800 Preparedness Plan
801 General Information
This plan is developed under the direction of the Board of Education in cooperation with the State Department of Education and the Civil Defense and Local Governmental Authorities.
It is coordinated with the local and state disaster plan. It is to become effective September 1,
1972, and remain in effect, as revised from time to time, until further notice.
This plan is developed to be prepared in case of fire, tornado, blizzard, flood, earthquake, nuclear attack, bomb threat, civil disturbance, or other emergency. All members of the faculty and other employees should:
Have a packet containing an updated class roster, evacuation map and red/green sheets.
Familiarize themselves with this plan and appropriate procedures.
Hold up green card if everyone is there; hold up red card if someone is missing.
Be prepared to activate it when needed.
Perform any duties to which they are assigned.
802 Emergency Signal and Procedure Overview
The following emergency signals will be used: This list is to serve as a general guide and overview. Teachers should review detailed procedures contained in subsequent sections of this plan.
802.1 Fire Alarm/Evacuation Alarm
Signal will sound through the fire alarm buzzers located in hallways and in some classrooms. The signal also includes flashing red lights on selected buzzers.
1.Alternate Signal: (In case of power failure) Continuous short blasts of an air horn or referees whistle.
2.Procedure: Evacuate according to prescribed routes.
802.2 Tornado Alarm/Shelter Signal
Signal will sound through the intercom system and is characterized as a pulsating tone.
Alternate Signal: (In case of power failure) continuous long blasts of an air horn or referees whistle.
Procedure: Take shelter in assigned areas. Students to assume safety posture.
802.3 Bomb threat/Environmental Hazard Alert
Following command will be given over the intercom:
“This is a building hazard alert, please evacuate immediately”
“This is a building hazard alert, please evacuate immediately”
Alternate Signal: Fire Alarms or continuous short blasts of an air horn or referees whistle.
Procedure: Evacuate according to prescribed routes. Leave any strange objects alone and report any unusual appearances to the Building Principal.
802.4 Student Confinement Alert
This alert will be used when it is necessary to keep students in classrooms. The following command will be given over the intercom in the following situation:
If there is a threat outside of school the following will be read over the intercom. Since the potential threat is not imminent this entire message will be read and repeated.
“This is a lockdown or hold alert, there is a threat outside of the building. Secure the outside perimeter doors, teachers, lock your doors and make sure that no students are in the hallways. Continue classroom activities, but allow no one out of your classroom until the all clear is announced”
In the event that we have a dangerous situation where the threat is inside of the building, the following announcement will be made over the intercom.
“This is an intruder lockdown, I repeat, This in an intruder lockdown”
Generally, this will come from the principal or assistant principal, however, depending on the circumstance it may come from anyone in the office. Please treat it very seriously and do the following: Teachers should secure the classroom doors, but do not lock outside doors, evacuate your classroom, it at all possible and get away from campus as quickly as possible. As of today, there has not been a designated location for students and staff to gather. In the case of an emergency, a designated place will be of secondary concern, as the first priority will be to get out and away from campus as quickly as possible.
In the event you are in an interior room and cannot access exterior doors please get away from the doors, turn out the lights and be prepared to distract anyone that tries to enter. +
Alternate Signal: Several (3-5) “ping” sounds over the intercom. Specifically, the ping sound is the same that is heard prior to any announcement. In this case, no announcement will follow.
Procedure: Ignore the bells if they sound. Close doors, turn lights off, be quiet, keep students in class and wait for instructions over the intercom. Grab any student in hall and shut, lock and barricade the door. Slide the green paper under the door, if everything is OK. Keep students away from windows. DO NOT let ANYONE in, even if they identify themselves as Mr. Mikel. Students obsessed with media violence, violent video games are a red flag.
802.5 Doors and Windows
Regardless of whether it is a fire(evacuation) or tornado (shelter procedure) doors and windows should be closed but not locked.
802.6 Attendance
Regardless of what emergency procedure is in effect, teachers should have class rosters available in order to take attendance and be prepared to report absentees to the appropriated authority. A red piece of paper should be slid under the door if a student is missing.
802.7 All Clear
The all clear or return signal shall be one continuing ring of the bell or sound of the air horn or whistle.
803 Order of Assuming Authority
The high school principal is directly responsible for implementing this plan. If he is unable to assume this responsibility the appropriate member of the crisis team will assume responsibility.
