Child Care Study Guide Chapter 13

Child Care Study Guide
Chapter 13-Guiding Children’s Health
Bacteria-microscopic organisms that can cause illness
Food poisoning-infection of the gastrointestinal tract
Closed wound-injury to the tissue directly under the skin surface
Open wound-break in the skin
Abrasion-scrape that damages a portion of the skin
Diabetes-disease in which the body cannot properly control the level of sugar
Insulin-hormone needed to keep sugar in the blood at a proper level
Epilepsy-condition in which a person has periodic seizures
HIV-virus that breaks down the body’s immune system
State licensing rules and regulations do not provide detailed rules for protecting
children’s health
A parent should be called when a child appears sick, even if the child does not have a
Children who may have an illness should be excluded form the group
All staff should have examinations before their first day of employment
The teacher is responsible for protecting, maintaining, and improving the children’s
Young children, older people (aged) and sick people are more likely to have a reaction
to bacteria
Muscular pain is one symptom of food poisoning
If the temperature is below 40 F, bacteria will remain inactive
The safest temp for storing foods is below 40 and above 150
Rabies may be transmitted through the saliva of a rabid animal
When a child’s skin has been broken by an animal bite, consult a doctor
To control bleeding, compress the blood vessels against a bone or muscle
Exercise is useful for a diabetic child as it decreases the insulin requirements
The primary purpose of health policies is to protect young children
Children should be kept at home when their tem exceeds 100
The daily health inspection is usually conducted by the teacher
Infection symptoms include swollen lymph glands
A communicable disease does not include allergies
Serving temp for food should be below 40 and above 140
The least severe type of a burn is classified as a first degree burn
The time between exposure to the sun and development of sunburn is usually 3-12
The best way for a child to get rid of a windpipe blockage is to cough it up
To provide emergency treatment for a knocked-out tooth, first find the tooth
Head lice feed on human blood
The best way to get rid of lice is to seek medical help
With a severe diabetic reaction the child may pass out
Children are required to have a medical exam before entering school because it:
Ensures child is free of communicable diseases
Ensures the child had the necessary immunizations
Alerts the teacher to allergies
Helps identify if a child has any special health problems
When a teacher performs an informal daily health inspection the teacher looks for:
Appearance of eyes
Runny nose
Flushed skin
Sweaty appearance