Nurses is a noble job, it also is a difficult job. A nurse need to 24 hours on duty, when the hospital need you, no matter day or night you need to show up and help the doctors to save the lives. The nurses need to deal with many kind of patients, so there are many different particular area of nursing. This essay going to talk about the definition of forensics nurse, the reason of chosen this particular area of nursing, type of patients would be looking after and the type of work would be doing, the further study of forensics nursing and what will I bring to the profession of nursing. There are no super-nurse in the hospital and no one can do all the nurses' job by themselves, because that reason there are many particular area of nurses. One of them are forensics nurse and they are very special. Forensics nurses is the person who provides specialized care for the patients who are victims. A forensic nurse also help investigate crimes such as sexual and physical assault, and accident death (The campaign for nursing's future,2013).All the forensic nurse have been trained in medical evidence collection and the criminal justice system. After the forensic nurse collected evidence, they also need testify in court as an expert medical witness, and proved the medical testimony to the court of law, and provided the medical knowledge to help the judge. Joseph Biden said "Forensic Nurses play an integral role in bridging the gap between law and medicine. They should e in each and every emergency room"(2006). The forensic nurse is very important to the society, because they can collect the evidences and give testimony that can used in a court of law to against the people who commit violent and abusive acts. The hospital is not the only work place for forensic nurse, they already goes far beyond medical care(International association of forensic nurse,2013). In this world, there are so many reason for me to chosen to be a forensic nurse. This particular job contained not-stuffy and justice. Is a big different between a normal nurse and a forensic nurse. Be a forensic nurse is a happy thing, you do not have to be in the hospital all the time, you can go to the crime scene or the court of law, you may meet some friends who are the lawyer or police. Nonetheless, the most important thing is about the justice. All most all the victims cannot proved criminal is guilty by themselves, spoke the truth for the victims by used medical testimony. This is thing that forensic nurse usually do. Be a forensic nurse is a justice thing and it is not boring. I believe this job is very difficult, but it is meaningful to me. If you are a forensic nurse, you need to deal with many especial patient like victims and dead body. There are a lot of work for forensic nurse, for example: take blood and tissue samples from victims for identified the criminals, photograph and measure wounds for a corpse, collect other important evidence on the corpse, provide support and encouragement for victims and offer medical knowledge to a court of law. The job of forensic nurse are fast-paced and structured(The campaign for nursing's future,2013). To be a forensic nurse is not a easy thing. There are two options. One is go to the general education nursing school that offer forensic nursing courses. After the graduate, I need to take a test, when I pass it I may become a FRN. Other one is study in university for a 3-years bachelor of nursing and graduate to become a registered nurse, work at least 3 three years in general medicine and specialize in forensics. Some school offer masters or PHD forensics degree ,but still need to become a clinical nurse before become a forensic nurse. During the study time in master of forensic nursing, all the student need to be educated in medical, psychiatric nursing, surgical, obstetric and pediatric(Fermoso,2010).Is hard to become a forensic nurse, but it is worth it. If I want to be forensic nurse, I think I should have a heart of justice, not afraid of dead body or blood and a spirit of seek truth from facts. A heart of justice that means you absolutely can do the job perfectly, because you will not let go any criminal. Be a forensic nurse to see the body or blood is inescapable, but if you not fear of that kind of thing you will be ok with you work. Seek truth from facts that means a forensic nurse should based on the evidence to tell the truth, do not be personal. In conclusion, forensic nurse's work refer to many area like extract evidence and provide medical testimony to court of law. It also have particular patient such as victims. It need to have the masters' degree to be a forensic nurse. To be a forensic nurse it need a heart of justice, not afraid of dead body or blood and a spirit of seek truth from facts. I wish I can be a excellent forensic nurse in future. Reference: INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF Forensic Nurse, What is ForensicNursing?,2013,< n=1&subarticlenbr=137> The campaign for nursing's future, Forensic Nurse,2013,<> Fermoso,2010,< 866-forensic-nursing-101?print=true>