804 Instruction on the Emergency Preparedness Plan
Members of the staff shall familiarize the students in their first hour class with emergency procedures at the beginning of each term.
Each class shall be instructed in the evacuation and/or shelter procedures for that room.
805 First Aid
First aid materials are available in the nurse’s office and in the athletic training room. In the Vocational Building, materials are available in the office. The counseling staff has the responsibility of seeing that first aid materials are taken to shelter or evacuation areas as needed.
Fire Drill
The signal for the fire drill will be the ringing of the fire bells and the strobe of the lights.
Upon hearing the signal everyone should immediately stop what they are doing and evacuated the building according to the plan for your area.
Teachers are to take with them the information in the packet by their classroom door. (Class list, emergency evacuation information and a red sheet of paper)
Students should leave all books at their desks.
Absolutely no stopping at lockers or restrooms will be permitted.
All exits should be cleared at least 200 feet. As soon as your class has cleared the exits, teachers should take roll and report any missing students to the principal immediately using the red sheet
of paper. Red means a child is missing. Check for missing students should be done AS SOON
Teachers that are in their planning period when a fire drill is in progress are asked to assist in sweeping including checking restrooms, etc. to make sure all students have left the building.
806 Drills
Drills will be held at both “normal” and “inopportune” times to give orientation to almost any situation. Everyone in the building must follow directions for the room they occupy when the alarm is sounded. Drills should emphasize efficiency, calm and effectiveness as well as quickness.
807 Special Assignments
Any teacher without a scheduled class at the time of the drill or emergency shall report to the person in charge for assignment, as needed.
If alarms are sounded during a passing period, teachers should immediately assume responsibility for students in and near their classrooms in the hallway.
808 Special Duties
Each teacher will take the class records during a drill or evacuation. Upon arrival at the prescribed point for the group, the teacher will check the roll of students. When requested an attendance report will then be sent immediately to the person in charge.
The school secretary will secure the school records before leaving the office area.
Anyone observing a fire or unexplained smoke shall notify the person in charge of the building immediately.. Assessment and alarm procedures will be investigated immediately as condition indicates. If in the teacher’s judgment, imminent danger exists, that should activate alarms immediately.
809.1 Procedures
Immediately upon hearing the fire alarm signal, students, teachers, and all others will prepare and evacuate the building via the route posted for the room they occupy at the time of the alarm.
809.3 Notification of Adjoining Rooms
Each teacher in a room next to a restroom or other rooms not under the supervision of a teacher at the time will include anyone in such rooms in his/her group. Upon reaching the assembly point, these extra persons will be reported on the attendance report. Teachers directly responsible for secondary areas (i.e. restrooms, workrooms) will have such areas indicated on their classroom evacuation plan.
809.4 Closing of Windows/Doors
The teacher will assign one person in each room at the time of the alarm to close all windows. The last person to leave the room will close, but not lock, the doors.
809.5 Assembly Area
Upon reaching the assembly area, students will remain in assigned groups awaiting further instructions.
810 Attendance Report
The teacher will check attendance from the class record and report absentees and extras to the person in charge of the point indicated in the building plan.
811 Return or All Clear
The signal for returning to the classrooms is a continuous ring on the building bell or sounding of an air horn or referees whistle. It is important that the return be quiet, orderly and efficient. In case of an actual fire or emergency, all groups will be given instructions at the assembly area.
812 Handicapped Children
Any handicapped child will be assisted by one or more students or adults. This assignment will be made by the teacher in the classroom.
813 Door Guards
Door guards are to prevent the return to the building of any unauthorized person after the evacuation in completed. The last teacher out will become the door guard for the doors his or her class has evacuated through.
814 Personal Belongings and Books
Students shall leave all books at their desks. Clothing in the classroom, purses, and other personal belongings in their possession may be taken with them. No one is permitted to go to lockers or to other parts of the building for other belongings.
815 Evacuation Lines
As the building is being evacuated, all personnel should restrict talking so instructions may be easily heard. Lines should move quickly and quietly to the assigned exit. Quickness does not mean excessive speed. Calm efficiency is the key.
