the edematous
brain. Mannitol can cause hypokalemia and may
lead to muscle contractions, not muscle relaxation.
Signs and symptoms, such as widening pulse pressure
and pupil dilation, should not occur because
mannitol serves to decrease ICP.
CN: Pharmacological and parenteral
therapies; CL: Analyze
13. 3, 4, 5. The nurse should assess the client for
spinal shock, which is the immediate response to
spinal cord transection. Hypotension occurs and the
body loses core temperature to environmental temperature.
The nurse must treat the client immediately
to manage hypotension and hypothermia. The
nurse should also ensure that there is an adequate
airway and respirations; there may be respiratory
compromise due to intercostal muscle involvement.
Once the client is stable, the nurse should conduct
a complete neurologic check. The nurse should take
all precautions to keep the client’s head, neck, and
spine position in straight alignment. If the client
is conscious, the nurse should briefl y assess major
refl exes, such as the Achilles, patellar, biceps, and
triceps tendons, and sensation of the perineum for
bladder function.
CN: Management of care; CL: Analyze
14. 4. The correct motor function test for C8 is
a hand-grasp check. The motor function check for
C4 to C5 is shoulders shrugging against downward
pressure of the examiner’s hands. The motor function
check for C5 to C6 is an arm pulling up from a
resting position against resistance. The motor function
check for C7 is an arm straightening out from a
fl exed position against resistance.
CN: Management of care; CL: Analyze
15. 2, 3, 5. The client with a C3 to C4 fracture has
neck control but may tire easily using sore muscles
around the incision area to hold up his head. Therefore,
the head and neck of his wheelchair should be
high. The seat of the wheelchair should be lower
than normal to facilitate transfer from the bed to the
wheelchair. When a client can use his hands and
arms to move the wheelchair, the placement of the
back to the client’s scapula is necessary. This client
cannot use his arms and will need an electric chair
with breath, chin, or voice control to manipulate
movement of the chair. A fi rm or hard cushion adds
pressure to bony prominences; the cushion should
instead be padded to reduce the risk of pressure
CN: Basic care and comfort;
CL: Synthesize
16. 4. It is important to fi rst explain where a client
is to orient him to time, person, and place. Offering
to get his family and asking him questions to
determine whether he is oriented are important, but
the fi rst comments should let the client know where
he is and what happened to him. It is useful to be
empathetic to the client, but making a comment such
as “I’ll bet you’re a little confused” when he fi rst
awakens is not helpful and may cause him anxiety.
CN: Psychosocial adaptation;
CL: Synthesize
help prevent the client from pulling on the I.V.
without causing additional agitation. Using a jacket
or wrist restraint or tucking the client’s arms and
hands under the drawsheet restrict movement and
add to feelings of being confi ned, all of which would
increase her agitation and increase ICP.
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Synthesize
18. 3. Coughing is contraindicated for a client at
risk for increased ICP because coughing increases
ICP. Deep breathing can be continued. Turning and
passive ROM exercises can be continued with care
not to extend or fl ex the neck.
CN: Reduction of risk potential;
CL: Synthesize
19. 2. Diabetes insipidus results from defi ciency
of antidiuretic hormone (ADH). The condition may
occur in conjunction with head injuries as well as
with other disorders. In ADH defi ciency, the client
is extremely thirsty and excretes large amounts of
highly diluted urine. Measuring the urine output
to detect excess amount and checking the specifi c
gravity of urine samples to determine urine concentration
are appropriate measures to determine the
onset of diabetes insipidus. The client may be tachycardic
and hypotensive from fl uid defi cit; however,
altered vital signs in a client with a head injury may
occur for other reasons as well. Blood gas analysis
and blood glucose levels will not reveal diabetes
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Analyze
20. 3. Recovery from a serious head injury is a
long-term process that may continue for months or
years. Depending on the extent of the injury, clients
who are transferred to rehabilitation facilities most
likely will continue to exhibit cognitive and mobility
impairments as well as behavior and personality
changes. The client would be expected to participate
in the rehabilitation efforts to the extent he is
capable. Family members and signifi cant others will
need long-term support to help them cope with the
changes that have occurred in the client.
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Evaluate
21. 4. Decerebrate posturing occurs in clients
with damage to the upper brain stem, midbrain, or
pons and is demonstrated clinically by arching of
the back, rigid extension of the extremities, pronation
of the arms, and plantar fl exion of the feet.
Internal rotation and adduction of arms with fl exion
of elbows, wrists, and fi ngers describes decorticate posturing, which indicates damage to corticospinal
tracts and cerebral hemispheres.
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Apply
22. 2. Cluster breathing consists of clusters of
irregular breaths followed by periods of apnea on
an irregular basis. A lesion in the upper medulla or
lower pons is usually the cause of cluster breathing.
Because the client had a bleed in the occipital lobe,
which is just superior and posterior to the pons and
medulla, clinical manifestations that indicate a new
lesion are monitored very closely in case another
bleed ensues. The nurse should notify the physician
immediately so that treatment can begin before respirations
cease. The client is not obtaining suffi cient
oxygen and the depth of breathing is assisted by the
ventilator. The health care provider will determine
changes in the ventilator settings.
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Synthesize
23. 2. Elevating the head of the bed to 30 degrees
is contraindicated for infratentorial craniotomies
because it could cause herniation of the brain down
onto the brain stem and spinal cord, resulting in
sudden death. Elevation of the head of the bed to
30 degrees with the head turned to the side opposite
the incision, if not contraindicated by the increased
intracranial pressure, is used for supratentorial
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Synthesize
The Client with Seizures
1. Maintain a patent airway.
4. Obtain vital signs.
2. Record the seizure activity observed.
3. Ease the client to the fl oor.
To protect the client from falling, the nurse fi rst
should ease the client to the fl oor. It is important
to protect the head and maintain a patent airway
since altered breathing and excessive salivation can
occur. The assessment of the postictal period should
include level of consciousness and vital signs. The
nurse should record details of the seizure once the
client is stable. The events preceding the seizure,
timing with descriptions of each phase, body parts affected and sequence of involvement, and autonomic
signs should be recorded.
CN: Safety and infection control;
CL: Synthesize
25. 3. Temperatures are not assessed orally with
a glass thermometer because the thermometer could
break and cause injury if a seizure occurred. The
client can perform personal hygiene. There is no
clinical reason to discourage the client from wearing
his own clothes. As long as there are no other
limitations, the client should be encouraged to be
out of bed.
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Synthesize
26. 4. A generalized tonic-clonic seizure involves
both a tonic phase and a clonic phase. The tonic
phase consists of loss of consciousness, dilated
pupils, and muscular stiffening or contraction,
which lasts about 20 to 30 seconds. The clonic
phase involves repetitive movements. The seizure
ends with confusion, drowsiness, and resumption of
respiration. A partial seizure starts in one region of
the cortex and may stay focused or spread (e.g., jerking
in the extremity spreading to other areas of the
body). An absence seizure usually occurs in children
and involves a vacant stare with a brief loss of
consciousness that often goes unnoticed. A complex
partial seizure involves facial grimacing with patting
and smacking.
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Analyze
27. 4. The client will be asked to hold the head
very still during the examination, which lasts about
30 to 60 minutes. In some instances, food and fl uids
may be withheld for 4 to 6 hours before the procedure
if a contrast medium is used because the
radiopaque substance sometimes causes nausea.
There is no special preparation for a CT scan, so a
shampoo the night before is not required. The client
may drink fl uids until 4 hours before the scan is
scheduled. Electrodes are not used for a CT scan,
nor is the head shaved.
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Synthesize
28. 2. Beverages containing caffeine, such as coffee,
tea, and cola drinks, are withheld before an EEG
because of the stimulating effects of the caffeine
on the brain waves. A meal should not be omitted
before an EEG because low blood sugar could alter
brain wave patterns; the client can have the entire
meal except for the coffee.
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Synthesize
29. 1. Trauma is one of the primary causes of
brain damage and seizure activity in adults. Other
common causes of seizure activity in adults include
neoplasms, withdrawal from drugs and alcohol, and
vascular disease. Given the history of head injury,
electrolyte imbalance is not the cause of the seizure.
There is no information to indicate that the seizure
is related to a congenital defect. Epilepsy is usually
diagnosed in younger clients.
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Apply
30. 2. Gabapentin (Neurontin) may impair
vision. Changes in vision, concentration, or coordination
should be reported to the physician. Gabapentin
should not be stopped abruptly because of the
potential for status epilepticus; this is a medication
that must be tapered off. Gabapentin is to be stored
at room temperature and out of direct light.
It should not be taken with antacids.
CN: Pharmacological and parenteral
therapies; CL: Synthesize
31. 3. A priority for the client in the postictal
phase (after a seizure) is to assess the client’s breathing
pattern for effective rate, rhythm, and depth.
The nurse should apply oxygen and ventilation to
the client as appropriate. Other interventions, to be
completed after the airway has been established,
include reorientation of the client to time, person,
and place. Determining the client’s level of sleepiness
is useful, but it is not a priority. Positioning
the client comfortably promotes rest but is of less
importance than ascertaining that the airway is
CN: Reduction of risk potential;
CL: Synthesize
32. 4. Carbamazepine (Tegretol) is an anticonvulsant
that helps prevent further seizures. Bed rest,
sedation (phenobarbital), and providing privacy do
not minimize the risk of seizures.
CN: Pharmacological and parenteral
therapies; CL: Synthesize
33. 4. During a seizure, the nurse should note
movement of the client’s head and eyes and muscle
rigidity, especially when the seizure fi rst begins, to
obtain clues about the location of the trigger focus
in the brain. Other important assessments would
include noting the progression and duration of the
seizure, respiratory status, loss of consciousness,
pupil size, and incontinence of urine and stool. It is
typically not possible to assess the client’s pulse and
blood pressure during a tonic-clonic seizure because
the muscle contractions make assessment diffi cult to impossible. The last dose of anticonvulsant medication can be evaluated later. The nurse should
focus on maintaining an open airway, preventing
injury to the client, and assessing the onset and
progression of the seizure to determine the type of
brain activity involved. The type of aura should be
assessed in the preictal phase of the seizure.
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Analyze
34. 1. The nurse should expect a client in the
postictal phase to experience drowsiness to somnolence
because exhaustion results from the abnormal
spontaneous neuron fi ring and tonic-clonic motor
response. An inability to move a muscle part is
not expected after a tonic-clonic seizure because a
lack of motor function would be related to a complication,
such as a lesion, tumor, or stroke, in
the correlating brain tissue. A change in sensation
would not be expected because this would indicate
a complication such as an injury to the peripheral
nerve pathway to the corresponding part from the
central nervous system. Hypotension is not typically
a problem after a seizure.
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Analyze
35. 2. Anticonvulsant drug therapy should never
be stopped suddenly; doing so can lead to lifethreatening
status epilepticus. Phenytoin sodium
does not carry a risk of physical dependency or lead
to hypoglycemia. Phenytoin has antiarrhythmic
properties, and discontinuation does not cause heart
CN: Pharmacological and parenteral
therapies; CL: Apply
36. 2. Specifi c motor vehicle regulations and
restrictions for people who experience seizures vary
locally. Most commonly, evidence that the seizures
are under medical control is required before the
person is given permission to drive. Time of day
is not a consideration when determining driving
restrictions related to seizures. The amount of time
a person has been seizure-free is a consideration for
lifting driving restrictions; however, the time frame
is usually 2 years. It is recommended, not required,
that a person who is subject to seizures carry a card
or wear an identifi cation bracelet describing the illness
to facilitate quick identifi cation in the event of
an emergency.
