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Please complete the following activities and hand in to your trainer for review. This forms part of your assessment.
Name: _____________________________________________________________
I declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work with the exception of where I have listed or referenced documents or work and that no part of this assessment has been written for me by another person.
If activities have been completed as part of a small group or in pairs, details of the learners involved should be provided below;
This activity workbook has been completed by the following persons and we acknowledge that it was a fair team effort where everyone contributed equally to the work completed. We declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work with the exception of where we have listed or referenced documents or work and that no part of this assessment has been written for us by another person.
Learner 1:
Learner 2:
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Learner 3:
Learner Name: _______________________________________________________
Date of Assessment: _______________________________________________________
The learner has been assessed as competent in the elements and performance criteria and the evidence has been presented as;
Learner is deemed: COMPETENT
If not yet competent, date for re-assessment:
NOT YET COMPETENT (Please circle)
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Comments from Trainer / Assessor:
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Think of a project you were involved in or are currently doing. Think about how much emphasis was placed on establishing the risk management context and risk management plan before the project began in earnest.
Provide a brief description of the project
Describe what tools, techniques and processes you planned to use in the project
Describe the involvement of your project team members in establishing the risk management context and risk management planning
P a g e | 7
Read Case Study 3 about Information Systems. Identify the stakeholders in the case study. Then complete a stakeholder analysis of all the stakeholders you identified, using the table below to guide your response. Make sure you specify the expectations of the stakeholders and what benefits and outcomes they would like to see at the conclusion of the project.
Stakeholders Expectations from the Project Desired Outcome
Some stakeholders’ views are more important to consider than others. Classify the stakeholders into three groups according to their importance:
A - CRITICAL to the project’s success and must be involved in the decision making process.
B - IMPORTANT and must be consulted regularly to ensure they know their point of view is included in project deliberations.
C - TO BE CONSIDERED who may be involved and will need regular communications to keep them informed.
Stakeholder Needs/Expectations Grouping (A/B/C)
What are the implications for dealing with critically important stakeholders versus other stakeholder groups?
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What were the critical success factors for the training program in Case Study 2? Describe the project’s context and objectives before identifying the critical success factors. Write a summary of how they could potentially affect the project’s objectives below:
Project context:
Project objective:
Critical success factors’ effect on project objectives
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Risk categories are a useful way to provide a structure that facilitates risk identification and ensures that risks are not accidentally overlooked. A suggested list of risk categories and some associated risks are contained in the table below:
Risk category
Legislative and compliance
Political and community
Project management
Operational management
Third parties
Associated questions and risks
Will the budget for this activity be met?
Will the client pay?
Does your organisation know how to meet required (quality, service, OHS, etc) standards?
Will an external audit demonstrate your organisation’s compliance with the standards?
Are employees competent to perform required roles?
Are there enough staff to complete the tasks within allocated timelines?
Does the outcome of the process meet with community expectations?
Could the process result in a decline in environmental conditions?
Will the task be finished within timelines?
Has the project been scoped realistically?
Are the required technologies/equipment/raw materials available?
Could the activity threaten the OHS of staff?
Are record keeping and information management systems in place for this activity?
Have quality assurance measures been developed?
Are your objectives dependent on the efforts of a third party?
Have contracts been finalised with relevant suppliers?
Create risk categories for the risks associated with building the pergola in Case Study 1.
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Are there any other risk categories or examples of individual risks you can think of that could be added?
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Identify risks associated with the pergola project in Case Study 1. Place these risks into the appropriate category using the risk categories you developed in previous reflection activity. Write down how the risk can potentially affect the project objectives.
Risk category Associated risks How the risk prevents reaching required objectives
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Think of a project you worked on in the past. Think of at least two risks that presented as an opportunity to enhance project objectives or negative risks that could be thought of in a positive manner. Describe the positive risks in the space provided below.
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Using the risks you identified in the previous activity, assign a rating to each risk for both its consequence (impact) and likelihood (probability) of occurring. Then provide a description of the risk’s potential consequence and likelihood of occurring. Be sure to include some ‘positive’ risks as well which may present opportunities to enhance project objectives.
Risk Consequence rating Description of possible consequences
Likelihood rating Explanation of likelihood rating
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What quantitative risk analysis techniques are you familiar with that are used in your organisation?
List them below and provide a brief description of why these tools are preferred by your organisation.
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Having combined the consequence/likelihood ratings in the previous activity, assign the risk with the highest priority a score of “1”, the next most significant one a rating of “2”, and so on. Provide a rationale for why you prioritised the risks that way you did.
Risk Risk Priority Rationale for Prioritisation Combined Rating
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For the risks you identified, analysed and prioritised in the previous activities, apply at least one risk treatment strategy for each identified risk explaining and justifying your response. Use the table below to guide your thinking in this activity.
Risk Option
Explanation of treatment
Rationale for treatment
Mitigation (consider both consequence and likelihood)
Transference (In Full
Or Part)
Contingency Plan
P a g e | 17
Create a risk register for the risks you have been working with through in the previous relevant activities. Document the results of your risk management activities in a report. Your report should contain the following sections as a minimum, however feel free to add more topics if you wish. You may wish to look at the risk register used in your workplace to guide how you structure your register.
Topics should include:
Critical success factors
Risk categories
Any assumptions made
Description of the specific risks in those categories
Rating scales and results used to rate consequence and likelihood
A completed probability/likelihood matrix
Documentation on the process used to prioritise risks
Documentation of the treatment options selected and the reasoning behind the treatment option selected.
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The following Assessment activities must be completed, saved and submitted to your Assessor as part of your final assessment for the course.
Consider a project you were involved in or are currently doing:
Think about how much emphasis was placed on establishing the risk management context and risk management plan before the project began in earnest.
Provide a brief description of the project
Describe what tools, techniques and processes you planned to use in the project to manage risk.
Describe the involvement of your project team members in establishing the risk management context and risk management planning
Think of a project you worked on in the past. Think of at least two risks that presented as an opportunity to enhance project objectives or negative risks that could be thought of in a positive manner. Describe the positive risks below.
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List the project risks and assign a rating to each risk for both its consequence (impact) and likelihood
(probability) of occurring. Then provide a description of the risk’s potential consequence and likelihood of occurring. Be sure to include some ‘positive’ risks as well which may present opportunities to enhance project objectives.
Risk Consequence rating Description of possible
Risk Likelihood rating Explanation of likelihood rating
What quantitative risk analysis techniques are you familiar with that are used in your organisation?
List them below and provide a brief description of why these tools are preferred by your organisation.
Having combined the consequence/likelihood ratings in the previous activity, assign the risk with the highest priority a score of “1”, the next most significant one a rating of “2”, and so on. Provide a rationale for why you prioritised the risks that way you did.
Risk Combined Rating Total Risk Priority Rationale for
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For each of the risks you identified, analysed and prioritised in the previous activities, apply at least one risk treatment strategy explaining and justifying your response. Use the table below to guide your thinking in this activity.
Risk Option
Mitigation (consider both consequence and likelihood)
Transference (In Full Or
Explanation of
Contingency Plan
Rationale for
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Create a risk register for the risks you have identified in a project you have managed/are managing
Document the results of your risk management activities in a report. Your report should contain the following sections as a minimum, however feel free to add more topics if you wish. You may wish to look at the risk register used in your workplace to guide how you structure your register.
Topics should include:
Critical success factors
Risk categories
Any assumptions made
Description of the specific risks in those categories
Rating scales and results used to rate consequence and likelihood
A completed probability/likelihood matrix
Documentation on the process used to prioritise risks
Documentation of the treatment options selected and the reasoning behind the treatment option selected.
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Demonstrate the processes and procedures you used to conduct risk monitoring and control procedures for a project you are either currently working on or worked on previously. You should include:
The processes you used to undertake risk monitoring and control activities?
An indication of the frequency of risk monitoring and control activities?
How alterations to risk management strategies and plans were implemented?
Methods used to monitor and control risk in the project?
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You will need to produce a brief report reviewing the effectiveness of risk management policies, procedures, processes and activities for a project you completed as a project manager.
In your report you should evaluate the risk management process, policies, procedures, tools, techniques and activities used. Your report should document, at a minimum, the following:
How effective were the risk management tools and techniques used in the project?
How effective were the policies and procedures used in the project?
A review of each team member’s personal contribution to risk management activities.
How effective were the processes used to identify, analyse, evaluate and prioritise risks?
How effectively were risk monitoring and control activities carried out?
Whether any polices, procedures or processes need modification for future projects.
Whether any tools or techniques should be added, learnt or not used in future projects.
Any other aspect of the project which was important and provided a lesson which could be used on future projects.
Please insert or attach the following completed templates:
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