816 Routes, Exits
The occupants of each room will exit the building according to the plan posted in the room. If the first exit or assigned route is blocked, the alternated exit and/or route for that room will be used. Drills should occasionally block a route and/or exit to give student some familiarity with the alternate procedure. In cases where primary and alternate routes are blocked, teachers must be familiar with the floor plan of the building in order to select appropriate exits.
817 Procedures for Alternate Route or Exit
IF exits are blocked, the teacher should stop, face the file, raise their arms, and say firmly, “STOP”. At this signal, the group will stop in line while the facts of the situation are assessed. The teacher will direct the group toward the alternate route or exit as conditions indicate practical. The key note in this procedure is to: (1) assess the situation: (2) keep group communication open: (3) avoid panic.
818 Evacuation Routes
All evacuation routes are to be posted in each room. Teachers must review all primary and secondary routes with all students.
Upon receipt of a severe weather warning, lookouts will be posted who can notify the
Principal of the approach o any tornado or threatening cloud. When the building Principal has been advised that a tornado has been sighted and his decision is that taking shelter is in order, all persons will be notified by the tornado alarm. This alarm is a pulsating tone on the bell/intercom system.
In case of electrical failure, the alarm will be given by long blasts on a referee’s whistle or air horn. Supplementary instructions will be given by building on portable PA system augmented by messengers and bulletins.
820 Tornado Procedures
When the tornado alarm sounds, the person in charge of the class should review procedures briefly, organize the room for evacuation according to the prearranged plan, and leave for the shelter or safest area.
In case of insufficient time to get to the shelter, procedures for achieving the greatest degree of safety within the room should be reviewed.
820.1 Windows and Doors
Windows and doors should be closed upon leaving the room.
820.2 Unsupervised Areas
Teachers in rooms next to restrooms or other rooms not under supervision of a teacher at the time of an alarm shall take anyone in the room to the shelter area designed with the class group. Such persons should be included on the attendance report. Teachers directly responsible for secondary areas (i.e. restroom, workrooms) will have such areas indicated on their classroom evacuation plan.
820.3 Attendance Check
The teacher shall take the attendance report for the group in the room at that time. Upon arrival at the designated shelter area, the attendance is to be checked. When requested, absentees are to be reported to the Principal. Any additions to the group will also be reported.
820.4 Personal Belongings
Students shall leave all books at their desks. They are not to get clothing or other belongings from another room or locker. No student may return to the room after it has been evacuated until authorized. Purses, coats, sweaters, and other personal possessions may be taken to the shelter area.
820.5 Protective Positions
When the group has reached the shelter area, everyone should squat or sit next to the wall, away from openings, with back to wall, knees drawn up, head resting on knees. Hands may be clasped over neck and head to protect from falling debris.
820.6 All Clear
The all clear signal will be a continuous ringing of the bell or blast on the referee’s whistle or air horn. The return to the classroom should be quietly, efficiently and quickly accomplished. If damage to the building occurs, assessment of the damage and instructions to the staff and students will be made by the Principal or person in charge.
820.7 Alert Near Bus Time
Should the tornado warning occur near school dismissal time, the Superintendent and
Transportation Director will decide whether to load buses or to delay bus departure until weather clears. This decision will be relayed to the building and the bus contractor by telephone or messenger.
**Safest area of room: Normally, the inside wall of the room, furthermost away from any opening, door or windows. Students are instructed to crawl under desks or other large pieces of furniture to achieve maximum protection.
SHELTER AREAS: Since the building offers only moderate protection, it is important to be familiar with the protection posture. Group leaders and handicapped children should be handled in the same manner as for a fire.
821 Room Assignments-Tornado
Room 100
Room 101
Room 102
Kitchen Proceed to boys and girls restroom south of kitchen area.
Boys & girls divide up and go to boys & girls restroom immediately north of classroom.
Proceed east through cafeteria to girls PE locker room area.
Room 103-
Room 104
Room 106
Room 107
Room 108
Room 115
Proceed east through cafeteria to girls PE locker room area.
Proceed east through cafeteria to girls PE locker room area.
Proceed south to the faculty work area, remain along north and west wall.
Proceed south to the faculty work area, remain along north and west wall.
Divide into boys and girls and proceed to restroom opposite room 112
Proceed to room 116, remain along north and west wall.