CN: Reduction of risk potential;
CL: Synthesize
37. 3. An aura is a premonition of an impending
seizure. Auras usually are of a sensory nature (e.g.,
an olfactory, visual, gustatory, or auditory sensation);
some may be of a psychic nature. Evaluating
an aura may help identify the area of the brain from
which the seizure originates. Auras occur before a seizure, not during or after (postictal). They are not
similar to hallucinations or amnesia or related to
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Synthesize
38. 2. Toxic effects of topiramate (Topamax)
include nephrolithiasis, and clients are encouraged
to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day to dilute
the urine and fl ush the renal tubules to avoid stone
formation. Topiramate is taken in divided doses
because it produces drowsiness. Although eating
fresh fruits is desirable from a nutritional standpoint,
this is not related to the topiramate. The drug
does not have to be taken with meals.
CN: Pharmacological and parenteral
therapies; CL: Evaluate
39. 3. A common adverse effect of long-term
phenytoin therapy is an overgrowth of gingival tissues.
Problems may be minimized with good oral
hygiene, but in some cases, overgrown tissues must
be removed surgically. Phenytoin does not cause
weight gain, insomnia, or deteriorating eyesight.
CN: Pharmacological and parenteral
therapies; CL: Evaluate
40. 1, 2, 3. The nurse should assess the number
and type of seizures the client has experienced since
starting clonazepam monotherapy for seizure control.
The nurse should also determine if the client
might be pregnant because clonazepam crosses the
placental barrier. The nurse should also ask about
the client’s use of alcohol because alcohol potentiates
the action of clonazepam. Although the nurse
may want to check on the client’s diet or use of cigarettes
for health maintenance and promotion, such
information is not specifi cally related to clonazepam
CN: Pharmacological and parenteral
therapies; CL: Evaluate
The Client with a Stroke
41. 15 points
The Glasgow Coma Scale provides three objective
neurologic assessments: spontaneity of eye opening,
best motor response, and best verbal response on a
scale of 3 to 15. The client who scores the best on all
three assessments scores 15 points.
CN: Management of care; CL: Apply
42. 2, 3, 5. The maximum dosage of warfarin
sodium (Coumadin) is not achieved until 3 to 4 days
after starting the medication, and the effects of the
drug continue for 4 to 5 days after discontinuing the
medication. The client should have his blood levels tested periodically to make sure that the desired
level is maintained. Warfarin has a peak action
of 9 hours. Vitamin K is the antidote for warfarin;
protamine sulfate is the antidote for heparin.
CN: Pharmacological and parenteral
therapies; CL: Evaluate
43. 1. A helpless client should be positioned on
the side, not on the back, with the head on a small
pillow. A lateral position helps secretions escape
from the throat and mouth, minimizing the risk of
aspiration. It may be necessary to suction the client
if he aspirates. Suction equipment should be nearby.
It is safe to use a padded tongue blade, and the
client should receive oral care, including brushing
with a toothbrush.
CN: Reduction of risk potential;
CL: Synthesize
44. 3. Studies show that clients who receive
recombinant t-PA treatment within 3 hours after the
onset of a stroke have better outcomes. The time
from the onset of a stroke to t-PA treatment is critical.
A complete health assessment and history is
not possible when a client is receiving emergency
care. Upcoming surgical procedures may need to
be delayed because of the administration of t-PA,
which is a priority in the immediate treatment of
the current stroke. While the nurse should identify
which medications the client is taking, it is more
important to know the time of the onset of the
stroke to determine the course of action for administering
CN: Pharmacological and parenteral
therapies; CL: Synthesize
45. 3. Control of blood pressure is critical during
the fi rst 24 hours after treatment because an intracerebral
hemorrhage is the major adverse effect of
thrombolytic therapy. Vital signs are monitored, and
blood pressure is maintained as identifi ed by the
physician and specifi c to the client’s ischemic tissue
needs and risk of bleeding from treatment. The other
vital signs are important, but the priority is to monitor
blood pressure.
CN: Reduction of risk potential;
CL: Synthesize
46. 2. It is crucial to monitor the pupil size and
pupillary response to indicate changes around the
cranial nerves. The cholesterol level is not a priority
assessment, although it may be an assessment to be
addressed for long-term healthy lifestyle rehabilitation.
Bowel sounds need to be assessed because an
ileus or constipation can develop, but this is not a
priority in the fi rst 24 hours, when the primary concerns
are cerebral hemorrhage and increased intracranial
pressure. An echocardiogram is not needed for the client with a thrombotic stroke without heart
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Analyze
2. Hyperoxygenate.
1. Suction the airway.
3. Suction the mouth.
4. Provide sedation.
Increased agitation with suctioning will increase
intracranial pressure (ICP), therefore sedation
should be provided fi rst. The client should be
hyperoxygenated before and after suctioning to
prevent hypoxia since hypoxia causes vasodilation
of the cerebral vessels and increases ICP. The airway
should then be suctioned for no more than 10 seconds.
The mouth can be suctioned once the airway
is clear to remove oral secretions. Once the mouth is
suctioned the suction catheter should be discarded.
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Synthesize
48. 1. The primary reason for the nursing assessment
of a client’s functional status before and after a
stroke is to guide the plan. The assessment does not
help to predict how far the rehabilitation team can
help the client to recover from the residual effects
of the stroke, only what plans can help a client who
has moved from one functional level to another. The
nursing assessment of the client’s functional status
is not a motivating factor.
CN: Physiological adaptation; CL: Apply
49. 2. Sliding a client on a sheet causes friction
and is to be avoided. Friction injures skin and
predisposes to pressure ulcer formation. Rolling the
client is an acceptable method to use when changing
positions as long as the client is maintained in
anatomically neutral positions and her limbs are
properly supported. The client may be lifted as long
as the nurse has assistance and uses proper body
mechanics to avoid injury to himself or herself or
the client. Having the client help lift herself off the
bed with a trapeze is an acceptable means to move a
client without causing friction burns or skin breakdown.
