Minutes of the 3rd Meeting of Culture, Leisure & Social Affairs

Minutes of the 3rd Meeting of
Culture, Leisure & Social Affairs Committee (2014-15)
Central and Western District Council
: 3 July 2014 (Thursday)
: 2:30 pm
: Conference Room
14/F, Harbour Building
38 Pier Road, Central, Hong Kong
Mr CHAN Chit-kwai, BBS, JP*
Miss SIU Ka-yi*
Mr CHAN Ho-lim, Joseph
Mr CHAN Hok-fung, MH*
Ms CHENG Lai-king
Mr CHEUNG Kwok-kwan, JP*
Mr CHEUNG Yick-hung, Jackie
Mr HUI Chi-fung*
Mr IP Kwok-him, GBS, JP
Mr KAM Nai-wai, MH*
Dr Malcolm LAM
Mr LEE Chi-hang, Sidney
Miss LO Yee-hang
Mr WONG Kin-shing
Mr YIP Wing-shing, BBS, MH, JP*
Co-opted Members
Mr CHAN Hiu-fun
Ms HUNG Po-wa
Ms LEUNG Shuk-yi, Emily*
Mr NG Siu-hong*
Ms WONG Mi-hing, Shirley*
(2:30 pm - 3:12 pm)
(2:40 pm - end of the meeting)
(2:50 pm - end of the meeting)
(2:48 pm - end of the meeting)
(2:40 pm - end of the meeting)
(2:44 pm - 3:28 pm)
(2:43 pm - end of the meeting)
(2:30 pm - 3:12 pm)
(2:55 pm - end of the meeting)
(2:37 pm - end of the meeting)
Remarks: *Members who attended the whole meeting (
In Attendance:
Miss CHOW Ho-kiu, Cheryl, JP
Mr CHAN Yun-man, Winston
Ms WONG Ming-wai
) Time of attendance of Members
District Officer (Central and Western)
Assistant District Officer (Central and Western)
Senior Executive Officer (District Council),
Central and Western District Office
Mr CHU Kam-sing, Daniel
Ms Doris CHUN
Mr CHEUNG Wing-fat
Dr Jamie SIN
Mr LAI Fai-keung
Mr CHEUNG Ka-lok
Miss WONG Shuk-fan, Elisa
Ms LEE Wing-yee, Winnie
Ms CHOW Pui-shan, Cindy
Miss YAU So-shan, Susan
Assistant District Social Welfare Officer (Central
Western, Southern and Islands) 2, Social
Welfare Department
Senior Community Relations Officer, Independent
Commission Against Corruption
Senior School Development Officer (Central
Western and Southern) 2, Education Bureau
Senior Medical and Health Officer (Community
Liaison), Department of Health
Neighbourhood Police Co-ordinator, Police
Community Relations Office, Central District,
Hong Kong Police Force
Neighbourhood Police Co-ordinator, Police
Community Relations Office, Western District,
Hong Kong Police Force
Senior Manager (Cultural Services) Hong Kong
West, Leisure and Cultural Services
Manager (Hong Kong West) Marketing,
Programme and District Activities, Leisure and
Cultural Services Department
Deputy District Leisure Manager (District
Support) Central and Western, Leisure and
Cultural Services Department
Executive Officer (District Council) 5,
Central and Western District Office
Absent with Apologies:
Mr CHAN Choi-hi, MH
Mr MAN Chi-wah, MH
Mr NG Siu-keung, Thomas, MH, JP
Mr NG Wing-yan, MH
Opening Remarks
The Chairman welcomed all to the 3rd meeting of the Culture, Leisure & Social Affairs
Committee (CLSAC) (2014-2015) under the Central and Western District Council
The Secretariat had received notification of absence from Mr Thomas NG and Mr
CHAN Choi-hi before the meeting, indicating that they could not attend the meeting
due to out-of-town commitments.
Item 1:
Adoption of the Agenda
Mr HUI Chi-fung asked whether the Chairman and Members had disagreement over
Agenda Item 10 “Concern over the decorative lighting of the Chinese People’s
Liberation Army Forces Hong Kong Building displayed in the form of Chinese
The Chairman said that the item was included in the agenda as it was deemed
appropriate for discussion. He conceived that the item could be open for discussion in
accordance with the agenda.
Mr HUI Chi-fung enquired whether or not the Chairman would accept a Member’s
motion to adjourn debate during the subsequent discussion.
Mr CHAN Hok-fung asked whether the rights of Members in the subsequent discussion
could be restricted at this stage by another Member.
The Chairman said that upon receipt of such a request from a Member, he would deal
with it in accordance with clause 24 of the Standing Orders which stated that “a motion
to adjourn debate on a motion or discussion of an item by the Council may be moved by
the Chairman or a member who has neither moved, seconded or spoken on any motion
bearing on that item. In case of such a motion being defeated, a second motion for
such adjournment may be moved in a similar manner after further discussion.”