Room 116
Room 117
Room 118
Room 119
Room 120
Room 121
Room 122
Room 123
Room 124
Room 125
Room 126
Room 127
Room 128
Room 129-
Room 130
Room 131
Room 132
Room 133
Room 134
Room 135
Room 136
Room 137
Room 138
Room 139
Room 140
Room 141
Room 142
Room 143
Room 144
Room 145
Room 146
Room 147
Room 155
Room 156
Room 157
Room 158
Room 159
Remain in room along north and west wall.
Proceed to room 116, remain along north and west wall.
Proceed to room 119, remain along north and west wall.
Remain in room along north and west wall.
Remain in room along north and west wall.
Remain in room along north and west wall.
Remain in room along north and west wall.
Proceed to room 122, remain along north and west wall.
Remain in room along north and west wall.
Proceed to room 125, remain along north and west wall.
Remain in room along north and west wall.
Proceed to room 130 along west wall
Remain in room along north and east wall.
Proceed to room 126 along south and east wall.
Remain in room along south wall.
Remain in room along north facing wall.
Remain in room along west and south wall.
Proceed to storage room at north end of room.
Remain in room along north and west wall.
Proceed to room 135, remain along north and west wall.
Remain in room along south and west wall.
Proceed to room 137, remain along south and west wall.
Remain in room along north and west wall.
Remain in room along north and west wall.
Remain in room along north and west wall.
Proceed to room 141, remain along north and west wall.
Remain in room along north and east wall.
Proceed to room 143, remain along north and east wall.
Remain in room along south and east wall.
Proceed to room 145, remain along south and east wall.
Divide into boys & girls, proceed to boys &girls restroom located west of room.
Administrative Office Room 109 Proceed to Assistant Principal’s Office
Nurse’s Office Room 110 Proceed to restroom off nurse’s office.
Guidance Office Room 111 Proceed to restroom off nurse’s office.
A+ Office Room 112 Divide into boys & girls and proceed to men’s and women’s restroom across hall.
Library Room 113 Proceed to boys & girls locker room, off hallway, east of the library entrance.
Music Room 148 Remain in room along south and west wall.
Girls Locker Room 149 Remain in girl’s locker room along north and west walls, stay away from doorways.
Weight Room 150 Proceed to boys locker room along north and west walls, stay away from doorways.
Boys Locker Room 152 Remain in locker room along north and west walls, stay away from doorways.
Gymnasium 153 Proceed to boys and/or girls locker room along north and west walls, stay away from doorways.
Fitness room 154 Proceed to boys and/or girls locker room along north and west walls, stay away from doorways
822.1 Procedures
These procedures are to be treated confidentially by the faculty and other personnel.
They should not be kept on room bulletin boards, but it is requested that each faculty member keep this information in his or her Teacher’s Handbook where it will be readily available in the event of an emergency.
If a bomb threat is announced, special instructions will be given. During a bomb threat it is essential to leave any strange object alone and report any unusual appearances to the building
It is imperative that all faculty members completely acquaint themselves with these procedures and follow all details given in case of an emergency. THIS IS EACH FACULTY
MEMBER’S RESPONSIBILITY. When ANYONE receives a bomb threat the Principal is to be notified immediately. If the Principal is not immediately available, the Assistant Principal or designated staff member should be notified.
If the threat is received by telephone, the person receiving the call should attempt to obtain all information possible from the caller, such as: (a) where the bomb is located (b) when it will explode (c) appearance of the bomb package (d) name and address of the caller (e) other information about the caller such as age, accent, etc.
As soon as the bomb threat is received by telephone, the person receiving the call should notify the Principal; he will evaluate the information received and decide upon a course of action.
As soon as possible with the circumstances, the Principal will notify the appropriate law enforcement officials, the fire department, and the Superintendent of Schools.
822.2 Evacuation
If the decision is made to clear the building of all occupants, the procedure to be used will be the same as for a fire drill.
822.3 Evacuation Routes
Immediately upon hearing the alarm, all occupants will clear the school building via the routes posted in each room for use in case of fire. (If the situation demands that an alternate exit must be used by a teacher, that teacher is to exercise on-the-spot judgment.)
822.4 Evacuation Lines
Teachers shall instruct their students to restrict talking, move quietly and quickly to their assigned outside area. However, excessive speed should not be used. Calm efficiency should be the key.
822.5 Personal Belongings and Books
Students should not take books or other materials with them. They should not be permitted to go to lockers for coats, etc. If instructions are given in advance of the alarm for students to get their coats, teachers should dismiss students to their lockers and have them report back to the classrooms immediately before the evacuation alarm is sounded.
822.6 Attendance Check
Teachers should instruct their students to stay in a group outside the building and class roll should be taken outside. Missing students who cannot be accounted for should be reported immediately to the administration.
822.7 Door Guards
Door guards must not permit any student to re-enter the building before the all clear signal is sounded. (The same as for the fire drills.)
822.8 Special Assignments
When an alarm is sounded, teachers with conference periods and custodians should immediately check restrooms and report to the Central Office, if possible, for instructions. As the situation permits, the Assistant Principal should ensure a final check of all areas to make sure that all persons have left the building.
822.9 Conducting A Search
In the event of a bomb threat, any strange object (possible bomb) noted should be reported to the Principal immediately. THE OBJECT SHOULD NOT BE MOVED.
Upon arrival of proper authorities, a detailed search will be made by the appropriate personnel. Faculty will not normally be asked to aid in the search unless the volunteer to do so.
All strange objects discovered should be reported to experienced public officials during the time of the search.
Publicity and discussion should be avoided as much as possible in bomb threat cases. All faculty should remain as calm as possible when an emergency threatens and in dealing with the safety of students.
822.1 All Clear
The all clear signal will be continuous ringing of the bell and blast on the referee’s whistle or air horn. The return to the classrooms should be quietly, efficiently and quickly accomplished. If damage to the building occurs, assessment of the damage and instructions to the staff and students will be made by the Principal or person in charge.
Earthquakes and explosions occur suddenly and without warning. In cases of such an emergency, the primary concerns will be to:
Keep calm and prevent panic.
Evacuate dangerously damaged buildings according to the regular or alternate evacuation plan.
Render first aid as necessary.
Notify appropriate authorities.
824 Blizzard, Snow, Ice
During the school day: If, during the school day, there is a warning of blizzard conditions or heavy snow storms which could make driving hazardous before the regular closing time for schools, the Superintendent of Schools and the Transportation Director may order the schools closed. Buses will take those children that normally ride buses to their homes. Those that do not ride buses will be assisted in getting to their homes or will remain at school until other arrangements can be made.
824.1 Before School
If a severe blizzard, heavy snow, or ice storm occurs during the night, the Superintendent of Schools, in consultation with the Transportation Director and the bus contractor, will make a
“no school” announcement over the radio stations KIRX, KRXL and KTUF and television station KTVO and KTVO’s website. A textcaster announcement will also be made. An identification procedure will be followed with the media to authenticate the announcement.
824.2 Notification of Parents
If it becomes necessary to close the school before the regular closing time, such information will be announced over the radio and television stations. This procedure is to alert parents to expect children home before the regular time. If for some reason parents do not wish children to go home under these conditions, the parent should give other instructions to both the child and school.
825 Floods
This district has been surveyed to determine areas which flash flood and those in which sustained flooding may occur.
Alternate bus routes have been planned to detour these areas. Bus drivers have been instructed as to the procedure to follow. Persons living near the areas that have flooding potential have been requested to notify the bus contactor of the transportation office if an area is flooded or is likely to be flooded at bus time.
Warning for Nuclear Attack will come from the Civil Defense Agency to the
Superintendent of Schools. He will relay the warning as necessary. He and the Transportation
Director will put the bus evacuation procedures into operation. (This evacuation will follow the procedure for blizzard and severe snow storms.)
All students and staff will clear all school areas as quickly as possible to free buildings for their assigned shelter use.
In event that a parent does not wish the child to go home in these circumstances, then instructions from the parents should be given to the child and to the school.
827 Emergency Procedure Notice for Classrooms
Find on the next page an individual emergency procedure form.
This form should be completed by the teacher on yellow paper and posted in a visible place in the classroom.
828 Crisis Management
Unfortunately there may be times when a crisis situation may arise at school beyond the normal weather related scenarios as mentions earlier in this section. During these emergencies it is best to be prepared in order to avoid pitfalls which may actually escalate the situation. Please review the following action plan becoming familiar with the procedures as outlined.
829 Kirksville High School Crisis Action Plan
To facilitate the flow of information from outside the school setting to faculty and students within the school so that students can continue to grow emotionally, intellectually and physically. To handle each situation in a manner to avoid misinformation, division, and further trauma from occurring.