CN: Reduction of risk potential;
CL: Synthesize
50. 3. The use of ankle-high tennis shoes has
been found to be most effective in preventing plantar fl exion (footdrop) because they add support
to the foot and keep it in the correct anatomic
position. Footboards stimulate spasms and are not
routinely recommended. Regular repositioning and
range-of-motion exercises are important interventions,
but the client’s foot needs to be in the correct
anatomic position to prevent overextension of
the muscle and tendon. Massaging does not prevent
plantar fl exion and, if rigorous, could release
CN: Reduction of risk potential;
CL: Synthesize
51. 1, 2, 4. Placing a pillow in the axilla so the
arm is away from the body keeps the arm abducted
and prevents skin from touching skin to avoid skin
breakdown. Placing a pillow under the slightly
fl exed arm so the hand is higher than the elbow
prevents dependent edema. Positioning a hand
cone (not a rolled washcloth) in the hand prevents
hand contractures. Immobilization of the extremity
may cause a painful shoulder-hand syndrome.
Flexion contractures of the hand, wrist, and elbow
can result from immobility of the weak or paralyzed
extremity. It is better to extend the arms to prevent
CN: Reduction of risk potential;
CL: Synthesize
52. 2. Expressive aphasia is a condition in which
the client understands what is heard or written but
cannot say what he or she wants to say. A communication
or picture board helps the client communicate
with others in that the client can point to
objects or activities that he or she desires.
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Synthesize
53. 2. A client with dysphagia (diffi culty swallowing)
commonly has the most diffi culty ingesting
thin liquids, which are easily aspirated. Liquids
should be thickened to avoid aspiration. Maintaining
an upright position while eating is appropriate
because it minimizes the risk of aspiration. Introducing
foods on the unaffected side allows the
client to have better control over the food bolus. The
client should concentrate on chewing and swallowing;
therefore, distractions should be avoided.
CN: Safety and infection control;
CL: Synthesize
54. 2. Homonymous hemianopia is blindness in
half of the visual fi eld; therefore, the client would
see only half of his plate. Eating only the food on
half of the plate results from an inability to coordinate
visual images and spatial relationships. There
may be an increased preference for foods high in
salt after a stroke, but this would not be related to
homonymous hemianopia. Forgetting the names of foods would be aphasia, which involves a cerebral
cortex lesion. Being unable to swallow liquids
is dysphagia, which involves motor pathways of
cranial nerves IX and X, including the lower brain
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Analyze
55. 4. To expand the visual fi eld, the partially
sighted client should be taught to turn the head from
side to side when walking. Neglecting to do so may
result in accidents. This technique helps maximize
the use of remaining sight. Covering an eye with a
patch will limit the fi eld of vision. Personal items
can be placed within sight and reach, but most
accidents occur from tripping over items that cannot
be seen. It may help the client to see the door, but
walking presents the primary safety hazard.
CN: Reduction of risk potential;
CL: Synthesize
56. 3. A client who has brain damage may be
emotionally labile and may cry or laugh for no
explainable reason. Crying is best dealt with by
attempting to divert the client’s attention. Ignoring
the behavior will not affect the mood swing or the
crying and may increase the client’s sense of isolation.
Telling the client to stop is inappropriate.
CN: Psychosocial adaptation;
CL: Synthesize
57. 4, 5. When offering emotional support to a
client who is discouraged and has a negative selfconcept
because of physical handicaps, the nurse
should approach the client with encouragement
and patience. The client should be praised when
he or she shows progress in efforts to overcome
handicaps. An attitude of helpfulness and sympathy
allows the client to assume a role of someone not
ordinary, someone who is not like others. Regardless
of the handicap, the client still feels the same on the
inside and has the same innate needs for his or her
growth and developmental age-group. An attitude of
charity tends to make the client feel like a “charity
case” or like someone who is given something free
because of his “condition.” The client feels unequal
to his peers or unable to fulfi ll the role relationships
that were obtained before the stroke. An approach
using fi rmness is inappropriate because it implies
that the client can do better if he just tries harder
and leaves no room for softness in the approach to
overcoming a negative self-concept.
CN: Psychosocial adaptation;
CL: Synthesize
58. 2. The nurse should encourage the client
to write messages or use alternative forms of communication
to avoid frustration. Presenting one
thought at a time decreases stimuli that may distract the client, as does speaking in a normal volume and
tone. The nurse should ask the client to “show me”
and should encourage the use of gestures to assist in
getting the message across with minimal frustration
and exhaustion for the client.
CN: Psychosocial adaptation;
CL: Synthesize
59. 3. Thrombolytic enzyme agents are used for
clients with a thrombotic stroke to dissolve emboli,
thus reestablishing cerebral perfusion. They do not
increase vascular permeability, cause vasoconstriction,
or prevent further hemorrhage.
CN: Pharmacological and parenteral
therapies; CL: Evaluate
The Client with Parkinson’s Disease
60. 3, 4, 5. The nurse should contact the health
care provider before administering Sinemet because
this medication can cause further symptoms of
depression. Suicide threats in clients with chronic
illness should be taken seriously. The nurse should
also determine if the client is on an MAO inhibitor
because concurrent use with Sinemet can cause a
hypertensive crisis. Sinemet is not a treatment for
depression. Having the client discuss his feelings is
appropriate when the prescription is fi nalized.
