Deacons Counting Money January 8 January 15 January 22 January 29 Kevin Hamrick W. Michael Hamrick Jim King Dennis Hamrick Ralph Glenn Joey Hamrick Larry Davis Kevin Osborne Junior Hamrick Mt. Sinai Baptist Church 1227 Mt. Sinai Church Rd. Shelby, NC 28152 January 1 Dean Bridges Morning Prayer January 1 Ralph Glenn January 8 Larry Davis January 15 Tim King January 22 Jim King January 29 Randy Whitecotton Adult Bible Study/Prayer January 18 Adult Bible Study/Prayer January 25 Adult Bible Study/Prayer Deacons Meeting Scripture Reading January Jim King Tape Ministry January John Wayne Scism NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT 23 SHELBY, N.C. 28152 January 11 CHURCH STAFF CROSSROADS WINTER CONFERENCE Gatlinburg, TN January 13-16, 2012 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Adult Bible Study/Prayer Our Mission… Mt. Sinai Baptist Church exists to glorify God by Exalting the Savior, Evangelizing the Lost, and Edifying the Saints Pastor Youth Associate Pastor Church Secretary Wednesday Night Prayer Matters January 4 January 2012 Rev. Tim Trexler E. Wayne Holley Denise Ledbetter 2009 2006 Upcoming Events…Senior Saints Luncheon – Sunday, February 12th Church Office: (704) 482-5871 Parsonage: (704) 487-4861 Church Fax: (704) 482-3875 CONTACT INFORMATION Church Email Address: Website: From the Pastor st January 1 begins a new year! We all enjoy getting new things that are crisp, clear and colorful. What have you received that is new? Did you get some new clothes? Did you get a new book, gadget, or gizmo? Whenever we get something new, we anticipate and meditate on how the gift can benefit and bless us and others. We think of the various ways the gift can be utilized and actualized in making our lives more productive and enjoyable. That’s why this time of year people are so eager to make New Year’s resolutions. They desire and dream of what life can be like. They see a chance for a fresh start and new beginning. So what are you anticipating and meditating on as you consider 2012? How are you planning and strategizing to make 2012 more crisp, clean and colorful? What areas of your life need renovating and adjusting? What attitudes and actions are you aware of that desperately need changing? We all need improvements and an honest evaluation of where we are and how we got there. Therefore, with that in mind, I offer to you this one helpful and life-changing piece of advice – Do whatever is necessary to grow in your love relationship with Jesus Christ! Make your one goal this year to nurture and grow in your walk with God. Did you hear me? Do you understand? Do whatever it takes to make Jesus Christ the number one priority in your world. Because when you do that, everything else will fall and fit right into place. The Bible tells us clearly and plainly that if we seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, then He will make sure we have all we need. (Matt. 6:33) Life doesn’t have to be all that complicated. Whenever we make a major and significant decision, it simplifies life! A big decision keeps us from having to make all kinds of little decisions. If you decide to do whatever it takes to grow in your love relationship with the Lord, then you won’t have to decide if you’re going to be in God’s Word, be at God’s House, be in God’s Service, and be before Him in prayer. I’m trying to help you experience the best life possible. I’m trying to help you get in the flow of God’s goodness and grace on a daily basis. I’m trying to help you simplify your life. In the New Year do this one thing – Whatever it takes to grow in your personal relationship with Jesus Christ! I promise you that one decision will impact and influence every other area of your life for the good. When you make it your goal to honor the Lord, you open your life and all it touches to the supernatural favor and blessing of God! What unspeakable joy to know and experience God in and throughout 2012! Happy New Year Pastor Tim Phil. 2:13 ______________________________________ Wednesday Night Meal January 4th 5:00-6:15 p.m. Menu Vegetable Beef Soup Loaded Baked Potatoes Salad Dessert & Tea Prepared by Jeremy & Angel Poston ___________________________________ International Mission Study Sunday, January 8th 6:00 – 8:00 Family Life Center January Birthdays 2 Gail Ross 3 Sylvia Lovelace 4 Tabitha Hamrick Deborah Johnson 6 Tony Nalley Steve Cody 8 Debbie Ledbetter Rhonda Hoyle 10 Ford Glenn Freida Pauley Ann Stanley 11 Richard Bridges 12 Stephen Ledbetter Lee Etters 13 Thelma Putnam Harvey Willyard 16 Linda Smith 19 Joy Switalski Jake Harrison 21 Brandy Hamrick Kevin Patterson Scott Fortenberry 22 Rusty Hamrick Jr. Kristin Theis 24 Brooke Fortner 25 Harold Bridges Olivia Switalski 27 Wayne Holley Laney Scism 28 Bradley Turner Ruth Weaver Tad Keller 30 Hazel Putnam Tiffany Morrison 31 Derrek Byars Joy King H.K. Panther January Anniversaries 23 29 Derek & Rhonda Hoyle Mike & Jessica Perry ____________________________ REDUCING THE RISK CLASS Sunday, January 29th 9:30-10:45 a.m. Old Fellowship Hall NEW MEMBERS Robbie Ruppe 1549 Buck Ford Dr. Shelby, N.C. 28152 Tonya & Brayden Pruitt 1644 Maple Springs Ch. Rd. Shelby, N.C. 28152 Mt. Sinai Baptist Church Nursery Schedule DATE Jan. 1 Happy New year 2012!! Thank you to everyone who helped make 2011 a great year for our students. Your love and support is most appreciated. We are looking forward to what God has in Jan. 8 store for 2012! Events for January: Dec. 31 New Year’s Eve Party at Jason Ledbetter’s 8:00pm to 12:30am. Taco supper, dessert and games. Let’s bring in the new year together! ROOM Bed Babies 1 2&3 Bed Babies 1 2&3 AM PM Kristin Theis Beverly Greene No Services Kim Carter & Paige Debbie Byars Connie Queen & Rachel Janet Hamrick Junior Hamrick Libby Glenn Bed Babies Jan. 15 Crossroads Winter Conference, Gatlinburg, TN 1 2&3 Lynda Glenn & Sydney Keith & Zina Rollins Jeremy & Angel Poston January 13-16. Final payments due Sunday January 1st. Jan. 22 Jan. 29 Bed Babies 1 2&3 Bed Babies 1 2&3 Priscilla Wray Jessica Bridges Pam Turner & Mikaela Cheryl Davis Debbie Byars Edith Bolton Logan Bowen Jonathan & Jennifer Greene Ruth Theis Stephanie Poston January 2012 Sunday 1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 4 Thursday Friday No Evening Services 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 Deacons’ Meeting 8:00 AM Mission Study 6:00-8:00 PM 15 Saturday Church Council 5:45 PM Meal by Jeremy & Angel Poston Happy New Year 8 Wednesday Youth Winter Conference 16 Youth Winter Conference 17 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 Youth Winter Conference 22 23 24 29 Reducing the Risk Class 9:30 -10:45 AM 30 31 Sunday AM & PM Service Sunday School: 9:45am Morning Worship Service: 10:45am Adult Choir: 5:00-6:30 p.m. Children & Youth Bible Drill: 5:30 pm Evening Worship Service: 6:30pm Wednesday Night Service Meal (1st Wed. each month): 5:00-6:15 pm Children’s Choir: 5:50-6:30 p.m. Mission Friends, GA’s, RA’s & Youth: 6:30 pm Bible Study/Prayer Time: 6:30 pm Handbell Practice: 7:45-9:00 p.m.