A crisis is an unexpected, sudden accident or emergency which poses a major threat to the emotional and/or physical well-being of the organization as a whole or to its specific members. It is an unusual time, the outcome of which will make a decisive difference for better or worse. During such a crisis there is a possibility that misinformation or rumors may circulate which makes it essential that accurate information flow freely.
Priorities In A Crisis:
Gather the facts.
Ensure that safety and well being of people and property.
Notify the appropriate people for assessment and action.
Determine the potential impact of the situation and act accordingly to lessen such impact.
Purpose of the Plan:
Establish a school crisis communications(SCO) officer, who is responsible for determining the nature and scope of the situation and the relevant contacts. This person is responsible for gathering facts as they become available, enlisting the crisis team when necessary, and establishing contact with the appropriate officials, both within and outside the school, who are involved in the situation.
Describe the functions of the crisis team and other personnel in a crisis.
Outline a program of action to be taken during the event. Since timelines are important during a crisis, information will be released once found to be accurate.
When a crisis situation arises, the SCO shall be informed immediately.
He/she will be responsible for notifying the other members of the crisis team as well as appropriate members of the central office.
If victim’s families need to be notified, it will be up to the crisis officer to coordinate and make certain it is done in a timely manner.
On a Crisis situation which effects only KHS the crisis officer is responsible, however, in a situation which affects the entire district the school superintendent will be responsible.
In the absence of the crisis officer, the crisis team will be led by a member of the group who is most immediately affected by the crisis.
Meeting Room:
The school crisis team will meet in the conference room when deemed necessary to meet.
Crisis Team
Individuals are listed in order of assuming duty:
1. Randy Mikel, Principal
2. Jeff Jacques, Assistant Principal
3. Scott Latham, Activities Coordinator
4. Brenda Niemeyer, Counselor
5. Katie Mendez, Counselor
6. Jane Wheeler, School Nurse
7. Office Secretaries as appropriate
Note: Team will include central office administrator when appropriate.
The following are examples of crisis situations which could occur in our building.
Following these examples are brief courses of action which will be taken.
Death of a family member or a student while at school.
1. Confirm death from the person notifying the school of the news.
2. Await arrival of family contact person.
3. Determine with family representative how the student will be informed.
4. Make available private office for use.
5. Offer to assist with gathering school materials (i.e. books left in class, assignments to be turned in).
6. Have counselor available if necessary.
: Death of a student while at school, on way to school, or after school.
1. Convene crisis team.
2. Confirm situation. The crisis team will gather details.
3. Inform teachers as appropriate (i.e. faculty meeting, text caster, email, bulletin notice.)
4. Share information with students in an appropriate fashion.
5. Encourage counselor usage if necessary.
6. Dismiss school or allow certain students to leave
Bomb Threat
1. Identify location of suspect.
2. Call 911-notify law enforcement.
3. Notify teachers using confinement alarms (see section 802).
4. Isolate area in question.
5. Turn off bell system.
6. Negotiate with suspect through police.
Loud continuous sound by hallway alarms
1.Prepare student to evacuate the room.
-instruct student to organize in a single file while leaving the room
-proceed quietly and quickly to assigned area via assigned exit routes
2. Close but do not lock windows
3. Secure the grade book for attendance
4. Insure that provisions to evacuate the handicapped have been made
5. Teacher remains at door until all students have left.
6. Close but do not lock the door.
7. Check assigned auxiliary areas.
8. Follow students out of the building to assigned areas.
9. Check Attendance
10. Remain as a group until all clear signal (long continuous ring).
Nearest Fire Extinguisher_______________________________
Evacuate Room.
Close windows and doors
Immediately notify person in charge of the building.
Fluttering continuous sounds over the innercom system.
Shelter Area_______________________________________________
Safest area in the room is_____________________________________
Prepare students to proceed quietly and quickly to assigned area via assigned exit routes.
Open windows slightly.
Secure the grade book for attendance.
Insure that provisions to evacuate the handicapped have been made.
Teacher remains at the door until all students have left.
Shut door.
Check assigned auxiliary areas.
Follow students to assigned shelter area.
Instruct student to assume protective position.
Check attendance
Remain as a group until all clear signal given (long continuous ring)
***Air horns will be used as a back-up to the bell system in case of power failure