The Learning Center 2010-2011 Week of: 11/01-11/05/10 Teacher: Howard Rutledge Design Qualities Legend Content& Substance (CS) Organization of Knowledge (OK) Product Focus (PF) Clear & Compelling Product Standards (CCPS) Protection from Adverse Consequences (PAC) Subject: Trans. Alg. Monday Depth of Knowledge Affirmation (A) Affiliation (AA) Novelty & Variety (NV) Choice (C) Authenticity (AU) DOK 1 DOK 2 DOK 3 DOK 4 Objectives 2g. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide polynomial expressions. (DOK 1) Procedures Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) Thinking Map: Tuesday 2g. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide polynomial expressions. (DOK 1) Assignments:1. Students will do handout. Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) Assessment/ Closure/Homework teacher observation oral questioning handout handout quiz Thinking Map: Wednesday Thursday 4a. Solve real-world problems involving formulas for perimeter, area, distance, circumference, volume, temperature, and rate. (DOK 2) 4a. Solve real-world problems involving formulas for perimeter, area, distance, circumference, volume, temperature, and rate. (DOK 2) Assignments:1. Finish handout. 2. quiz Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) teacher observation oral questioning Thinking Map: Assignments:1. Introduce perimeter, area, and distance. Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) Thinking Map: Assignments:1. Formulas - perimeter, circumference, and area. teacher observation oral questioning Friday 4a. Solve real-world problems involving formulas for perimeter, area, distance, circumference, volume, temperature, and rate. (DOK 2) Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) MPT worksheet Thinking Map: Assignments:1. MPT 2. worksheet The Learning Center 2010-2011 Teacher: Howard Rutledge Week of: 11/01-11/05/10 Design Qualities Legend Content& Substance (CS) Organization of Knowledge (OK) Product Focus (PF) Clear & Compelling Product Standards (CCPS) Protection from Adverse Consequences (PAC) Subject: Alg. 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Depth of Knowledge Affirmation (A) Affiliation (AA) Novelty & Variety (NV) Choice (C) Authenticity (AU) DOK 1 DOK 2 DOK 3 DOK 4 Objectives 1g. Use the properties of logarithms to simplify logarithmic expressions and to find their approximate values. (DOK 1) 1g. Use the properties of logarithms to simplify logarithmic expressions and to find their approximate values. (DOK 1) 1g. Use the properties of logarithms to simplify logarithmic expressions and to find their approximate values. (DOK 1) Procedures Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) Assessment/ Closure/Homework teacher observation oral questioning Thinking Map: Assignments:1. logarithmic functions and properties of logarithms. 2. solving exponential equations. Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) teacher observation oral questioning Thinking Map: Assignments:1. solving exponential equations. 2. change of base formula. Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) Thinking Map: Assignments:1.change of base. 2. worksheet teacher observation oral questioning worksheet Thursday Friday 3d. Represent complex numbers and the sum of complex numbers in a complex coordinate plane. (DOK 1) 3d. Represent complex numbers and the sum of complex numbers in a complex coordinate plane. (DOK 1) teacher observation oral questioning Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) Thinking Map: Assignments:1. change of base formula 2. complex numbers (coordinate plane) Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) MPT worksheet Thinking Map: Assignments:1. MPT 2. worksheet The Learning Center 2010-2011 Teacher: Howard Rutledge Week of: 11/01-11/05/10 Design Qualities Legend Content& Substance (CS) Organization of Knowledge (OK) Product Focus (PF) Clear & Compelling Product Standards (CCPS) Protection from Adverse Consequences (PAC) Subject: Pre-Alg. Monday Depth of Knowledge Affirmation (A) Affiliation (AA) Novelty & Variety (NV) Choice (C) Authenticity (AU) DOK 1 DOK 2 DOK 3 DOK 4 Objectives 2c. Solve and check equations and inequalities using one variable. (DOK 2) Procedures Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) Assessment/ Closure/Homework teacher observation oral questioning Thinking Map: Tuesday 2c. Solve and check equations and inequalities using one variable. (DOK 2) Assignments:1. Demonstrate one step inequalities. Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) Thinking Map: Assignments:1. One step inequalities. teacher observation oral questioning Wednesday 2c. Solve and check equations and inequalities using one variable. (DOK 2) teacher observation oral questioning Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) Thinking Map: Thursday 2c. Solve and check equations and inequalities using one variable. (DOK 2) Assignments:1. One step multiplying and dividing inequalities. Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) Thinking Map: Friday 2c. Solve and check equations and inequalities using one variable. (DOK 2) Assignments:1. Handout on inequalities. Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) teacher observation oral questioning handout MPT worksheet Thinking Map: Assignments:1.MPT 2. worksheet The Learning Center 2010-2011 Teacher: Howard Rutledge Week of: 11/01-11/05/10 Design Qualities Legend Content& Substance (CS) Organization of Knowledge (OK) Product Focus (PF) Clear & Compelling Product Standards (CCPS) Protection from Adverse Consequences (PAC) Subject: 7th Math Monday Depth of Knowledge Affirmation (A) Affiliation (AA) Novelty & Variety (NV) Choice (C) Authenticity (AU) DOK 1 DOK 2 DOK 3 DOK 4 Objectives 1g. Solve real-life problems involving unit price, unit rate, sales price, sales tax, discount, simple interest, commission, and rates of commission. (DOK 1) Procedures Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) Thinking Map: Assignments:1. handout Assessment/ Closure/Homework teacher observation oral questioning handout Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2a. Recognize, describe, and state the rule of generalized numerical and geometric patterns using tables, graphs, words and symbols. (DOK 2) 2a. Recognize, describe, and state the rule of generalized numerical and geometric patterns using tables, graphs, words and symbols. (DOK 2) 2a. Recognize, describe, and state the rule of generalized numerical and geometric patterns using tables, graphs, words and symbols. (DOK 2) 2a. Recognize, describe, and state the rule of generalized numerical and geometric patterns using tables, graphs, words and symbols. (DOK 2) teacher observation oral questioning Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) Thinking Map: Assignments:1. Introduce numerical and geometric patterns. Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) teacher observation oral questioning Thinking Map: Assignments:1. patterns with tables and graphs. Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) teacher observation oral questioning Thinking Map: Assignments:1. patterns with words and symbols. Bell Ringer:(independent/whole) MPT worksheet Thinking Map: Assignments:1. MPT 2. worksheet The Learning Center 2010-2011 Teacher: Week of: Design Qualities Legend Content& Substance (CS) Organization of Knowledge (OK) Product Focus (PF) Clear & Compelling Product Standards (CCPS) Protection from Adverse Consequences (PAC) Subject: Depth of Knowledge Affirmation (A) Affiliation (AA) Novelty & Variety (NV) Choice (C) Authenticity (AU) Objectives DOK 1 DOK 2 DOK 3 DOK 4 Procedures Assessment/ Closure/Homework Monday Bell Ringer: Thinking Map: Assignments: Bell Ringer: Tuesday Thinking Map: Assignments: Bell Ringer: Wednesday Thinking Map: Assignments: Bell Ringer: Thursday Thinking Map: Assignments: Bell Ringer: Friday Thinking Map: Assignments: The Learning Center 2010-2011 Teacher: Week of: Design Qualities Legend Content& Substance (CS) Organization of Knowledge (OK) Product Focus (PF) Clear & Compelling Product Standards (CCPS) Protection from Adverse Consequences (PAC) Subject: Depth of Knowledge Affirmation (A) Affiliation (AA) Novelty & Variety (NV) Choice (C) Authenticity (AU) Objectives DOK 1 DOK 2 DOK 3 DOK 4 Procedures Assessment/ Closure/Homework Monday Bell Ringer: Thinking Map: Assignments: Bell Ringer: Tuesday Thinking Map: Assignments: Bell Ringer: Wednesday Thinking Map: Assignments: Bell Ringer: Thursday Thinking Map: Assignments: Bell Ringer: Friday Thinking Map: Assignments: The Learning Center 2010-2011 Teacher: Week of: Design Qualities Legend Content& Substance (CS) Organization of Knowledge (OK) Product Focus (PF) Clear & Compelling Product Standards (CCPS) Protection from Adverse Consequences (PAC) Subject: Depth of Knowledge Affirmation (A) Affiliation (AA) Novelty & Variety (NV) Choice (C) Authenticity (AU) Objectives DOK 1 DOK 2 DOK 3 DOK 4 Procedures Assessment/ Closure/Homework Monday Bell Ringer: Thinking Map: Assignments: Bell Ringer: Tuesday Thinking Map: Assignments: Bell Ringer: Wednesday Thinking Map: Assignments: Bell Ringer: Thursday Thinking Map: Assignments: Bell Ringer: Friday Thinking Map: Assignments: The Learning Center 2010-2011 Teacher: Week of: Design Qualities Legend Content& Substance (CS) Organization of Knowledge (OK) Product Focus (PF) Clear & Compelling Product Standards (CCPS) Protection from Adverse Consequences (PAC) Subject: Depth of Knowledge Affirmation (A) Affiliation (AA) Novelty & Variety (NV) Choice (C) Authenticity (AU) Objectives DOK 1 DOK 2 DOK 3 DOK 4 Procedures Assessment/ Closure/Homework Monday Bell Ringer: Thinking Map: Tuesday Assignments: Bell Ringer: Thinking Map: Wednesday Assignments: Bell Ringer: Thinking Map: Thursday Assignments: Bell Ringer: Thinking Map: Friday Assignments: Bell Ringer: Thinking Map: Assignments: