MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY INNOVATORS: RYE The Australian medical technologies sector has a reputation for innovation and quality. The Australian companies in this industry are at the forefront of developing ground-breaking products to improve the health and well-being of global communities. With significant investment in research and development and high-value manufacturing – the industry is situated perfectly to take advantage of Australia’s competitive strengths to export niche products to the global market. Rye Pharmaceuticals develops premium quality medical products for burns, wounds and skin conditions. The company's products help clinicians and consumers reduce trauma and aggravation associated with these conditions. Rye collaborates with internationally recognised research facilities to ensure the most effective science is used in its product design. Medical products facilitating natural healing processes In today’s environment our skin works overtime to protect us. Sometimes it needs extra help. Rye’s product range offers fast and ongoing relief from the pain of burns, relief from bites and stings, rashes, skin irritations and infections. Rye develops products and services that provide value through the health system, and ensure all offerings are as physiologically and ecologically compliant as possible - providing low intervention healthcare solutions. Rye’s carefully formulated wound and skin care products have been successful in international markets, with exports growing fast. Benefits of collaboration Rye has highlighted three key factors which have contributed to its success. Accessing international markets: When looking to enter export markets, Rye received assistance from Austrade and has since persisted to become successful in export markets, which has also made the company more competitive in the domestic market. Collaborating with local research networks: Collaborating with local R&D organisations and world leading research facilities has helped Rye develop more effective healthcare solutions. For example, ongoing research at the University of Queensland has helped Rye to develop burn dressings more effectively targeting pain reduction. Product development in Australian R&D facilities and clinical validation hospitals, has meant the results of clinical trials on wound care products has led to more cost effective treatments of chronic wounds. Leveraging existing distribution channels: Entering exclusive distribution agreements with key players in particular markets has allowed Rye to build an effective export distribution network. For example, an agreement with Dukal Corporation in the USA, has given Rye great access to the express mail service market, and partners such as Mediq has provided access to the European healthcare market. Pictured: The Burnaid product range. This case study is based on information from Rye and was developed with the assistance of AusBiotech. For further information visit