Mr HUI Chi-fung hoped that any disagreement over Agenda Item 10 could be raised at
this stage rather than during discussion of the item. If Members did not comment at
this stage, he hoped that the Chairman would not process the request for motion during
the discussion.
Mr CHEUNG Kwok-kwan said that the meeting should proceed according to the
Mr CHAN Hok-fung expressed discontent that Mr HUI Chi-fung had brought a
loudspeaker to the conference room and intended to restrict other Members’ rights
during the subsequent discussion. He was of the view that the meeting should proceed
in accordance with the Standing Orders.
Mr HUI Chi-fung moved a provisional motion as follows: “Members should discuss
and vote on Agenda Item 10 and should not move a motion to adjourn debate during
discussion of the item.”
The Chairman remarked that according to the Standing Orders, Mr HUI Chi-fung could
not move a provisional motion and that the motion moved by Mr HUI would restrict
other Members’ rights. He requested Mr HUI to let the meeting proceed in accordance
with the agenda. The Chairman added that the paper submitted by Mr HUI had been
incorporated in the agenda and would be discussed according to established procedures
after the agenda was adopted. The Chairman said that he could not restrict Members’
speeches during discussion of the item.
Mr HUI Chi-fung proposed to rearrange the order of the agenda items to facilitate early
discussion of Agenda Item 10. If Members disagreed, he would move a motion
relating to the rights and power of Members in accordance with clause 25 of the
Standing Orders and ask Members to vote on whether to proceed with discussion of
Agenda Item 10.
The Chairman did not accept the provisional motion moved by Mr HUI Chi-fung as it
was not supported by sufficient grounds. He reiterated that the paper submitted by Mr
HUI had been incorporated in the agenda and would be discussed after the agenda was
Mr HUI Chi-fung asked the Chairman to deal with his provisional motion.
The Chairman opined that since the rights of Mr HUI Chi-fung were not infringed, it
was not necessary to deal with his provisional motion.
Mr CHAN Hok-fung said that the Chairman was not empowered to restrict the rights
and power of Members conferred by the Standing Orders. As it was Members’ right to
move a motion to adjourn debate, the Chairman could not process the request made by
The Chairman urged Mr HUI Chi-fung to respect the rules of this Council and
emphasised that he could not restrict Members’ rights during the subsequent discussion
at this stage. The Chairman had also taken heed of the request made by Mr HUI and
had included his proposed discussion item in the agenda.
Mr HUI Chi-fung recalled that the item concerning the June 4th Incident proposed by
him had been included in the agenda of the 14th C&WDC meeting, but a motion to
adjourn debate had been moved by a Member prior to the discussion. He also pointed
out that his microphone had been turned off. Therefore, he hoped that discussion on
the item put forward by him could proceed smoothly to avoid a repeat of the incident.
Mr YIP Wing-shing opined that Members should proceed with the business of the
meeting in accordance with the Standing Orders. Being the Chairman of the 14th
C&WDC meeting, he clarified that he had not turned off the microphone of Mr HUI
Mr HUI Chi-fung reiterated his request for the Chairman to deal with his provisional
Mr CHAN Hok-fung was dissatisfied that Mr HUI Chi-fung had repeatedly asked the
Chairman to deal with his provisional motion to restrict other Members’ rights in the
name of the Standing Orders.
Mr HUI Chi-fung indicated that his motion was not intended to restrict Members’ rights
but to ensure smooth deliberation of his item. He amended the provisional motion as
follows: “The CLSAC agrees to include the item in the agenda for discussion and
The Chairman said that the meeting turned chaotic and announced a recess of ten
The meeting was resumed at 3:03 pm.
The Chairman reiterated that he could only ensure the item was included in the agenda,
but he could not control what would happen during the discussion.
Mr HUI Chi-fung requested the Chairman to handle his motion, namely “The CLSAC
agrees to include the item in the agenda for discussion and voting.” He said that if
Members would like to adjourn discussion on Agenda Item 10, they should move a
motion at this stage rather than abstaining from discussion and voting during the
deliberation. He hoped to ensure that discussion on Agenda Item 10 could proceed
Mr CHAN Hok-fung enquired of Mr HUI Chi-fung whether the right of Members to
participate in the discussion should be restricted after they cast their votes on his
provisional motion.
The Chairman said he had ensured that the item raised by Mr HUI Chi-fung had been
included in the agenda, adding that the item would also be discussed later after the
agenda was adopted. He hoped that Mr HUI would accept such an arrangement.
Mr HUI Chi-fung reiterated his request that the Chairman should deal with his motion
and asked Members to take a vote on it.
The Chairman restated that he had no power to deal with the motion moved by Mr HUI
Chi-fung because he could restrict neither Members’ speeches during discussion nor the
rights of Members conferred by the Standing Orders. He would not accept the
provisional motion moved by Mr HUI and would proceed with the meeting in
accordance with the agenda.
