RYE TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA PT12 working for the social, economic and environmental well-being of the Antient Town of Rye Committee PLANNING & TOWNSCAPE Date and Time Monday 23 October 2006, 6pm Venue The Town Hall, Market Street, Rye Members appointed to the Committee: Councillors John Breeds, Jonathan Breeds, Roger Breeds (Committee Chairman), Paul Carey, Peter Dyce, Jo Kirkham, Paul Osborne (Mayor), Frank Palmer (Committee Vice-Chairman), Ian Potter, David Russell (Deputy Mayor), Eric Streeton, Keith Taylor ___________________________________________________________________ 71 APOLOGIES To accept any apologies for absence. 72 DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST To receive any disclosures by Members of personal interests in matters on the agenda, the nature of any interest and whether the Member regards the interest as prejudicial under the terms of the Code of Conduct. The meeting to adjourn for up to 15 minutes for Public Question Time. 73 MINUTES To authorise the Chairman to sign the Minutes of the Planning and Townscape Meeting of the 9 October 2006 (PT11) as a correct record of the proceedings. 74 MATTERS ARISING To note any matters arising from the Minutes of the Planning and Townscape Meeting of the 9 October 2006 (PT11). for information 75 PLANNING APPLICATIONS To consider the applications following: 9/13/717 (Com) 2 The Old Brickyard, Rye – Garage and Annexe at. Discharge of section 106 Agreement imposed upon planning permission RR/2002/1387/P so as to allow building to become a separated dwelling unit. Applicant: Mr & Mrs Benn, 2 The Old Brickyard, Rye. 76 77 78 RR/2006/2664/P (Com) 2 The Old Brickyard, Rye – Garage and Annexe at. Conversion of garage to provide living accommodation. Removal of condition 2 imposed upon planning permission RR/2002/1387/P so as to allow building to become a separated dwelling unit. Applicant: Mr & Mrs Benn, 2 The Old Brickyard, Rye. RR/2006/2720/P 4 Market Road, Rye. Removal of internal staircase formation of separate external rear access. Applicant: K Lovejoy, 4 Market Road, Rye. PLANNING SEMINAR To agree Council representatives to attend the Rother Parish Councils Planning Seminar to be held at Battle Memorial Hall, Wednesday 1 November, 2.30-5pm – and to consider whether to submit questions. TC STREET NAMING To agree a suitable name for the new development off Winchelsea Road. TC FLOOD MANAGEMENT PLAN To receive Cllr Bantick’s report on the Rother and Romney Catchment Flood Management Plan Stakeholders’ meeting held in 2 August and, if appropriate, to agree a course of action. TC (for Cllr Bantick) Supporting/Associated documents distributed with this Agenda 73 Minutes 75 Letter from Simon Milne to Rother DC, 11.10.06 76 Seminar Agenda 77 Letter from Bob Scrivener, 10.10.06 78 Cllr Bantick’s Report ……………………………………………… 16 October 2006 Richard Farhall Town Clerk, Town Hall, Rye TN31 7LA Tel 01797 223902 Fax 01797 227706 email townhall@ryetowncouncil.gov.uk www.ryetowncouncil.gov.uk MEETINGS OF RYE TOWN COUNCIL AND ITS COMMITTEES ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC