Parrett and Axe CEVA Primary School Equality information November 2015 Part 1: Information about the pupil population Number of pupils on roll at the school: 119 Information on pupils by protected characteristics The Equality Act protects people from discrimination on the basis of ‘protected characteristics’. Every person has several of the protected characteristics, so the Act protects everyone against unfair treatment. In order to ensure that all pupils are protected from discrimination, the school collects information on some protected characteristics of their pupils these include: Disability Ethnicity and Race Gender Religion and Belief Sensitive information on some pupils with protected characteristics It is not appropriate for us to collect information from pupils in relation to some protected characteristics, gender identity and sexual orientation. However, as a school, we are aware that there may be a number of equality issues for gay, lesbian and bisexual pupils, as well as those who are undergoing or who have undergone a reassignment of their gender. Maternity and pregnancy is also a protected characteristic. Information on other groups of pupils OFSTED inspections of schools will look at how schools help "all pupils to make progress, including those whose needs, dispositions, aptitudes or circumstances require additional support". In addition to pupils with protected characteristics, we gather further information on the following groups of pupils: Pupils eligible for Free School Meals in the last 6 years (Forever 6) Pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium- Free School Meals and Service Children Pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEND) Pupils with English as an additional language Pupils with a Traveller heritage Looked after children Other vulnerable groups Part 2: How we have due regard for equality The information provided here aims to show that we give careful consideration to equality issues in everything that we do in the school. Disability, Ethnicity and Race, Gender, Religion and Belief We have analysed the Year 6 data in our 2014-15 Key Stage 2 Report from the Local Authority. Gender: 8 boys and 8 girls. The boys generally out-performed the girls in terms of attainment in all areas but there was no significant difference in their progress between Years 2 and 6. Pupil Premium: 1 boy and 1 girl. In reading and writing, as a group, these two pupils out-performed the other Non, Pupil Premium pupils as a group in terms of progress and attainment but in maths they performed less well as one pupil failed to achieve Level 4 or 2 Levels Progress. SEND: 2 girls on School Support. 1 attained at least Level 4 in all subjects and 2 levels progress in reading and writing, 1 achieved 2 Levels Progress in all areas. Ethnicity: 1 non- white British girl-attained Level 4+ in reading, writing and maths. Progress data was unavailable as she joined us from France in September 2013 We are committed to working for the equality of all our staff, children and parents. To meet our duties under the Equality Act 2010 we have due regard to the need to: Eliminate unlawful discrimination by: We reviewed our Single Equality Policy under the guidance of the Curriculum Committee in October 2015 and it will be available to download from the school website We produced a Key Stage 2 playground behaviour survey in January 2015 in which 56 pupils took part. 80% always enjoyed break-times but the 13% who said that they didn’t always enjoy them referred to “rough games” and not enough activities. In response, the school has increased availability of equipment, reintroduced line orders for each class and trialled informal behaviour contracts relating to rough play. Advance equality of opportunity by: We use the information that we collate through our tracking systems to identify underachieving groups or individuals and to plan targeted interventions We strive to ensure the active participation of all parents and pupils in school development through forums like our School Council and the PTFA Foster good relations and community cohesion by: We have achieved Rights Respecting Schools Level 1 and this work is still very much at the centre of our day to day life in school. We actively participate in national events like Anti Bullying Week and Safer Internet Day We constantly strive to ensure that equality and diversity are embedded in the curriculum and we often focus on these key areas in our Find out Friday sessions We are part of the Global Learning Programme which influenced our planning for the new National Curriculum which was introduced in September 2014 What has been the impact of our activities? What do we plan to do next? The whole school community is focussed on rights and responsibilities and this continues to have a very positive impact on all areas of school life. We plan to build on our current knowledge base to ensure that the UNICEF rights of children are fully embedded across the curriculum. Parents comment very positively on the positive impact of Safer Internet Day and the regular E-Safety information that is circulated to all families and taught