Mr YIP Wing-shing opined that the meeting should proceed in accordance with the
Standing Orders and asked Members not to waste time arguing over other matters.
Mr IP Kwok-him said that the power and rights of Members were conferred by the
Standing Orders, and the rights of Members would only be safeguarded if the meeting
was conducted in accordance with the Standing Orders. He pointed out that the
motion moved by Mr HUI Chi-fung deprived other Members of their power and rights.
Members should respect the decision made by the Chairman and proceed with the
The Chairman pointed out that the request of Mr HUI Chi-fung to Members to take a
vote on his motion was not a point of order, and thus he would not handle it.
Mr HUI Chi-fung said that he had no intention to stage confrontation in the Council and
only wished a smooth deliberation of the item, so as to avoid adjournment of debate on
the item just like what happened at an earlier meeting. He hoped that Members could
express their views on whether the item was compatible with the functions of the
District Councils (DCs) and state whether they would discuss Agenda Item 10. Mr
HUI then amended his provisional motion as “Agenda Item 10 is compatible with the
functions of DCs.”
The Chairman said that the item was put on the agenda just because he had initially
considered that it was compatible with the functions of the DC. Members had to
decide whether to adopt the agenda at the moment.
Mr CHEUNG Kwok-kwan remarked that the Council should take a vote on
controversial issues. As the motion moved by Mr HUI Chi-fung was only a
hypothetical issue, the Council was not in a position to take a vote on it. He hoped Mr
HUI would be co-operative so that the meeting could proceed in accordance with the
The Chairman said that if Mr HUI Chi-fung refused to withdraw his provisional motion
and continued to interrupt the proceedings of the meeting, he would ask Mr HUI to
Mr HUI Chi-fung said that the purpose of Agenda Item 1 was to discuss whether the
succeeding agenda items were compatible with the functions of the DC. Any
objection to the agenda items should be raised at this stage. He cast doubt on the item
raised by himself and hoped Members could take a vote on it.
The Chairman responded that the majority of Members did not see the need to vote on
Agenda Item 10 at this stage. He made the final ruling that the provisional motion
moved by Mr HUI Chi-fung would not be put to vote. He issued the first warning to
Mr HUI and asked him not to interrupt the proceedings of the meeting.
Mr HUI Chi-fung reiterated that Members should vote on whether the item was
compatible with the functions of the DC.
The Chairman issued the second warning to Mr HUI Chi-fung and indicated that he
would request Mr HUI to leave if the third warning was issued.
Mr CHAN Hok-fung showed strong dissatisfaction with Mr HUI Chi-fung’s insistence
on moving the motion to restrict Members’ right to discussion.
The Chairman said that it was a waste of time for the government departmental
representatives as the agenda was still not passed after a 50-minute discussion. As
such, he made the final ruling that the CLSAC would not vote on the provisional motion
moved by Mr HUI Chi-fung. He would issue the third warning if Mr HUI insisted that
the motion be put to vote.
Mr Sidney LEE hoped the Chairman could conduct the meeting according to the agenda
and stop arguing with Mr HUI Chi-fung.
Mr HUI Chi-fung requested the Chairman to handle the point of order raised by him and
invite Members to vote on whether the item was compatible with the functions of the
The Chairman issued the third warning to Mr HUI Chi-fung and asked him to leave.
The Chairman announced a recess of five minutes.
The meeting was resumed at 3:26 pm.
The Chairman said that Members needed to adopt the agenda before proceeding to
discuss the subsequent items. If Members agreed to adopt the agenda, the item raised
by Mr HUI Chi-fung could be discussed under Agenda Item 10.
Mr HUI Chi-fung restated that Members had to vote on whether the item was
compatible with the functions of the DC.
The Chairman emphasised that Mr HUI Chi-fung should respect Members and the
government departmental representatives present at the meeting and asked him not to
interrupt the proceedings of the meeting. The Chairman reiterated that the item raised
by Mr HUI had been included in the agenda and would be discussed later after the
agenda was adopted.
Mr HUI Chi-fung repeated that as the debate on the item raised by him was adjourned at
the 14th C&WDC meeting, he was concerned that there would be a repeat of the
Mr Sidney LEE said that the meeting could not proceed as Mr HUI Chi-fung refused to
leave. He thus walked out in protest.
Mr HUI Chi-fung insisted on requesting the Chairman to deal with his motion.
The Chairman explained that the meeting could not proceed as Mr HUI Chi-fung
insisted on requesting Members to vote on his issue without reasonable grounds. The
Chairman then announced adjournment of the meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:29 pm.
The minutes were confirmed on 18 September 2014
Chairman: Mr CHAN Chit-kwai, BBS, JP
Secretary: Miss Susan YAU
Central and Western District Council Secretariat
July 2014