CN: Pharmacological and parenteral
therapies; CL: Synthesize
61. 2. The fi rst sign of Parkinson’s disease is
usually tremors. The client commonly is the fi rst to
notice this sign because the tremors may be minimal
at fi rst. Rigidity is the second sign, and bradykinesia
is the third sign. Akinesia is a later stage of
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Analyze
62. 3. The primary focus is on maintaining a safe
environment because the client with Parkinson’s
disease usually has a propulsive gait, characterized
by a tendency to take increasingly quicker steps
while walking. This type of gait commonly causes
the client to fall or to have trouble stopping. The
client should maintain a balanced diet, enhance the
immune system, and enjoy diversional activities;
however, safety is the primary concern.
CN: Reduction of risk potential;
CL: Synthesize
63. 2. Voluntary and purposeful movements
often temporarily decrease or stop the tremors
associated with Parkinson’s disease. In some clients,
however, tremors may increase with voluntary
effort. Tremors associated with Parkinson’s disease are not psychogenic but are related to an imbalance
between dopamine and acetylcholine. Tremors cannot
be reduced by distracting the client.
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Analyze
64. 2. Demanding physical activity should be
performed during the peak action of drug therapy.
Clients should be encouraged to maintain independence
in self-care activities to the greatest extent
possible. Although some clients may have more
energy in the morning or after rest, tremors are managed
with drug therapy.
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Synthesize
65. 4. Helping the client function at his or her
best is most appropriate and realistic. There is no
known cure for Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s disease
progresses in severity, and there is no known
way to stop its progression. Many clients live for
years with the disease, however, and it would not
be appropriate to start planning terminal care at this
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Synthesize
66. 1. The primary goal of physical therapy and
nursing interventions is to maintain joint fl exibility
and muscle strength. Parkinson’s disease
involves a degeneration of dopamine-producing
neurons; therefore, it would be an unrealistic goal
to attempt to build muscles or increase endurance.
The decrease in dopamine neurotransmitters results
in ataxia secondary to extrapyramidal motor system
effects. Attempts to reduce ataxia through physical
therapy would not be effective.
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Synthesize
67. 2. Levodopa is prescribed to decrease severe
muscle rigidity. Levodopa does not improve mood,
appetite, or alertness in a client with Parkinson’s
CN: Pharmacological and parenteral
therapies; CL: Evalulate
68. 3. Vital signs should be monitored, especially
during periods of adjustment. Changes, such as
orthostatic hypotension, cardiac irregularities, palpitations,
and light-headedness, should be reported
immediately. The client may actually experience
suicidal or paranoid ideation instead of euphoria.
The nurse should monitor the client for elevated
liver enzyme levels, such as lactate dehydrogenase,
aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase,
blood urea nitrogen, and alkaline phosphatase,
but the client should not be jaundiced. The
client should not experience signs and symptoms of diabetes or a low serum glucose level, but the nurse
should check the hemoglobin and hematocrit levels.
CN: Pharmacological and parenteral
therapies; CL: Analyze
69. 4. While the client is hospitalized for adjustment
of medication, it is essential that the medications
be administered exactly at the scheduled
time, for accurate evaluation of effectiveness. For
example, levodopa-carbidopa (Sinemet) is taken in
divided doses over the day, not all at one time, for
optimum effectiveness.
CN: Pharmacological and parenteral
therapies; CL: Apply
70. 2. Ongoing self-care is a major focus for
clients with Parkinson’s disease. The client should
be given additional time as needed and praised for
her efforts to remain independent. Firmly telling the
client that she needs assistance will undermine her
self-esteem and defeat her efforts to be independent.
Telling the client that her perception is unrealistic
does not foster hope in her ability to care for herself.
Suggesting that the client modify her routine seems
to put the hospital or the nurse’s time schedule
before the client’s needs. This will only decrease the
client’s self-esteem and her desire to try to continue
self-care, which is obviously important to her.
CN: Psychosocial adaptation;
CL: Synthesize
71. 1. The goal of a pallidotomy is to improve
functional ability for the client with Parkinson’s
disease. This is a priority. The pallidotomy creates
lesions in the globus pallidus to control extrapyramidal
disorders that affect control of movement
and gait. If functional ability is improved by the
pallidotomy, the client may experience a secondary
response of an improved emotional response, but
this is not the primary goal of the surgical procedure.
The procedure will not improve alertness or
CN: Basic care and comfort; CL: Apply
The Client with Multiple Sclerosis
72. 3. Symptoms that can occur with multiple
sclerosis are muscle spasticity and weakness,
fatigue, visual disturbances, hearing loss, and bowel
and bladder incontinence. Seizures are not associated
with myelin destruction.
CN: Management of care; CL: Evaluate
73. 2, 3, 4, 5. Maintaining urinary function in a
client with neurogenic bladder dysfunction from
MS is an important goal. The client should ideally
drink 400 to 500 mL with each meal; 200 mL attempt to void at least every 2 hours to prevent
infection and stone formation. The client may need
to catheterize herself to drain residual urine in the
bladder. Restricting fl uids during the day will not
produce suffi cient urine. However, in bladder training
for nighttime continence, the client may restrict
fl uids for 1 to 2 hours before going to bed. The client
should drink at least 2,000 mL every 24 hours.
CN: Physiological adaptation; CL: Create
74. 2. With MS, hyperexcitability and euphoria
may occur, but because of muscle weakness, sudden
bursts of energy are unlikely. Visual disturbances,
weakness in the extremities, and loss of muscle tone
and tremors are common symptoms of MS.
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Analyze
75. 3. Baclofen is a centrally acting skeletal muscle
relaxant that helps relieve the muscle spasms
common in MS. Drowsiness is an adverse effect, and
driving should be avoided if the medication produces
a sedative effect. Baclofen does not stimulate
the appetite or reduce bacteria in the urine.
CN: Pharmacological and parenteral
therapies; CL: Evaluate
76. 2. Evaluating drug effectiveness is diffi cult
because a high percentage of clients with MS exhibit
unpredictable episodes of remission, exacerbation,
and steady progress without apparent cause. Clients
with MS do not necessarily have increased intolerance
to drugs, nor do they endure long periods of
exacerbation before the illness responds to a particular
drug. Multiple drug use is not what makes
evaluation of drug effectiveness diffi cult.
