Dr. Gary E. Drake Facial Rejuvenation Center CLIENT HEALTH RECORD To serve you at our best, we need to know you better. Please fill out the following information. Thank You! Date: ________________________________________ Occupation: _____________________________ Name: ____________________________________ Date of birth: ____________________________ Address: ______________________________________ City/State/Zip: __________________________ E-mail Address:__________________________________ Phone Number:_________________________ General Health Are you currently on any medications? If so, please list here: ___________________________________ Are you pregnant? ______________________ If so, how many months? _________________________ Do you smoke? ___________ Are you currently under the care of a physician? ____________________ If so, please discuss this with your professional. Please circle any medical problems you have or have had: Are you using/taking: Kidney Problems Arthritis Accutane Tuberculosis Varicose Antibiotis Hepatitis A? B? C? Skin Cancer/Cancer Diabetes (II or II?) Sunburn Heart Problems Tanning Beds HIV/AIDS/Cold Sores Skin Disease High Blood Pressure How does your skin react to sun exposure? ( ) Burn ( ) Sometimes Burn ( ) Rarely Burn ( ) Never Burn Allergies: If you have any known allergies, please list them: ______________________________________________ Are you allergic to any beauty product ( ) Yes No ( ) If so, please let us know what they are. _________ Please check if you are allergic to: ( ) Aspirin ( ) Glycolic ( ) Botanicals/Plants ( ) Fragrances If so, please list? ________________________________________________________________________ Facial Services: What type of skin do you believe you have? ( ) Normal ( ) Dry ( ) Oily ( ) Combination ( ) Sensitive ( ) Couperose (distended blood vessels in cheeks ( ) Rosacea ( ) Other ___________________ Does your skin break out ( ) Regularly ( ) Occasionally ( ) Never Do you regularly have comedones (blackheads)? ( ) Yes ( ) No Are you seeing a dermatologist? ( ) Yes ( ) No If so, why? _______________________________ What are you currently using to cleanse your face? ____________________________________________ What are you currently using to moisturize? __________________________________________________ Are you using any special treatments (eye cream, night crème, masks)? ____________________________ What is your particular concern for your skin today? ___________________________________________ Have you previously had any of these skin procedures (treatments)? Microdermabrasion ( ) Yes ( ) No Chemical Peels ( ) Yes ( ) No Phytotherapy ( ) Yes ( ) No Laser Resurfacing ( ) Yes ( ) No If yes, ( ) IPL ( ) Co2 Fraxel (Fractional) ( ) Other – How long ago_____ Radiofrequency ( ) Yes ( ) No Signature _______________________________________Date__________________________