Test rocks mins nat rsrcs

Name:_____________________________________ Block: ____________ Date:_________________
Rocks, Minerals, and Natural Resources Test
You may write on this test paper. Be careful to completely read and follow the directions for each section.
Part 1- Definitions (1 point each)
Choose the correct word from the word bank below to complete each definition. Write the
word in the blank at the beginning of the correct definition.
Metamorphic Rocks
Word Bank
Sedimentary Rocks
Igneous Rocks
Renewable Resource
Nonrenewable Resource
1. __________________ are naturally occurring, inorganic, solid substances with a
definite chemical composition and crystalline structure
2. __________________ are formed by chemical precipitation or cementation of rock
fragments and/or organic material
3. __________________ can be replaced by nature at a rate that is close to the rate at
which they are used/consumed
4. __________________ are formed by the crystallization of molten material (magma or
5. __________________ are the simplest substances and cannot be broken down further
using chemical methods
6. __________________ are formed when any rock is changed by the effects of heat,
pressure, or chemical action
7. __________________ are replenished by nature very slowly or not at all
8. __________________ are an aggregate of mineral matter
Part 2- Multiple Choice (3 points each)
Place the letter of the correct answer on the blank to the left of the question number.
______ 9. The major minerals found in the Earth’s crust areA. Quartz and feldspar
B. Oxygen and silicon
C. Granite and gabbro
D. Talc and mica
______ 10. The major elements found in the Earth’s crust areE. Quartz, feldspar, hornblende, mica
F. Oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron
G. Granite, gabbro, obsidian, basalt
H. Limestone, coal, conglomerate, shale
______ 11. The most abundant group of minerals is theA. Carbonates
B. Metalloids
C. Oxides
D. Silicates
______ 12. The breakdown of rocks and minerals into smaller particles without a change in
composition is calledA. Chemical precipitation
B. Igneous intrusion
C. Mechanical weathering
D. Metamorphic foliation
______ 13. Most electricity in the United States is produced fromA. Fossil fuels
B. Hydroelectric energy
C. Nuclear fuels
D. Solar energy
______ 14. Which of the following mineral-identification methods involves producing a powder of the
mineral by dragging a sample of the mineral across an unweathered surface?
A. Streak test
B. Hardness
C. Color
D. Cleavage
______ 15. The drawing above illustrates the test for which mineral property?
A. Cleavage
B. Hardness
C. Luster
D. Streak
______ 16. Obsidian, pumice, and scoria lack crystals becauseA. Not enough minerals were present when they formed
B. They formed to quickly to produce crystals
C. They cooled deep within the Earth
D. They cooled too slowly to produce crystals
______ 17. Rocks are identified byA. Testing their hardness
B. Analyzing their composition and texture
C. Determining their density
D. Comparing their color to a chart
______ 18. Which of the following is an extrusive igneous rock:
A. Basalt
B. Conglomerate
C. Granite
D. Shale
______ 19. The terms “foliated” and “unfoliated” refer toA. The texture of metamorphic rocks
B. The texture of sedimentary rocks
C. The hardness of metamorphic rocks
D. The harness of igneous rocks
______ 20. Which of the following is NOT a type of sedimentary rock?
A. Chemical
B. Clastic
C. Intrusive
D. Organic
______ 21. Which of the following is NOT a natural resource found in Virginia?
A. Coal
B. Crushed stone/gravel
C. Limestone
D. Petroleum
______ 22. You are working in the field and discover a rock matching the following description: grayishwhite in color, reacts to acid by fizzing, includes spiral-shaped trace fossils. Which of the
following is the best description of the rock?
A. Conglomerate
B. Igneous
C. Limestone
D. Schist
Part 3- Short Answer
23. In the space below, explain the rock cycle. How does each rock type transform into another rock type? What
forces are required to complete the rock cycle? You may label the diagram below, but you must also explain each
step in complete sentences. (12 points)
24. Write a description of TWO of the following minerals AND its uses: quartz, feldspar, mica, pyrite,
gypsum. In your description, be sure to include characteristics such as color, luster, cleavage, hardness,
streak, fracture, and any unique properties. (8 points)
25. A large coal-burning power plant has been proposed for Surry County, Virginia. The proposed
Cypress Creek Power Station would be the largest coal burning plant in Virginia. However, the proposed
plant has been a very controversial issue. In a short essay on the back of the page or on the lined paper
provided, answer the following questions: (15 points total)
1. What are some advantages of building the proposed Cypress Creek Power Station? Be sure to
include any environmental, social and/or economic advantages. (3 points)
2. What are some disadvantages of building the proposed Cypress Creek Power Station? Be sure
to include any environmental, social and/or economic disadvantages. (3 points)
3. Propose an alternate power source to a coal-burning plant. What are the benefits to this
alternate power source? What are the disadvantages of this alternate power source? (5
4. Are you for or against building the power plant? Defend your position. (4 points)
1. Minerals
2. Sedimentary Rocks
3. Renewable Resources
4. Igneous Rocks
5. Elements
6. Metamorphic Rocks
7. Nonrenewable resources
8. Rocks
9. A
10. B
11. D
12. C
13. A
14. A
15. B
16. B
17. B
18. A
19. A
20. C
21. D
22. C
23. Students will can receive up to 12 points for this question. They can earn up to 3 points for
their discussion of each of the following main ideas:
 Rocks are transformed to igneous rocks when they are melted into magma, cooled, and
crystallized into new minerals and rocks.
 They become metamorphic rocks when their mineral content is altered because of
heat and/or pressure (or, in some cases, chemical alteration).
 Sedimentary rocks are created when other rocks are weathered and eroded, then the
sediment shed from these processes is deposited, compacted, and cemented.
 Any rock type can become any rock type (another type or the same type). For example,
an igneous rock can be deformed to create a metamorphic rock, eroded to become a
sedimentary rock, or melted to become a new igneous rock.
24. Students will receive 2 points for their description of the mineral and 2 points for explaining
the uses of that mineral. Acceptable answers include:
 Quartz- extremely common and diverse, colorless-white (wide range of colors), very
hard (7), conchoidal fracture; used to transmit light without splitting the spectrum; can
conduct electricity; jems and jewelry trade; industrial lenses, tubes; manufacturing;
glass; scouring powders and sandblasting; digital watches
 Feldspar- tan-white (generally light colored), hardness = 6, often displays twinning; used
in synthetic glue; manufacturing of abrasives, wheels, disks; porcelain and china; glazes
and enamel; glass and sand
 Mica- cleaved into thin sheets, sheet silicate, dark if biotite, light if muscovite, hardness
= 2.5; use in equipment that encounters very high temperatures like rockets, missiles
and jet engine ignition system
 Pyrite-“fools gold” conchoidal fracture, hardness = 6; can be mined for sulfur and iron
 Gypsum- sulfate/anhydrite group, white-yellow, hardness = 2, evaporate; plaster of
Paris, stucco, and cement (similar to asbestos); can be used as a fertilizer
25. Question is worth 15 points. Answers will be graded on accuracy and completeness. To be awarded
full points, students must address both social and environmental factors of the following:
1-3 points: Explanation of advantages to building the power plant
1-3 points: Explanation of disadvantages to building the power plant
1 point: Identification of an alternate power source
1-2 points: Explanation of advantages of alternate power source
1-2 points: Explanation of disadvantages of alternate power source
1-4 points: Defense of personal position on power plant