to all children Find out Fridays have been praised by all stakeholders for their impact on the pupils in our care who are now much more aware of developments in the world around them. We will continue to use them as a stimulus for our children to expand their knowledge of the wider community. Part 3: Consultation and engagement We aim to engage and consult with pupils, staff, parents and carers and the local community so we can improve our information, learn about the impact of our policies, develop our equality objectives and improve what we do. Our main activities for consulting and engaging in 2014-15 were A named governor who was responsible for the equality agenda in school Key Stage 2 playground behaviour questionnaire January 2015 New to Parrett and Axe Parents Questionnaire May 2015 On-going Record of consultation and engagement 2014-2015 Date January 2015 May 2015 01.06.15 Who we consulted Pupils New Parentsboth new entrants and inyear joiners Prospectus Working Party Summary Questionnaires relating to playground behaviour Results circulated to all stakeholders Discussed best means of sharing our work on equality with the local community Action taken Questionnaire collated initially by Mrs Hickman. Key issues to be discussed with all stakeholders and actions agreed upon More after school clubs commenced September 2015 Document available on school website Information included in 201516 Prospectus Part 4: Record of how we have considered equality issues when making decisions from September 2015-August 2016 The Equality Act 2010 requires us to show due regard to equality issues when we make significant decisions or changes in our policies. This means we need to consider what the impact of those decisions or policies will be on pupils and staff with protected characteristics before a decision is made or a policy is finalised. Date Policy or decision Equality issues we considered Action taken or changes made Part 5: Our equality objectives The Equality Act 2010 requires us to publish specific and measurable equality objectives. Our equality objectives are based on our analysis of data and other evidence. Our equality objectives focus on those areas where we have agreed to take action to improve equality and tackle disadvantages. We will regularly review the progress we are making to meet our equality objectives. Equality objective 1: To attempt to reduce the marked gaps between the achievement and the progress of the boys and the girls specifically in maths at the end of Key Stage 2. Progress we are making on this objective: September 2015 Maths results in 2015 showed the boys out-attaining the girls at Level 4B+ and notably at Level 5+ where not one girl attained this higher level. This general message was the same in terms of progress with not one girl achieving more than expected progress. We will review the results again in July 2016 to see if the boys and girls in this cohort progress at the same rate and if we successfully narrow the gap in the higher attainment levels. Equality objective 2: To ensure that we are offering all pupils equal opportunities to access the full range of extra-curricular opportunities available to them. Progress we are making on this objective: September 2015 Art Club: 15 children 10 girls 5 boys No Pupil Premium 2 SEND Support Drama Club: 12 children 5 boys 7 girls No Pupil Premium 2 SEND Support Footie4dorset: 17 children 16 boys 1girl 4 Pupil Premium 3 SEND Support Tennis Club: 8 children 4 boys 4 girls 1 SEND Support 1 Pupil Premium The FGB support Pupil Premium children by funding 50% of the cost of all extra-curricular activity. Equality objective 3: To ensure that displays are reflective of the whole school community. We believe that publishing our equality information will make us transparent about the progress we are making on equality, and more accountable to parents and the local community. For more information please contact: Nigel Evans, Head Teacher Tel: 01308 868492 Email: Nikki Dulwich Tel: 01308 868492 Email: Information on pupils by protected characteristics Where it may be possible to identify individuals from the information provided (when the number of pupils with a particular protected characteristic is fewer than 10 and the information is ‘sensitive personal information’) we have decided not to release the information. Ethnicity and race Pupils aged 5 years and over at 31.08.14 Spring 2015 Census Asian or Asian British Bangladeshi heritage Indian heritage Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Mixed Other mixed heritage White and Asian Other Asian heritage Pakistani heritage Black African heritage Caribbean heritage White and Black African White and Black Caribbean Any Other Ethnic Group White Other heritage British heritage Chinese Irish heritage Black or Black British 90 Traveller of Irish heritage Gypsy / Romany Any Other White background Information not yet obtained Pupil Special Educational Needs (SEN) Provision Spring 2015 Census Number of pupils No Special Education Need 87 Percentage (%) of school population 80 SEN Support 22 20 Statement or EHC Plan 0 0 Gender Summer 2015 Census Male 62 Female 47