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Analyze
77. 4. Asking a client to speak louder even when
tired may aggravate the problem. Asking the client
to speak slowly and distinctly and to repeat hard-tounderstand
words helps the client to communicate
CN: Psychosocial adaptation;
CL: Synthesize
78. 4. The nurses’ notes should be concise,
objective, clearly stated, and relevant. This client
trembles when she attempts voluntary actions, such
as drinking a beverage or fastening clothing. This
activity should be described exactly as it occurs
so that others reading the note will have no doubt
about the nurse’s observation of the client’s behavior.
Identifying the “intentional” activity of daily living
will help the interdisciplinary team individualize
the client’s plan of care. Clarifying what is meant
by “worsening” with a purposeful act will facilitate the inter-rater reliability of the team. It is better to
state what the client did than to give vague nursing
orders in the nurses’ notes.
CN: Management of care; CL: Apply
79. 4. Limiting fl uid intake is likely to aggravate
rather than relieve symptoms when a bowel retraining
program is being implemented. Furthermore,
water imbalance, as well as electrolyte imbalance,
tends to aggravate the signs and symptoms of MS. A
diet high in fi ber helps keep bowel movements regular.
Setting a regular time each day for elimination
helps train the body to maintain a schedule. Using
an elevated toilet seat facilitates transfer of the client
from the wheelchair to the toilet or from a standing
to a sitting position.
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Synthesize
80. 3. MS is a progressive, chronic neurologic
disease characterized by patchy demyelination
throughout the central nervous system. This interferes
with the transmission of electrical impulses
from one nerve cell to the next. MS affects speech,
coordination, and vision, but not cognition. Care for
the client with MS is directed toward maintaining
joint mobility, preventing deformities, maintaining
muscle strength, rehabilitation, preventing and treating
depression, and providing client motivation.
CN: Reduction of risk potential;
CL: Synthesize
81. 2. The nurse’s most positive approach is to
encourage a client with MS to keep active, use stress
reduction strategies, and avoid fatigue because it
is important to support the immune system while
remaining active. A quiet, inactive lifestyle is not
necessarily indicated. Good health habits are not
likely to alter the course of the disease, although
they may help minimize complications. Practicing
using aids that will be needed for future disabilities
may be helpful but also can be discouraging.
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Synthesize
82. 1, 3, 4, 5. A client with impaired peripheral
sensation does not feel pain as readily as someone
whose sensation is unimpaired; therefore, water
temperatures should be tested carefully. The client
should be advised to avoid using hot water bottles
or heating pads and to protect against cold temperatures.
Because the client cannot rely on minor
pain as an indicator of damaged skin or sore spots,
the client should carefully inspect the skin daily to
visualize any injuries that he cannot feel. The client
should not be instructed to avoid kitchen activities
out of fear of injury; independence and selfcare
are also important. However, the client should
meet with an occupational therapist to learn about assistive devices and techniques that can reduce
injuries, such as burns and cuts that are common in
kitchen activities.
CN: Reduction of risk potential;
CL: Create
83. 3. Maintaining a regular voiding pattern
is the most appropriate measure to help the client
avoid urinary incontinence. Fluid intake is not
related to incontinence. Incontinence is related to
the strength of the detrusor and urethral sphincter
muscles. Inserting an indwelling catheter would be
a treatment of last resort because of the increased
risk of infection. If catheterization is required, intermittent
self-catheterization is preferred because of
its lower risk of infection. Antibiotics do not infl uence
urinary incontinence.
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Synthesize
84. 2. An individualized regular exercise program
helps the client to relieve muscle spasms. The
client can be trained to use unaffected muscles to
promote coordination because MS is a progressive,
debilitating condition. The data do not indicate that
the client needs psychotherapy, day care for the
granddaughter, or visits from other clients.
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Synthesize
The Unconscious Client
85. 3. Activated charcoal powder is administered
to absorb remaining particles of salicylate. Vitamin
K is an antidote for warfarin sodium (Coumadin).
Dextrose 50% is used to treat hypoglycemia.
Sodium thiosulfate is an antidote for cyanide.
CN: Pharmacological and parenteral
therapies; CL: Synthesize
86. 2, 3, 4. An excess of cholinergic agents
produce urinary and fecal incontinence, increased
salivation, diarrhea, and diaphoresis. In a severe
overdose, CNS depression, seizures and muscle
fasciculations, bradycardia or tachycardia, weakness,
and respiratory arrest due to respiratory
muscle paralysis occur. Anticholinergics produce
dry mucous membranes. Skin rash is not a sign of
overdose with a cholinergic agent.
CN: Pharmacological and parenteral
therapies; CL: Analyze
87. 3. The initial response to crisis is high
anxiety. Anxiety must dissipate before a person
can deal with the actual situation. Allowing family
members to ventilate their feelings can help diffuse
their anxiety. The reasons for the client’s actions are unknown; assumptions must be validated before
they become facts. Touch can be appropriate but not
when it is used as false reassurance. Helping with
the client’s care is appropriate at a later time.
CN: Psychosocial adaptation;
CL: Synthesize
88. 3. Maintaining intact skin is a priority for
the unconscious client. Unconscious clients need
to be turned every hour to prevent complications
of immobility, which include pressure ulcers and
stasis pneumonia. The unconscious client cannot be
educated at this time. Pain is not a concern. During
the fi rst 24 hours, the unconscious client will mostly
likely be on nothing-by-mouth status.
CN: Reduction of risk potential;
CL: Synthesize
89. 2. The nurse must clean the unconscious
client’s mouth carefully, apply a thin coat of petroleum
jelly, and move the endotracheal tube to the
opposite side daily to prevent dryness, crusting,
infl ammation, and parotiditis. The unconscious
client’s temperature should be monitored by a route
other than the oral route (e.g., rectal, tympanic)
because oral temperatures will be inaccurate. The
client should be positioned in a lateral or semiprone
position, not a supine position, to allow for drainage
of secretions and for the jaw and tongue to fall
forward. The client should not be dragged when
turned, as may happen when a drawsheet is used.
Care should be taken to lift the client’s heels, buttocks,
arms, and head off of the sheets when turning.
Trochanter rolls, splints, foam boot aids, specialty
beds, and so on—not just two pillows—should be
used to keep the client in correct body position and
to decrease pressure on bony prominences.
CN: Reduction of risk potential;
CL: Synthesize
90. 3. The client is not in proper body alignment
if, when in the right side-lying position, the client’s
left arm rests on the mattress with the elbow fl exed.
This positioning of the arm pulls the left shoulder
out of good alignment, restricting respiratory movements.
The arm should be supported on a pillow.
The client’s head also should be placed on a small
pillow to keep it in alignment with the body. The
right leg should be extended on the mattress without
a pillow to avoid hyperrotation of the hip. A
pillow should be placed between the left and right
legs with the left knee fl exed so that on no parts of
the legs is skin touching skin.
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Synthesize
91. 4. The goal of performing passive ROM exercises
is to maintain joint mobility. Active exercise is
needed to preserve bone and muscle mass. Passive ROM movements do not prevent bone demineralization
or have a positive effect on the client’s muscle
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Evaluate
92. 1. Maintaining a patent airway is the priority.
Therefore, the nurse should keep suction equipment
available to remove secretions. The client
should be placed in a side-lying, not prone, position.
Performing oral hygiene is a clean procedure;
therefore, the nurse wears clean gloves, not sterile
gloves. The nurse should never place any fi ngers in
an unconscious client’s mouth; the client may bite
down. Padded tongue blades, swabs, or a toothbrush
should be used instead; but maintaining the airway
is the priority.
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Synthesize
93. 2. When the blink refl ex is absent or the eyes
do not close completely, the cornea may become dry
and irritated. Corneal abrasion can occur. Taping
the eye closed will prevent injury. Having the client
wear eyeglasses or cleaning the eyelid will not protect
the cornea from dryness or irritation. Artifi cial
tears instilled once per shift are not frequent enough
for preventing dryness.
CN: Reduction of risk potential;
CL: Synthesize
94. 3. Restlessness is an early indicator of
hypoxia. The nurse should suspect hypoxia in the
unconscious client who becomes restless. The most
accurate method for determining the presence of
hypoxia is to evaluate the pulse oximeter value or
arterial blood gas values. Cyanosis and decreased
respirations are late indicators of hypoxia. Hypertension,
not hypotension, is a sign of hypoxia.
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Apply
95. 2. The client should be placed in a semiFowler’s position to reduce the risk of aspiration.
The formula should be at room temperature, not
heated. Administering enteral tube feedings is a
clean procedure, not a sterile one; therefore, sterile
supplies are not required. Clients receiving enteral
feedings should be weighed regularly, but not necessarily
before each feeding.
CN: Reduction of risk potential;
CL: Synthesize
96. 4. Gastric residuals are checked before
administration of enteral feedings to determine
whether gastric emptying is delayed. A residual
of less than 50% of the previous feeding volume
is usually considered acceptable. In this case, the
amount is not excessive and the nurse should reinstill the aspirate through the tube and then
administer the feeding. If the amount of gastric
residual is excessive, the nurse should notify the
physician and withhold the feeding. Disposing of
the residual can cause electrolyte and fl uid losses.
CN: Reduction of risk potential;
CL: Synthesize
97. 1. Good catheter care, including meticulous
cleaning of the area around the urethral meatus, is
the highest priority for the client with an indwelling
catheter. Clamping an indwelling catheter is
not recommended. Irrigation of the catheter, which
requires breaking the closed system, is not recommended.
Manipulation of the catheter taped to the
client’s leg causes trauma to the urethral meatus,
which can predispose the client to an infection and
is also not recommended.
CN: Reduction of risk potential;
CL: Synthesize
98. 2, 3, 4. A client who is brain dead typically
demonstrates nonreactive dilated pupils and nonreactive
or absent corneal and gag refl exes. The client
may still have spinal refl exes, such as deep tendon
and Babinski refl exes, in brain death. Decerebrate
or decorticate posturing would not be seen. Clients
who are brain dead do not have a blink refl ex.
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Apply
The Client in Pain
99. 2. Morphine 2 mg was given 1 hour ago
and the client can have up to 4 mg every 2 hours.
Although the pain level is at 1, the nurse should
give medication prior to the dressing change with
packing that is likely to cause discomfort. A 4 mg
dose of morphine would exceed the 2 hour limit
and, if given after the dressing change, would not
manage pain during the procedure. The client has
been responding to the pain medication dosing and
a new order is not required at this time.
CN: Management of care;
CL: Synthesize
100. 1. Pain perception is an individual experience.
Research indicates that pain tolerance and
perception vary widely among individuals, even
within cultures.
CN: Psychosocial adaptation;
CL: Synthesize
101. 1. Experience has demonstrated that clients
who feel confi dence in the persons who are caring
for them do not require as much therapy for pain
relief as those who have less confi dence. Without the client’s confi dence, developed in an effective
nurse-client relationship, other interventions may be
less effective. The client’s family can be an important
source of support, but it is the nurse who plans
strategies for pain relief. The client may require time
to adjust to the pain, but the nurse and client can
collaborate to try to evaluate a variety of pain relief
strategies. Arranging for the client to share a room
with another client who has little pain may have
negative effects on the client who has pain that is
diffi cult to relieve.
CN: Basic care and comfort;
CL: Synthesize
102. 4. Although meperidine hydrochloride can
be given orally, it is more effective when given intramuscularly.
