Policy Openness and Transparency To ensure that our approach to transparency: Summary of Document: Demonstrates that we are open and accountable Complies with legal & regulatory requirements Who Does it Apply To? Group Policy Author: Philippa Jones Referenced and Hyperlinked Documents: Data protection policy Approved By: Group Board Date of Original Approval: 10/ 01 / 2012 Governance Framework Review History Last Review Date: n/a Review Period: annual Bi-ennial Next Review Date: January 2014 Our Space / Group Key Documents / Governance 1. Introduction We want to be open with our customers, colleagues and other stakeholders and show them that we operate and use our resources fairly, efficiently and effectively. Expectations and legislative and regulatory requirements are evolving in this field and we will continue to seek to influence the debate around transparency in our sector to ensure it is relevant, meaningful and cost effective to deliver. 2. Know, Feel, Do We want people to know - that we are open and accountable We want people to feel - that we are prudent in how we spend our money. What we want people to do – trust us and do business with us 3. What we will share We will share much more information than is required by law. In deciding what to share and how, we will consider: who will find the information useful the most appropriate format, tailored to the relevant audience value for money, ensuring that the value to the audience justifies the cost and that the way we produce the information is cost effective any commercial or individual sensitivities The table below sets out what we will publish and where: Remuneration and Expenses Executive Remuneration Other colleague salaries Non Executive Directors’ remuneration Expenses Recruitment How we recruit our colleagues How we recruit Board members How we manage performance Financial and value for Money All our expenditure over £500 Our approach to procurement and value for money Reward packages for CEO other Executives By bands Web and intranet Annual Report Web and intranet Remuneration by role Web and intranet Annual Report Policy Actual payments made to NEDs and executives Web and intranet Policy Outcomes Statement Outcomes Policy summary Web and intranet Details Web Policy Web and intranet Web and intranet Web and intranet Web and intranet 2 How we award contracts Value for money outcomes Rent and service charge setting Annual Report and accounts (which include Code disclosures) Service and performance Access to our homes and services Customer Service Standards Complaints Policy Governance Governance framework including the Code disclosure requirements Board & Board Committees Customer influence and engagement Probity Policy Our approach to equality and diversity Strategy Strategic Plan Policy Web and intranet Annual VfM Statement Web and Report to Customers Web Key benchmarking information from annual accounts Regulatory reports as required Policy Average rents by LA Full details Web Web and intranet Web and intranet Web and intranet Policy Web and intranet Customer Deal and our Customer Offers Performance and outcomes against Customer Offers Policy and process Outcomes Web and Intranet Summary Compliance outcomes (in Annual report) Web and intranet Web and intranet Membership Terms of Reference Policy Outcomes Policy Outcomes Policy Outcomes Web and intranet Strategic Plan Summary of strategy Intranet Web Annual Report to customers Web and Intranet Web and Intranet Web and intranet Web Web Web Web Web Web and and and and and and intranet intranet Intranet intranet intranet intranet 4. Legislative and regulatory framework Currently the relevant legal and regulatory requirements applying to Bromford are: FRSA requirements to publish in our statutory accounts information on remuneration of board members and the Chief Executive Regulatory requirements to publish standards and performance and value for money information to customers 3 UK Corporate Governance Code (the “Code”)– the governance code we have adopted The Freedom of Information Act does not apply to housing associations except where they are carrying out statutory duties on behalf of a local authority or other public body. The Data Protection Act does apply to us and we have a comprehensive set of policies and procedures to ensure compliance. Data protection constraints may limit the information we can share in some circumstances. In addition there are some contractual requirements to publish data, specifically the Homes and Community Agency Contract for the Affordable Rent Programme 2011-2014. This requires us to publish all expenditure over £500 in relation to this contract. We will comply with this and with any similar specific requirements where we enter into contracts. 5. Equality and Diversity Bromford aims to ensure all its policies and practices are nondiscriminatory and sensitive to the diverse needs of individuals. There are no implications in this policy that specifically affect particular groups of people. Click here to view Equality Impact Assessment 4