FORMAL REPORT OF GROUP II (III-Pablo) Name Signature MOISES MARION R. SILVESTRE (Leader) MARINELLE P. GABOY (Assistant Leader) YUSELA KRIS C. AQUINO JAMIE C. CABRERA LEONARDO GABRIEL E.LIRA KRIZZA MAE P. MARTIN REYNAN C. SEBASTIAN ELAILA MAE T. TUAZON Activity no. 7 Elements and Compounds Organic and Inorganic Compounds I. Objectives This activity aims students to be make a comparison between elements and compounds and to differentiate organic and inorganic compound in terms of solubility, melting and boiling points, stability towards heat and combustibility II. Theoretical Background Elements are pure chemical substances that have one or one type of atom. Compounds are chemical substances that are formed from one or more elements, held together by chemical bonds. Elements and Compounds are most commonly heard in chemistry and are considered as basics of the subject. In order to understand chemistry, a person needs to know the difference between elements and compounds. An element is a pure chemical substance that has one or one type of atom, distinguished by its atomic number. The atomic number is derived from the number of protons present in the element’s nucleus. There are a total of 118 elements that have been identified, divided between metal, metalloids and non-metals. Most elements are available on the earth, while a few have been developed artificially through nuclear reactions. An element is already in its rawest form and cannot be further broken down. All of the elements can be found in the Periodic Table, listed by atomic number. A compound is a substance that has one or more elements in its composition. The compounds have a fixed ratio of atoms which are held together by chemical bonds, such as covalent, ionic or metallic. A compound can be broken down into individual elements using chemical reactions. Most compounds form naturally in order to reach stability, as not all elements in the periodic table are stable. Substance whose molecules contain one or more (often many more) carbon atoms covalent bonded with another element or radical(including hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, the halogens as well as phosphorus, silicon and sulfur). Any compound that contains carbon atoms ionically bound to other atoms.(carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, carbonates, cyanides, cyanates, carbides, and thyocyanates). Inorganic compound have salt forming capacity while organic compound do not form salts. Organic compound have the molecules which contain carbon and hydrogen. Inorganic compound come mainly from mineral sources of non biological. III. Schematic Diagram Put a tablespoon of sugar in tanzan(replacement of a test tube) Add a pinch of benzoic acid on the vials containing CCl4, Ethanol and H20 Heat the tanzan over the alcohol lamp Observe the outcome of the heating in sucrose and Sulfur Put a tablespoon of sulfur powder in another tanzan Heat the tanzan containing sulfur over a flame. Add a pinch of table salt on the vials containing CCl4, Ethanol and H20 Tabulate results and observe the mixtures that were formed Place a gram of benzoic acid and heat it directly over a flame Repeat with salt. Heat table salt in a test tube for two minutes Place three test tubes containing 1 mL of CCl4, ethanol and H2O inside the beaker Fill a 100 mL beaker with tap water and subject it to heat Heat a pinch of sugar in a test tube, afterwards, heat benzoic acid in a test tube Add 3 drops of ethanol in an evaporating dish Place a lighted matchstick near the ethanol. Repeat process but now using CCl4 IV. Data and Results A.) ELEMENTS and COMPOUNDS Color SULFUR Heated Unheated Yellowish Yellow Brown SUCROSE Heated Unheated Reddish Brown White Odor Unpleasant Odorless Odourless Pleasant Taste - - - Sweet Liquid Solid Liquid Solid Turned powder again Fine powder Melted liquid White granules Physical State Others B.) DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ORGANIC and INORGANIC COMPOUNDS (Solubility) Benzoic Acid Sodium Chloride WATER ETHYL ALCOHOL CCl4 Not soluble Soluble Soluble Soluble Not soluble Not soluble In what type of compound is benzoic acid soluble? Benzoic Acid is soluble in both ethyl alcohol and CCl4 In what type of compound is sodium chloride soluble? Unfortunately, NaCl is only soluble in H2O Give a general statement as to the difference in solubility of organic and inorganic compounds. We have found-out that organic compounds such as benzoic acid dissolve in ethyl alcohol and carbon tetrachloride which are both organic in nature while sodium chloride dissolves in water(H2O) which is inorganic in nature. So therefore, organic compounds are soluble in liquid organic compounds while inorganic compound are soluble in liquid inorganic compounds. C.) MELTING AND BOILING POINTS What can you conclude regarding the difference in melting point and boiling point of organic and inorganic compounds? When benzoic acid which is organic was subjected to heat, it melted easily and it formed crystals afterwards while sodium chloride which inorganic just remained solid and popped. So therefore, organic compounds have lower melting points than inorganic compounds. On the other experiment, water boiled first, second was the CCl4 and the ethyl alcohol didn’t boil at all. So therefore, inorganic compounds like water have lower boiling point temperatures than CCl4 ethyl alcohol which is inorganic. D.) STABILITY TOWARDS HEAT NaCl subjected t to heat Result : When NaCl(Table salt) was subjected to heat, it popped and it still remained solid, it turned slightly brownish in color. Is the product still the same compound? Yes, it is still salt because it is inorganic. Table Sugar/sucrose subjected to heat Result: When sugar was subjected to heat, it immediately melted and turned to brownish black in color. Benzoic Acid subjected to heat Result : When benzoic acid was subjected to heat, it became liquid in state and when it hardened, it formed crystals. Give a general statement as to the difference in stability towards heat of organic and inorganic compounds Inorganic compounds such as NaCl produces salts when it is heated and the state still remains the same but when organic compounds such as Benzoic Acid and Sugar are subjected to heat they change in state and they form other compounds maybe because their carbon-hydrogen bonds loosen or maybe because of carbon-containing elements they are composed of. E.) COMBUSTIBILITY V. Is ethyl alcohol combustible ? Yes, ethyl alcohol is combustible CCl4? In our experiment, CCl4 is not combustible Which is more combustible? Ethyl Alcohol is more combustible Is the result the same if water was used instead of alcohol? No, water is not flammable and it extinguishes flame unlike ethanol, it combusts if it is contact with flame. Conclusion We conclude that elements greatly vary from compounds like sucrose and sulfur because they produce different substances when they are subjected to heat, they change in state and they have different physical properties. Also, we have figured-out that compound can be separated into two, organic and inorganic In differentiating organic and organic compounds we have concluded the following statements. Organic compounds are soluble in organic compounds while inorganic compounds are soluble in inorganic compounds. Organic compounds tend to have lower melting point and higher boiling point while inorganic compounds have higher melting point and lower boiling points. Organic Compound when subjected to heat produce other compounds with different colors, forms crystals and similar in changes while inorganic compounds produce salts and still remain solid. And we have figured-out that ethyl alcohol is more combustible than CCl4. VI. References www. Mr. Sta.Ines ‘s discussions _the_plants_dissolved_in_chloroform_and_ethyl_acetate_but_not_dissolved_in_methano l &biw=1600&bih=797&tbm=isch&tbnid=UXDyyoWuBWEidM:&imgrefurl=http://quizl 2EQ_m.jpg&w=220&h=162&ei=YuHuUYHTGITFkwXFwIHoBQ&zoom=1&ved=1t:3 588,r:32,s:0,i:179&iact=rc&page=2&tbnh=129&tbnw=176&start=31&ndsp=40&tx=121 &ty=68