The equianalgesic dose of oral meperidine
is up to four times the I.M. dose (75 × 4 = 300).
CN: Pharmacological and parenteral
therapies; CL: Apply
103. 1. Opioid analgesics relieve pain by reducing
or altering the perception of pain. Meperidine
hydrochloride does not decrease the sensitivity of
pain receptors, interfere with pain impulses traveling
along sensory nerve fi bers, or block the conduction
of pain impulses in the central nervous system.
CN: Pharmacological and parenteral
therapies; CL: Evaluate
104. 3. The client’s innate responses to pain are
directed initially toward escaping from the source of
pain. Variations in tolerance and perception of pain
are apparent only in conscious clients, and only
conscious clients can employ distraction to help
relieve pain.
CN: Physiological adaptation; CL: Apply
105. 1. Ergotamine tartrate is used to help abort a
migraine attack. It should be taken as soon as prodromal
symptoms appear. Reduced migraine severity
and relief from sleeplessness and vision problems
address symptoms that occur after the migraine
has occurred and are not effects of ergotamine.
CN: Pharmacological and parenteral
therapies; CL: Evaluate
106. 4. Biofeedback translates body processes
into observable signs so that the client can develop
some control over certain body processes. Biofeedback
does not involve electrical stimulation. Use of
unpleasant stimuli such as electrical shock is a form
of aversion therapy. Biofeedback does not involve
monitoring body processes for the therapist to interpret;
rather, it is a self-directed, self-care activity
that reinforces learning because the client can see
the results of his actions.
CN: Psychosocial adaptation; CL: Apply
107. 1. A back rub stimulates the large-diameter
cutaneous fi bers, which block transmission of
pain impulses from the spinal cord to the brain. It
does not block the transmission of pain impulses
or stimulate the release of endorphins. A back rub
may distract the client, but the physiologic process
of fi ber stimulation is the main reason a back rub is
used as therapy for pain relief.
CN: Basic care and comfort;
CL: Apply
108. 2. It is essential that the nurse document the
client’s response to pain medication on a routine,
systematic basis. Reassuring the client that pain will
be relieved is often not realistic. A client who continually
presses the PCA button may not be getting
adequate pain relief, but through careful assessment
and documentation, the effectiveness of pain relief
interventions can be evaluated and modifi ed. Pain
medication is not titrated until the client is free from
pain but rather until an acceptable level of pain
management is reached.
CN: Pharmacological and parenteral
therapies; CL: Synthesize
109. 1. An epidural catheter is used for postoperative
pain management to block the pain sensation
below the point of insertion. If the client is rating
pain high, the PCA pump may be malfunctioning,
the catheter may have become misplaced, or the
amount of medication may not be suffi cient. The
nurse should fi rst check the PCA pump to determine
if it is functioning properly. Assessing vital signs
would be important to provide additional data about
the possible cause of pain. The catheter placement,
including removing the dressing or manipulating
the catheter, and drug dosage are the responsibility
of the physician, usually an anesthesiologist, who
inserted the catheter. This person should be contacted
if the PCA pump is functioning appropriately.
The epidural catheter lies just above the dura of the
spinal space. Infection, hypotension, and loss of
mental alertness are just a few of the complications
that can occur if the catheter is pushed through the
CN: Pharmacological and parenteral
therapies; CL: Synthesize
110. 1. The nurse using healing touch affects a client’s
pain primarily through assessing and directing
the fl ow of energy fi elds. Healing touch can involve
touching, but it does not have to involve body contact.
Massage and hypnosis are not parts of healing
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Apply
Managing Care Quality and Safety
111. 3. Pulling the client up under the arm can
cause shoulder displacement. A belt around the
waist should be used to move the client. Passive
range of motion exercises prevents contractures and
atrophy. Raising the foot of the bed assists in venous
return to reduce edema. High top tennis shoes are
used to prevent foot drop.
CN: Management of care; CL: Synthesize
112. 3. Clients with Parkinson’s disease can experience
dysphagia. Thickening liquids assists with
swallowing, preventing aspiration. Hyperextending
the neck opens the airway and can increase risk
of aspiration. Pressing the chin fi rmly on the chest
makes swallowing more diffi cult. The chin should
be slightly tucked to promote swallowing. The nurse
should suggest a speech therapy consult for evaluation
of the client’s ability to swallow.
CN: Safety and infection control;
CL: Synthesize
113. 2. Clients with Parkinson’s disease may experience
a freezing gait when they are unable to move
forward. Instructing the client to march in place,
step over lines in the fl ooring, or visualize stepping
over a log allows them to move forward. It is important
to ambulate the client and not keep them on
bedrest. A muscle relaxant is not indicated.
CN: Management of care; CL: Synthesize
114. 1, 2, 3, 7. Pressure points in the side-lying
position include the ears, shoulders, ribs, greater
trochanter, medial or lateral condyles, and ankles.
The sacrum, occiput, and heels are pressure point
areas affected in the supine position.
CN: Safety and infection control;
CL: Analyze
115. 4. All health care facilities in which controlled
medications (Schedules II, III, and IV) are
stored for dispensing and/or administration to clients
are required to follow procedures for the proper
maintenance of narcotic inventory. Narcotic inventory
maintenance includes, but is not limited to, all
discrepancies will have thorough and appropriate
documentation with accompanying reasons (.i.e.,
tablet/amp/vial breakage, additional medication
volume, etc.), timely resolution of inventory discrepancies,
and timely notifi cation regarding controlled
substance inventory discrepancies of persons
in oversight areas (i.e., Pharmacy, Security, Nursing
House Supervisor). In the event of a signifi cant incident,
the proper external authorities will be notifi ed
(i.e., DEA, local police department) by the Quality
and Risk Management/Legal Department.
CN: Pharmacological and parenteral
therapies; CL: Synthesize