Online Translator Mini-Assignment Task`s Goal

Online Translator Mini-Assignment
Task’s Goal: Test an online translator and indicate the problems that you encounter.
Please understand that using an online translator is, in my eyes, the same as cheating. I would certainly rather you write to
me five sentences that you translated than a hundred sentences that a computer program translated for you. A translator is
good for 1 or 2 words, not entire sentences or paragraphs.
Les Instructions:
Open a blank document in Microsoft Word (if possible). In the header please put your first and last
name and the date (in French).
Type the following sentences into Microsoft Word, making sure that you insert all of the accents.
Mon idole du soccer est Zinedine Zidane. Chez nous, en France, on l'appelle Zizou. Il est français,
mais d'origine algérienne comme moi. Il a aidé la France à gagner la Coupe du Monde en 1998
contre le Brésil et il a marqué 2 la tête!
« La rando du dimanche » est une randonnée de patins à roues alignées gratuite qui a lieu tous les
dimanches apres-midi à Paris. Elle commence à 14h30 et finit vers 17h30 apres une vingtaine de
kilometres. La route change chaque semaine et des milliers de gens de tous les ages y participent!
Ma soeur a maintenant 23 ans, elle travaille et elle vit tres loin de chez nous, alors je ne la vois pas
souvent. Quand j'etais petit, elle m'aidait à faire mes devoirs. Quand j'avais entre 12 et 14 ans, on a
eu des conflits parce que je la taquinais beaucoup. Mes amis et moi, on espionnait ma soeur et ses
amis pour nous amuser.
Find an online translator. Copy a sentence into it and have it translate the passage from French to English.
Skip two lines and paste the resulting translation into Word. At the end type the name of the translation
service that you used.
Read through the translation, underlining the errors and differences that come from an online translator.
Skip a line and type a paragraph that explains why you think it would be obvious to your teacher if you
used an online translator for a homework assignment.
After your paragraph, skip two more lines and type the following:
"I understand (name of teacher)'s policy on online translators. I agree that I will not use an online
translator for assignments in his/her class, without his/her prior knowledge and consent. By signing below
I acknowledge that if I use a translator on my assignments that I will be dealt with according to (name of
school)'s policy on cheating."
At the end of that please skip five lines and type your name and the date. Please put this assignment in
my hand-in folder.