Anne Frank Webquest - Oak Park Unified School District

Anne Frank WebQuest
This WebQuest is based on Anne Frank's Diary. It was during the time of the Holocaust.
June 12, 1942. You are Anne Frank, a Jewish teenager, and you just received a
diary for your thirteenth birthday. Wow! A diary you can write in about your
deepest thoughts and juiciest secrets and gossip. You are at school with all
your classmates and friends, like you usually are. You can't wait to get home
and write about all the boys that try talking to you and kissing you today!
June 24, 1942. You start to notice that your family and friends are starting to
be treated differently. What's going on? You feel like an outcast ... why are
these people giving you dirty looks?
July 8, 1942. Your father and sister are being sent to a concentration camp! Yes,
a real concentration camp. Your life has completely changed in an instant. You
need your diary more than ever now, with all these horrible events happening.
Thankfully your family decides to hide in a secret annex so the Nazis can't find
July 10, 1942. You and your family arrive at the Secret Annex to hide. No more
school, no more friends, nothing but hiding out alone. Thank goodness you
have your diary.
April 27, 1943. You are hungry and the only thing you have for dinner is rotten
potatoes. Everyone in the Secret Annex is miserable and angry. Your diary is
the only place you can go to discuss your feelings. Your diary becomes your best
August 4, 1944. Your Secret Annex gets raided and they take you away to the
concentration camps.
Just imagine if you were really Anne Frank and were actually going through these
horrific events. How would you feel?
Task - Step One
With a partner, you will be assigned one of the below topics by your teacher. Your goal
is to research your topic, going above and beyond to find at least EIGHT important facts
- write these down on the back of your packet.
A list of suggested questions is underneath the topic. The websites that will be useful to
your research are also located underneath each topic.
Topic 1: Anne Frank and Her Family
Your job is to research the Frank family. Who were they? What was their background
before the war? Where were they located? What happened to them? Include any
information you feel is important to this topic.
Anne Frank's History
Anne Frank
The Diary of Anne Frank Book Summary
BrainPop: Anne Frank
Google Search: Anne Frank
Topic 2: Concentration Camp
Your job is to research Jewish concentration camps. What are they? Where are they
located? What happened there? Who ran the camps? Who were sent to the camps?
What is the importance of the camps? Include any information you feel is important for
this topic.
All About Nazi Camps
Most Asked Questions About The Holocaust and Anne Frank
Google Search: Concentration Camps
Topic 3: Nazi
Your job is to find out who a Nazi is. Who were they? Where were they located? Who
did they follow? What did they do? What was the importance of a Nazi? Include any
information you feel is important to this topic.
Most Asked Questions About The Holocaust and Anne Frank
The Nazi Police State
BrainPop: Nazis and The Holocaust
Google Search: Rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party
Topic 4: Adolf Hitler
Your job is to research Adolf Hitler. Who was he? What did he do? How significant is
this man to the Holocaust? Include any information you feel is important to this topic.
Adolf Hitler
34 Facts About Nazi Leader Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler: The Holocaust
BrainPop: Adolf Hitler
Topic 5: Jewish People
Your job is to research Jewish people. The most famous Jewish girl was Anne Frank;
she was only one out of millions of Jews living during the Holocaust. You should
research who they are, where they were living, what they were doing during the
Holocaust. Was it hard being a Jew during this time? What kind of rights did they have?
Did all Jews have the same experience? Include any other information you feel is
important to your topic.
Jewish Children of the Holocaust
Jews During the Holocaust
Google Search: Jewish Life During The Holocaust
We will share with the class.
You should now how a strong overview of the historical topics which help contribute to
the understanding of Anne Frank, her world, and her diary.
This Webquest was created by Mrs. Stein on behalf of our 7th Grade Humanities team. Emily Penrose authored this WebQuest.
UPDATED: April 2015 JF